View Full Version : Get the ball rolling (study group).
Sep 21st, 2003, 11:43:43 AM
-Jandor thought it would be appropriate to start the first study group himself. He preformed all the nessecary paperwork, updated the groups list diplay at the study groups "office" and he even remembered to bring along his portable holo-top.
He thought he'd start with something simple, sense.
He began to warm up.
He sat cross legged, eyes closed, and let his mind wander. He let himself feel the presence of minds in the immediate vicinity and then letting the radius expand.
A few minutes later, just when he was really getting into it, he felt presence approching him.
He could feel they were not as strong with the force as a Knight and so it reinforced his intuitions that it was the force effect of padawan level.
Although he had not the skill to tell any more then that, not who, not even how many approached.
He waited untill he could be sure, untill the presence stood before him before breaking his concentration and openning his eyes.-
Jaina Tarvin
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:02:01 AM
-Jaina did her best to sneak up on her brother but, as always, he caught her out.-
"Hey you."
-She said with a smile.-
"Hello yourself."
-Replied her brother. She waited till he pulled his concentration together before continuing.-
"Why don't I take over and you can go start saber skills in the academy?"
-She already knew the answer and Jandor already knew she did. He just smiled and strolled of and waved to his sister.
"Catch you later."
-He headed towards the office to sign in a combat secion before walking on to the trainning rooms
-She waved back.-
"You bet I will."
-Jandor had taken all his things with him and she had brought her own, she was impressed by their organisation today.
She placed herself on the grass and pretty much did exactly what Jandor did.
Except of course she was much, much better.
It wasn't to long before she felt an approach, she openned her eyes to great pre-emptivley.-
-She said, accompanied by a warm smile.-
Faith Lerf
Sep 22nd, 2003, 08:41:07 PM
Faith walked up slowly to the woman. "Hello." She replied quietly. She had never meet this girl before, even though she resembled the boy she met in the Study Group Office thing. Related, she assumed. "I'm here for the first study group."
Chaos Alexander
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:19:07 PM
::At the moment Alexander had no Master. Shade was plannign to take him, but he needed to keep himself sharp. When he heard of a study group he jumped at the idea.
He walked onto the scene dressed in his wide legged black pants and a white tank-top. His well developed muscles could be seen with ease through the tight shirt. He was arrogant, cocky, rude, and a few other choice words. He just thought he was a little rough around the edges. Most people called him a dick head.
Still he needed the pratice. He felt like he was wasting his time. He had once been a Sith Lord. He had taken on many of the current Knights and won in one on one combat. What was a few padawans? Alas, he had to remeber they were all on the same side now. It was hard getting used to that. Because of his attitued he had a hard time useing teh Light Side. He could touch it and use it to do things many other padawans couldn't do....but was was well drained after words. It was like putting a Star Ship's battery into a speeder. It was good for one shot.....but man was it a shot. Odds were the other padawans didn't have this problem. That bothered Alexander. He was not used to being at any type of disadvantage.::
"Mind if I join?"
Jaina Tarvin
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:34:37 AM
-Jaina rose to her feet and offered a hand to Faith.-
"Yes, of course, Hello."
-They shook hands.-
"I'm Jaina."
-She was polite but somewhat warey of the other, he had a dark aura, she was told of him but still she was uncomfortable.
As both a Jedi Padawan and a Republic Pilot, she would be uncomfortable around ex-sith.-
"And you must be the revered Mr Alexander.
-She said playfully (to the best of her abilities anyway).-
Chaos Alexander
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:35:23 PM
::He took the woman's hand and kissed it.::
"I woudl not go so far as to say revered. At the moment we are on teh same side."
::He smiled at the woman and took a step back. He turned his head to the side slightly.::
"We allies like you I think I have made teh right choice."
Faith Lerf
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:13:11 AM
Faith watched quietly at th exchange. She waited until they paused before speaking again. "I'm Faith Lerf and I'm here also for the study group."
Jaina Tarvin
Sep 25th, 2003, 03:18:36 PM
"Yes, of course you are.
Well, if you've got your cards then swipe them through there..."
-She sade, a flick of the head indicating to a small holotop attached to a swipe-card-box.-
"...and if you haven't then don't worry. It's gonna take a while for the administration to slide into place so don't worry about it for now.
So, shall we begin?"
Faith Lerf
Sep 26th, 2003, 01:34:58 PM
Faith pulled te card that Jandor gave her the first time they'd met about the study group. She swiped it through the swipe-card-box and looked up to the girl. "Anything else?"
Chaos Alexander
Sep 29th, 2003, 07:35:51 PM
::Alexander shrugged::
"I don't have one yet, but I can wing it I guess."
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