View Full Version : Discussion on Mannerism (Dasquian)

Lady Mylia
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:45:35 PM
Mylia sat in the garden, leaning up against a tree, deep in thought. She had her legs crossed and her eyes closed. She had requested her Master's presence and was awaiting his arrival.

It had been in thought on the matter she wished to discuss with Dasquian for about a day now. It was bothering her, she knew that she wasn't very pleasant herself, but she didn't know how else to handle her feelings. She wasn't very diplomatic, though sometimes she wished to be. This matter disturbed her and she needed to have a talk with Dasquian about this. It seemed that no one had done the right thing in this particular situation and Mylia wished to settle this uneasy feeling floating around in her stomach.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2003, 11:58:18 AM
“Hello Mylia.”

Dasquian’s approach had been silent, but he was sure he hadn’t startled the Padawan.

“You wanted to speak with me?”

Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:02:58 PM
Mylia opened her eyes and nodded. A chill was in the air, nature seemed unsettled, much like Myia. She stood up from her sitting position to face Dasquian. She bowed to him. "Thank you, Master. Yes, I do." She retook her seat and nodded for Dasquian to follow if he wished. She didn't wait long before she began. "Last night I was in the B&G. A friend of mine had this woman being extremely rude to her so I went to her rescue. I know I didn't go about it with a diplomatic tone, but I wasn't the only one at fault. My friend and I were treated very rudely, more rudely than we were treated, I feel. It hurts me that she could be so rude to anyone on her own will. This matter has been bothering me ever since. I wished to get your opinion on the matter."

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:07:25 PM
“I see.”

Dasquian took a moment to think.

“Often in situations such as this both parties are of the belief that it is they alone who have been mistreated, neither accepting to see the other as having feelings and the potential to be hurt also. Quite frequently such a situation becomes a vicious circle, with both parties feeling as though they have been wronged and thus continuing to use somewhat barbed words to try and discourage the other.

It is a natural human reaction, to try and give the impression that you are not affected or stung by a persons words, and particularly common when a person is already feeling less than up to full par.”

The Knight paused, wondering if what he had said was helping.

Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:16:36 PM
"Well I don't want to give you the impression that I felt I was pleasant to the other party. I was rude also, but no where near as rude.

I understand what you are saying about each party having feelings, I know all three woman involved, myself included, had their feelings hurt in one way or another.

I just feel that it should have been handled differently from the start and that my friend and I were treated even worse because we bear the title of Jedi Padawan."

Mylia sighed, she didn't know if what she was saying made any sense, she was just so confused on so many different levels about this whole situation. Hopefully she would be able to explain it to Dasquian so he can understand also.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:20:14 PM
“I don’t see why anyone would discriminate against you for being a Jedi, Mylia. Although, of course there are some who dislike us for what we do, I wouldn’t think for one moment any of those people would venture into the Bar and Grill.

If you don’t mind my asking, were the other two involved in this Quay and Officer Acaana?”

Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:25:12 PM
"It's not that were were Jedi, it's that we are padawans." Mylia shook her head. "Officer Acaana made a very rude remark about us being padawans, calling us naive. Just because we are padawan's doesn't mean we don't know anything!" Mylia had to calm herself down, she didn't know which was worse, being insulted by being called 'yappy' or having her lack of rank put down. She sighed. To much confusion.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:28:37 PM
“I think… Officer Acaana was just a little upset. As I said, people can let their emotions take control of them – but as Jedi, we strive to be above this. We feel, but do not let our feelings control us.”

He folded his arms behind his back and sighed slightly.

“I think the best you can do in any situation of this kind is to remain calm and not allow yourself to be baited into a further argument. A level head and cool attitude will serve you well.”

Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 08:05:40 PM
Mylia sighed again. "I know, I guess I was just in an agressive mood. I know it was wrong of me to approach the situation with an attitude. I just didn't like that way Quay was being threated. It brothered me."