View Full Version : Some Things Never Change(future rp)

Raven Ryu
Sep 18th, 2003, 03:02:31 PM
I've never felt so alive
I've never had to run and hide
The things I want I cannot have
The things I need are all so bad
What you say
I could've been
I am
You could've been
You are
My best excuse is that I'm drained
From everything that keeps me sane
My sickness keeps me in control
From everything you'll never know
Does it make you happy
Does it make you mad
Why am I still laughing
Look at what you had
Does it make you feel good
Does it make you sick
That you knew that I would
Be the one to trip
No Control

Blood spurts over a nearby wall as a neck is slit. No emotion shows in the attacker's eyes as she lets the body fall. Why would there be any? She's just like her mother, nothing like her father. Her eyes cold and dead as she cuts down another innocent like it was nothing. She doesn't know how to feel and she probably never will, that is the way of the world when you are Videl's daughter.

Sep 19th, 2003, 05:05:56 AM
“How ever do you enjoy that when you’re so callous?”

The sound of steel against fine cloth was heard as a tall man in armor wipes clean his blade. He pushes aside the body that had just fell to his feet with the toe of his boot and shakes his head.

“You make it almost like work, Raven.”

Raven Ryu
Sep 19th, 2003, 07:54:25 PM
"Just gets dull, these mortals are no challenge whatsoever..."

That much was true, she hadn't had anyone to challenge her in a long time, Videl was too busy to fight her and said not to bother Sorsha's twins while she was away. Life had been down right dull since then.
