View Full Version : Insuperable-class Star Destroyer

Khendon Sevon
Sep 18th, 2003, 09:40:06 PM
Name: Insuperable-class Star Destroyer
Combat Designation: Battleship
Mission Profile: Incursion and Obliteration
Length: 1500m
Crew: 7,280
Skeleton Crew: 2,100
Troopers: 6,000 Storm Troopers, 4,000 Mobile Infantry, 1,000 Divine Heavy Combat Droids, 200 Executioner Death Droids
Ground Assault: Assorted assault vehicles, artillery, armored suits, etc
Generators: Three Quantum/Gravitic Reactors
Speed: 8 Blazer X4s
Shielding: Cling-class QuadIon Shield
Stealth Capabilities: none
Hyperdrives: 2 GelGate Betas
Sensor Capabilities: Full Sensor Package
Bridge: Flag-class
Hull: LEMC Armor, Veneration Architecture
Weapons: all occult v2+’s…
16 Heavy Quad CEPP Cannons
8 Enmity Cannons
25 Inferno Batteries
8 Dual Micro-Mass Cannons
8 Defensive Bank v3s
2 Forward Heavy “Densa”-Cannons
Fighter Complement: 6 Average Size Squadrons
Special: All Average Packages and Systems

History: In preparation for the massive warfare about to ensue in the galaxy, the Federacy secretly developed the Insuperable-class star destroyer. This vessel was designed specifically to engage other vessels and provide heavy orbital bombardment support. The craft is a powerful, yet cheap alternative to the Sevon-class heavy battleship.


Blazer X4
The Blazer X4 is like the X3 in everyway except that it uses less energy, however, it is larger and not suitable for smaller vessels. The Blazer X4 is far cheaper than the X3, due to the size increase and replacement of several micro-compression chambers with much larger units.

LEMC Armor
The LEMC armor is a much cheaper EMC armor. Unlike the EMC armor, the standards for the testing of the high grade fibers used is lessened, furthermore, the electrical currents are slightly reduced, causing the armor to not be able to take as much of a beating. The engineers of the Insuperable-class designed the LEMC armor to be cheap and effective. The LEMC armor is stacked thickly, producing a heavy-duty skin that is only slightly under the protective capabilities of the Sevon-class’s armor. However, the LEMC armor does not have the superb energy absorption and dispersion rate that the EMC armor enjoys, causing the vessel to rely on its heavy shields more than other classes.

The Insuperable-class does not have the costly missiles or torpedoes of other such vessels. These explosives were replaced with reusable munitions and the cheap micro-mass cannon, reducing overall costs significantly.

Unlike almost all other Federacy vessels, the Insuperable-class lacks stealth capabilities, as it wasn’t designed to be a surprise vessel, but a dread vessel.

Full sized reactors are used to reduce the cost of micro-parts. Three reactors power the vessel, causing extreme redundancy and providing a massive surplus of harnessed energy.