View Full Version : Making Amends...(Brielle)

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:20:27 PM
Quay'Na sat quietly in a booth in the B&G, awaiting Dasquian's friend, Brielle the Watch cop.

It had been a few days since their rather heated discussion and it was time to patch things up between the two of them.

In the past couple of days, it had given the Padawan time to think things out and realize that her actions had not been very Jedi-like. And that was just not like Quay'Na at all.

But, things were going to be different now and it was time to face the facts and try to get things back in order and make amends.

Thanks to Dasquian, the invitation for a meeting had been sent to Brielle and now the Padawan waited.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:28:46 PM
Officer Acaana watched the padawan for the few moments it took to hand her weapon over to the on-duty NR officer. An exchange of nods was passed and she walked over to the table where Quay waited.

"Mind if I sit down?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:33:11 PM
Quay'Na nodded a greeting, "please, Brielle."

She waited for her to sit and then began. "I have invited you here this morning to offer a truce between us, for the other night. I was way out of line and I apologize for my verbal attack."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:09:34 PM
"I wasnt the nicest either, so it wasnt just you. Every now and then the job and my personal life tend to gang up on me. Its usually best to give me my space when that happens."

Brielle turned a thought look on her table companion.

"Seems to be happening more frequently as of late."

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:20:14 PM
"You and I both it seems, I'm trying to find my way back from a very difficult time and in the same attempts tryiing to weigh out everything that has been happening now. I seemed to have taken it out on you."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 09:25:19 PM
"Dont worry about it. Its over and done with and best forgotten."

Brielle held a hand up, motioning for the waitress.

"Something sweet, please - a juice, I think. You?"

She looked at Quay expectantly.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:53:25 AM
"Yes, a juice I think would be nice." Quay'Na agreed with a nod and a smile. Things were being resolved and the Padawan finally felt as if she could begin to relax.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 22nd, 2003, 10:27:53 AM
"Make that two. Im paying."

The woman nodded and moved off to fill their order. Brielle smiled slightly at Quay.

"Is there anything you'd like to talk about?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:27:28 PM
"Well, actually yes. I know that you are with the Watch and I have been wanting to expand my use of my Force powers in order to help others. I was wondering if your police force uses dogs or other animals in your regiment for search and rescue or other types of services in order to catch criminals." Quay'Na felt at ease once again.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:25:30 PM
"Our stationhouse doesnt but some of the others do, those larger and better equipped. We can call them for assisstance, should we need to. Personally, Ive never worked with any of them."

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:33:31 PM
Quay'Na nods. "Oh, well the reason I've asked is that I can communicate wth animals. I was thinking that if your station would ever need any assistance I'd be willing to help out. Perhaps, you can just give the word out?"

Brielle Acaana
Sep 22nd, 2003, 11:06:16 PM
"Id be glad to let my commander know. Hes not too fond of Jedi, though, at least not from what Ive heard. But yeah, I'll pass it along."

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 23rd, 2003, 03:53:09 AM
Before Quay'Na could reply their server droid reappeared and gave them both their juice.

Things were going better than expected.

After taking a drink, she responded. "Thank you. I know that the Watch has a difficult time understanding some of the things we can do, like mind manipulation..unfortunately for now I can only do that in the animal kingdom. My powers would be useless on you or other beings."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:50:57 PM
"Dasquian and I had this talk a while back - some Watch personnel not liking the Jedi. Ive never had a problem with it. We may use different tactics but the goal is the same."

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:35:52 PM
Quay'Na folded her hands around her glass. "Yes, I agree we're all here to serve the same purpose. You just never know, one day I may need your help or...vice versa. It's always good to keep the lines open and free of disruptions or getting off on the wrong foot."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:42:30 PM
"Its possible, as you said. I would be glad to look up the numbers for the stationhouses who do use the canine units, if youd like?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:59:10 PM
"Yes, I'd like that if you wouldn't mind." She sighed slightly. "All I can do is offer my assistance..."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:12:37 AM
"Will do when I get back to the precinct. Tell me, what other talents do you have - Jedi-wise?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 24th, 2003, 08:05:40 PM
"Besides animals, I have very good balancing skills and gymnastic ability, I'm very agile. Other than that, I'm a good pilot, mechanic and not bad with a lightsabre. Everything else, needs work on. Including diplomatic speaking..." She added with a smile.

Brielle Acaana
Sep 24th, 2003, 10:23:01 PM
"I dont suppose you would believe me if I said that I could diplomatically charm those robes right off your back?"

Quay smiled and Brielle had the suspicion that inwardly she was fighting back a laugh, not that she could blame her.

"My father was Senator Acaana and his father had been a Senator as well. I have diplomats on both sides of my family. Unfortunately, I didnt inherit their constant calm demeanors."

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 25th, 2003, 03:56:49 PM
"I'm very surprised that they didn't push you to be a senator as well. My adoptive parents wanted me to be a fighter pilot, especially Jescenia. She didn't want me to have anything to do with the Jedi, still doesn't. You'd think that since I am a pilot, she would be happy, wrong..." Quay'Na smiled and shook her head as she sipped her juice.

"Parents, who can understand them? My adoptive father wasn't so bad, he was pretty cool. But, then so is my 'real' dad."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 25th, 2003, 09:08:47 PM
"May father was wise enough to know that my temperament wouldnt allow me to sit still for too long."

Sipping from her glass slowly, Brielle looked across the rim at Quay.

"What do your 'dad's' do?"

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 25th, 2003, 09:17:19 PM
Quay'Na smiled. "Well, my adoptive dad; Jerib Rakai was a fighter pilot instructor at the Naval Academy on Corellia and then he was also an adminstrator later on. But then he had a rather bad stroke and now stays in the Rakai Manor and zips around in his repulser chair and makes everyone crazy. Then, there is Cordell Le'Kray, my 'real' dad and he's just moved here and is starting a new job for Quantum Exports as some chief manager of some sort. He's been in exporting all his life and I've just met him a little over a month ago, so it's nice that he's close by now."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 27th, 2003, 11:00:21 AM
"I guess it would be nice knowing both sets of parents. I hope it works out for you."

Brielle glanced at her chrono and sighed before looking back at Quay.

"I really need to get rolling. Unfortunately, Ive let some of my work fall behind and I might as well get caught up today so that the weekend is free. You have a good day, Quay. I'll see you around, Im sure."

The Watch officer rose, leaving payment for the juices on the table and with a wave departed from the bar.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 27th, 2003, 12:12:33 PM
"Yes, I'm sure I'll see you around. It was very nice meeting you...again." The Padawan smiled as she waved back to Brielle as the officer left the building. It was nice, indeed.