View Full Version : Darkness: Catalyst

Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:16:46 PM
OOC: Closed
Timeline: After Darkness: Creations

:: It was a dark and moonless night, because of this the night seemed to last an eternity, lingering in the blackened sky. A cool breeze was felt on the streets, coming from the mountians of the north, winter was just around the bend. The witching hour was drawing near as the Dark Lord moved about village, his ebony cloak and hood masked him from sight.

The Sith Vampyre stalked a young gorgeous female, he truly enjoyed feeding upon the beautiful and this one was no different. He layed in wait, clinging to the shadows, using the moonless night to his advantage. She walked alone down the barren streets of her village having just left the small party she had just been at, finally his time had come. He walked silently as he followed behind her.

Placing a hand genitally upon her shoulder, she turned to face him. The young woman said not a word as he leaned in for kiss nor did she push him away. The Sith licked the womans upper lip as he retracted from their long lustful kiss, the man leaned in again seeming to kiss her once again, but this time he went for her neck. The woman gasped in horror as The Sith Vampyre's canines sank deep into her neck. Upon sucking her dry the Vampyre released the woman's body, with a thug the body of the once beautiful woman lay lifeless on the street.

The Vampyre licked his lips, the woman's blood corsed through his vains revitalizing him, giving his new found energy and power. He leaned his head back slightly taking a deep breath and releasing it silently into the night.

As the Sith Vampyre looked around his settings an emence and incredible pain filled his head, it felt as though it were about to explode. He dropped to his knees, grabbing his head with both hands as the pain intensivied. He roared with pain as in continued for several more minutes. As the pain subsided a voice entered his thoughts ::

" It has been desided. The ancient Sith have spoken, you have been chosen ... "

" Who are you? What do you want? "

" You have been summoned Darth Phantom. All will be explained upon your arrival to Yavin IV. "

" No one summons Darth Phantom ... "

:: Not even the last word was able to roll off the Sith's tounge before the pain reemerged, this time ten fold of what it once was. The Sith Lord roared in pain once again. As the voice spoke once again to his thoughts the pain stopped ::

" With haste, make your way to the temple of the an ancient Dark Lord of the Sith ... Naga Sadow. There your training shall begin. Now ... GO! "

:: The voice faded from his mind. The Vampyre wiped the sweat from his brow and stood. His eye's glowed crimson with utter rage. He growled slightly as he ran in long strides to his docked vessel, 'Hells Hand' ::

Sep 24th, 2003, 10:06:02 PM
:: Switfly the Sith ran along the darkened streets of the village, his mind raced with questions and ideas. His eye's remained crimson as he ran, no one had inflicted that much pain upon him before and with such ease, He had tryed with all his being to subside the pain in his head and banish the voice from mind, but it was to no end, the voice was to powerful.

The Sith Vampyre halted for a brief second as he came upon the edge of the village, screams filled the air even from afar, the womans corpse had been found. A small sedistic grin bathed in carnage fell upon his lips as the screams were music to his ears.

Turning back to the Dark forest that lay beyond the village in the distance, his Vampyre eye's look ahead. The Dark Lord again begins to run swifty in long strides to his ship, the 'Hells Hand' located somewhere in the heart of the Dark forest. Minutes later the Sith Vampyre was upon his cloaked ship, resting in the center of a small clearing, pressing a small button on his wrist pad the 'Hells Hand' deactivates it's cloaaking device, revealing itself. Lowering the ramp with the press of another button the Sith entered his vessel, Punching in the eight diget security code into the key pad that sat chest high on the right side of the cockpit door, the steel cockpit door opened with hiss.

Sitting in the command chair and entering the location into the nav computer, the ship began to hum as its four engines began to warm up. Moments later the vessel launched entering Hyperspace on its route to Yavin IV ::

Oct 10th, 2003, 01:13:18 AM
:: The ebony hull of the Hells Hand moved in near silence through the vastness of space towards its destination in the Yavin system, or better yet the planet of Yavin IV the final resting place of one of the greatest Dark Lords of the Sith to have ever ruled over the Sith Empire ... Naga Sadow. While under his rule and command the faction brought the Old Republic to its very knees and nearly wiped them from the face of the galaxy. Bringing with it an age of Darkness and Sith rule, but fate would not have it and in the end ... he failed.

Now thousands of years later Phantom would go to Yavin IV and learn the great Siths secrets, power and ways. Phantom paced back and forth in the hall way outside the cockpit, his eyes glowing crimson with excitment. His mind continued to race with questions and ideas, what was he going to do with his new found power? Conquor the galaxy? Why had the great power chosen him? There had to be more powerful Sith then him.

All these questions and more were not doubt going to be answered once he found the temple of Naga Sadow and awakened the great spirit ::

" Entering the Yavin System. Awaiting command. "

:: The nav computer chimmed as the vessel entered the system ::

" Take us to Yavin IV. "

" Understood. "

:: The Nav Computer hummed for a moment as the new location was entered into its core memory. The vessel banked to the left and headed for the new location. With great speed the ship made it to the planets atmosphere in no time at all. Slowly the vessel began its decent towards the planets surface, entering the planets atmosphere. After its entery the vessel landed on the planets surface and powered down, steam and smoke poured from the ships sides as the engines cooled. The ramp leading to the vessel lowed slowly with a loud hiss, steam bellowed from the hydralics that control the ramp. A figure cloaked in ebony steps from lowered ramp, mist swirls about him as he stands on the ramp, peering out over the land scape. With a deep breath the figure leaps off the ramp and runs with long strides towards the temple of Naga Sadow ::

Oct 26th, 2003, 12:03:24 AM
:: The jungle that surrounds the enormous Sith temple is nearly impassable, only those strong with the force are able to navigate safely through the thick and overwhelmingly dangerous terrain.
The temple sat nearly undisturbed for centuries, deep within this harsh environment, guarded by some of the most deadly minions of the darkside.

Hours had passed since Phantom's arrival on the planet's lush surface and now he stood just outside the temple of Darkness, his journey to this beacon of Evil had been a great struggle and not without it's pain.

Phantom gazed upon the ancient temple in awe, so much raw power he felt, radiating from deep within it's bowels, consuming the very fiber of the building itself. Banners that held in red the symbol of the great Dark Lord of the Sith lay about in tatters, years of harsh weather finally taking its toll. Large magnificent statues litter the temple grounds, weather taking it's toll upon them aswell.

After what must have seemed like an eternity the Sith Lord finally broke his gaze with the great Sith Temple and moved silently and with great caution up the long stone ramp, his right hand resting upon the hilt of his saber, Death. Drawing ever near to the large steel doors that consealed the Temple's entrance, he motioned with his left hand for them to open via the force. For a moment nothing happened, not even a sound, then suddenly a loud and thunderous sound filled the jungle. Slowly the temple doors began to part revealing a great shadow ::