View Full Version : Joining Sovereignty

Danik Drayton
Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:10:48 PM
“ First platoon on me!” The men responded quickly, gathering round Lieutenant Drayton. “ All of you listen in, Company HQ has just given us new orders. We are to move out at 22.00 hours on a patrol. Intelligence reports that the enemy position south of here will be re-supplied by a section strength patrol. We are to ambush that patrol. Any questions.” He said all this clearly so there would be no mistake as to what he was saying. “Section ICs supervise battle prep.”
At 22.00 hours the patrol set off in staggered file with first section leading the way. They moved down the road silently each man covering his arch of fire. Then without warning a flare went off high above them, everyone froze as the object twinkled brightly then, slowly, dropping down and fading away. He turned to his Plt Sgt.” Get down there and tell the point man to move into that tree line and once we get there I will organise the ambush.
The ambush was set and ready to go off like a mousetrap. First had been split to make the cut off groups at either end of the line. Second, third and all the heavy weapons had been placed into the killing group in the centre. Soon enough the heavens opened soaking the men lying in the mud. God I love it Danik thought. He got a thrill out of all this, an unexplainable rush when going into combat, this was his world.
The signal was given that the enemy was in front of them. He lined up his sights on the lead soldier, squeezed the trigger. A shot came flying in from the left of first platoon ripping into the ground. Then another and another. They had been spotted and out flanked. An almighty firefight broke out, men going down on both sides. “Come on, fire damm it.” As he stood up to run round to speak to the left cut off group he was hit in the hip. His body went numb as he side slipped into a ditch. The firing ceased shortly after.
That had been back during his training. He was a Captain now with his own men that he had to work up to the highest standards. They were soldiers. They were men of the Empire.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 23rd, 2003, 03:10:16 PM
(OOC) PM Grand Admiral Telan Desaria.

Field Marshal Jarek Tchort watched the Captain walk smartly into the recruitment office, his jackboots tapping against the tiled floors. The man carried the look of an infantryman, his face hard and grim, the same look Jarek had seen on a thousand other young men and women under his command.

Looking at the man with a raised eyebrow, Jarek walked over to the new recruit, something in this man seemed hard and proffesional, just the material the Soverienty needed to reinstate the glory of Palpatines Empire.

"Recruit Drayton, I am Field Marshal Tchort, Commandant of the Stormtrooper corps, I can tell you are a soldier, the question is, how good are you recruit?"

Jarek let his words linger in the air between the two men, then waited for the mans reply.

Park Kraken
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:37:13 PM
OOC: I could use a stormtrooper commander. Wanna come into exile with me?

Danik Drayton
Sep 26th, 2003, 02:09:11 PM
(OOC: Thanks for the offer Admiral K but Im not to keen on going into exile.)

Danik answered without changing his expresion. " Im as good as anyone else your going to find but I have several advantages. Firstly I know my stuff when it comes to combat and secondly I know my men. Im a combat soldier and a well organised leader Sir.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 26th, 2003, 02:56:53 PM
Jarek narrowed his eyes slightly at the man. Clearly he had confidence in himself and his abilities. Arrogance? No, Jarek dissmised that thought. Drayton exhibited professionalism. Something which was now on the resurgence in the Imperial millitary, thanks to the re-aquisition of Caridia.

"Well Captain Drayton, you seem to have confidence in your abilities, what is your combat experience?"

Danik Drayton
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:19:59 PM
Whenever someone asked Danik this it brought back a rush of memories, of his experiances and of old friends long gone. Handing over a data card with his service record on it, he said.

" I served as a mercinary soldier back in the days when all I wanted was action and credits." He smiled to himself." That was a long time ago. I was also in a partisan unit for two years, fighting in a civil war on a backwater planet. All I can realy say is I've had my fair share of combat so far.

Jarek T'chort
Sep 27th, 2003, 06:58:07 PM
Drayton seemed to have an edge to his voice as he spoke of his past, Jarek noted.

"Impressive, most impressive. You are certainly what the Imperial Sovereignty is looking for. However, you said you were a..." Jarek paused, indicating his distaste, "mercenary....as such, what has brought you to join the Empire? What is your motivation to be a part of all....this?" He waved a hand vaugely around him as he spoke those last words.

Danik Drayton
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:51:35 PM
"Something I've learnt in my time is if your proud of only one thing, it should be your heritige. My family are and always have been supporters of the Empire. They hated the ways of the Old Republic and the rebelion after it. This has naturaly been passed on to me. I believe the Empire is the true power in the universe. The New Republic is weak. It is only a matter of time, be it ten, a hundred, even a thousand years, it shall fall. During this time the Empire shall remain strong and endure. I wish to be part of this endurance.

Telan Desaria
Sep 29th, 2003, 03:36:12 PM
***Jarek, damnit!!! Remember, you are an aristocrat!!!!***

Jarek T'chort
Sep 29th, 2003, 03:39:54 PM
Jarek let out a contented hmph and grinned at the officer, dropping his frosty tone.

"Well Captain Drayton, you seem to me a capable officer with the correct mindset. You are what I need for the Army officer corps. But you are not just serving your commanding officer, you serve the Empire and Grand Admiral Desaria."

(OOC: have you pmd Telan and had a reply Danik?)

Danik Drayton
Sep 30th, 2003, 01:48:30 PM
(OOC: Indeed I have Pmd and received a reply. I am to stay in your capable hands until further notice.)

Drayton smiled as he snapped to a salut. " Thank you Sir." He turned and walked smartly out of the recruitment office.

Jarek T'chort
Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:00:23 AM
OOC; Danik the thread is up in Storytelling.


Telan Desaria
Oct 7th, 2003, 04:30:23 PM