View Full Version : An offering (important people preferabley).

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:11:10 PM
-Methuen arrived in a luxury corvette.

Before he exited the craft, a veratable entourage of bodyguards spread out, and then more after the Archduke's so himself alighted.

He walked strait for the Sith standing before them, whom he greated very diplomatically and then left for a secure location with them.
Only a few guards followed them, the rest stayed on the airfield, keeping a ridiculously tight perimeter.

Methuen and the Sith arrived shortly, by speeder, to a secure room of the TSO complex.

After seating themseves he began the talks.-

"I trust you recieved the communique we sent, reguarding our proposal?
As it says, the Von Karsteins are looking to form a pact with the TSO."

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:17:32 PM
“And why exactly would a power such as the Sith Order wish to ally itself with the Von Karsteins?”

One old voice spoke up. Warlock regarded the man before him with an incredulous gaze. Men who arrived with an entourage with guards were not strong men, in his experience, but weaklings with many credits to their names. However, he would let them say their piece. After all, everyone deserved that much, even unknowns.

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:23:53 PM
-The young aristocrat gave a sly smile before answering.-

"Ah, well, we are the Von Karsteins, we have many....investments, so to speak; I am sure the TSO would be interested in at least some of them."

-Like a true statesman, he paused for effect before continuing.-

"Political influences, weapons, ships, information...
Simply name it and I'll see what I can do."

-He awaited, with a smile for the Sith to reply.-

Lady Vader
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:27:36 PM
As generous as the offer is, my dear Methuen, I'm afraid that the Order must decline.

*LV stepped forward through the doorway to the guest waiting room where methuen and his anterage had seated themselves. At this point, Warlock had been holding his own quite well, and she was pleased with this.*

*She sat herself down in a plush seat across from Methuen, regarding him.*

Do not take this as a slight. We have merely made it a point not to make pacts of any kind with those outside of the "family".

*She of course didn't mention the fact they had everything he had mentioned so far. It would be a redundancy to make a pact with offers they already possessed.

Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:22:35 AM
-Methuen smiled.-

"Alright, I see. That's that, fathers buissnes done with, now down to mine."

-He sat up further, placing his interlocked hands on the table.-

"Now you see, I am looking for a secure location where I may train outside the...peripheral vision of the republic.
I need to practice my skills, skills which both the senate and the GJO can not know about.

I need not your teachers or supplies, I have my own; I meerly mean the location itself.
Secluded, secure and the perfect environment for my trainning."

-The statesman in him was not shinning so much now, the darker creature was speaking now.-

Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:33:03 PM
Warlock propped his elbows against the table in front of him and let his chin rest on the steeple formed by his fingers.

“There are many places that fit those criteria within this galaxy. It is a very large universe.”

Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:53:59 PM
"Perhaps, but no place offers both the security of Sith and..."

-He tilted his head to one side slightly, his eyes faded into pure white, they glowed with an irradesent blue hue, but for only a momment. They quickly returned to their hazel state.-

"....the tollerance of the darker powers."

Darth Vader
Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:02:05 PM
It is naive to consider yourself safe, and further to consider our company tolerant of your presence, outsider.

Mechanized breathing could be heard from behind Methuen.

Lady Vader
Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:07:24 PM
*LV looked up as Vader's form came through the door, his shoulders brushing by the door's frame. If the door had been any smaller, he'd have to side-step through the door, either that or cut it to size with his saber.*

Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:43:19 PM
-Methuen sighed.-

"Very well, I tried, but clearly you'll not have me.
Very well, I shall depart."

-He rose to his feet and gave a short bow before turning for the door.-