View Full Version : Glass Houses

Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:53:30 PM
The child's corpse was found on the river bank, with footprints leading to the ugly one's house. He had been sleeping soundly all night, untill the villagers came to the doorstep and broke it in. "Wake up, demon! Burn!" they screamed at him, as he was pulled from his bed and brought to the gallows to be tried and executed at once.

"What did I do?" he asked in a deep voice. No one would tell him. When he arived he was held in place with the impending threat of beheading untill the 'judge' could arive. The town preist arived, and began.

"You, Bosh the halfbreed, are accused of murder of this poor child. What have you to say?"

"I have done nothing to anyone!"


The holy man thought for a moment, and spoke once more.

"Tomorow morning, you are to be out of this place, and as far away as you can go. If you step foot here again, you will be killed in the name of justice.

Nearly in tears, Bosh was let go. He didn't espically want to leave his home, the only place he'd known all his life. It was only three hours till dawn, he had to make haste and pack his things.

He pushed everything he owned into a dufflebag, and threw it over his shoulder. No time for goodbyes - as if anyone wanted to speak to him again anyway. He crept twards the gate to leave for good, and slowly left his life behind him. He started down the path to the Sea of Blood, which was really just water with red stone at the base. The massive man wept softly as he walked, his stony flesh growing soft with tears. It was everything, that town. He didn't want to leave it all behind.....

He stoped for a moment at the sound of a scream, like a small child or a young woman. He ran twards the sound to find a woman being defiled by a man in black.

"Shut up or I'll kill your entire village, just like I did to your son!"

She fell silent, but was killed anyway. The wretched man stoped his actions, and started talking to himself. "They're all going to die anyway.... I'll just speed things up."

What had he done?! Why had he killed this poor woman and her child?! This man was why he was excommunicated! All these factors in Bosh's head built up for the second or two they were there, and he went blind with rage. He ran twards the murderrer and grabed him by the throat, squeezing tightly.

"What.... have.... you.... done....!" he muttered to the man in his hand, as he constricted his air supply. Bosh's body was enormously strong, as golems usuially would be. Not quite as if he was full blood, but still rather impressive. He lost control of himself, and squeezed too hard. It took him a second to realize that all that was left in has hand was the pulp where the neck was and the head hanging off from it's top by a few threads of skin. The rest of the body was on the ground next to the woman's.

Bosh dropped the peice of corpse, and curled into a ball to cry. He never thought he'd have to kill, he wasn't ready for it. All he wanted to do was be happy, and help others do the same.

It seemed as though he'd never be able to again.

Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:12:23 PM
Bosh wanted to die. Even though he was now satisfied for having killed the man who plotted to take away all that he loved, he'd lost it all anyway. What was there left for him? He didn't know. He'd have ended his own life had he not the desire to kill again. What would become of him? He didn't know. He stayed there for a few hours, lost in his own thoughts and pitty.

Day Brake

Bosh woke up next to the bodies, and jumped in horror at the sight of what he'd done. It was gore beyond recodnicion (sp?). He grabed his bag, and left with as much haste as he could put into his massive legs. The bounding of his heavy body was heard for about a mile in any given direction, untill he felt as if he was down the road enough to satisfy himself. By now he was nearing the Blood Sea.

His will, today much stronger than yesterday, told him to get an air tank. He felt like diving and hiding. He didn't really want the tank, but he couldn't help his fear of death. He took it, strapped it to his back, and steped into the ocean. His body was massivly heavy, he couldn't float even with the tank. He sunk like the rock he mostly was, and began to walk along the bottom of the water. It was beautiful, far more beauty than he deserved to see right now. It almost made him feel at peace with himself...

His tank was begining to run low, but fortune had smiled on him. A large cavern made itself clear to him, although perfectly camoflauged from above. None could see it, it didn't even cast a shadow. He strode in, now fearing only what he thought should be his fate. It still hadn't caught up to him though. The cave was perfectly lit by natural sunlight, reflecting from the floor of the sea back up to the walls of the cavern in a brilliant hue of amber. There was sand, and almost everything else needed for glass work.

The golem here. A stone in a glass house.

He began working. For what seemed days, he began shaping and molding his sand into glass, like a blacksmith would iron to a steel blade. In the end, he did infact have a blade, but it wasn't what most would expect. It was entirely of glass, smoothed out and well ballanced. All that was left was to sharpen it, which he fulfilled on his foot. He didn't know what he'd do with it, but he kept it anyway.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 03:46:47 PM
He sat there for what felt like forever. It could have been minites, it could have been centuries. It was all the same now.

He finally stirred when the ceiling started to colapse on him, and an enormous rumbling was heard. He grabed his blade of glass and made his escape the same way his entrence was, and took a deep breath. The golem made his way accross the sea, to the closest wall he could find. By now his lungs felt to burst, and he was nearly getting his wish for death. He climbed up the aquatic stone face, and emerged onto a strange beach cliff. It didn't make any sense to him how it could be a beach and a cliff at the same time, but somehow it was.

Now exhausted, he fell asleep again for several hours, awaking at the sight of a bright sun and a strange bird flying over him. He groaned, stood yet again, and walked along the beach untill a new road was made evident to him. He followed it for hours, right to the end where he found a city. It was enormous, bigger than he'd ever seen in his life. All he'd known was his town and this was much much bigger.

This is where the tale of Bosh begins.