View Full Version : Almost Broken, strengthening the Bond: A celebration

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 20th, 2003, 05:35:11 AM
It had only been a day or so, since Jacali's change of heart with her master, Dasquian Belargic.

A loneliness had crept up in the young Padawan and had nearly ended the Master/Padawan bond that was held between them. But, as luck would have it and with the grateful help of Jedi Knight Kelt Simoson, Jacali and Dasquain were once again back on track.

Now, with the hurt between them healed, it was time to go out and have some fun, so plans were made for she, Dasquian and Mylia to go out on the town that night.

It was a cool evening and the stars had just begun to twinkle in the twilight. A perfect evening to go out.

The streets were still slighlty busy with people and beings going here and there, rushing home to warm meals or whatnot.

Jacali watched from the Temple's front steps as she was the first to arrive at their meeting place. She was dressed in her usual Padawan attire, with her long, strawberry blonde hair hanging in lose curls down her back. With a sigh, she pulled her Jedi robe a little closer and awaited for her Master and roommate to arrive....tonight was a celebration indeed.

Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:41:23 AM
Mylia looked at her clothes. More and more it was turning to brown and beige. She sighed, but she knew that's what she was in for upon joining the GJO. She finally decided on a plain white top and some black pants. It was still simple, but atleast it wasn't brown. She grabbed her pouch and her robe and ran out the door. She put her robe on as she walked to meet Jacali and Dasquian.

Tonight would be interesting, it was first time that the three of them would be together in a while. She hoped that things would be good amongst everyone. She pushed open the big temple door and walked onto the steps. It was beautiful night out, perfect for going out on the town.

She spotted Jacali and jogged over to meet her. "Hi, Jacali." She reached over and gave her a hug. Tonight would atleast be interesting, to say the least.

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:48:11 AM
Jacali returned the hug and smiled. "I'm so glad that you could make it. I know it was a short notice and all." She looked up towards the entrance again. "Now all we have to wait on is Master Dasquian."

Jacali sat down in the steps. "So, how's everything? We've not been able to talk in a few days. How's this new mystery man?"

Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:00:55 AM
Mylia blushed slightly. "He's not a mystery. It's Ridge, he's River's brother. Remember, Xazor's padawan. He's just looking for him, to surprise him. So I am helping him out. He just took me out as a thank you."

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:07:02 AM
"That was quite a thank you, I saw that limo you were getting into as Tyme and I were coming back from the Bar and Grill. You sure know how to pick 'em." She smiled.

Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:11:02 AM
Mylia smiled and shook her head with a laugh. "I didn't pick him! I'm just helping him out." She couldn't help but wish that it was something more than that, but she wasn't sure yet and didn't want to say anything quite yet, incase nothing ever developed. Ridge was very nice and she enjoyed spending time with him. "It was a fun evening though."

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:15:45 PM
Dasquian made his way slowly down the steps as he saw Jacali and Mylia ahead, discussing something together quite eagerly. He smiled some as he came to a stop just as the two had apparently concluded, and nodded his head in greeting.

“Good evening.”

It was rare that Dasquian wore clothing that could be termed informal. In fact, it was questionable whether or not he actually possessed any ‘casual’ clothing. Everything seemed to have been perfectly tailored and unique.

“Are we ready then?”

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 20th, 2003, 02:01:06 PM
"Yep," Jacali answered as she nodded and bowed a greeting to her master. "Let's go." She smiled. "I'm famished, you want to go eat first?" She looked at the other two, waiting for an answer.

Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:18:49 PM
Mylia nodded in return to Dasquian. "Eating first is fine with me. Master?" She turned toward Dasquian, awaiting his answer before they decided on what to do.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2003, 01:22:16 PM
“I’m happy to do whatever you both would like to do,” Dasquian replied with a broad smile, then adding.

“But I can’t say that a little food would go amiss.”

Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 08:22:49 PM
Mylia smiled and looked to Jacali. "Where do you want to go? We could go to Bantha Burger. I have such a craving for some fries!" Mylia laughed. "Unless you want something a little more classy."

OOC: Happy 800 for me! :D

imported_Jacali Danner
Sep 22nd, 2003, 10:02:16 PM
Jacali shrugged, "sounds good to me. And then we could go across the street to the Omega and play some pool. How does that sound, Master?"

OOC: Congrats!!

Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2003, 10:22:34 AM
Mylia looked up to Master Dasquian as well, awaiting a response. Tonight was looking very promising. She smiled.

OCC: Thanks!