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Dylan Copperfield
Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:26:02 PM
Together they made their father. Sam with his height, and the age-old emerald eyes that had made their mother swoon; Dylan sporting the same blonde hair and moody features found in old family holo's. The Copperfield brothers were rarely together, but when they were a dead man lived again.

Dylan pulled on the zipper of his jacket, laughing in the cold Coruscant night as his older brother talked on about his latest girlfriend. Sam had always been good with women. Dylan kept his dancing to words on a page.

They walked in perfect sync until they came to a bit of railing, overlooking a steep fall to a lower level. With a grin Dylan hoisted himself up, teetering on the edge with his arms outstretched.

"Dylan cut it out."

He ignored Sam, taking a tentative step. HIs foot nearly slipped and for a moment he was suspended in a wobbeling dance of balance, swaying back and forth with ihs arms waving. Then Sam caught his jacket and pulled him down roughly. Dylan laughed, expecting Sam to do the same. Instead he was met with an irritated glare.

"C'mon Sam."

The darker brother shook his head.

"Krast Dyl, you know you can't...I mean, you just slip...You know what happens when you fall, you know what the doctors told you, you've gotta be more concientious."

Dylan didn't say anything, just kept walking beside his brother. When they reched Sams building the younger shook his head.

"Sam, so I bust a bone or two. So what? They heal, man. I can't just sit around being a baby because I'm afraid. That's cowardly."

Sam shrugged and turned to go in.

"Then be a coward Dyl. At least you'd still be alive."

It was a long time before Dylan hailed a cab.

Resting his head on the seat, he hardly noticed as the vehicle slowed, stopping to pick up another, until the being had entered. Dylan stirred and looked over.

"Oh, uh..."

He was thankful for the dark that hid his blush.

"I'd rather not share, if it's no trouble."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:30:50 PM
The older man sighed as the cab took off again. "Sorry, but we're already on the move again and I need to get to Corusacant Medical. My shift starts in a little bit. Seems, I've over slept." He joked mildly and then looked back out the window.

Dr. Hayden Radnor was a good ER doctor, but hated to drive. He would much rather take a cab then have to drive his own speeder to work especially. Though, he did have one and used it occassionally.

"Dr. Hayden Radnor." He told young man and held out his hand in a mannerly fashion of greeting.

Dylan Copperfield
Oct 2nd, 2003, 02:12:20 PM
Dylan shook the hand with a strong but brief grip.

Radnor, Radnor...why did it sound familiar?

Ah yes, he remembered now. He'd read the name on a chart at one of his prolonged stays at the hospital. After his own doctor had diagnosed him with Osteogenesis imperfecta, a severe fragility of the bones, Dylan had been less uncomfortable with staying in the medical facility. At least he had a valid reason to explain why he always seemed to be getting some sort of bone healed.

"Dylan Copperfield. Nice to meet you Dr. Radnor."

The boy paused and then shifted his body so that it faced the man, squinting as light from a streetlamp flashed over his face.

"Must be hard working at the hospital, around all those people that are hurt. I get quite depressed when I'm there."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 2nd, 2003, 03:54:41 PM
Hayden studied the young man for a moment, he had a photogenic memory and nodded. "Ah, yes...Dylan Copperfield. I filled in a couple of days for you when Dr. Arbatross was off a few months ago. I remember, you had a broken ankle then and were having more tests."

"Being a doctor, it doesn't really bother me being around people that are hurt. It's what I do, I get to help them heal hopefully. But, sometimes it is hard when you know that there is just nothing you can do."

Oct 3rd, 2003, 08:53:21 AM
Rhiannon, poised in the drivers seat, pretended to be minding her own business as the cab slowed to pick up another; the call came in over the comm that there weren't any other cabs in the area.

"Sorry, I have to pick this one up." She states mildly to the handsome man dozing off in the back seat.

"Where to?"

She asks the new rider (the doctor), as she eases the cab away from the curb and into the flow of traffic.

As the two converse in the back, she finds herself growing a tad irritated as neither has answered. A stop light halts their progress and she drapes an arm against the top of the front seats, turning her head around to look at both of them.

"Look, I hate to interrupt your little reminisence of when the two of you met, but I really need to know where to dump the two of you off at. Would you mind telling me where you're going?"

Dark eyes, amethyst in color, divide her attention between the two; but there's something else hidden in those beautiful eyes - fear. If either one of these two men are force sensitive, they'd surely be able to notice that she's afraid of something - or someone - trying to work her way to the spaceport to get off the planet; running from whatever or whomever has been hunting her hungrily for the past few months.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:31:53 PM
"Oh, sorry. Coruscant Medical, please." Hayden replied as he looked at her. He never considered himself being Force-sensitive, just highly intuitive and that made him a good doctor.

"Miss, if I may ask. Are you alright? You seem a bit on edge." Hayden told her gently as he took his attention to the woman driving. Perhaps, he was pushing a bit far and he was sure that she would tell him if he was, as he waited for her to answer.

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:38:25 AM
As soon as the good doctor finally told her where he wanted to be dropped off at, Rhiannon's eyes immediately shift to Dylan; tapping her fingernails restlessly against the side of the headrest belonging to the front passenger seat; a thin brow lofted impatiently.

"I um ..." A short, forced smile curves just the outter edges of her mouth as she looks back to the doctor.

"Its um, just been .. a .. rather long .. night." Sounds feasible enough, her eyes flitting nervously from the doc, to Dylan; then back to the doc and once more to Dylan again.

Those fingers that had been tapping their nails impatiently against the headrest now snap thrice.

"Yo, buddy... mind telling me where you want to go?"

Her voice quivers once and cracks twice as she does her best to put on the air of one obnoxious, pressed-for-time cab driver. She's not all that good at pulling it off, but one must give her credit for trying.

Dylan Copperfield
Oct 7th, 2003, 11:55:47 AM

Now that he thought of it, it really was too late to start moving his things. Dylan nodded.

"Jedi Temple."

He leaned forward, resting chin on the seat tops. Dylan studied the driver, watching her for a few moments.

"You're not a 'cab driver, are you?"

Unlike his brother, Dylan's eyes never sparkled or anything of the like. They were just deep, so that it seemed as if the man were always looking past you.

Not that that had anything to do with why he knew the woman was faking.

"The meter's not on."

Oct 9th, 2003, 08:11:27 AM

Came Rhiannon's reply to Dylan as he announced he wanted to be dropped off at the Jedi Temple. From one end of Coruscant to the other between the two riders and she hates Coruscant's busy traffic.

"What makes you say that?"

Rhiannon asks in response to Dylan, when he inquires about her being - or not being - a cab driver. Easing the cab into the flow of traffic again, she starts for the hospital first; its closest.

Sensing that someone is looking at her, her dark amethyst eyes drift to the review mirror, looking to the doc then to Dylan.

"Hm. Nice eyes. Now, perhaps you'd rather have a picture of me to carry in your wallet? It's rude to stare at people you know."

Her shoulders shift a bit, a sign of unease; not too mention the fact that her hands are shaking. The loud sound of a horn snaps Rhiannon's attention back to the road, just in time too, as she veers off to the left and around a stalled vehicle; nearly hitting a few others in the process.

Her heartrate quickens and she reminds herself to breathe, taking a deep breath and wiping a hand against her cheek.

At the mention of the meter not being on, Rhiannon's lips quirk at the right corner and she reaches over, activating the meter.

"Yeah well .. you have pretty eyes."

There. Perhaps that would throw the young man offguard and prevent further questioning. Then again, it may not.

A few minutes later, she brings the cab around the front of Coruscant Medical and throws it into park.

"Uh, here you are, doc."

Resting heavily against the back of her seat, she looks to her trembling fingertips as they rest against the lower curve of the steering wheel then begins tapping her fingers against it; clearly in a bit of a rush to get moving again.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 10th, 2003, 07:36:41 PM
Hayden can sense the ill-ease in the young woman. He looks up at her in her rearview mirror, his eyes piercing into hers. "Are you sure you're alright? I'd be glad to offer any assistance if you need any."

Oct 11th, 2003, 10:42:50 AM
After giving some jerk the bird, Rhiannon glances in the rear view mirror, to be met by the stare of the good doctor. A slight quirk sets in her mouth and she takes a deep breath, tapping her fingers impatiently against the lower curve of the steering wheel.

"I'll be much better once you pay your fare and vacate the cab, doc. No offense, but I'm 'suppose' to be off duty here in about fifteen minutes and I still gotta' get this .. er, this man .. to the Jedi Temple - which is all the way across town."

Turning in her seat, her arm drapes over the back of the seat, palm upturned.

"That'll be seven-fifty."

Expertly, she avoided actually answering his question; something she's learned how to do early on.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:24:01 AM
Hayden shook his head and sighed as he dug into his pocket and pulled out a twenty credit chit. "Very well, here ya go. Keep the change." He told her as he looked over at Dylan.

"Take care, Dylan." He said as he exited the cab. "G'night, Miss."

With one last sigh, he waited for them to pull back out into traffic. Another bummed day.

Oct 11th, 2003, 01:02:15 PM
Rhiannon blinked twice at the amount of the tip the good doc gave her. A glance to Dylan as she thumbs over the credti chit then hops out of the cab, walking over to the doc.

"I can't keep this much of a tip; I appreciate it but I can't. Here ..."

She rifles around in a small pouch at her hip, choosing the proper coins for the man's change.

"Maybe ... that is .."

She swallows, looking to the man as she offers the change.

"Would you .. help me?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 12th, 2003, 05:22:14 AM
Hayden nodded non-chalantly. He knew it, something was wrong. Dropping all the change she just gave him to the ground, he looked at her. "Mind helping me pick these up?"

As the two of them bent down to retrieve the change, Hayden asked quietly, while not looking at her. "I can help you, if you tell me what's the matter."

Oct 13th, 2003, 08:34:46 AM
Squatted down, helping the doctor pick up the loose change he oh so casually dropped to the ground, Rhiannon glanced around; almost nervously.

She too, kept her voice quiet, hardly above a whisper as she responds to the doctor.

"I need some hospital scrubs. I need to get out of here, to a ship and off the planet. Can you help me out? Please?"

Rising, she gives a quick toss of her head, sending chestnut tendrils over a shoulder while forcing a small smile.

"There you go, doc. Best be careful with your change, might want to check to see if there are any holes in your pockets."

This spoken a bit louder in the event anyone, especially CorSec, were nearby.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Oct 13th, 2003, 08:06:41 PM
"Yes, yes, thank you very much." Hayden answered as he smiled and began walking pasted the cab. He looked in. "Oh...I think the boy is sicker than I thought, we should take him in." He quickly opened the door on Dylan's side.

Dylan had just about fallen asleep when the door suddenly opened on his side.

"Act sick. She needs our help." Hayden whispered quickly. "We need to get into the hospital now."

He looked over to Rhiannon and called, "can you help me? He's a bit heavy and very feverish, I don't think he can walk."

In the bag, Hayden was carrying he had a bottle of water and opened it. "I need to dump this over your head." He whispered. "The girl is in trouble."