View Full Version : Flyers (GJO members please read).

Jaina Tarvin
Sep 21st, 2003, 02:20:18 AM
-Jaina is stading around, obviously bored out of her mind. Jandor had roped her into handing out flyers, as it turns out, for a better part of the day.-

"...Stupid Jandor......if we weren't fictional characters I swear I'd.........

Oh, hello....[/i]"

-She interupted by a passer-bye; she beams a ridiculously big smile.-

*hands flyer to passer bye.*

"Extracuricular study groups, all welcome."

We are starting an extracuricular programme for students to brush up on anything for any reason (pertaining to their Jedi studies) with anyone at anytime.

The programme supplies an ID which will allow us to monitor your time spent with us in the variuos groups you clock into.
These are very informal and so groups may or may not include actual teachers.

Both Padawans and teachers may initiate a group provided they first log their proposal in the study group "office".

The idea is to work in as much extra support you like; there is no formal obligation and they will last little more then an hour (typicaly) so you can slide in a "sitting" anywhere in your timetables.

Then come on down to the Extracuriculars study group office today!

(located in conference room 342, on the gardens, adjacent the North entrance).

-Jandor Tarvin, Padawan