View Full Version : The Art of Learning (Garen Selore)
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:24:25 PM
:: AB waited patiently in one of the many meditation rooms. they were large and spacious, with various objects scattered about the room. ::
:: To day she would be teaching Garen the art of control through the Force. Combat would come afterwards, for one could not hope to weild a lightsaber without first knowing the Force. ::
:: She sat in one of the two round chairs in the room, levitating a crystal sphere above her hand, turning it slowly to reflect the light coming int through the window to make colors dance on the crystal and floor, to pass the time. ::
Garen Selore
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:26:25 AM
Garen walks into the room quietly, and watches AB in aww as she plays with the crystal.
He stands there for a while, but then speeks up.
"You wanted to see me, Master?"
Sep 24th, 2003, 05:00:26 PM
:: AB let the crystal sphere lower onto her hand and set it back down on the table beside the chair she was sitting in. She then turned to Garen, smiling, and gesturing towards the seat across from her. ::
I did indeed want to see you Garen. It's high time we started with your Force training.
:: She watched him as he sat himself down. ::
Now, you're probably eager to start with your combat training, but before any of that can occur, you must learn control of the Force.
:: She cocked her head slightly. ::
Have you experimented on your own with objects in your room... levitating them?
Garen Selore
Sep 25th, 2003, 10:10:34 AM
Garens sits down and shrugs as AB asks if he has been trying thing on his own.
"I'm still confused about all this Force stuff. Back home we were taught that force was applyed when any energy is exerted to preform a task. I still don't see how that could make it so a stupid farm boy like me could lift things with out touching them."
Sep 25th, 2003, 05:19:38 PM
:: She frowned slightly. ::
Firstly... you are not stupid. And secondly, you will learn because I will teach you.
:: She tossed the very crystal she'd been levetating to him and he caught it without much effort. ::
Place the crystal sphere in your palm like I am doing.
:: She had picked up a polished black sphere, the same size and weight as the one Garen had, and was resting it on her flat palm. ::
Don't think of the sphere as a weighted sizable object, but rather envision it in your mind. "Feel" it with your mind, not with your hand. Weight and size matter not when dealing with levitation in the Force.
:: She watched Garen do what she had asked, looking a little frusterated. She smiled. ::
When I was first learning, my Master told me to close my eyes, as they can deceive you. So I'm going to ask that you close your eyes as well. Think about the sphere... feel it with your mind. Imagine it lifted, weightless, off of your hand as though it has grown wings. Imagine it floating just inches from your palm.
Garen Selore
Sep 26th, 2003, 10:38:52 AM
Garen folows AB's instructions with no sucess. He decides to try again but this time with his eyes closed, again with no sucess. He trys again, and again, but still not even a twitch. Garen is getting frustrated, and angry at himself. It seems to him everything he does is bound to fail.
He couldn't save his parents, He couldn't keep the holocron in his costody, He couldn't help his friend Marga when she was kidnaped, He can't even seem to lift a symple cristal.
As his anger continues to build, him still focusing on the crystal, the dark presence inside of him starts to take control. Making the crystal explode, instead of fly.
The fragments of the crystal spray the whole room, with a large fragment lodging in his shoulder. He screems in pain, and his anger to himself changes to confusion on how the crystal exploded, and the fealing of pain slowly creeps into his body. Pain of both physcal, from the fragment in his shoulder, and emotional, for yet another failure of his that his master had to witness...
Oct 1st, 2003, 05:37:55 PM
:: AB leaned her head to one side, avoiding a small piece that was headed for her. The rest seemed to just spray about, but missed her. Unfortunately, Garen wasn't so lucky. ::
:: She reached into her satchel, that had been lying by the seat, and withdrew an ointment and clean bandage. She gestured for Garen to give her his hand, and he did reluctantly. Applying the ointment first, it numbed and cooled the hand so that she could remove the shard, and then applied more to the wound to help sterilize it and began to warp it with the bandage. While she did this, she spoke to him. ::
I know you have some trouble with strong emotions that seem to burst forth, giving you lots of power, but little to no control.
I don't want you to get frusterated over it. That won't help you as frusteration is a negative emotion.
:: She finished wrapping the hand and released it, resting her head back on the seat. ::
We learn from mistakes, and we learn control from expereince.
You now know what that sudden flash of power felt like, so i want you to try again, but this time, don't get frusterated, and remember that power... control it... don't let it control you.
:: She patiently handed him another sphere, this time made of rubber, though it was still as heavy. ::
Garen Selore
Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:24:37 AM
Garen winces in pain as AB tends to his injuries. He listens intently as AB explains what happened, and at the end of her talk, he nods and goes to try again.
This time before he goes to try and lift the ball he goes to try and catch some of the power that he used to break the crystal, before it all gets back to the hiding place inside of himself.
He catches a small amount, and holds on to it. Then he trys to focus on the ball, but all that happens is it roles out of his cupped hand. But at least it is progress.
Garen goes to pick up the ball bouncing on the floor.
Oct 6th, 2003, 04:54:52 PM
:: AB smiled. ::
That's a first step, Garen. That's good.
:: She watched him go after the ball and retrieve it, coming back to sit. ::
You nudged it with your control of the Force. So just keep focusing on that, and eventually you'll have it doing summersaults in the air.
:: She raised a finger. ::
But, remember, one small step at a time. We don't want to have another explosion of that energy you have inside you.
:: She sat back and gestured towards him. ::
Try again. You're on the right track.
Garen Selore
Oct 6th, 2003, 05:49:58 PM
Garen goes to access the energy that he was just using only to find that it's not there anymore... He looks up at AB, with a look on his face as if he thinks he is still a falure in AB's eyes.
"It seem like I have a slight problem. I only was able to do that because I caught some of the energy that was going back into hiding after the explosion that it did on it's own. And, Well, Umm, I can't find it anymore."
Oct 10th, 2003, 10:12:59 PM
:: She smiled. ::
It's there, Garen... I can feel it. It's just a matter of finding it and having faith in yourself.
:: She leaned forward in her chair. ::
Here, I'll help guide you... just let your mind relax...
:: She herself used the Force, inside Garen, so to speak, guiding him to that power he was so desperately trying to grasp at. It was there, hidden, and hard to reach. She helped to extend his "fingers" to it, letting him touch a bit of it and channel it. ::
Ok... now try to lift the sphere again...
Garen Selore
Oct 14th, 2003, 11:16:09 AM
Garen closes his eyes and watches where he is being taken to... Deep inside himself, in a part of his mind that he though was never used... He goes to reach into the force that AB had found him and goes to try again..
The ball lifts by about 2cm from his hand and is about to go higher when (in Garen's mind) a rotting, partly decayed, blackish hand reaches out of the pool of force in his head and grabs his spritual self by the neck.
Garen crumples to the ground trying to screem in pain, but nothing comes out... Garen and AB (since she is guiding Garen) hear the Dark voice say..
Oct 14th, 2003, 04:54:00 PM
:: Because the dark-thing was not directing it's wrath at her, it left her free to instinctively blind it with a pure light from the Force. It hissed and withdrew, letting Garen go. At that moment, she left his mind, and opened her eyes. She went over to him and helped him to stand, letting him catch his breath. ::
:: Whatever had just happened, it was disturbing to say the least, and it was something she would not be able to take care of by herself. Her knowledge was limited in this sort of area. She would bring it before the Council. ::
:: But right now, she had to calm Garen. ::
:: She helped him to sit down, and picked up the rubber ball and placed it on the table beside his chair, before she herself sat back down at her seat. She looked at Garen intently. ::
Garen... I want you to tell me exactly what you know of this dark-thing inside of you? Can you remember anything from your past that could have caused it or placed it there?
Garen Selore
Oct 15th, 2003, 10:20:16 AM
After Garen could breath again and had calmed slightly, he sits up and places his back on the wall, while still sitting on the floor... He looks at his master....
"Well, as far as I can remember it has always been there, just like there has always been the good one in there too. They help me sometimes and sometimes take over my body. They are almost always telling me things, sometimes quietly, and other times loud. The good one has saved my life more times than I can remember.
I see them in my dreams and from the discription I gave my mother She says that it sounds like one of my ansestors that was a good witch many years ago. She was killed by her husband. And My mother tells be that the bad one is is the husband of the good one.
I don't know exactly how they got there but I do know that two months before I was born my mother was hurt baddly and was take to the witches for help... They bonded the soul of one of her ansestor to her body and soul, so that she could live long enough to recover, but the extra soul was supose to leave after she no longer neaded it's help, and it did about one week before I was born.
I guess that it is posible that when they bonded a soul to my mother they also bonded one to me. If that was the case then the bad one has to be the one bonded to me, because a male soul can only be bonded to a male. So my guess is when my mother no longer needed the extra soul, the soul came into me so she could help me, since the one I had was only trying to take my body for itself.
It's only a theory, but it the only likely thing I can think of how I ended up with the two of them in me."
Oct 20th, 2003, 06:58:07 PM
:: AB raised an eyebrow. ::
That's certainly a complicated situation.
:: She fell silent for a moment, contimplating on which course to take next. At last she came to a conclusion. ::
I think perhaps you should have some rest before our next training session. Clear your mind of the recent events of a few moments ao, and we can start fresh in the morning.
:: She smiled. ::
We'll try again with the same simple steps tomorrow.
:: Her intent was also to have time to discuss this with the ouncil. There had to be a way to silence this other "voice" in him... because it could potentially be a threat to the boy's life. ::
Garen Selore
Oct 21st, 2003, 11:32:14 AM
Garen nods...
"Is there anything else you wish me to do untill tomorow? Do you have an Idea on how to get past the Evil man in my head?"
Oct 31st, 2003, 04:52:41 PM
:: AB shoo her head. ::
No. Just rest for now and maybe do some simple meditating... nothing strainuous.
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