View Full Version : All Official! Officially Lost..(cont....)

Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 19th, 2003, 11:28:21 AM
OOC:Continued from Here (http://sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=31702 )

IC: What she really wanted to do was continue to frolic out in the middle of the sidewalk with this, Jyanis. He was exactly the opposite of everything she was used to. It was highly refreshing, to say the least. However, still a little unsure of his character or his intentions, she gave him a stern look at the mention of his arm around her. That thought she refused to ponder entirely.

She was about to ask him what he was doing, if he wasn't really an alcohol saturated drunk. Alas, he excused himself with a strange curse, to return to the bar. She tried to not be disappointed, really she did but, she couldn't seem to remember the last time she had laughed like that or even had any fun. With a sigh she watched him go, then turned to head back to the Temple.

Rhianna turned, this way and that trying to remember which way she had come from, to no avail. She was really going to have to purchase a street map. But she only had a few coins left and that would be spent on something more efficient. Streets could be memorized, no point in wasting money on them. With a shrug she headed off around a corner away from Yoghurt's. It was only a few minutes later, and in a very dimly lit section of street that she realized what she was carrying, an ID card that didn't read Rhianna Ravenloft.

Zasz Grimm
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:39:30 PM
"Got Identification?"

He said, his voice sounding official-like, with authority behind it. His garb was dark black, snuggly fitting his body. A 'uniform' that he had always worn. The colar was to about a quarter of his neck as he stepped forward.

The bottom- trenchcoat like slipped across the ground lightly. His dark brown eyes went over the woman's form; he felt the force inside of her, though light it was.

However, to her, he was merely seeking identification..


Rhianna Ravenloft
Sep 24th, 2003, 06:55:44 PM
The only form of identification that Rhianna carried, unfortunately, was the business cards that she had penned in her own hand. Not having a clue who her parents were, she had never been registered legally. The thought crossed her mind briefly that she better do that soon, being a very legit Jedi now and all.

She turned around to explain her presence and ask the voice of authority for directions back to the Temple. Something in her warned her that perhaps he wasn't what he seemed. He most assuredly wasn't wearing any formal attire, or wearing anything that bespoke of rank or station within the local system.

"I...I'm very sorry but all I have are my business cards."

Cautiously she held one out for his inspection. Cursing the fact that this area was very poorly lit she started looking for a place to dash to if things turned nasty.

Zasz Grimm
Sep 25th, 2003, 07:50:22 PM
"I said Identification; Jedi."

He said as he took a step forward into the street light; now his appearance was obviously not that of one of the watch; or a Jedi. And the way he said it; he didn't even know who she was and he called her a Jedi. He stepped forward now from the light forward.

"What- too complicated a task for you?"

He grinned as he was veiled partially by darkness again.

Rhianna Ravenloft
Oct 8th, 2003, 06:56:40 PM
Okay this was not good. How did he know if she was a Jedi or not? Until about twelve hours ago she wasn't. He had either been following her, or it was a good guess. At any rate, she was beginning to look around for an escape route from this guy.

"No, not complicated at all.. But since I don't have one and, you aren't technically Coruscant watch anyways, we don't need to rehash this conversation do we?"

Rhianna backed away carefully, one foot behind the other. She was almost getting further away and with any luck, if she sprinted now, she could outrun him and get to safety. Too bad she had run into him now, and not after she had some training with one of those light saber's. He might just see reason then.

She was going to have to be more prepared in the future if she was going to live up to being Jedi Rhianna.

"Well then... Good Night to you."

She turned and hoped for the best.