View Full Version : Promising (open, preferabley someone important)

Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:53:15 AM
-The young man walk in, his entourage of bodyguards remained outside with the exception of the one, large, one who followed closley.

He sat at the table and waited.
He had been sent a comminique about some so called "shadowfaene fortress" a few days earlier and now he had a few spare days and decided to explore it in person.

He sent the guard to fetch some Corellian ale from the bar; for the drink AND the peace (from the guard).-

Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:33:23 AM
-The large cloaked figure lifted a hand to one ear, listening to his comm.-


-His cold, harsh voice emanated from his lips.-

"....perimeter is secure, Sir."

Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:37:30 AM

-He replied sarcastically, he didn't really think highly of the cronies his father insisted on sending.

He took the drink the gurad had fetched and took a sip before cradling it in his hand.-

"And now we probe; an effort to discover if this shadow operation actually exsists or is meerly some drunkards tale."

-Looking around the not-so-great establishment, He considered the later more likely.-

Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:04:32 PM
Hera was sitting in a corner booth and had noticed the new arrival, his security man in tow.

Calling the bartender over, she whispered into his ear, asking what he knew of them. The barman shook his head - he'd never seen them before.

The Sith sat, coolly watching Methuen as he looked the establishment over. He was not impressed, she could see it in his face. Methuen's eyes finally drifted over to where Hera was, and she saw it register with him that she was directly watching him.

She made no point of shifting her stare. Instead, she held his gaze and waited to see what he would do.

Sep 24th, 2003, 01:05:46 AM
-He whispered a few words to his guard, Djinn looked up at her mommentarily and then nodded at his boss.-

"...Feels like a Sith, doesn't she?"

-Methuen had said.-

"....Yes Sir, it would seem so. Would you like me to do something Sir?"

"No, No, Theres no need for that, besides, the vibe I'm getting informs me that'll you'll have a rough time doing anything to her at all."

-Methuen looked on her gaze a momment, using an old family trick he read the force around her, not her, to get a clue without her knowledge.

The diplomating cogs began turning in his head, then the Von Karstein cogs, then he began to wonder for himself.-

"A Sith that tastes like, no, a dash of burecrat.......a burecrating Sith can meen only one thing, good buissness."

-He thought to himself; now cautious of the Sith, he was deliberatly hiding his thoughts from any mental tricks.

He still thought shadowfaene was probably a lie, but still, there might be some buissness here after all.-

Sep 25th, 2003, 08:10:40 PM
A sweeping glance took in Methuen's refined attire. His hands were smooth and clean - he wasnt a smuggler, that much was obvious.

Hera wondered what would bring a man like that to Enton, and more to the point, Poseidon's Gate.

A slight lifting of her eyebrows and a gesture of her hand invited Methuen, and his companion, to join her.

Sep 26th, 2003, 01:54:55 AM
-The Senator was growing bored and was about to get up and leave when Hera invited him over.
He had waited a while but no activity suggested the place to be anything more then a ddark little drinking corner. He came to th conclusion that even if some outfit was working out of here, it wasn't worth his time.

He decided that he had had enough and with a smile and a nod declined the young lady's invite and instead rose to his feet and left.

Djinn followed close behind.-

"Didn't think there was much to this place."

-He notioned to his watcher.-

Sep 26th, 2003, 03:57:56 AM
In his own little corner, the "watchdog" narrowed his eyes at the two strangers. Especially after Hera had herself given them a rare invite to see what they wanted. Usually he or OW would give the prospects the "business" before actually conducting any, as a way to weed out the whack jobs from the promising clientel. As they turned to leave, his hearing caught the last remark.

"Didn't think there was much to this place."

He scoffed at that and shook his head slowly.

"There's more to this place than you will ever know."

He said in a whisper to noone in particular.

Sep 26th, 2003, 08:54:15 PM
Hera watched Methuen leave, thinking that the man had travelled a long way for one drink.
She looked Ezra's way and by his expression, seemed they both thought the same thing.

As the Senator and his guardian disapeared into the Enton night, so too did any further thought of them exit from Hera's mind.

She got up from her table and crossed the room to join the Vampyre.

Hera and Ezra didin't tend to socialise with each other much - though the two had forged and intense history between them that deeply effected them both.

Coming round beside him, she signalled for the barman to pour Ezra a blood wine (brought back with the Vamp from his recent visit with his lifemate, Kariss.)

As the drink was set on the counter top, Hera nudged it gently over to Ezra.

"How was your trip?"

A simple question, but weighted with so much meaning. Ezra lifted his deep brown eyes and looked at Hera with gravity before replying.

Sep 26th, 2003, 09:21:33 PM
Silence hung for a good couple of minutes as he stared back at her. Hearing the underlining tone to her words, he knew she held no liking for his lifemate for the stunt pulled months ago. He seemed to be brooding alot lately, even now that he came back as he always did. He'd stay around for several months, then leave for his retreat for weeks to a couple of months, then return to duty at the base.

This gesture by Hera seemed to take the vampyre by surprise as well as throw him off what he would call the "norm" of things. She had never before struck up a conversation with him, and it was a welcoming and at the same time, alarming thing.

"It was......well needed. It was longer than expected, but I am back to my duties here."

He finally accepted the drink she had placed next to him earlier.

"Thank you."

He took a sip and closed his eyes, exhailing slowly he opened them again.

"How are you faring?"

Sep 26th, 2003, 10:26:36 PM
Hera shrugged, "Im good."

She noticed he changed topic quickly. And let it slide for now.

"Things on Base have been smooth while you were away. Jamo has made some babe robot and has been up to no little mischeif with her. Ask Remkah some time about it.."

She moved around the bar to help herself to some rum.

Sep 26th, 2003, 10:38:26 PM
He watched her move around the bar. His finger traced the outter edge of the glass he held.

" A female robot? What, cant the boy get a woman around here?? "

He said as he took on a look of confusion. That Jamo was always a wierd one.

" I shall ask Rem indeed."

He took another sip of the sweet liquid and canted his head to the right.

"This is surely surprising Hera, that you would take the time now to talk with me."

Sep 26th, 2003, 10:47:03 PM
The babe-bot wasn't for companionship. Atleast..Hera hadn't considered that idea, until just now. She shook her head, no, it was just another outlet for Jamo's quite outstanding technological creativity. He built her because he could.

But this answer was not expressed as Ezra's comment warrented adressing first.

"I should have thought, Ezra, that given recent events that somethings should change between us.

Dont you?"

She watched him levelly.

Sep 26th, 2003, 10:53:31 PM
Those brown eyes looked down at his glass, then back up to her. A small smile tugged at his lips. Maybe he wasnt doing all of this in vain as he thought. Then again, she was a wiley one and he wouldnt put it past her to fool him.

"I would hope so, I don't have much around here in the area of "good conversation". This is a pleasant surprise of course."

He brought the glass up in a small toasting gesture. Then drank.

Sep 26th, 2003, 10:57:22 PM
"Well then" she lifted her rum to her lips "we should make it a habit"

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:14:47 PM
The smile broadened, rare indeed for him around here. He was usually brooding about something or someone. This did make him happy to hear.

" I would like that very much. We can start now."

He folded his hands on the bartop as he casually tilted his head to the left this time.

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:19:38 PM
She nodded, agreeing, then looking from beneath hooded lids, she returned to his visit with Kariss.

"Did she beg you to stay?"

Hera did not need to explain who she meant.

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:26:34 PM
His eyes slightly narrowed at the question she just shot at him. Private life of a vapmyre was pretty much kept to ones self, but she wanted to know and he would answer her.

"She would not beg anything of me Hera, but she was upset at me coming back here , yes. "

He kept his gaze with hers.

"She knows what kind of man I am, I have duties as well as priorities, and they are all in order. I took care of my priority and now Im back to take care my duty."

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:32:02 PM
Though this answer seemed to satisfy her, Ezra noted a certain calculating behind Hera's blue eyes.

"There is a time for all things Ezra. The time for you to retire to the sheltered life of home and hearth will come when it is right."

Hera had a curious confidence in the way she spoke.

"You will know when the time is right."

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:37:28 PM
Again his eyes narroed a bit as she spoke. Something didnt sit well with him on this. And it showed. A hint of warning passed over his eyes as he slowly brought his head up. Then as the wind itself, it disappeared and was replaced with a grin.

"Yes, all in good time. But "sheltered life"?? I will live anything but. "

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:48:59 PM
It was her turn to smile.

"Why do I have the feeling this will be the truth of it, Ezra" she said with a wink.

She came around from behind the bar, and nudged him to cross with her to the booth and sit.

As they made themselves comfortable, Hera broached another subject she had been wanting to speak to Ezra about.

"The hunter Gerbo Lang was going to teach me some of the Vampric language, but he has not had time to do so.

So...I was thinking....you being a Vampyre...." she let the question hang in the air for Ezra to catch.

Sep 26th, 2003, 11:53:04 PM
"....I could teach you instead."

He nodded as he was supposed have taught Daiquiri the same thing. But now she was gone and so was that Mogur Gerbo Lang, he would teach Hera.

"Yes, I will teach you."

Sep 27th, 2003, 12:02:10 AM

She got up from the booth, and looked at him expectantly. He for his part, looked surprised.

"Lets start now."

Sep 27th, 2003, 05:29:48 PM
Draining the glass of its contents, he placed it down and stood. Walking near her he placed his hand on her lower back.

" Fine, lead the way to where I teach you."

Then gently nudged her in front of him.

Sep 27th, 2003, 06:06:47 PM
She dropped her eyes, twisting her neck to look at Ezra's resting hand.

Arching her eyebrow at him as she turned back forward, she led the way to her office.

Sep 27th, 2003, 06:16:04 PM
Sitting in her office, he nodded as she repeated the words he taught her. She was surprisingly catching on quicker than expected.

" That's right.....good.....now this one you may have heard me use before. Mogur, it means basically the lowest form in existance. "

Sep 27th, 2003, 10:39:52 PM
They continued on in this manner for several hours, before Hera declared it a "night."

Ezra had become quite engaged in sharing the beauty of his native language and some of the history behind it. Hera, for her part, was a good student but reminded Ezra that she was not capable of hearing ALL his stories at one sitting, no matter how entertaining he was.

The Vamp agreed, and so they arranged to contine the next day, and the next after that, until she had heard all his stories.

"I've created a monster" she joked, and for the first time it seemed, the two were completely comfortable in each others company.

Sep 29th, 2003, 10:13:43 PM
The next night it was the same as the one before. Sitting down, and learning the words of his people. Only this time he stopped righ tin the middle of one word.

"Good....now, the next word. Lu...no.....that word I will not teach you. It is useless to you."

Sep 29th, 2003, 10:43:25 PM
Lifting her blue eyes up from the page to look directly at Ezra, she didnt need to even say it.

But she did anyway.

"You will teach me everything. I will decide what is useless"

Sep 29th, 2003, 11:00:38 PM
"This word is Lumia.....in your language it is called Love. Something I fear you cannot yet comprehend."

He looked down at the floor and then slowly back up to her. His voice and eyes held no sarcasm...only true wonderment at what he said. An honest question for her.

"Hera Drenkast......Sith Master....Faene Mistress.....are you capable of such a word?"

Oct 4th, 2003, 06:00:40 PM

Her reply was harsh.

"And you had best get it through that thick Vampyre skull of yours. The sooner the better."

The close comraderie of the night before seemed to evaporate as Ezra took his liberty of bringing up this topic.

They were back to an uncomfortable stalemate.

"Continue the lesson."

Oct 4th, 2003, 06:09:57 PM
Another door slammed.. He thought to himself.......maybe he was wrong after all. She would never allow herself to learn.

"As you wish."

He kept his eyes down at the floor as he continued the lesson of the evening. Going through the words she needed to learn.

Oct 4th, 2003, 06:39:18 PM
When would he learn.

Probably never. The sentimental types were that way by choice.

They continued on, Ezra mechanical in his instruction, Hera the same in her responses.

The Vampyre language had a classic beauty to it, which Hera was detatched enough to appreciate. As Ezra spoke so effortlessly, he lent his own smooth accents to it, and it was easy to be taken away by its romantic nature.

She watched him, a slight frown between his brows. She knew he was still thinking about the Lumia question and that he did not like her reply.

She interupted him, her voice quiet now.

"You can cloak many things in the name of love Ezra. Weakness, Selfishness, Fear of being alone...even Lust.

I for one for-go such pretense. It is just so many games to me. A person only, truely ever loves themselves. Why pretend otherwise?"

She shook her head.

"You think your lover left you to live or die at my hands because she loved you?

Dont make me laugh, Ezra"

Oct 4th, 2003, 07:23:47 PM
His eyes came up to look at her now, a hardness to them.

"No.....It was I who did the protecting of her because I loved her! Because I love what we have created!"

She was so clueless when it came to him, always thinking she knew something of him only to be corrected like this.

"You are right about it being used as a game by many, but there are those who take it more seriously than others, like me. Did you once in your existence ever wonder if anyone ever did anything for you because they actually cared? Well if you answered yourself that as a No then here's a surprise Hera.....all of these things I do for you, including taking what you throw at me, are because I care....yes Hera, someone does.....and because of it, Am I weak? am I selfish? I certainly dont fear being alone Hera........Now go ahead and laugh."

He stared at her....if she wanted him gone all she had to say was the words and he'd leave to let her be in her own hate.

Oct 4th, 2003, 07:35:42 PM
"Tell yourself that, if it helps you sleep Ezra."

She remained level, without emotion. Hera truly believed in what she was saying.

"But if I had declared you the love of my life - my lifemate - I would have come back for you. Live or die, I would not have let you face such an enemy alone."

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:09:55 PM
"Not if i asked you to stay away you wouldn't.......and if you carried my future with you."

He sat straight in the chair.

" Nothing helps me sleep woman, nothing.........tell me Hera, why do you keep me here if you care for nothing but yourself? Why do keep any of us here around you? Hmmm? For entertainment purposes? No?? Then why !"

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:16:48 PM
"Im not keeping you here Ezra. You are free to leave whenever you wish."

He was wrong about her staying away, had she been in Kariss' place. But there was no point in arguing it. Ezra assumed he knew and understood Hera better than he did. She would let him.

"Everyone at SFF is here because they choose to be. It suits them. It suits me.

All I expect is loyalty to me while they are a part of my outfit. You have seen first-hand what happens to those who choose otherwise."

Oct 4th, 2003, 08:37:06 PM
He let out the air from within and shook his head, and he thought Kariss was stubborn at times.

"You honestly don't understand why I try so hard with you do you?"

He looked at her and tried to word his reason why.

" I guess we Khar Sian vampyres are the way we are is because we are a dying people Hera.....Our numbers are down to nine families, thats eighteen people left Hera....true they have a couple children each, but a couple of them have lost all of their children.....We are different from our cousins on Roon, because we understand what is store for us Hera."

he looked down at the floor.

" To know you are close to exstinction Hera.....you will never know that feeling. It makes you think. True we are beings who live almost through eternity, but we are not invulnerable, hunters and others have dwindled our numbers over the years....that is why we view things as we do, as I try to have you see that there is more to this universe than hate and what you have been taught by the ignorant."

Suddenly feeling the need to be alone he stood and walked to the door.

" There is so much more than you are willing to allow yourself, but you are who you are and I cannot change that....I know that now. Its just too bad Hera.....I will continue your lessons tomorrow......after that, I may have to rethink my position here. Goodnight."

Oct 4th, 2003, 09:44:06 PM
She sprang forward, stopping Ezra before he stepped though the door. He foolishly sleighted her Master, and Hera was not about to let it go unchallenged. True, he was generalising, but to Hera it was taken as more.

"I have been trained by one of the most feared Sith Masters in the galaxy. The fact that you think my knowledge ignorant only shows you have lived too sheltered an existance. You will never speak in such a manner to me again."

Hera knew about near extinction - her home planet had been torn by civil war, Hera having fled from it in order to protect the heir to the throne, Lady Jade Zaria Tor. It felt like a lifetime ago, now.

However, Hera also knew about the power of the darkside. Ezra would never be able to weild it as she, despite his force adeptness. He stiffled his root in evil from which to draw upon and it was here the difference between them was the most profound. He indulged his caring nature too much.

As he turned to leave, Hera spoke to him slowly.. The words were simple ones but they chilled Ezra as they passed her lips. He recognised the vampric tongue.

"Siessinoi et li sii nennamois"
(I know your heart)

She smiled cryptically at him, and Ezra could only wonder just what exactly she meant..

Oct 4th, 2003, 10:18:48 PM
Ezra looked at her as she spoke, he had struck a chord with her it seemed, something he excelled at as she with him.

"Hmm, I have lived for five hundred years Hera, sheltered ...... I don't think so. I had stopped my training because it would not serve me, I would serve it. You speak of it as some power that makes you a god......it makes you a slave. And That is where you are ignorant to it."

He took a breath and and heard her speak those words in his people's tongue. I know your heart His eyes narrowed as an inner alarm went off. He bared his fangs at her.

"There is only one way to take that Hera Drenkast......And that is threateningly. I go through hell and call you friend regardless of it, and you stand there, look me in the eye and speak those words? I may not know yet what youre after but know this...... If you cross that line with me and throw the trust and friendship I place with you away......."

He stopped and let her mind figure out where he was going with it, it wasnt rocket science, it was clear as day.....take it to that level with him and prepare to pay the ultimate price, even if it meant they both did. Although that was something he didnt want, she seemed to always dance along the lines of it.

Oct 5th, 2003, 03:14:39 PM
Originally posted by Ezra
"If you cross that line with me and throw the trust and friendship I place with you away......."

"Is that what we are Ezra....friends?"

The cryptic look was in her eye again, and then it faded.

"I think, not yet.."

She smiled openly now.

"I dont think you like me too much"

Oct 5th, 2003, 04:03:12 PM
He stood there silent as a tomb, he slowly averted his eyes to look at some undisclosed point of the room, trying to keep his anger in check. He took a deep even breath and let it out.

"Is that what we are Ezra....friends?"............"I think, not yet.."

"I guess not Hera."

"I dont think you like me too much"

He didnt return her smile.

"Well, I'm not the one making it hard to like someone, am I?"

Without another word, he turned away and started to walk down the hall , and was going to the bar instead of his room.