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Naj Arilov
Sep 20th, 2003, 10:22:40 AM
"We're here...."

Naj spoke over the intercom. He wasnt too sure where Daria was on the ship. She generally moved around a good bit during space travel, and the Mephisto was huge, so most of the time, he would just page her when they landed, if they werent in the same room.

Landing hadnt been a big ordeal like Naj suspected it would. When Iziz Space Control had hailed them, Naj stated that he and his companion were biologists coming to study some of the small mammals on the planet. They gave him the go ahead, and Naj landed. They also sent a message to the palace about the arrival, but of course, Naj didnt know that...

Naj made his way out of the bridge after landing and started toward the hallway out, Daria would be able to find him...

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 20th, 2003, 02:05:50 PM
"We're here...."

Daria looked at the upside down clock and frowned slightly. It hadn’t taken as long as she had expected. Feet falling backwards, the Doz’rah dropped from her hand-stand into a crouch before standing up and brushing herself down. She dusted off her hands and tugged on her cloak before making for the ships exit. As she came to the ramp, she saw Naj just ahead and jogged a little to catch up with him.

“This should be interesting,” she murmured, as she fastened the clasp on her cloaks cowl before pushing the hood back from her head.

Naj Arilov
Sep 20th, 2003, 11:42:27 PM
Iziz had apparantly found its way into night time by the time they arrived. Naj led the way from the dock, walking around somewhat lost until he found a city map. Ground control had them land at the spaceport on the far side of the city from the palace. Fortunately, there was a hovertrain station nearby to take them into the heart of the city.

"I guess we'll head into the main part of the city and find somewhere to stay..."

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2003, 03:26:40 AM
The pair passed a man smoking on a street corner. As they entered the hovertrain station he finished off his stimcig and seemed to scratch his nose on the collar of his nerfhide jacket. There was something mumbled, but it was unintelligable.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:25:52 AM
Daria became momentarily preoccupied, as her eyes wandered and she found that a gaze was lingering on the doz’rah and her traveling partner perhaps a little too long. When Naj spoke, however, she turned away and mentally brushed aside the concern.

“It’s a good job we have those lessons on the Mephisto. I wouldn’t want to attract any unwanted attention to us while we’re here,” she said, in a hushed tone.

Naj Arilov
Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:57:38 AM
"Me either."

The 'city' (if you could call it that) was huge. 1600 square kilometers to be exact. It would take about 3 hours to reach the middle of the city by way of the hover train.

"If we do though, this city is huge, it will be easy to hide."

Of course, Naj stood out like a sore thumb, and he knew this. Even if they recognized him as being a Chiss, those who knew of the Chiss knew that the Chiss strictly forbid any kind of premptive attacks. Basically, it meant that Naj wasnt a threat from a military standpoint.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 23rd, 2003, 02:37:32 AM
Daria only classified planets in two ways – like Doz’rah, or not like Doz’rah. This was most certainly the latter. Coruscant had been the same, as had Echnos. Gigantic technological labyrinths that were a nightmare to find your way around. The structures of the cities often had no semblance of logic to the way they panned out, as would be the case in a more organic environment, which threw her off quickly.

“We’re on enemy territory. Hiding in an unfamiliar environment is unwise.”

Approaching the hover train station, it appeared to be rush hour – or perhaps it was like this all day. Whatever the case, it was busy and was it not for their alien appearance the pair would have been probably jostled and elbowed as they walked.

Naj Arilov
Sep 23rd, 2003, 11:05:26 AM
"We're only here for observation, I doubt we'll step on any toes."

The train station was fairly crowded when they arrived, which was suspected, given how spread out the city is. Each sector was somewhat of a group of cities itself, something liked to a state or province. Iziz, from what Naj could tell from the maps, wsa a city of cities.

After pushing through the crowds, they finally made their way to their train, which was headed for the sector the palace was in. From their, they could either rent a speeder, or check out the public transportation...

Silus Xilarian
Sep 23rd, 2003, 11:14:41 AM
As the pair stepped onto their train, a man sat down beside them and opened a newspaper. Naj looked over, and the man looked over at him. They made eye contact for a moment, and the man gave Naj a friendly nod and turned his attention back to his newspaper.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:41:06 AM
Something had distinctly clicked and grazed metal beneath her cloak. Daria had been afforded some odd glances as she had sat down, and wrapped her hand carefully around something on her hip as a response. Perhaps it was years of learning deception, but the doz’rah was untrusting of the people around her. Seclusion on Koros Major had been to her liking and suddenly having all these people sizing her up was not pleasant.

Sandwiched between Naj and a rather large man reading a newspaper, Daria tried not to move, and smiled apologetically as the something on her hip gave the large chap’s thigh a prod.

Naj Arilov
Sep 30th, 2003, 09:45:11 PM
Naj couldnt help but feel like he was being followed. The feeling had haunted him since they'd stepped foot off his ship. He'd paid much attention to the people around him, and yet, he never saw a reoccuring face. Maybe he was just paranoid about being on the planet with slightly less than honest intentions.

He dismissed the idea of being followed, almost. While he did relax some, part of him still checked every direction, searching for any sign of a threat.

The trip was starting to wind down at this point.....another 5 minutes, and they would be in the city sector containing the palace. If they were lucky, there would be a tour of some sorts where Naj could observe without looking too suspitious.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 1st, 2003, 05:48:02 PM
The pair unloaded from the train, only to be jostled by the crowd of people on the station. Naj and Daria cleared the disembarking travelers, and as they made their way towards the palace one of the men who'd bumped into them made a call on his commlink.