View Full Version : *A quiet soul*
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 22nd, 2003, 05:09:25 PM
*Looking around the expansive room of the Recruitment Center's main hall, Hina Amaterasu remained silent.. She didn't know what to expect by coming here.. Her life up to this point had been nice and peaceful, but incredibly empty.. She hoped she might be able to fill up that void by coming to the Greater Jedi Order, she just wasn't sure how...*
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 22nd, 2003, 05:30:34 PM
Shanaria was out for a walk in the Recruitment Center looking at all the new faces... but one sticks out more than the others... Shanaria could feal the emptyness in this lady...
Shanaria desides to approch the lady, with a smile on her face
"Greetings! I am Shanaria Fabool, A Padawan here at the Greater Jedi Order. Is there anything I can help you with?"
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:45:55 PM
*Her soft, pale cheeks grew red as the woman spoke out to her..*
I.. I..
Just say it..
*The slender teen bowed down quickly, before continuing..*
I would like to be a Jedi..
*Her breath caught in her throat, as she awaited the lady's reply.. Undoubtedly she would be told she was too weak.. Wouldn't That be new..*
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 23rd, 2003, 06:19:27 PM
Shanaria smiles...
"Oh!... May I ask why you wish to become a Jedi?"
Shanaria Looks over the lady with both her eyes and The Force, looking for some sort of force potential in this young lady...
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:25:45 AM
I.. I'd like to help people, and.. I'm not very strong physically.. but..
*At this point she sortof trailed off, as though she realized mid-way through the sentance that she may be slitting her own throat*
but I heard you don't have to be to still do good here..
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:55:32 AM
"I'm glad to hear that you would like to help people, and physical strength not always what is need in a Jedi. For example, A Jedi Healer or Historian would not need as much physical strength as a Jedi Warrior or Defender. I myself prefer to use the strength of my mind more often then the strength of my body."
Shanaria has been studing Hina's actions, and desides at this point to question them....
"I sence that you are uncertain with yourself and your capabilities... Would you care to explane why? You are not required to explane if you do not want to.... It is only a request."
Shanaria gives Hina a very warm smile...
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:03:39 AM
*Looking up at the smile, and hearing the words in such a pleasent tone, Hina could not help but be somewhat soothed by them.. Shanaria seemed genuinely interested in hearing what she had to say.. *
It's just.. my weakness.. It's prevented me from doing things I was interested in, in the past..
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:28:15 AM
Shanaria nods...
"I understand... I have met many people with a weakness similar to yours... I am glad to see that you have the strength to overcome your weakness enough to come here and seek to become a Jedi..."
Shanaria's smile fades slightly and her expresion changes, as if she just remembered something...
"But you must understand that there is much more to being a Jedi than just helping people, And that as a Jedi you will find many people that would wish to kill you because they disagree with our teaching and way of life.... You must also understand that A Jedi must be commited to their work completely... Being a Jedi is a way of life, and not a hobby... Do you understand?"
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:32:33 AM
*Smiling brightly now, Hina replied with a nod of confirmation, before adding..*
I understand completely.. My lack of strength has compensated with speed and agility, in any case..
*Though not showing it on the outside, she silently cursed herself for having not mentioned that previously.. It seemed an important fact to bring to attention, hindsight told her..*
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 24th, 2003, 11:21:17 AM
Shanaria Smiles warmly again....
"Very well... But before I except you into the GJO, I have one more question... In what way do you think that you would be an asset to The Order and the Jedi that call it home? Along what path do you hope that your training as a Jedi will take you?"
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 11:32:35 AM
*She stumbled over her words for a moment in silence..*
I.. Believe I have a strong mind, and that I'd be able to learn quickly the skills used to help defend those who need it.. I couldn't say what path I hope to go down, for I don't know how many paths are available, and.. I feel it would be stupid to make such a choice uninformed..
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 24th, 2003, 12:32:50 PM
Shanaria is glad to see that Hina is smart enough to keep her mind open about her choices ahead, and the fact the she is pleased with Hina's reply is obvous in the expresion on her face...
"Well... I see no reason why I should not let you into the GJO.... So Welcome to the The Greater Jedi Order. You may find a in the Living Quarters which are just behind this buliding on the GJO Grounds. Feal free to look around the grounds... You will also find the GJO Bar and Grill just a short distance away from here, it's a great place to go for food and to meet new people... and just so you dont get lost... here is a map of the grounds...."
Shanaria hands Hina a small map...
"Oh... and just for the records... Could I get your name? I don't think you mentioned it...."
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 12:40:18 PM
*Her joy at being accepted was quickly overshadowed by confusion.. Did she really not introduce herself? Frell, she didn't.. Her face bloomed beet-red..*
I'm sorry.. My Name is Hina Amaterasu, and it is a pleasure indeed to meet you, Ms. Fabool... And thank you so much..
*By the end, her face was still red, but back to the wide-grinned look of joy that had been visible when Shanaria first spoke..*
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:34:53 PM
Shanaria Smiles again as she writes down Hina's name for the record...
"Thank you very much... And just Shanaria will be fine. Most Jedi have no problem being called by their first names... Well... if there are no mare questions, I'll go and let people know that you are now a member...."
Shanaria waits to see if there are anymore questions...
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:40:20 PM
*She nods softly, while replying..*
Thank you then, Shanaria.. No, I think I'm fine for..
*A thought sprung to mind in an instant.. she Did have a question, and an important one as well..*
Sorry, there is one thing.. How would I get a sensei? Or.. whatever term Jedi use for teachers?
Shanaria Fabool
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:48:40 PM
"There are some classes that you nead to sign up for Over on the wall over there. ( After you have completed those classes then a Master will be appointed to you. Well at least I think that is what will happen... This system is rather new.."
Shanaria Points to the Sign up sheets... (
"Are there any other questions?"
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:49:47 PM
As Shanaria turned around, she ran right into Wei. He smiled. "I see you have learned a lot concerning the Jedi and their way of life, Miss Fabool. And for that, I am glad."
Wei smiled. "However, it is usually left up to a Knight or a Master to determine whether or not a person is allowed into the order." Wei's voice was firm, but not harsh or cruel. He was merely explaining how things were.
"And I agree that this young lady should join. I must commend you for your good judgement, but I must also warn you about stepping out of your place." Wei patted Shanaria on the shoulder in a fatherly fashion and waved his hand in the direction of the grounds to signal she was free to go.
"Now to answer your question, Hina. A Padawan without a teacher can take any number of classes until either she finds a teacher for herself, or a teacher picks the Padawan out to be his student."
Wei had seen Hina's lack of confidence in herself, and it had pained him. "I will take you for my Padawan. My training will not be easy, but I feel it would be good for you. You can learn a lot. Not just about the Force, but you might learn about yourself as well. What do you say?"
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:57:58 PM
*As she began walking over to the sign-up sheets, she heard someone elses voice, and looked over to see a man standing beside Shanaria.. As he spoke to her, Hina's face lit up again.. She felt somewhat embarassed, as if it had been her fault Shanaria had gotten in trouble, even though she could tell it had simply been a misunderstanding..*
*Then however, he mentioned the idea of her being taken on as his padawan, which, she assumed, was the term for students, and she beamed..*
Yes sir, I.. That would be great, sir
*She smiled widely, this had gone Much better than she had expected..*
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:12:59 PM
Wei nodded. "Good." Wei walked over and looked at the sign-up sheet. "Are we still doing this?" Wei asked in wonder. Wei shrugged. "Well, never mind that. How's about we go get you a room to stay in, and then show you to Yog's so we can get to know each other better. I find it makes it easier for me to train a Padawan when I know a little bit about her."
Hina Amaterasu
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:18:04 PM
*She nodded quickly and looked up at him*
I.. I think sounds good..
OOC: Guess I'll have to edit, or have this deleted then =)
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:27:15 PM
OOC: No need. I'll just jump in on that thread and make it seem like we went there right off.
IC: Wei's stomach growled. "On second thought, let's go get food first. I'm a bit hungry. There's a nice place called Yog's Bar and Grill just down the street from here. Very nice place. Come on, let's go right now."
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