View Full Version : Darkness: Creations

Sep 21st, 2003, 01:35:03 PM
OOC: Closed.

~ Some Months Before Phantom's Disappearance ~

:: Phantom tossed and turned in a restless sleep, as his mind raced with ideas. Now mid-day, Phantoms eyes slowly opend, beams of light enter his room through the tiny slits in the shades that cover every window in his personal quarters. He sighs heavily as he is getting less and less sleep during the day.

He tosses off his covers and rolls out of bed, a sadistic look washes over his face as he moves near one of the windows. Reaching out his hand, he enteres it into a beam of light, immediately it begins to smolder, small amounts of smoke begin to radiat from the durning hand, the small of burning flesh fills the room. Phantom clintches his teeth and his eyes flicker with utter pain, after a few minutes he can have no more and removes his hand from the beam of light. His hand is almost unreconizable as it is burnt to the bone, bits of flesh drip off and onto the carpeted floors. A small grin covers his face as his Vampyre blood takes control, his hand begins to tingle and starts healing itself, regrowing his flesh.

Yawning heavily he walks to the bathroom and takes a long shower, letting the water rinse away the dead skin from his once burnt hand. Getting out of the shower he dried off and got dressed in his normal ebony attire, sitting in a plush chair he waited the day out, till night when he could move about ::


:: Night had come quickly it seemed. Phantom left his quarters quietly and made his way shiftly in long strides to the hanger bays where his personal ship 'Hells Hand' was docked. Lowering the rear ramp as he neared with the simple press of a button on his wrist pad. He walked up the ramp and entered the vessel. He took a deep breath and grinned ::

" The time has come. "

:: He whispered quietly to himself. Walking down the many corridors that lined the ships haul, he entered the cockpit at the front of the vessel, Entering a security code into the datapad that stood chest high on the side of the door. The cockpit door opened with a hiss, sitting down in the pilots chiar. Pressing several buttons on the Control Panel the ship began to hum as its engines came online and warmed up. Pressing another button he activated the ships nav computer ::

" Destination ... "

" Beshqek System. "

" Location Aquired. All systems online and fully operational. Awaiting Command. "

:: Phantom raised the ramp with the press of a button and released the docking clamps. He paused for a minute, thinking about what he was about to do. A sinister grin formed on his lips as he thought about it ::

" Computer ... Take us out. "

:: The hum grew into a roar as the ships engines were activated and began to take off. The hanger bay doors opened and the ship flew out. Upon leaving the planets atmosphere the ship disappeared into hyperspace ::

Sep 21st, 2003, 11:34:17 PM
:: The black hull of a heavily modified YT-2400 known simply as 'Hells Hand' streaks across the abyss of space heading into the worlds of the deep core. The Sith Lord sat motionless and silently in the pilots command chair, he just sat looking out into the vastness of space as the vessel moved towards its location in the Beshqek System. He had though about this moment and what he was about to do for what seemed like an eternity.

Byss, it was the place and planet of his own creation, he had only returned there once in his past many years ago. Now he would return and use that technology that help create him and use it to defeat his enemies. After he was finished with Jedi and the New Rebublic he would sweep across this galaxy like a plauge, killing anyone that challenged him or his Sith brethren. The Sith Lords snapped open as he wake from his day dream, looking to the nav computers screen ::

" How long until planet arrival? "

" Two hours and forety three minutes until planet arrival. "

" Excellent. Alert me when we reach the Beshqek system. "

" Understood. "

:: The Sith Lord rose from his command chair and walked to the small meditation room deep within the bowels of his ship. Entering the room he sat cross legged in the center of the room and began to meditate ::

Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:27:14 PM
:: Memories of what he assumed to be his past filled his head as he sat deep within meditation ::

" Alert. Entering Beshqek system. "

:: The Sith Lord's eye's snapped open as the nav computer alerted him of their arrival to the Beshqek system. The Sith Vampyre rose from his location on the floor and walked swiftly to the cockpit, where he entered and took a seat in the command chair. Pressing several buttons an enlarged image of Byss appeared on the nav computer's monitor ::

" Computer, take us to Byss. Location given. "

" Understood. "

:: The vessel banked hard to the right as the ships nav computers recalculated the desired location. Upon entering Byss's atmosphere the ship began to shake violently as it did when entering any planets atmosphere. The ship slowly began to stablize as it emerged from the planets atmosphere. 'Hells Hand' soared through the sky, unseen by any on the surface. Landing on location about fifty meters from a large ruin of a temple.

After shutting off the engines and making the necessary checks, he lowered the ramp. Exiting the cockpit and grabbing his gear the Dark Lord stepped foot upon the planet of his creation. His hand drifted to where the wrist pad sat on the opposite hand and pressed the button to close the ramp. Cautiously checking his new settings the Dark Lord jetted off towards the temple where his answers awaited ::