View Full Version : Nemisis (open).
Sep 19th, 2003, 08:37:06 AM
-A metallic man hidden beneath black robes walked down the night street.
The he saw Him; in a very organic, metallic laced voice he spoke.-
-With his words he slowly drew out a sword, its cut-forcefield making the blade shimer slightly in the darkness.-
Sep 19th, 2003, 08:40:28 AM
-Jurin was wandering hte streets, as he does; looking for some happless victim to tear apart, as he does when he saw him.-
-Came the voice from the robes.
As the blade was drawn the hood fell back revealing the blue, metallic hue of Quicksilver.-
-Replied Jurin, with thick, metallic words as he drew out the shimering machete.-
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:21:50 PM
-Quicksilver leapt high into the air, simoultanaeously sheding his robes.
Has he did, the poly-holographic camoline grid kicked into action; his form melted away to near invisibility as he dissappeared into nothing more then a blur of movement.
He came back down, bringing his blade to bear on the scarlet juggernaut only just to miss as the goliath dive-rolled aside coming to rest a foot to one side in a kneeling position.-
Sep 20th, 2003, 12:45:32 AM
-Coming to rest on one knee, Jurin swung out with his machette, an attempt to remove the sword-weilders legs at the knees.
Quicksilver responded by back-fliping, in synchronis, to avoid the blade.
Immediatley following the blurs landing, he employed a round-house kick to red's head knoking him into the air for a momment before coming to rest face up on the floor.-
"..I knew this would be fun..."
-His words rang out as he pulled himself to his feet.-
OOC: BTW anybody who's reading this, feel free to join in. This little stand off is probably going to go stale soon otherwise.
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