View Full Version : Novec Wins!

Ryan Pode
Sep 19th, 2003, 09:03:54 AM
Well, after Hurricane Isabel came and went, millions of people were without power unless they had Novec! Like the only power company to not go out at least once.

And now pictures of some of the damage, they are fairly big, sorry for those on dial-up. Keep in mind, none of these trees are mine.

A bradford pear tree. Split into about two peices, but they are a very weak tree from experience.
More leaves! On the ground... so many.

The most damage we recieved came on our deck... so many leaves.
More leaves on the deck... and my dog.
Same bradford pear, luckily it didnt' go through next-doors house.
Their other bradford pear that broke in half.

Down the street. A bradford pear... where a surprise!
An uprooted willow, the coolest thing I ever saw was this thing going over. It was tight.
More of the willow.

I would have gotten some more pictures but I ran out of power as noone charged the camera since it was last used and by now the county has men out their dicing them up. We got lucky here, noone was hurt and no real property damage occured.

Park Kraken
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:32:36 AM
Too bad none of the links work for me.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:09:54 PM
Those pics (the ones I looked at) are neat. Glad to hear everything is ok in your neck of the woods, Ryan. :)