View Full Version : Wanna check with you guys.

Sep 21st, 2003, 11:30:58 AM
I'm checking with you guys to see if this flys.

Is it alright if the Archduke (as an archduke) gets to be very wealthy?
I mean I don't wanna come across as god-moding or anything so I wanna make sure.

You know, rich like private luxury craft, numerous bodygurds, economic and political connections, a pent house on coruscant, etc.

I won't really be using it for any thing more then the pure glamor of it; just to show off.

Is that okay?

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 21st, 2003, 11:55:51 AM
So long as you aren't claiming to be in control of the Senate or something like that, shouldn't be a problem.

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:01:20 PM
arigatou gozaimashita
(aka "thanx").

Sep 21st, 2003, 12:10:00 PM
PERSONAL gain is fine. A lot of characters have started off rich. Just don't go and have a dozen Star Destroyers and a Death Star or something :)

Brielle Acaana
Sep 21st, 2003, 12:14:57 PM
About your sig.....I think the word youre wanting is 'weakness', not 'weekness', as in days of the week.

Sep 21st, 2003, 02:29:39 PM
Stupid typos!

And yeah, no death star, got ya.