View Full Version : May I present, Elise Wolfe...

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 20th, 2003, 07:13:42 PM
Once Yasmin Le'Kray and Elise were finished in the Bar and Grill, they paid and were soon on their way to the club where Yasmin worked.


Though, it was closed at this time of the day, Yas knew her boss would be there, along with some of her co-worker practicing gigs and messing with lights and music for the nights performances.

"My door is located in the back, come on." Yasmin smiled happily as she pulled out her card key. They walked around back and up to a large steel door.

The young dancer zipped her key through the security system and soon the lock mechanism unlatched and the door opened. The sound of music was heard from inside as well as many voices.

"This is our practice time, I usually come here everyday to just hang out and practice with the girls. We have to get out music situated and our gigs perfected, it's a lot of work. But, I love it."

Yasmin closed the door once Elise was in, her hood still doned so one one would see who she was.

The place was huge, with three performance stages and tons of seating. One stage even had a cat walk and different colored lights were flashing as some of the girls were practicing in shorts and tank tops.

She led the singer through the main bar, where she was greeted by one of the bartenders, polishing glasses behind the bar and dancing to the music.

"Hey, Yas!!" He greeted her with a smile.

"Hey, Keith. Where's the boss?"

"Upstairs in her office, like always."

"Okay, thanks. Talk to ya later." She smiled and lead Elise to the circular stairwell to the second level, where another dance floor was. They passed into another corridor and another door and walked up another flight of steps to a closed door.

Yasmin knocked lightly.

"Come in!!" A female voice called from inside.

"Well, this is it, let's go." Yasmin smiled as she opened the door to a large, emaculately decorated office. A lady with brown hair sat at a large decca wood desk, talking on a holo-projector.

Yasmin nodded for Elise to follow her over to a large picture window, that the entire bar could be seen from. She whispered. "My boss can see everything from here, if she wants and then she has another room with security cams to watch over everything else. She has quite a good setup here. We even have security guards everywhere to keep things in line. No one can see here though. Oh, my bosses name is Rena Skapalli, she's really nice. I think you'll really like her. So, what do you think of the setup?"

Elise Wolfe
Sep 21st, 2003, 10:52:42 AM
I make sure that no matter what, my hood is staying up. Listening silently to Yasmin as she talks, my eyes though absorbing every detail that I can see.

As always whenever I come face to face with a decision on letting others hear my music, I gets second thoughts. This time is no exception. Always wondering if it's a good idea for me to do this.

As Yasmin led me into Rena's office and then over to a picture window, I pay attention to what Yasmin is saying. Security guards, security cams. Obviously this place is high on the security which is a good thing. When I respond to Yasmin, it's in a quiet voice, sounding a bit different from what Yasmin is used to hearing. Obviously I'm disquising my voice right now.

"I think it's a good setup. And I'm happy to hear that there is alot of security here."

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:47:01 PM
Yasmin smiles as she realizes that Elise is trying to cover her voice. "Rena likes to have the best of everything and now you'll be on her list. I hope you're not having second thoughts on this."

Yasmin glanced over to her boss, who was still talking.

Elise Wolfe
Sep 22nd, 2003, 08:04:50 AM
"To be truthful, I am. But I've already told you that I'll do this, so I will."

I said to Yasmin quietly.

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:56:59 PM
Yasmin gave her new friend a kind smile. "You'll do fine and I won't even perform that night, so I can be backstage if you'd like."

Elise Wolfe
Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:41:17 AM
I returned Yasmin's smile.

"That would be great."

I fell silent as my thoughts roamed slightly before I forced them back at what's at hand here.

"The last time I did, I guess do a public performance, was when my family was being buried. Nobody even knew that I could sing."

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:15:42 PM
"How dreadful, I must say, Elise." Yasmin told her with a sympathetic tone. "But, look where you are now, a great singer and songwriter."

Elise Wolfe
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:58:15 AM
"Yes, I am a singer and songwrighter. But you are my only friend, I have no family and I travel alone."

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 26th, 2003, 04:17:29 AM
Yasmin smiled. "Then, we'll be good friends and..." She was cut off by her boss walking over. "I'll tell you what if the liquor industry keeps growing, I'm going to need some help. Call after call of liqour distributor's, ugh..." She threw her hands up in the air and then looked at Yasmin. "What can I help you with, Yasmin?"

Yasmin smiled lightly and looked at her boss. "You really need to get a boost with your liquor for what I'm about to say."

Rena looked at the hooded person and then back to Yasmin. "Why?"

"Because, I've got the performance of a lifetime. Rena, may I present....Elise Wolf." She looked at her friend as she removed her hood.

Elise Wolfe
Sep 26th, 2003, 06:57:41 PM
I fell silent as Yasmin's boss, Rena approached the two of them. As I'm introduced though, I does raise my hands up to my hood and lowers it, a smile on my face.

"Ms Skapalli, I'm pleased to meet you."

I say as I hold out hand

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 27th, 2003, 06:32:02 AM
Rena just stands there and stares at the young woman for a few seconds before shaking her hand.

Yasmin smiled. "She's come here offering a concert for you."

"A concert?" Rena repeats. "Here? In my club?" Yasmin's boss is completely taken aback.

"You would really want to do that for us here?"

Elise Wolfe
Sep 27th, 2003, 10:46:31 AM
"Yes Ms Skapalli, I would do a performance here. Yasmin told me how my music is played here, so I thought that I might offer to do a performance.

And it would be my first ever public performance. Before now, all my music has just been recorded."

Yasmin Le'Kray
Sep 28th, 2003, 12:08:18 AM
Yasmin smiled as the two talked.

Rena nodded excitedly. "As owner of Vixen's, I would love to have you play here. The girls will be more than excited, but let me have a few days to get it set up. This is just what we need, Miss Wolfe." She shook Elise hand. "Anything you need, you just let me know."

Elise Wolfe
Oct 1st, 2003, 11:16:30 AM
"Take as long as you need to Ms Skapalli. I'm going to be on Coruscant for awhile. And please, call me Elise. I'm not all that big on formalities."

I fall silent for a moment or so as I think of things that I may need for the up coming performance.

"Obviously, I'll need a place to set up my keyboard. It doesn't need to be big, just a place where I can be without being in the way. And possably be able to have access to water whenever I need it."

Yasmin Le'Kray
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:51:26 PM
Yasmin smiled. "I'll make sure you have plenty of water, Elise."

"And," Rena added, "you can have your choice of stages." She pointed out at the three stages. "Any of the three, it's up to you, my dear. Wherever you'd like."

Elise Wolfe
Oct 7th, 2003, 10:26:40 AM
I turned and looked back out the picture window at the floor below.

"I'll go for the smallest stage. I don't need alot of room."

Yasmin Le'Kray
Oct 9th, 2003, 04:48:19 AM
Rena nodded happily. "Great and we've got an excellent light show and sound system. I think you'll be very happy with us, Elise."

Yasmin smiled brightly at her. She couldn't believe that this was all going down.