View Full Version : Dreaming: A whisper of existence

Jezebella Shadana
Sep 23rd, 2003, 03:27:26 PM
Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming
Cannot cease, for the fear of silent nights
I long for deep sleep, dreaming.
You whisper my name
And the lonely nightmare ends

That night began like any other night had; Jezebella laid down upon the feather mattress and stared up at the ceiling, awaiting for slumber to sweep her up in its dark embrace. Nightmares that had once haunted her sleep were no longer there to keep her awake, thus she slipped into her dreaming state all too quickly. Nightmares hadn't dogged her since He appeared. He who had captivated her so quickly.

He was always there. The setting of her dream was different every time, but he never failed to leave her dreamworld behind. She always watched him, she couldn't help herself, he seemed to be just another person in the crowd, living his life like any person would. But why was he doing this in her dreams? After all, a dream was not real, thus life could not be lived.

It dawned upon her shortly after that particular thought; He wasn't real, though every part of her wanted him to be. It was natural for her to want something she couldn't have and yet, she knew better then to fall in love with abstract notions. Or did she...?

The air was sweet and the night swelled around her, the only light resonating from the pale moon above. The first sequence of her dream, she appeared to be sitting upon a bench in some kind of park. Her hair was down, ringlets twisting about her shoulders and back, and her clothing was more fancy then she would have ever dared. Thus, knowing the dream had begun, she awaited patiently for her apparition to appear.

Sep 24th, 2003, 09:37:33 AM
"Hello, Jez."

A deep, playful voice echoed through her delicate ear, as Keagle leaned over her shoulder, placing his lips no more than a hairsbreadth away from her face. He had never seen her so beautiful - she was so elegantly wrapped up in the dress she wore, and her brown locks were draped master fully around her face. He danced his hand through her hair, and vaulted over the back of the bench, landing in a seated position beside her. He was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, tied at its V-shaped neck with a piece of string. It was a scruffy garment, but as with most things he wore, he carried it off with the sophisticated style that had become one of his trademarks.

Jezebella Shadana
Sep 29th, 2003, 06:52:05 PM
Playful as ever I see...

As he vaulted over the back of the bench, Jezebella turned ever so slightly and looked upon him. The extent of his attire complimented his handsomeness, rugged though it be; a tangible truth becoming all the more noticable to her every time they met in her dreams. A gentle smile curved the corners of her lips as she tilted her head and met his gaze.

'Good evening.'

Oct 3rd, 2003, 07:56:45 AM
"It is, isn't it?"

A cheeky eyebrow raised as he looked back at Jezebella, while her eyes danced across him.

"So what's new with you?"

Jezebella Shadana
Oct 6th, 2003, 03:45:57 PM
'Nothing really... always the same. How about you..?'

An eyebrow arched, matching his own, and a smile developed once again, only to be hidden behind a curious, yet intent line as she awaited his answer.

Oct 25th, 2003, 12:18:16 PM
The eybrow sunk back to it's usual home, and then fell a centimetre into a serious frown. He screwed up his nose into an exaggerated expression of exhasperation. [!]

"Day to day routine, as usual. It's beginning to get so monotonous, I just wish i could get away from it sometimes."

Jezebella Shadana
Oct 25th, 2003, 12:48:02 PM
'I wish I could help..' She whispered, looking down at noticing the frown, signifying his distaste for the whole situation. She longed to drag him from this dream and into reality, but the fear of him hating her and the lack of possibility held her back. Her gaze returned to his face, searching for an answer, but alas she found none.

'..in some way..'

Oct 27th, 2003, 11:50:32 AM
"If only. This life makes my soul blacken. Waking up, working for the Empire, spending my evening in the bar and falling asleep drunk."

His words took on a gothic resonance, as a blank stare covered his face. The floor became the object of his attention, and for a second he blamed the grass underfoot for his worries.

Jezebella Shadana
Oct 30th, 2003, 07:58:52 PM
Lifting a hand to his shoulder, she gave it a reassuring pat and then mustered a smile. She understood how he felt, the same daily routine ran parallel with her own, yet she seemed powerless to stop it. But surely there was someone in his life to get out of bed for, someone who he could talk to, a close friend perhaps. Of course, loyal friends were hard to find these days. Currently, she didn't need friends, only dreams to keep her company. It was a sad life to live. A dream...

'There's someone out there who can change your life, you know. Maybe you just haven't found them yet. Or maybe you have, perhaps they are right before you and you don't even realise it. Things can change so quickly..'