View Full Version : Watching the world (open)

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:02:10 AM
Inyos stared with mild disinterest through the open door, out at the world beyond. The people that passed by were of little concern...the odd Gamorrean carrying huge bags full of food that would probably last for the rest of the day at best...a pair of Sullustan children having fun running and screaming through their new assault course of constantly moving legs...the odd, blue-skinned Bounty Hunter who's eyes roamed the surroundings before he forced his way decisively towards the bistro...the occasional Wookie towering over everyone...

Inyos blinked. The bounty hunter...was coming here? His face lost it's usual blank expression, and took on one of greater concern. One of the bar-staff appeared over his shoulder, muttering about offering him another drink. Switching his attention for a moment, and with a slight gesture of his hand, Inyos informed the barman that he didn't want to offer him a drink, and that he wanted to return to the bar. As the barman disappeared, Inyos returned his attention to the door, where the Bounty Hunter now stood, his eyes fixed solidly in Inyos' direction.

"Don't move, Hei'aan," the Bounty Hunter half-yelled, pointing a blaster at his head. "You won't get away so easily this time."

The Bounty Hunter and Inyos sized each other up. Inyos would normally have been a few inches taller, but the Bounty Hunter was wearing a fairly bulky suit of armour, that added at least three extra inches onto his sole. "No fair," Inyos muttered to himself.

"So, thought you could run, did you?" spat the Bounty Hunter, his words laced with venom.

Inyos frowned. "Well...yeah."

The Bounty Hunter's eyes narrowed, as he tried to fire lasers at his prey. "Don't try anything. It would be unfortunate if I had to kill you...you are wanted alive."

Inyos cocked his head to one side. "Try anything? Me?"

"Silence!" screached the Bounty Hunter, blood rushing to his face. "You will come with me. Now!"

Inyos pondered the situation for a moment. "Well you see, as much as I'd like to meet your employer, I have other things to deal with. So...goodbye."

The Bounty Hunter's face flashed pure crimson, and his hand - the one pointing the blaster at Inyos' chest - began to visably shake.

Inyos sighed, and took a quick glance around the bar, before staring back into the Bounty Hunter's eyes. "Let me explain what will happen. First, I'm going to kick the gun out of your hand. Then I'm going to throw you so you land on that table," he pointed, "Over there. Then, as you try to get between me and the door, I will run, jump onto that table," he pointed again, "Summersault over your head, and run off into the street."

The Bounty Hunter paused for a few moments, his feeble intelect attempting to process the information he had just recieved. After a few seconds, as Inyos waited patiently, the Bounty Hunter laughed. "You don't stand a chance."

Inyos nodded. "We'll see."

Taking a deep breath, and bending his knees slightly, Inyos leapt into the air, twisted, and swung his left leg around, crashing into the back of the gun-wielding hand of the Bounty Hunter. As the blaster crashed into the wall, and made itself into a broken heap on the floor, Inyos landed with practiced precision on the floor. His hand shot out towards the Bounty Hunter and, a fraction of a second before it contacted with the Bounty Hunter's chest, sent the target soaring across the bistro, and crashing into the designated table. As predicted, the Bounty Hunter struggled to his feet, pushing people asside as he fought his way to the door. Inyos ran, his foot barely touching the table as he threw himself forward into a summersault, landed, rolled forwards onto his feet, and charged off into the street.

The Bounty Hunter stood there, his mouth hanging open. Slowly, the expression faded into horror. "My boss isn't going to like this..." he yelled, before throwing himself into a run after the escaping acrobat.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:08:31 AM
Sabriel watched from her quiet corner of the bistro cafe. Though the bar, and a number of other people were between her and the action, she could still see everything that went on. She was intregued by the tingling in the Force that she recieved from the Bounty Hunter's target. Granted, he seemed fairly inept in the ways of the Jedi, he showed great promise.

She smiled as she watched the slow-witted Bounty Hunter analyse his situation. Letting out a sigh, she pulled herself to her feet, and made for the door. As she felt a presence appear behind her, she pulled a coin from her pocket, and idolly threw it behind her. "Keep the change," she called, as it landed in the barman's hands.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:49:20 PM
-Jensaarai was jsuts trolling along, as he often does, minding his own buissness, as he often does, when this man comes running down the street.

His nose tells him of sweat, spilt drinks, blaster fire; the force tells him that the runner is both gifted and is being chased.

Soon enough his persuer passed to and the Codru-Ji couldn't just help himself, he was that board.-

"Excuse me......"

-He spoke as he grabbed the Bounty hunter by the ankle and lifted him high into the air.

As the bounty hunter was turned around to see what had grabbed him, he was more then a little stunned to see a 7' tall, four armed feral (complete with matching predatory tail and teeth).

Jensaarai's exotic accent rolled of smoothly, the feral purr was less comforting and more intimidating to the bounty hunter; much the same way anyone would be discomfoted by the purr of a giant cat that had you by it's paw.-

"...but just what do you think you are doing?"

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:53:19 PM
Inyos flew down the crowded street, his feet hardly touching the ground as he ducked and dodged over and around obsticles, trying his hardest not to knock anyone to the ground.

"This is where body armour is a problem," he muttered, glancing briefly down at the black plating in his chest. He only hoped his persuer was having the same sort of trouble.

Up ahead, Inyos saw an unmoving mass of people. Something that would slow him down...an obsticle he didn't want to contend with. His eyes flicked left and right, searching for an alternative path. He found one. A door. It was open, although there weren't many people going in or out. It looked like some sort of shop or business. If he was quick, he would be able to slip in unseen...

"Hey, watchit!" yelled a large lump of blue, as Inyos flew backwards. Dazed for a second, Inyos didn't realise that his feet were now hanging a fairly long way off the ground. His vision cleared, and he stared down into the angry face of an alien he didn't recognise. He squirmed, twisting around, trying to see if it would be the Bounty Hunter or the alien that killed him first. However, there was something about the Bounty Hunter that struck him as odd. He was stuck in as precarious a position as he was...

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2003, 01:55:20 PM
The bounty hunter removed his mask, and smiled.


With that, he leaned up, and drove his forehead into the feral's sensitive nose, sending him sprawling backwards.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:00:18 PM
Sabriel burst round the corner, her senses at full, searching for whoever it was that the Bounty Hunter wanted so badly. However, something ahead made her stop. Her legs ceased moving so suddenly that she had to fight to avoid falling over. She looked up, and saw the Bounty Hunter, held aloft, over someone's head. She followed the arm down, and discovered another three arms. Sabriel frowned for a second, then shrugged. They were 7 feet tall with four arms...she was yellow. The galaxy was wierd like that. Big deal. Calming herself, and idoly playing with her hair, she stepped forward and cleared her throat.

"Hi there," she called, before taking a step or two backwards to lessen the angle that her head was tilted up at. "I see you've got this guy all dealt with...did you see where the person he was chasing went?" As she finished talking, she fluttered her eyelashes a little, and gave him her "cute" smile. She'd found that men were often more agreeable if she did that.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:35:01 PM
-Jensaarai took a few steps back before stopping to remove his hands from his nose.-


-He proclaimed. That wasn't quite what he expected, he thought he was being playful.

His steel-blue eyes focused on Derveld and then the yellow skin, he wasn't sure what to make of the situation and so like any natural born hunter he did what he thought was best.

All four arms, with lighting speed, simoultaneously drew four hyper-velocity gauss SMGs; he pointed a pair at each of them, two for the nose basher and two for the newcomer, both now with their hands in the air.-

"Alright, now that I have your undivided attention, I'd like someone to explain the situation before someone gets shot.

And BELIEVE me, between their muzzle velocities and my reflexes you WILL get shot, that is, if you don't start explaining yourselves."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2003, 03:54:50 PM
The moment he was free from the feral's grasp, Diego turned and bolted, leaving the Jedi and the alien behind as he returned to pursue his quarry once more.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 05:51:19 PM
As the Ferral's eyes flickered away for a split second, following the leaving Bounty Hunter, Sabriel's hand flicked to her waist. By the time the Ferral knew what was going on, Sabriel's lightsaber was activated, and positioned nicely above her would-be killer's head.

"I'm not here to hurt you," he spoke through clenched teeth, "But I would be more than happy to." Her eyes flicked up to the glowing yellow blade of her lightsaber. "If you shoot me, this lightsaber splits your head in half. Judging from your appearence, you like things that come in twos. I only hope you have enough brain cells to match..."

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 23rd, 2003, 06:12:02 PM
Inyos looked with surprise as the Bounty Hunter fled. From this distance, he could not tell what had happened, but he was sure it was something he wanted to know about. Unfortunately, he wasn't exactly in a position to find out.

Suddenly, hiss broke the ambient noise, and a yellow light appeared. Inyos recognised it imidiately as a lightsaber. His captor obviously did too, as his grip loosened a little as the big blue creature searched for the source of the noise. Inyos took his chance. Throwing his feet into the alien's chest, he kicked out, throwing himself backwards, and out of the alien's grasp. Before the alien could respond, Inyos had drawn a blaster. The alien looked puzzled, then laughed. A shape flew out from beisde him. Before Inyos knew what was happening, he was lying on the floor...again. This time, however, he managed to roll away, and was on his feet before either attacker could strike again. He looked down at his hand, and then over to his blaster, lying on the ground a few meters away. He muttered some profanity or other under his breath.

"Not wise, hewmon," the blue alien bellowed. Inyos' eyes took in the two blaster rifles aimed at him; one from big blue, and the other from what appeared to be a female Bothan. Inyos couldn't be any more specific...the creature was almost entirely covered in a long brown cloak. Only the slight glimpse of a tail, and the way she held herself gave her away.

"No sudden movements," the new attacker growled.

Inyos was the sort of person who took these kinds of situations very seriously. So, very slowly, he let his hand slide to his waist. "Don't shoot," he muttered. "Someone sent a Bounty Hunter after me...I'm obviously worth a lot to someone." His hand brushed the empty blaster holster, but didn't stop there. "If you play your cards right, you could end up as very rich people." His hand crept up inside his ankle-length black coat, heading for the small of his back.

"You're bluffing," the second attacker snapped. Even from such a short encounter, Inyos could tell that she was the one in-charge.

"No," Inyos replied as his hand reached it's goal: an oddly shaped lump on the back of his armour, where a hand-sized cylinder stuck out. "Not bluffing." Inyos let out a sly smile, as he gripped the cylinder firmly in his hand. "Just stalling." He twisted and pulled. The catch holding his lightsaber in place released it's cargo, and his hand swung out, hissing into life as it did so. With a quick flick of his wrist, he deflected the first few blaster bolts into the front of the building he had dried to enter. Little pieces of dust and debris rained down on his attackers.

"A Sith?" the lead attacker half-whispered, horrified.

"No," Inyos replied. "This lightsaber belonged to my uncle. He, on the other hand, most definately was a Sith." Inyos' smile turned ever so slightly evil. "But they do say I have real potential."

The two attackers looked at each other. Without saying a word, but in perfect synchronisation, both dropped their weapons, turned, and fled.

Inyos laughed lightly as he turned off his lightsaber. "Oh how I love the weak-minded," he muttered to himself. His hand moved as if to return his saber to its holster, but he stopped himself. "Not yet." He stepped over to his blaster, and picked it up, brushing off the dust before returning it to his holster. Then, he turned back towards where he'd come, and set off towards the intreguing scene with the other Jedi, the crowd parting silently before him as he walked.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:49:40 PM
By the time he had turned about, Diego had caught up with him.

"Tired of running already?"

Sep 24th, 2003, 12:43:46 AM

Sep 24th, 2003, 12:46:33 AM
"Which do you think will take longer, A Jedi swing or a feral trigger?"

-With breathtaking speed the weapons whip back into their rightful places and the Codru-Ji turns to walk away.-

"And HAPPY? Your HAPPY to fight? Those are hardly the words of a Jedi, even a hunter knows that.
If you want to play, we can play...."

-Flicking up his long coat for a momment, clealy visible are four (fairly large) lightsabers.-

"...but for your sake I hope you don't wield any emotion at all.
Besides, you never answered my question, what IS going on here?"

-No doubt the Jedi is somewhat taken by his change of mood but codru-ji can be like that, hot-bloodedly playfull.
Now he almost had a smile on his face, complete with swing tail.-

Sep 24th, 2003, 07:47:31 AM
A smile flickered on Sabriel's face, as her thumb tapped the disactivation stud on her lightsaber. "If you'd shot me," she half-muttered, "The blade would have sliced you in half anyway." Sabriel's face turned blank again, before she returned her lightsaber to her belt. "Now, how about putting those toys away..." she looked at the Feral and frowned. "Who are you?"

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:51:28 AM
Inyos' face dropped. "This is not my day," he half-muttered under his breath. Slowly, he took a step backwards, then suddenly sprung upwards, leaping into a forward summersault over the Bounty Hunter's head, igniting his lightsaber, somehow twisting in mid-air, and landed gently on the ground, lightsaber held ready, facing the undefended back of his persuer.

"Not tired of running..." he called, "Just bored with it." He grinned. "Can the nice Bounty Hunter come out to play?"

Sep 24th, 2003, 07:57:55 AM
"I am simply a Hunter who let his childish nature get away with hi....."

-He cut short, his ears priked up and his eyes darted around and came to rest only after looking over his shoulder.-

"It would seam the young man is getting himself into some trouble, we'd best see whats happening before someone dies needlessly."

-He ran off in the direction the bounty hunter had gone, over his shoulder he yeld:-

"...Are you coming, Jedi?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:24:48 AM
Diego hunched forward quickly, thrusting his left leg back in a mule kick, connecting on Inyos's upper thigh, reversing his momentum. He then drew his pistol from his dog-leg torso holster, slid the muzzle under his armpit so that the weapon now faced his mark, and fired blind.

Sep 24th, 2003, 02:20:50 PM
Grinning, Sabriel came out of her leap, and slowed her pace to the Feral could keep up. "Don't worry about me...I've got everything covered." Then, with another Force-assisted leap, she flew forwards, landing amongst the crowd, somewhere in the distance.

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:28:25 PM
"Yikes!" Inyos yelled, as he suddenly hit the floor, the blaster bolt passing through the air where his head had been only seconds before. "Watch what you're doing with that thing...you're gonna have someone's eye out!"

Summoning strength from the Force, he sprung back to his feet, his lightsaber held ready to deflect any further shots fired by whoever it was that was shooting at him.

Then, from behind him, a black-clad, yellow-skinned figure appeared, a yellow-bladed lightsaber held ready in her hands. And, a few seconds later, a four-armed "thing" followed, four extremely cool-looking guns looking particularly deadly in his four hands, attatched to his four arms.

Inyos frowned. "Four...something about that seems wierd," he thought to himself.

"Who are you?" Inyos asked as an open question. Not that it mattered...'Are you going to kill me?' seemed much more appropriate, but his father had always taught him to get the dull pleasantries out of the way first.

Sep 24th, 2003, 02:33:17 PM
"I don't believe it!" Sabriel exclaimed, grinning. "He can find out who I am without pointing a gun at my head." She shot a side-long glance at Codru-Ji. "Hope you're taking notes..."

She winked at Inyos. "Don't worry, we're on your side...at least, I am. Him..." she nodded her head accusingly at the Feral, "...well, I'm not so sure about him. But he has lots of guns, so it'd make sense to be nice."

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:40:13 PM
"Well that helps a lot..." Inyos muttered. "Do either of you have names, or will I have to call you 'yellow' and 'four-arms'?" He glanced over at the Feral. "No offense," he added as an afterthought.

"Oh," he said, turning round to face the Bounty Hunter, "Who are you, and why are you here on this Force-forsaken rock, trying to kill me, of all people? Did my brother send you, or is one of my ex-girlfriends so upset that we're not together anymore that she can't bear the thought of anyone else having me?" Inyos shot the Feral a lop-sided grin. "Happens all the time," he muttered.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:42:35 PM
Diego rolled forward, pulling his blaster's muzzle from under his arm as he rose and turned back to his quarry. In a rapid succession, he loosed a series of blaster shots at Inyos, as he gained ground to maneuver about.

"My reasons are my own, Heretic."

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:54:21 PM
Inyos frowned. "Heretic..." he looked around helplessly at the crowd of interested by-standers that had appeared around them. "Anyone want to be nice and tell me what a heretic is?"

Suddenly, Inyos snapped his fingers. "Oh, a heretic...sorry, I thought you were insulting me..." Inyos' eyes widened. "Hey!" he yelled, "You are insulting me!" Inyos took an agressive pace forwards. "A piece of advice, friend," he almost spat, his teeth clenched together, "Never insult a man with a lightsaber."

Inyos brought his lightsaber up, ready to strike...

Sep 24th, 2003, 02:59:35 PM
"Stop that!" Sabriel yelled, leaping forward and knocking Inyos' lightsaber out of his hand, and pushing him after it. Before his grasping hands could reach it, she used the Force to call it into her own hand, and hit the power stud. The blade fizzed out. "What kind of Jedi are you?" she snapped. "Calm down," she added. Inyos tried to move, but the restraining arm she had pressed against his chest held him down.

"And you," Sabriel turned and glared at the Bounty Hunter, "Don't move a muscle. I'll be dealing with you next."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 24th, 2003, 03:01:45 PM
Diego smiled warmly at the yellow-skinned female, bowed, and then tossed his blaster aside.

Sep 25th, 2003, 12:47:48 AM
-The Codru-Ji kept vigilant, he holstered two of the weapons and removed two lightsabers with his free hands.
He did not ignite them, he meerly stood prepared.-

Inyos Hei'aan
Sep 25th, 2003, 09:42:46 AM
"Get off me!" Inyos yelled, squirming beneath the yellow-skinned Jedi. "You're supposed to be on my side!" Inyos felt her arm loosen, and wriggled his way free. Grunting to himself, he climbed onto his feet, and brushed the dirt from his coat.

"Can I have my lightsaber back now?" he moaned, wincing at the pain slowly creaping through his skull. Sabriel nodded, and threw his lightsaber casually towards him. Inyos caught it, checked that everything was still in working order, then returned it to his holster.

Gingerly, he rubbed the part of his head that had colided with the floor. "Go deal with the bad guy," he muttered, pointing.

Sep 25th, 2003, 09:47:16 AM
Sabriel shot Inyos a sarcastic smile, and turned to the Bounty Hunter. "Now, you...whatever your name is," she thumbed her lightsaber off as she spoke, and clipped it onto her belt, "You want to explain why you're here, disrupting these nice people's lives?" She waved at the surrounding masses. "Honestly," she continued with a sigh, "It's not that important to me. But, it will help a lot when the authorities arrive...means I can get back to my lunch."