View Full Version : The Hunt for Neyasha: Location Last Known

Audrie X-4
Sep 18th, 2003, 11:56:53 AM
OOC: continued from HERE (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=581735#post581735)


Audrie Bolts through the Transit lanes of Couscaunt as fast as she can, moving at speeds most often found in Fighters like A-wings and E-wings. Dodging in and out of trafic, She makes her way to the Last known location of her Owner, Neyasha.

It is not long till she is landing in a landing private Landing Pad.

"Jedi Knight Wei... We have arived. I would also like to inform you that this is not a public landing zone, so we may have some company soon."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2003, 01:28:21 PM
Wei shrugged. "Ok." He'd worry about the company when it came.

Wei got out of the ship and took a look around, searching with his eyes and with the Force.

"So she had her fight here, huh?" Wei asked Audrie, hoping his voice would carry over to the ship.

Audrie X-4
Sep 19th, 2003, 11:19:46 AM
Audrie replies using an external speaker...

"There was a short fight here with Neyasha, But this was not where the bounty hunter caught her. This is the location where where the sensor proofed Speeder took her from the bounty hunter. This is where she was passed off to the person that hired the bounty hunter."

The landing field was cluttered with a lot of junk. Some broken droids in the corner, some scrap metal in another... near the scrap metal there is a chance that Wei would notice a partly bloodied Sai, and two dead thugs just barely covered with junk... At closer inspection, one could see that one of the dead thugs has a partal imprint of a speeder Registration plate.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2003, 02:03:15 PM
Wei looked around, walking the length and breadth of the area and examining everything closely.

"What do we have here?" Wei said as he noticed some blood.

Wei tsked a little as he pulled back some of the junk and found two dead people. One had a sai lying near him. "Neyasha, Neyasha..." Wei said chuckling dryly to himself. "You really let them have it, now didn't you?"

Wei felt a small swell of pride at his Padawan's courage. She had fought hard. "You couldn't talk to her, could you? Just had to sort it out with violence," he muttered to the corpses, fully confident that Neyasha had at first tried to talk them out of their violent intentions. Of course, Wei probably should have known better.

"But what have we here?" Wei would have laughed out loud had it not been for the fact that the man was dead. "Got hit by the car on the way out, eh?"

Wei turned to look at Audrie over his shoulder and said, "Audrie, would you be able to run a reference check of all vehicles in this area that have a license plate like this one?" He pointed to the man's head.

Audrie X-4
Sep 19th, 2003, 05:48:57 PM
Audrie deployes a small spider-like droid from the bottom of the ship that crawls over to Wei and the two dead thugs. The droid scans the imprint on the thugs face...

"I will do my best, but since this is only a partal number it will only narrow down the choices... It will take a few moments to get into the correct system, and locate a match... So if you would not mind waiting, and searching the area a little more, I will do the Data search."

The spider-like droid then goes back to the ship...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2003, 09:09:33 PM
Wei nodded. "Please take your time."

Wei didn't think there would be any more than a handful of speeders. But this was already getting out of hand. Wei stood up and looked around for signs of blood spilled elsewhere on the ground.

"The people got stabbed. With a sai. Then the other dude got hit."

Then and idea struck Wei much like the thug had been hit by the speeder: he would look over all the speeders for signs of blood. Then he'd know he had found the right one.

Sep 20th, 2003, 03:30:59 PM
At this time, three people come out of the building attached to the Landing pad. One Woman holding a long metal staff, followed by two muscle-brained Men hauling a Hoverlift and some heavy cleaner.

The lady sees Wei and approches faster... As she approches she says...

"Sir... this is a private Landing and Cargo Drop Zone! I must request that, unless you have a pre-arranged appointment for a cargo Drop, you must take your ship and leave this site NOW!"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 20th, 2003, 04:39:27 PM
Wei looked up from where he had been searching the ground. "Sorry about that. But you see, this is a sort of an emergency. You see, one of my Padawans was around here and has disappeared. I'm looking for signs of where she went. I'm dreadfully sorry for the inconvenience, but i promise to be out of here just as soon as I'm finished."

Sep 21st, 2003, 01:13:19 PM
The lady continues to approch...

"Your Padawan is not here, nor has your padawan been here, Jedi!... Now remove yourself and your ship from this pad NOW or both will be removed by force!"

Audrie X-4
Sep 21st, 2003, 01:26:16 PM
Audrie drops her spider like droid again... This time the droid quietly moves to the one Sai lying on the Landing pad, Quietly has the droid pick up the Sai, and bring it back to the ship...

Audrie also contacts Wei's communicator, When he answers she says quietly....

"I have located 15 matches to the partal imprint on the dead man's face... 7 of the 15 are owned by the man that owns the warehouse that this pad belongs to. 5 of those 7 are registered as Sensor Resistant Hazerdous Cargo Transports..."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 21st, 2003, 04:36:01 PM
"And that means what to us? That either these guys did it, or some odd Cargo Transport people took her?"

Wei returned his attention to the rather hostile people that had greeted him before. "Are you guys sure? Cause the ship tells me that a number of your speeders might have made a dent in this one guy's head over there, and next to the dented guy there was a weapon that my padawan uses. I'm not here to arrest you or fight you, I just want to find my Padawan and things can be ok again."

Sep 21st, 2003, 07:25:13 PM
The lady exprestion changes to that of a kid caught with its hand in the Cookie Jar, then quickly changes back to the aggresive look she had before....

"Look I have rules I nead to follow, And yes I know about the bodies... But We only just found out about them, and the three of us were sent out to clean up... We know nothing about the your padawan... But I hope you find her. But I will have to ask you to leave now or I will have to call the local police and have you arrested for tresspassing."

Audrie X-4
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:46:01 PM
Oops... Double posted... Sorry!

Audrie X-4
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:47:05 PM
Audrie waits for the lady to stop talking then says through Wei's communicator....

"What this means is that the man that owns this pad ether has some conection to the kidnapping of Neyasha or one of his speaders were stolden... of all the other Speeders that were NOT owned by the owner of this pad, and meet the partal match, only 3 could have been the speader that we are looking for. 2 of the 3 suspect Speeder that are not owned by this man are accounted for, since one is owned by the government and the other is owned by GJO Bar and Grill.

That gives us a 5 out of 6 chance that this company was involved in her kidnapping in one way or another. I have also collected the Sai that was by the bodies... It belongs to Neyasha... If you wish I have also colected the Address for this company's head office... And the name of it's owner if you wish to question him.

Oh and one more thing... I don't recall you saying that your padawan was a female..."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:31:26 PM
Wei rolled his eyes at Audrie. "Neyasha's my Padawan. Therefore my Padawan, Neyasha is a female."

Wei once again returned his attention to the thugs. "You would really call the police on me? Yeah, I bet. Not after one of your speeders dented that guy's head. Once the police caught wind of those bodies, they'd probably take my side cause of the speeder plate indented on that dead guy's head."

Wei shrugged. "Ok, so you have rules to follow. That's good. Now, suppose I wanted to talk to the guy that owns this place. I'd have business here. So I'd be allowed to keep my ship on the pad. And second, I can't leave because my business has not been attended to. If I did, that'd be bad hospitality on your part. So, I'm sure it's completely within the rules for you guys to go get your supervisor and we can talk."

Audrie X-4
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:25:58 AM
"I know that Neyasha is you padawan.... But how was the lady in front of you supose to know that your padawan is a SHE... With the lady saying 'I hope you find her' tells me that she knows what happend here."

Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:31:57 AM
"In order to talk to anybody you will need to make an appointment at the head office and since you dont have an appointment slip, that tells me that you are not aloud to be here..."

The other two thugs pick up the dead bodies and put them on the hover lift, and start to clean up the blood...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:10:45 PM
Wei watched the thugs start cleaning up and then it clicked. "OH!" Wei said and his his forehead witht he palm of his hand.

"Well, in that case..." Wei shunted the Force into his legs, then began a silent back-pedal toward the door the thugs had came from, sneaking in before they could look up from their chore to notice he was gone.

"You best move yourself to some other place, Audrie," Wei said into his comm. "That way they'll think I've given up and gone some place else."

Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:28:42 PM
The two men continue with there job and don't notice Wei... But the lady that has been talking with Wei Quickly moves to intercept...

"You can't go in there SIR!"

Audrie X-4
Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:33:02 PM
Audrie transmits an afermitive to Wei then starts to take off. As she lifts off she uses her tractor beam to grab the lady moving to intercept Wei and starts to fly away with her...

"Please keep on your communicator Jedi Knight Wei, so I may hear what is going on, and can come to assist you if needed..."

Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:40:46 PM
The lady kicks at the air, and screems as she is taken away by Audrie....


The other two men are SO dim-witted that they don't even notice the lady being taken.... And thus cause no problem for Wei...

When Wei enters the warehouse, He sees a Sea of boxes, crates, storage compartments, and shelves, all interconnected by a system of convator belts.... a ramp leads from the door he is entering from to the reciving floor where droids process and sort all the cargo that is placed on the Belts...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:46:50 PM
Wei nodded. "Ok."

The Jedi Knight surveyed his surroundings and nodded. "Not too much different than the warehouse in Bakura."

Wei kept his eyes out for any human guards and walked silently down the ramp to the ground level. This warehouse was very interesting with all its conveyor belts and cargo packages. Wei watched one box slide around from one place to the next on the belts with curiosity.

"I wonder where it will end up?"

Wei thought about it a moment, then shook his head. He would find out later. Right now he needed to find his Padawan. Wei headed across the room, stepping around droids and ducking under the higher conveyor belts on his way to the door.

Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:00:28 PM
It looks as if the only doors into the warehouse are two doors that go to landing pads (Including the one Wei just left) and one door that leads up a set of stairs to what looks like a control room.

Above Wei and the warehouse floor is a number of catwalks that can be accessed by stairs by each landing pad door, and a catwalk that links up to the Control Room.

Wei can see that there are 3 guards patrolling the catwalks, and 4 people in the control room... none of them have seen Wei yet.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:26:54 PM
"Well this sure is fun." Wei said to himself, now that he'd gotten a good look of the room.

Wei went over to the nearest set of stairs and started to head up to the catwalks. There wasn't much room to hide, and hanging off the side wouldn't do much good. He'd jump up into the rafters, but Wei figured they'd notice a big sea green blur head up into the cieling. To be honest Wei was stumped.

"What to do?" Wei thought to himself, taking a seat on one of the steps. As Wei thought, his mind drifted away from the task at hand and Wei started to daydream. He was invisible and walking around and making faces at the guards. "That would be cool to be invisible."

Then he remembered it! He could be invisible! Well, not exactly invisible, but he could make the guards think he was invisible. "Akkrabim! That's right! He taught me illusions!"

Wei stood up and grounded his mind firmly in one thought. "I am invisible to everything around me."

Then Wei placed this belief into the heads of the guards. A very subtle idea that there were no Jedi in the room. Which to be honest wasn't too different from what they were probably thinking in the first place. Then the hard part came. Wei stood up, still focusing mostly on projecting the illusion into the minds of the guards and slowly began to walk along the catwalk towards the control room.

Lord Talzen
Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:22:11 AM
As Wei is almost at the control room a ship can be heard landing on one of the landing pads... A few moments later, a man in a dark outfit enters the warehouse, stoping just inside the door. He calls out in a rather aggresive tone....

"What is Going on Here! I get a report back at the office telling me that somebody brings one of the most deadly woman I know, to MY Warehouse! And lets her make a scene that will no doubt bring the GJO down on my Company!! I want answers!!"

Sep 23rd, 2003, 09:31:10 AM
As Talzen is entering the Warehouse, One on the people in the control room hurries out of the room, past Wei allong the catwalks, to the door that Talzen is at...

"M'Lord! I can explane! You see The Master arranged this! We had nothing to do with it! He showed up with her, and ordered us to give him one of the Smuggling Speeders, and load the lady in... But she woke up and fliped the mand that was holding her weapons over her shoulder killing the man by hitting his head on the back bumper of the speeder, grabbing one of her weapons from the man as he fell... She then proceded to attack the rest of us, killing one more and sending 5 more to the hospital..."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:44:56 PM
Wei stopped for a moment and noticed the new person. Wei didn't quite know who this man was, but sent the same invisible message into his head that he had sent to the guards to keep on the safe side. Wei , still moving quite slowly so as not to break his concentration too much, headed over to the window of the control room to peek inside and see if his Padawan was there.

Lord Talzen
Sep 24th, 2003, 09:17:58 AM
When Wei goes to place the image in Talzen's head, Talzen notices the attempt and draws his lightsaber but not activating it..

"Just shut up and Sound the alarm, you fool! We have an intruder! Search the place! Search it with both sight and touch! Get the droids searching! I want the intruder found... NOW!"

In the control room there is no sign of Neyasha, just 3 people that are starting to go for blasters, and a number of computer consoles...

Sep 24th, 2003, 10:15:04 AM
The thug that Talzen was talking to nods and runs to an alarm, hitting the button to set it off. Then he starts yelling orders to the others over the PA system...

"All Units! We have an intruder! Effect Search as if under Blackout conditions! Control Room! Stop belts and set Droids onto Search Mode!.."

the people in the control room, after arming themselves, turn off the belts, and hit a few more buttons and the droids leave their posts and start searching the bottom floor. The guards on the Catwalks grab long metal poles that are near their stations and start walking around the catwalks swinging the poles in one hand near the catwalk floor infront of them, with the other hand those guards draw their blasters.....

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 12:22:46 PM
The loud noise immediately reaches out and grabs Wei's attention, disbanding the illusion. Wei reached for his own lightsaber, and pulled his fan from his sleeve, but did not activate it. He would watcha dn wait to see what the others would do first.

Sep 24th, 2003, 01:55:02 PM
When Wei lets go of the illusion all of the Guards drops their poles and aim their blasters at Wei. Two of the three people in the control room come out with Blasters aimed at Wei... one of them calls down to Talzen...

"We found the intruder, SIR!"

the other says to Wei...

"Put your hands on your head, and drop your weapon!"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:20:16 PM
Wei stands up very slowly. "Now you guys could do the same thing. Look, I'm just here for my Padawan. If you give her back and let me leave, then I'll do just that. And I won't bother you guys anymore."

Lord Talzen
Sep 24th, 2003, 02:27:03 PM
Talzen walks up onto the catwalks and approches Wei... But keeps his distance...

"You must be Jedi Knight Wei... I'm sorry but I have no idea where Neyasha would be... and even if I did... I wouldn't tell YOU."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:00:50 PM
Wei looked over at Talzen. "Why not?" Wei asked, clearly confused about why he would keep such information from him. Why would anyone want to kidnap Neyasha?

What Wei was curious about was how Neyasha got kidnapped in the first place. Wei was always hearing about her enhancements to be the perfect warrior. If the enhancements had worked, then why was she kidnapped? It made no sense to Wei at all.

"Why wouldn't you know where she is?" Wei asked. "You seem to know enough about what happened to her." Wei looked around. "Are you sure she's not here?"

Lord Talzen
Sep 24th, 2003, 11:39:20 PM
"All I know is that the transaction between the bounty hunter and the the person that wanted her, used MY landing pad with out my permision... *Laughs* Not that it really matters... *mumbles* At least the little female dog is out of my hair...."

Talzen looks Wei over...

"Would you please put down your lightsaber jedi... or I will have my men fire apon you... and everybody knows that not even a jedi can block 7 blaster bolts AND a lightsabr at the same time..."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:37:27 PM
Wei shrugged and relaxed a bit. "I suppose not. But you know, I wouldn't be holding my saber if your guys weren't levelling their weapons at me. I'll leave peacefully if you'll be peaceful yourself."

Lord Talzen
Sep 25th, 2003, 02:15:39 PM
A datapad beeps in Talzen's pocket. He takes it out and looks at the new report that is there... He starts to chuckle to himself...

"And what makes you think we will let you go? You will most likely be as little trouble as your padawan was for that bounty hunter! You have made that girl soft! The Neyasha I know would have killed the bounty hunter the moment he attacked! but according to my agents... She ran! *Laughs* She ran like wimp, only attacking when the bounty hunter got her in a corner! And even then she only knocked him down and ran some more!"

Talzen smiles at Wei still laughing to himself...

"Congrats Jedi.... you have turned one of the galaxy's most feared killers into a chicken!..."

Talzen continues to laugh...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 25th, 2003, 03:49:47 PM
"A chicken? Nah. Not Neyasha. She just didn't understand what I was trying to teach her. But that's ok. She's still learning. That's why she's a Padawan."

Wei shrugged. "So, are you going to let me go or not? Once minute you it seems like you want to release me, then you want to hold on to me...make up your mind."

Lord Talzen
Sep 25th, 2003, 04:34:26 PM
Talzen thinks to himself...

if I let the Jedi go, and he wants to shut me down, he still wouldn't know my name so that makes me safe, and all I would have to do is close this one warehouse to stop the paper trail from getting back to me... But... If the Jedi is killed then I will not have to close this warehouse... Though... If he escapes while We try to kill him, then all I will have to do is shut down this warehouse...

Talzen smiles at Wei....

"Alright... I have made up my mind..."

Talzen turns and starts to walk away from Wei... waving a dismising like jesture over his shoulder....

"... Just Kill Him."

Talzen pick up the speed of his walk.. keeping his lightsaber in hand...

Sep 25th, 2003, 04:44:42 PM
The 7 thugs arm their blasters as Talzen gives the order to kill...

Thug1 and Thug2 are standing in front of Wei and fire one shot each at Wei's chest. One shot goes to Wei's upper chest, and the second goes to Wei's lower chest

Thug3 and Thug4 are standing to Wei's left side. Thug3 Fires one shot at Wei's Left Arm, while Thug4 fires one shot at Wei's left leg.

Thug5 and Thug6 are standing to Wei's right side, and each fire one shot at Wei's left leg.

Rena D'sor
Sep 25th, 2003, 05:11:02 PM
The 7th Thug, standing behind Wei, is a young human lady, about the age of 15 years old, aims her blaster at Wei's back but doesn't fire...

She holds her ground, this obvously being the first fight she has ever been a part of, Her face eched with a look of terror... She doesn't want to die, unlike her comrades, she is not willing to give her life to serve their Lord and Master..

She just knows that when the Jedi is finished, all of them will be dead, by his hand or by the Lord's hand for their falure... But for now she is frozen in terror... not sure what to do...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 28th, 2003, 05:12:47 PM
Wei hopped in time to dodge the bolts aimed at his leg, then flicked open his fan as wide as he could make it go and deflected the two shots to his chest. In his right hand he held his saber and deflected a shot to his arm.

The shots all flew back to their owners save the three aimed at his left leg. "Six shots. One's missing."

Wei looked around. Three thugs lay on the ground, severely injured. The other three were somewhat shaken, but getting ready to fire a second time. Then there was one more. Wei looked over his shoulder and found the seventh one.

"Are you ok?" Wei asks, reading the immenent horror on her face. "You look rather pale."

Sep 29th, 2003, 10:25:22 AM
Thug1 gets hit in the right knee by the reflected bolt.

Thug2 gets hit in the stomach by a reflected bolt, causing him to crumple to the ground.

Thug3 gets hit in his left arm causing him to drop his blaster, but he dives for his gun grabing it as Wei talks to the lady the was supose to shoot his back.

Thug4 fires a shot at Wei's head...

Thug5 fires a shot at Wei's right leg...

Thug6 Fires a shot at Wei's stomach...

Rena D'sor
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:31:38 AM
Rena watches in amasment and fear as Wei avoids all the blaster shots....

She scurries backwards away from Wei, when he speaks to her...

"Stay Back!....Or...Or.... I'll Kill you!"

At this point her legs hit a box that was behind her causing her to fall backwards landing on her bum behind the box, causing her to fire off a rouge shot as she falls...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:16:22 PM
Wei held up his lightsaber, angling it so that it deflected the bolts aimed at his stomach and head. His lightsaber fan flicked open one more time to knock away the shot aimed at his leg.

A spray of shots fired at the roof and Wei shook his head. "You poor girl."

Wei took a few steps forward and stepped on the thug's hand as he grabbed his gun back.

"Put it down," Wei said to him. "That goes for you guys, too." Wei said to the other three thugs. "Did you hear me back there?" Wei called over his shoulder at Rena. "Put the gun down. I won't hurt you guys if you give me a good enough reason not to."

Wei turned his gaze to Talzen. "I suppose you're the type of boss that thinks life is cheap. Probably wouldn't faze you a bit if these people were killed fighting me."

Sep 29th, 2003, 12:30:33 PM
Thug3 screems in pain as his hand gets steped on.

Thug2 is lying on the floor in pain

Thug1,4,5 & 6 put down their blasters...

Thug1 Starts to say something in the old Sith language, but is cut off by a lbaster shot to the neck, and crumples to the floor...

Rena D'sor
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:32:15 PM
when Wei looks to see where the blaster shot came from he sees Rena standing there with the smoking blaster...

Lord Talzen
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:43:55 PM
By the time Wei starts to talk to him again Talzen is back at the door he entered the warehouse from... He looks back up at Wei and the others...

"Very well done Jedi but now is the time I say goodbye..."

Talzen hits some buttons by the door then steps out... The PA system then says ...

Total Lockdown is comensing... Countdown to begining bypassed..

After that, all doors and windows have a thick blast door drop in front of them and the air starts to be sucked out of the whole warehouse...

Total Vacume will be acheved in 5 min...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 29th, 2003, 02:17:08 PM
Wei shook his head in exasperation. Wei had been right.

Wei raised an eyebrow to Rena as if to say, "Still feel like killing me?"

Wei hoped the answer was no, because neither one of them was going to get out alive if they were fighting. Wei looked around. Thick sheets of metal had clanged down in front of the doors and windows to bar the way out. Wei could probably melt through one with his saber, but it might take a while. But if Wei used both sabers it might not take as long. Wei shook his head. Still would take too long.

How is he removing the air? Wei thought to himself. And where does the air escape to? The walls were too thin to conceal any sort of place to hold the oxygen, so Wei figured the air must be pumped to the outside.

Now it was just a simple matter of finding an air vent before the five minutes was up.

Rena D'sor
Sep 29th, 2003, 02:35:54 PM
Rena doesn't answer Wei... but makes a bolt for the Control room putting away her blaster... She runs to a locker in the control room, and pulls out one of the two Air masks in the locker, putting it on. She grabs the other mask and heads to the door to the control room and tosses the second mask to Wei...

She then says...

"Promise to get me out of here alive, and I'll tell you the trick to turn that on when the air starts to run out....."

Sep 29th, 2003, 02:38:55 PM
Thug3 and Thug4 rush at Wei to get the air mask and Thug5 and thug6 rush at Rena... all of them look ready to kill since all of them know that there are only two Air masks...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 1st, 2003, 09:30:00 PM
Wei stepped to the side, and tripped the two thugs charging toward him. Then he reached over and knocked the two thugs charging at Rena.

"Ok. You guys can make a decision right now. Sit tight and wait for me to find a way out, or you can help me find a way. Or you can try to fight me for this oxygen mask. Personally, I don't think the oxygen mask will help for too long."

Wei looked over to Rena. "Same for you. And guys, take small breaths. And don't talk unless you absolutely have to."

Wei suited actions to words and shut his mouth, scanning the area for a way out. Wei looked up at the high cieling and was suddenly graced with an idea: What if the vents were up there?

Wei crouched down low and strengthened his jumping muscles. Then, aiming himself at the closest rafter he sprang up into the cieling, landing nimbly on the ceiling support.

"Let's have a look around," Wei thought to himself and started to run along the rafters with his eyes on the cieling.

Rena D'sor
Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:11:47 AM
The air was running out... And Rena hoped the Wei would find a way out soon... She turns on her air mask, and watches Wei look for the vent...

Along the celing about 20 feet away from Wei is one of the vents pumping out the air... the spinning fan in the vent is moving fast enough that the only way past it is by taking it out...

Oct 2nd, 2003, 09:40:40 AM
With Wei no longer in their reach Thugs 3,4,5,6 charge at Rena for her air mask....

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 2nd, 2003, 12:07:53 PM
Wei started to hear a humming sound ahead of him. Paydirt. Wei got underneath it and looked up to see just how exactly the fan worked.

"How incredibly odd," Wei thought as he looked at it through his hair. The fan was spinning so fast that his pony tail was getting pulled up toward the fan and fluttered like a ribbon. "How very odd indeed."

Wei watched his hair for a moment before he realized that he was not here to watch his hair dance. Wei shook his head to clear the cobwebs and activated his saber. Wei tucked his ponytail into the back of his shirt so it wouldn't get sucked in the fan, then jumped up at the fan with his saber pointed at it. By sheer luck Wei had managed to pierce the fan in the middle and takeout the mechanisms that made the fan spin. There was a grinding sound as the mechanics of the fan melted and deformed and ran toghether and before Wei knew it, the fan was stopped.

Wei landed on the rafter again, looked up and could see outside. Wei smiled and nodded. Wei jumped up and slashed at the fan, carving it out of the cieling so that he could get through.

"All right!" Wei shouted. "We got a hole to the outside!"

Wei ran back to where the thugs and Rena were, and jumped down just in time to land on the four thugs before they got to Rena. "Guys, pay attention to your surroudings. There's a big hole in the cieling. If you guys cooperate, I'll carry you all to the rooftop outside and you can relax and enjoy some fresh air. What do you say?"

Other fans were still working to pump the air out, but thanks to the hole, the warehouse would never be completely depleted of oxygen.

Oct 2nd, 2003, 01:29:32 PM
The thugs fall to the floor as Wei lands on them... Wei's foot hits Thug3's head , and a loud CRACK can be heard from his neck.. Thug3 goes limp...

The other three back off ...

At this time the PA system says...

malfuntion detected in vent 2... Locking off...

thats when a thudding sound signifies another blast door locking off the exit of the damaged vent...

Vacume delayed by 3 minutes

At this point Thug4 grabs Rena by the neck and trys to wrench off her air mask...

Rena D'sor
Oct 2nd, 2003, 01:34:27 PM
Rena's left hand goes up to the thugs hand around her neck. as her other hand drops to her blaster... She draws her blaster and places the barrel up to the thugs balls, and pulls the trigger... then watches as the thug drops to his knees in pain as his nut are removed..

She then give Wei some quick instructions on how to turn on the air mask...

"That should give you a half hour's worth of air."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 2nd, 2003, 03:44:46 PM
Wei shook his head. Accidentally knocked one out. Or killed him. Wei would worry about that later. If he didn't hurry, he'd have more than one death on his conscience. Then there was the one thug who was missing his jewels. That was just sadistic on Rena's part. But Wei decided not to think too much about that.

"Now I got..."Wei estimated the time it took to find the last vent. He figured it was maybe 2 minutes. So he had three left from his original five. Plus three was.."Six minutes."

He had made a profit. Wei returned his attention to the thugs and Rena. "When are you guys going to learn? Just hold still and wait. It's not hard."

Wei put the mask on his face but didn't turn it on yet. He still had a few minutes before he would need it. Wei jumped back into the rafters and went back to the vent he had originally destroyed. If Wei knew one thing, it was that humans liked to have uniformity and symmetry in everything they did. It was just a natural tendency. The Jedi Knight was going to use that to his advantage.

Wei was somwhere in the middle of the rafters. On either side there would be more vents. He just had to get to them and destroy them like he had done the first one.

Balancing carefully, Wei turned to his left and jumped over to the next rafter. Then the next one. Then the next one, until his hair was suddenly flapping above his head. "Bingo."

Wei ignited his saber again and cut the fan out of the cieling. But before the blast door could shut, Wei took his saber and dragged it along the outside edges of the hole he had just made and welded the layers of metal together.

"I love this thing," Wei said, deactivating his saber and kissing the hilt. "I'd like to see the thing close up this time."

Oct 3rd, 2003, 09:57:08 AM
The numbers were slowly getting smaller... Thug1 is dead, after being shot in the neck, Thug2 almost dead from the bolt that was reflected back into his gut, Thug3 is Dead from Wei landing on his head, And Thug4 is in on the ground ether in need of medical attention soon, or dead from the shock of having his privates removed...

As Wei cuts up the fan, one of the blades flys down towards Rena, while she was looking down at Thug4... Thug5, a childhood friend of Rena charges at her, pushing her out of the path of the Fan blade, instead he gets hit in the neck by the blade having his head removed..

Thug6 backs away and goes to puke over the edge of the catwalk...

Rena D'sor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 10:10:52 AM
Rena was looking as the Thug she just harmed, when Thug5 pushes her out of the path of the fan blade...

She hit the catwalk and rolls back to her feet just in time to see her childhood friend loose his head...

She runs over to his body yelling... "Noooo!!"

She kneals next to his body...

"You stupid bugger! What made you think my life was worth more than yours!"

Rena starts to cry, just as the PA system speeks again...

malfuntion detected in vent 4... Locking off...

This time the blast door on the vent can't close... and the sound of grinding gears can be heard through out the warehouse...

Unable to lock Vent 4.... Request for Repairs Sent... Vacume unable to be reached.... Locking remaining vents..

Two more thuds can be heard as the other fans shut off aand blast doors close them off..

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2003, 12:22:34 PM
Wei ran off to where the thugs and Rena were and found two more dead. "You guys are just plain luckless, aren't you?"

Wei shook his head. The poor guys. Never even had a chance. "It's ok, you guys. We'll see that you all get a proper burial once we're out of here."

Wei let Rena alone to mourn her loss and started to pick up the dead thugs and taking them outside to lay out on the roof. after his last trip with the dead, he walked over to Thug 6, the one who was throwing up. "You ok? I don't imagine there's anything left in your stomach by now."

Wei placed a hand on Thug 6's back and sent a pulse to his body to calm his stomach and took hold of him. "Hold on tight. We're going up into the rafters and will be outside soon. Then there ought to be a fire escape or something. I want you to get out of here before the helpers come. Ok?"

Wei looked over to Rena. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'll be back for you in a second. Just hold tight. Everything will turn out just fine."

Wei jumped up into the rafters for the umpteenth time and headed over to the hole in the cieling.

Oct 3rd, 2003, 12:28:03 PM
Thug6 is grateful for Wei's help and lets Wei take him up to the roof... when he gets there and Wei has gone back down Thug6 takes his blaster and the blaster of one of his fallen comrades, ans shoots off the suports to the Fire Escapes, causing the fire Escape to fall to the ground...

He then turns to face the Hole in the roof and aims both blasters at the hole... He was ordered to Kill Wei... Falure is not an option unless you dead...

Rena D'sor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 12:31:31 PM
Rena Nods, letting Wei know that she heard him. By the time Wei gets back down to her She has gotten herself back togather and is ready to be taken to the roof..

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2003, 01:15:20 PM
Wei placed the man on the roof and ran back to Rena. "I see you've stopped crying. It hurts, I know. Now come along. It's time to get out of here."

Wei reached out his hand to Rena and pulled her to her feet. Then he carried her piggy-back style over to the rafters and jumped up. Wei had had enough of jumping from one rafter to the next, so he ran along the connection of metal beams to the hole he had made.

But something felt wrong all of a sudden. Wei stepped under the hole and reflexively got out his fan and opened it , holding it above Rena and him.

Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:16:43 PM
As soon as the slightist movement comes out of the hole, Thug6 Starts fireing a streem of random shots into the hole...

Rena D'sor
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:21:22 PM
As soon as the blaster fire starts Rena climbs off Wei's shoulders and behind Metal box that holds the Pump Engine that was powering the fan that was taking the air out of the warehouse...

She stays crouched behind the Large box, and draws her blaster...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2003, 06:02:01 PM
Wei suddenly felt lighter as Rena went off to hide. The shots came raining down on Wei's head, but they bounced right back up again. A small drip of metal fell from seemingly nowhere, nearly scalding Wei badly. His war fan was melting.

"This has got to stop," Wei muttered and jumped up through the hole. Wei activated his saber and snapped his fan closed.

"Can't you think for yourself? Talzen isn't going to reward you for killing me. That's why he locked you in that warehouse with me and set the vacuum to going."

Wei put his fan away and then swiped at the air in front of him, engaging his telekinesis so the guns were knocked from the thug's hands.

"Now you're going to stop this nonsense right now. Do I make myself clear?" Wei asked, getting in the thug's face. "You can keep on fighting me if you want, but I can promise you that it won't end well. You might as well give up."

Wei wondered if Audrie was anywhere nearby. "Audrie, where are you? Give me some support. Keep this lunatic from doing anything stupid while I get the last person out of the warehouse."

Now that Wei thought about it, Audrie could have probably shot a hole in the wall or something. It probably would have been easier, but Wei hadn't thought about it before. In fact, he wasn't even that sure Audrie had any firepower.

"Come on out, Rena," Wei said, going over to the hole. Just move out under the hole and I'll get you up here with some telekinesis. It won't be too bad."

Audrie X-4
Oct 6th, 2003, 09:23:23 AM
Audrie heard Wei's call for assatance, and was there in a few moments... Audrie, lands herself over top of the Thug using her repulsors to compress the man to the top of the roof... She lowers the plank and says from the outter hull...

"Would you like a ride out of here Jedi Wei?"...

Oct 6th, 2003, 09:28:04 AM
The thug is slightly suprised when his blasters are knocked out of his hands... He goes to scramble to grab them, but Audrie compresses him with her repulsors, not killing him but making it VERY hard to breath... after a few moments he passes out...

Rena D'sor
Oct 6th, 2003, 09:42:01 AM
Rena come out from her hiding spot, and climbs out without and of wei's help... She then sees the ship sitting on the thug....

"Nice ship... is it yours?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 6th, 2003, 12:52:00 PM
"It belongs to the Padawan your people took from me," Wei said with a grin. "I don't own any fancy things, apart from my lightsaber and fan."

The fan was going to need repairing and those parts were at home. But he had no time to get them. His fan would still work, but not for too long.

"Thank you, Audrie. We have someone to come with us this time. She might know where Neyasha is."

Wei stepped on board the ship , heading to the front while talking to Rena. "You do know where she is, right? Or at least have an idea about where she might be? And please tell the truth. It makes things so much easier."

Rena D'sor
Oct 6th, 2003, 01:18:44 PM
Rena Walks on to the ship carefuly, and puts her blaster away, and follows Wei...

"I really don't know what's going on... All I know is The Master showed up, took some of the crew, took a speader, and waited at the landing pad untill a bounty hunter showed up with a woman...

...One of my co-workers went on to the bounty hunter's ship, and got an arm full of blades, and started to take them to the speeder as two others were taking the, what looked to be knocked out and badly injured, woman to the speeder....

...She then just out of nowhere became alive with action, grabing the two of them by their arms an smashing their heads togeather. She then flipped the guy with the blades, grabbing one of the ones with three points, as the man that had the weapons landed with his head on the back bumper and went limp. Then she quickly turned around slashing 4 people that were trying to stop her, and stabbing one more killing that one...

... Thats when The Master clubbed her with a stun rod and loaded her into the speeder. They then loaded all the living injured into the speeder, and pushed the dead under the pile of junk, and ordered a cleen up crew to go out and get rid of the mess...

...not long after the crew left to do there job, you showed up. I didn't even know who she was intill you mentioned her name..."

Rena thinks for a moment...

"So thats what the imfamous Neyasha looks like... I always thought that she would look more deformed, from the way The Boss discribed her to my mother..."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 6th, 2003, 03:24:11 PM
"And you saw the speeder carrying Neyasha leave? Do you at least remember which direction they were going in?" Wei asked, whirling around to face Rena.

Anything would help. And if Wei didn't find Neyasha with the Force, then surely Audrie would with her sensors. Things were whittling down fast.

Rena D'sor
Oct 6th, 2003, 03:30:50 PM
Rena stops as Wei turns to face her...

"He went off north-by-north-east, but knowing what little I know About the master, He most likely will not take a direct line to his destination... I really would not be suprised if he took her all the way around the planet, just to end his trip a few blocks away from here..."

Audrie X-4
Oct 6th, 2003, 03:33:58 PM
After the two pasengers are aboard Audrie lifts off, and starts to fly off in the north-by-north-east direction as she hears Rena mention that direction... she keeps her sensors on active mode tuned to Neyasha's genitic signature...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 6th, 2003, 03:52:38 PM
Wei sat down in a chair and relaxed himself. "You've had a rough time," he said to Rena. "Relax for a bit, and take a break. I'll let you keep your gun, but you must keep the safety on it for now. I will not tolerate you wasting your time by shooting at me or damaging the ship."

Wei shut his eyes, looking for all the world like he was settling into a nap. "Audrie, if you would please slow down a bit." Wei's voice was soft and sounded far away, as though he were on the verge of sleep. But he wasn't anywhere close to it. He was actually quite alert. He was merely relaxed.

Wei let the Force flow through him and reached out, trying to find his Padawan.

Rena D'sor
Oct 7th, 2003, 12:23:43 PM
Rena nods, sits down, and leans back in a chair. Closeing her eyes she falls asleep...

Audrie X-4
Oct 7th, 2003, 12:49:28 PM
Audrie slows down as much as she can with out falling or stopping trafic.... Giving her a good chance to detect Neyasha with he sensors if they pass near where she has been.. even though it could take up to a couple weeks to search the planet at this speed....

-------------------------SIX DAYS LATER-------------------------------

Audrie has been flying a standard search path for the last 6 days only stopping to stock up on food so the two living members of the team could eat.... Rena had wanted to leave, but Audrie convinced her to stay, telling her that she would be safer with them...

As of yet they have had no more leads on Neyasha's location... Though between Her sensors and Wei's Force scans They were bound to find something soon.... they were starting to run out of ground to search...

That is when it happened... Audrie's sensors went off...

"Jedi Wei... I've located her... The skyhook 50km off my starboard-bow, in section 5574 grid 63... I will display it on the tatical Holo display in the cockpit..."

When The started the search Audrie and Wei split up the planet into Sectors and grids for the purpose of searching...

Audrie stays on her current course, trying not to look like they have gained an intrest in the Skyhook... And displays the skyhook in the tatical Holo projector... As she waits for Wei to get up to the cockpit, she explans...

"The skyhook itself is sensor proofed, but I have detected a number of rags that are caked with Neyasha's blood being sent out of the desposal system... The blood is somewhere between 15-40 hours old, and according to trafic controll in this area, no vessel has left the Skyhook since 45 hours ago..."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 7th, 2003, 01:07:56 PM
Wei looked at all the information that Audrie had displayed on her screen. "Ok, so let's find a place to land, get in there, and find our Padawan."

Wei looked out of large window to the outside and saw the skyhook there. Audrie might not be able to sense Neyasha inside, but Wei could. The only thing able to block the Force was the ysalimir, and there were none nearby to mess Wei up.

Wei reached out to the building with his mind, and found her. She was in there. But where in there she was, Wei had no clue. That's what good old-fashioned looking was for.

"Rena, do you know anything about this skyhook?" Wei asked, motioning out the window at the large building.

Rena D'sor
Oct 8th, 2003, 09:46:35 AM
Rena looks out the window and then at the holodisplay...

"If I remember corectly that skyhook is a Scientific Research Center. It's legit, and the boss has got most of the shares in it. If I remember correctly, that is one of the places that creates the plants that can grow in the small gardens that are through out this planet, by using genitic alterations to exsiting plants..."

Audrie X-4
Oct 8th, 2003, 10:06:56 AM
Audrie changes her course towards a landing field near the base of one of the cables holding the skyhook in place...

"There is a proximity field sensor that is looking for anything the size of a speader or larger. I will be detected if I approch the skyhook... If you are confidant with your climbing skill, you could climb the cable that I will be landing near, and it should bring you to the disposal Shaft for the skyhook... I also have some climbing gear in storage locker 3 that could help you ... I will also open Storage locker 1 so you may choose some weapons to take to Neyasha when you find her.."

The sound of the two lockers opening can be heard in the back of the ship... In locker 1 Wei will find 4 Daggers, 4 Swords, 4 Sai, 6 Blaster pistols, 3 Blaster rifles, 2 Sniper Rifles, 10 thermal detonators, 20 flash granades, and 200 blaster power packs.

In locker 3 Wei will see 2 sets of climbing gear, and two set each of survival gear for cold weather, hot weather, underwater, and space, as well as 2 sets of skydiving equipment...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 8th, 2003, 01:14:24 PM
Wei walked back to the lockers and looked inside. "Reminds me of these girls I met once when I was little. They had a big trunk full of clothes and various things that they used to play 'dress-up.' Not too sure I'll be needing too many of these things."

Wei was no good with half of the weapons in the lockers. He had never held a gun in his life, except for one time, and he was not good at all at aiming it. Wei didn't know how the climbing gear worked. And Wei only had experience with lightsabers, so the swords were the only things that would do him a little good.

"Which ones are the flash grenades?" Wei asked. Wei knew how those worked. They could blind people with bright light. Wei could solve a lot of potentially violent conflicts with those.

Rena D'sor
Oct 8th, 2003, 01:18:26 PM
Rena walks back to the lockers with Wei and points out the flash grenades...

"Thoses ones..."

Rena looks at the weapons...

"Should We bring Neyasha something? I don't think they will keep her weapons that she had on her in the same room as her.."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 9th, 2003, 01:52:57 PM
Wei hadn't thought about that. "Good question. If she's still weak, then the weapons won't do any of us any good. But if she's ok, then she can fight too."

Wei shrugged. "It wouldn't hurt, I guess."

Wei took about 4 of the flash grenades and then two of the sai. "Travel light," Wei said to himself. "Let's go."

Audrie X-4
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:24:14 PM
Audrie finishes the landing sequence and opens the hatch...

She opens the hatch to let Wei and Rena out.. right near the hatch Audrie opens a small compartment... Inside looks like 3 really Hightech Datapads.

"Before you leave, could you take one of the data pads in the compartment by the door.. It is a remote interface to my system... That way I can act as a lookout out hereand transmit data to you as I locate it... also in the underside of the pad you will find a compartment that holds a SCOMP Link Cable Interface Addaptor... So That if you need my help with Hacking into systems or cracking locks, all you need to do is find a Computer/Droid interface port.

It will also allow my sensors to detect the insides of the Skyhook, with a limited range. and My sensors may pickup something important that you may not notice..."

Rena D'sor
Oct 9th, 2003, 02:29:38 PM
Rena Grabs one thermal detonator and 2 flash grenades, one more blaster pistol (giving her two), and 10 blaster packs. not knowing how the climbing gear works she just leaves it alone

"I'm ready when you are Wei..."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 11th, 2003, 10:16:00 PM
Wei was already at the hatchway, looking at once of the datapads, turning it over in his hands and scrutinizing it carefully.

"It seems to me to be very complicated," Wei said. But once again out of politeness he attached it to his belt. At least he could keep in touch with Audrie this way.

"Well, let's go. We start by moving along the cable up to the skyhook."

Wei reached out a hand to Rena. Wei was not an impatient sort of person but he did like getting things done quickly and easily. And as far as Wei could see, the easies and quickest way up the cable was to run along it as fast as he could. However Wei doubted that Rena had taken martial arts all her life and it would be very unlikely that she would be able to follow Wei's lead without falling off the cable. So Wei would have to carry her.

Rena D'sor
Oct 12th, 2003, 11:15:27 AM
Rena goes and takes Wei's hand, looking up at the 10km of cable between them and the skyhook...

"So Wei, how are we going to get up there... it's like 10km at a 50 degree angle to the ground.."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 13th, 2003, 06:34:22 PM
"We walk. More like run."

Wei snickered and hefted Rena onto his back. "Now hold still. It'll be easier to keep balance that way. Just keep a good grip and be patient. It'll be over before you know it."

Wei put a foot onto the cable and started to run along it, one foot in front of the other. With any luck there would be some sort of vent or door or something so they could get in. And if they couldn't find a door, they'd make one.

The cable was pretty steep, making it more difficult than Wei had first imagined. Especially near the top. Running on the cable was one thing, but keeping still and balancing on the cable was a whole other ball park.

"Looks like we're at the end of our rope, so to speak," Wei said when they had reached the skyhook. But lucky for Wei there were some rungs above the cable that he could grab on to.

"Ok, climb up my back and grab a hold of these thingies here," Wei told Rena. "And start climbing. Once you reach a vent or a door that we can enter through, get it open and we'll get started on this."

Rena D'sor
Oct 14th, 2003, 10:41:58 AM
Rena is slightly suprised when Wei hefts her on to his back... but she doesn't complain. She holds still and keeps her eyes closed until they reach the top. She quickly grabs onto the rungs and starts to climb them not looking down to see what Wei is doing... She dosen't want Wei to know that she will have a panic attack if she sees that there is nothing under her...

After a few moments she reaches a repair hatch. Which she hits the open button... but nothing happens... So the punches in her clearance code, then the open button and the hatch opens...

Rena climbs into the hatch and hold it open till Wei can get there...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 14th, 2003, 02:45:09 PM
Wei scrambled into the hatch just a moment or two after Rena. "Thank you for holding the door open for me."

Wei started moving forward, towards the corridors of the skyhook. "What do you know about this place as far as getting around goes? In particular, do you know if this place might have an area to keep prisoners or hostages?"

Rena D'sor
Oct 15th, 2003, 09:41:28 AM
"I don't know..."

Rena says as she lets the door close behind Wei...

"...This is supose to be a research facility, not a prison. But I would not be suprised if they had converted a number of supply rooms into prison cells... I don't know about this skyhook, but I use to be a tool caddy for tech support on one of the bosses other skyhooks... And if I remember correctly this crawlspace were in should take us to the mess hall if we just go straight.."

Rena looks over at Wei..

"The Mess hall is always near the kitchen, and the kitchen is almost always near the supply rooms... and As I said before, if they are going to turn any part of this place into a cell, it would be a supply room..."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:19:59 PM
"I wouldn't know anything about that. Do you know what sort of research goes on in this place?" Wei asked while crawling toward the mess hall.

At the end of the crawlspace Wei undid the covering and stepped out into the mess hall.

Empty. That's good.

Wei turned around to help Rena out of the crawlspace.

Rena D'sor
Oct 15th, 2003, 01:25:28 PM
"As I said back on the ship, If I remember correctly, this is one of the places that creates the plants that can grow in the small gardens, that have little to no soil, that are through out this planet, by using genitic alterations to exsiting plants."

Rena leaves the crawlspace and enters the mess hall.. Rena remains crouched behind a table as she hears sombody comming, grabs Wei and pulls him down behind the table as well...

Oct 15th, 2003, 01:48:00 PM
At this time the main door opens and two thugs enter talking to each other....

"...And I said to the man, YOU COULDN't pay me enough to take HER!!..."

Both thugs laugh for a moment...

"You here that the master finaly got that witch to talk?"

"No, I didn't. When?"

"Sometime yesterday"

"Why didn't anybody tell me? Who won the bet?"

"I think Tim won, he guessed early today, but since it happend late yesterday, he still guessed better than any one else..."

"What got her to break? Was is the whip? Or the removing of her fingernails? What did he have to do to her to get that out of her?"

"He didn't have to hurt her to get her to talk. He got a kid from the boss's slave camp and started electricuting the kid in front of her. I think the kid was calling her Mama.."

*looks confused* "though that this witch had no emotion? Why would hurting a kid get her to talk?"

"I don't know! Maybe she's faulty.. She is a prototype after all."

The thugs walk up to the place where the food is served and pick up a plate of food from the serving droid...

"Why can't they give us good food for a change?"

"their cheep that's why..."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 15th, 2003, 03:32:08 PM
It took just about all Wei had to spring up from where he was. He was utterly disgusted, down to his very core. Torturing Neyasha, and a child? How low. Especially the child.

"Neyasha is not a thing. She is a human being. She has feelings. Faulty indeed!"

Wei was convinced that such talk was what made Neyasha treat herself in such a manner as she did. Everyone else treated her like a machine, so she did too. It was awful.

"Rena, you stay here. I would like to go have a talk with these two men." Wei said, referring to the voices they had just heard.

Wei got up and casually walked over to the two thugs. "Excuse me gentlemen," Wei said. "I'm looking for your boss. I have business with him."

Indeed, Wei had business with this man. Between all the atrocities he had heard about, Wei had much business to settle with him.

"If you would be so kind as to direct me to where I might be able to find him," Wei said, waving his hand casually through the air, and sending a small Force pulse to lower the thugs' inhibitions. The Jedi Mind Trick. Wei hated it, but if he were to take care of things quickly and quietly, he would have to use it.

Wei waited patiently for the thugs to answer him. No doubt his mind trick would work. After all, if these thugs were like all the other thugs Wei had seen, they wouldn't be too terribly strong-willed.

Oct 15th, 2003, 03:42:39 PM
The thugs look up and reach for their blasters as they see Wei, but the mind trick catches their weak minds, and one of the thugs answers...

"Your in the wrong place mister... The boss has no sway here... this place is run by The Master... But if it's the Master you want he's probably with one of the prisoners"

Rena D'sor
Oct 15th, 2003, 03:54:56 PM
Rena Gets up and walks over to the Thugs. Since she grew up as a member of the crime sindicate she knew how to work things with the thugs... And since she was still dressed like one of the Thugs, it would most likely help her...

She grabs the one that was talking and pulls him out his seat, placing her face close to his, she says loudly and forcefuly..

"Listen here Bub! I'm Commander D'sor, and I have been re-assgined here from Warehouse 5 so I could help deal with the modified force witch! Some sewer rat in dispach gave me the wrong room to report to! Now tell me where the Witch is being held or I'll make sure that The Master knows that your the Reason that me and my buddy here are not at our post!"

Rena Throws the thug back into his seat...

Oct 15th, 2003, 04:00:42 PM
The thug, still not thinking straight do to the mind trick, looks into Rena's eyes like an animal would glare at on comming headlights... He hits the chair an flips over the back of the chair, landing on his back....

"Storage room 2267! She's there! Just don't sick the Master on me!"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 15th, 2003, 06:22:55 PM
Wei shrugged. "Well, that's one way to do it."

Wei helped the man up, thanked him for his information, and let him get back to his eating.

"So, which way is that storage room?" Wei asked looking around the corridor outside the mess hall. "Not like these halls have signs with arrows pointing to where we need to go."

Rena D'sor
Oct 16th, 2003, 09:24:21 AM
Rena walks out into the hall and looks at the doors... She points to one of them..

"That one is storage room 2235, and the one just a few doors down is storage room 2237, so I'd guess we go that way"

Rena goes to walk down the hall but after a few moments the numbers on the doors stop, and are just un numbered doors.. Rena stops and looks at Wei...

"I know we must be close... but there are no more numbers on the rooms.... Do you have any guesses which one it is?"

Oct 16th, 2003, 09:35:48 AM
Neyasha was still chained to the lab table in storage room 2267. He body has not recovered from the abuse that Rivin put her through. Her body is still nude and chained in a way that she cant move though now her legs are chained so they are spread... After Neyasha told rivin what he wanted, he left her like this and said that his boys could do whatever they wanted to her. since then she has been beaten, abused, and raped.

At this point there are currently 4 thugs in the room. one of which has no pants on and is actively raping her. she hears with her enhanced hearing what sounds like the soft foot steps of her master Wei Wu Wei. Through out the last few hours she had been randomly yelling out words, so none of the thugs think twice when she yells...


Oct 16th, 2003, 12:28:04 PM
The thug that is on top of Neyasha pauses for a moment and holds his ears as Neyasha yells...

"Could one of you boys Gag her! I'm getting tired of her yelling!"

Another thug picks up some rope and ties it around Neyasha's mouth...

one of the others say...

"So when do we get our turn with her!"

"When i'm done!"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:08:36 PM
Wei stood up straight at the sound of Neyasha's voice.


Without a second thought, Wei came running towards Storage room 2235. The Force flowed through Wei's legs, speeding him up as he tore down the hallway. As he got closer, Wei turned his face to the side and put out his left shoulder and rammed the door.

The door was immediately ruined from the impact, and all it took was one well placed kick to send the door flying into the room. Wei stepped inside and viewed the scene he had entered upon.

"You people make me sick."

Wei activated his saber. "You people really make me sick." reaching out with his free hand, Wei tore the thug off of his Padawan using telekinesis and threw him into one of the other thugs. Wei cut Neyasha's bonds and turned his attention to her tormentors.

"How dare you!" Wei's voice was cold and stern. Wei swided at one thug, then started in on the other, gathering the four together into one group. "Give me one good reason why I should allow you all to live."

Oct 16th, 2003, 01:14:11 PM
Thug1 is thrown off of Neyasha and into the other thugs, he quickly scampers off of the others and dives for his belt/blaster that is right next to Lab bed.

Thug2 dive out of the way of thug1's flight pattern draws his blaster and fires 2 shots at Wei's gut..

Thug3 gets slamed to the wall when thug1 hits him.

Thug4 gets knocked to the floor when thug1 hits him.

Oct 16th, 2003, 01:19:58 PM
Neyasha rolls off the Lab table as her chains are cut. The chains left deep imprints in her skin, some of which are bleading, letting Wei know how tight those chains were.

when she rolls off the table she land on Thug1 and grabs his neck twisting it sharply... after that she goes to stand but her muscles are stiff, sore, and injured, and if she had not put her weight in the table again she would have been back on the floor..

Rena D'sor
Oct 16th, 2003, 01:23:40 PM
Rena runs after Wei, and by the time she gets there, Neyasha has already been cut free...

She quickly draws both of her blasters and fires a stun blast at thug3 and thug4..

Oct 16th, 2003, 01:26:40 PM
Thug1 goes limp as Neyasha snaps his neck to the point that his head is on backwards...

Thug3 hits an alarm on the wall just as he is stuned

Thug4 gets stuned...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 16th, 2003, 04:34:48 PM
The fan is out in the blink of an eye, deflecting the two laser bolts away from Wei's middle. "Silly man. Don't you know that's the easiest area of the body to protect? Now then..." Wei paused to help steady Neyasha. "Answer my question."

Wei stands over thug 2, looking down his nose at the man through his glasses, which have slipped down again.

The alarm rang throughout the skyhook. Intruders were here. But Wei would deal with whoever came calling when they got to where he was. Whoever came calling was going to wish they hadn't come at all when Wei was finished.

"You are all trying my patience."

Oct 17th, 2003, 09:32:02 AM
Thug2 doesn't answer, he just fires a shot at Wei's leg and anothe a Neyasha's arm.

Oct 17th, 2003, 09:34:57 AM
Neyasha try's to dodge but in her current state, she can't move fast enough, and the blaster bolt burns into her arm. she clenches her teeth stoping herself from reacting to the pain.

Rena D'sor
Oct 17th, 2003, 09:45:16 AM
Rena levels out her blasters at thug and fires a stun bold at the thug...

"Wei, get control of yourself! Being angry won't do you any good! We will have in-comming shortly and your most likely the only person that can get us back to Audrie!"

She looks over Neyasha, taking the Gag out of her mouth

"We need to get her out of here! She doesn't look in any shape to fight."

Oct 17th, 2003, 09:59:28 AM
Neyasha trys to stand tall but stumbles back to leaning on the table...

"I'll Fight... Daughter Here.... Must Kill The Bass-turd... must Free daughter."

Even though Neyasha is broken in body and mind, the soul of a warrior still burns brightly in her eyes, and if she must, she will go to her death to defeat her enemy, and retreve her daughter.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 17th, 2003, 12:37:52 PM
Wei took a grazing hit to his leg. Wei set to work healing the burn damage and walked over to Neyasha. "You will not kill anyone today. Not like that. I would try to heal you, but seeing as you do not have your bracer, I won't do it. So you'll have to heal the good old fashioned way."

Wei had ignored Rena's comment. The thugs were all disposed of, thanks to Neyasha and Rena. Wei knew when they woke up later on all they would know was that some people had come and beaten them up. And they would return to their bad ways.

"So much for lessons learned," Wei muttered under his breath.

This was all getting to be very tiring. The Jedi Knight soon found himself wanting to get this all over with. "Neyasha, I promise that we'll try to get your daughter back. I'll go look for her while you go with this girl here and get back to your ship." Wei said, motioning vaguely to Rena.

Oct 17th, 2003, 12:56:30 PM
Neyasha nods knowing that she could never defeat Rivin in her current condition... She looks up at Wei and discribes her daughter to him... and by the end of the quick discription Neyasha almost has the strength to talk properly..

"The one man... they call him Master... took her.... I broke... He knows How I was made... but I missed out some peices... It won't work yet... He want my daughter to be like me... he has taken her to the labs ... Bring her back... or let me die... Without her... My blades will never rest... Help me... Help her... Stop Him... Please."

She then look at Wei's belt and sees the portable command interface to Audrie. She reaches over the table and presses the transmit button and says...

"Audrie... Evac... Code Alpha 1"

Audrie X-4
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:06:09 PM
The pad responds

"It's nice to hear your voice again Master.... locking on your location."

In one moment a grinding sound comes from the wall and then a 3 foot round circle of the wall falls out to reveal a tube the curves down into the upper airlock of Audrie's hull.

"All those leaving please enter the airlock... all those staying behind please keep in mind that when I unlock the Evac tube from the wall the room's air presure will change dramatcaly."

Rena D'sor
Oct 17th, 2003, 01:12:51 PM
Rena Smiles when she sees the evac tube...

"Well, that will make things easier.."

Rena walks over to Neyasha and starts to help her into the Evac tube. Once Neyasha is in the tube Rena turns to Wei...

"The science labs should be one floor up and in the center of the skyhook. If you want me to come with you, I can get Neyasha settled into Audrie and come back out."

Oct 17th, 2003, 01:16:54 PM
The sound of 8 sets of feet can be heard running down the hall towards storage room 2267

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 20th, 2003, 09:39:53 PM
Wei helps Neyasha and Rena into the tube and heads to the other side of the room, running out the door and down the hall to get as far away from the room as he can. The entire hall would soon be venting atmosphere once Audrie moved away from the skyhook.

Wei looked around for an elevator or stairs, anything to get up one floor. But where were they? Wei had heard the thugs' feet running down the hall, and had headed in the opposite direction, hoping they would not see him running down the hall. Wei wanted to make this fast.

Oct 21st, 2003, 09:20:27 AM
Just as Wei reaches a stair case the 8 thugs come arround the corner, and see Wei. The 8 of them draw their blasters and start shooting random shots at Wei!

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 21st, 2003, 08:46:31 PM
Wei sucked in a quick breath and retrieved his lightsaber. Lucky for Wei, most of the shots missed, but there were a few that came close. Wei knocked those back at the thugs with his saber.

"Now fellows, calm down."

Wei reached out a hand and pushed the thugs with the Force.

Rena D'sor
Oct 22nd, 2003, 10:54:18 AM
Rena hops into the Tube, and climbs into the airlock, after proping the door open and firing 2 shots at the thugs.

"Alright Audrie! we're in! hopefuly Wei can get into a stair well before the air on that floor get's thin."

Audrie X-4
Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:01:51 AM
Audrie removes the Evac tube from the wall and watches as the air flows out of the room and hallway.

she then flys off back to the GJO, but as she passes in front of the air flowing out of the Skyhook a storage locker hits her lower airlock. After quick scan of the locker she finds that the locker contains Neyasha's clothing and belonging that were on her person then she was captured.

She quickly opens the airlock and shifts her postion so the locker falls in. Then she continues to fly off to the GJO to get Neyashe Medical attention.

Oct 22nd, 2003, 11:09:32 AM
Things were happening to fast for the thugs to understand what was going on.

Thug1 was hit with two of the blaster bolts reflected back at them by Wei, and falls to the floor Dead

Thug2 and Thug3 are shot in the chest with the two stun bolts fired by Rena

Thug1,2,3,4,5,and 6 get sucked out the hull breach and fall to their doom.

Thug7 passes out after a few moments due to the suden change in air presure and gets lodged agienst a door jam

Thug8 passes out just as he gets himself into a different room..

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:00:45 PM
Shortly after the alarm goes off Rivin reaches out with the force to see what is going on. He sences that Neyasha has been set free, and that there is now a hull breach. He lets his mind touch the minds of all the beings on the Skyhook one by one, and is suprised to find that the Jedi Knight that set free Neyasha, has not yet left the Skyhook, but is at the bottom of a stair case that leads right to the front doors of the lab that Neyasha's daughter is in.

Rivin puts one and one togeather, and gets the idea that Neyasha has sent him to return her daughter to her. Rivin hurries to the lab and starts to transmit backups of all the information to another location. He then Opens the cage that Neyasha's daughter is in and grabs her by the neck and takes her to an escape pod at the far end of the room.

Valora Ashen
Oct 22nd, 2003, 02:06:06 PM
The 3 year old girl trys to run when the cage is opened, but is caught by the large hand that Rivin sent towards her neck. She trys to screem but can not get the air to do it. Valora trys to kick and punch Rivin any where she can, hoping to get him to drop her.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 22nd, 2003, 06:26:52 PM
Wei hurried over the tangled bodies of the henchmen, hurring up the stairs and jabbing the button that would open the door. The door slid quietly and efficiently open, allowing Wei just enough time to get inside the room before shutting.

"Much better," Wei said as he arranged his disheveled hair.

Wei noticed a rather large man carrying a girl across the room by her neck. "What do you think you're doing handling her in such a way as that? Release her this instant!"

Wei began to walk toward Rivin in preparation to take the girl from him. "Let that little girl go. Please."

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 12:40:10 PM
Rivin nods and gets an evil grin on his face.

"Very well..."

Rivin throws Valora into the escape pod and locks the door so she can't get out. Then he draws both of his lightsabers and activates them, getting into a defencive position.

"If you want the girl Jedi, Then you will have to get through me first!"

Valora Ashen
Oct 23rd, 2003, 12:45:14 PM
The 3 year old girl gets thrown into the pod. She lands on her bum and starts to pout and wimper.

"Owey! Bad man! Owey!"

Crying she gets up and starts to hit the now locked door...

"want Mama! MAma!"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:24:08 PM
Wei shook his head. "I'd rather not, if it's all the same to you."

Wei reached for one of his lightsabers alll the same. He knew Rivin wouldn't give him any choice.

"I suppose I really don't have a choice."

Wei walked towards Rivin, closing the distance between them both. Once Wei was in range, he quickly sidestepped to the left and made a quick swipe at the Sith.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 23rd, 2003, 03:35:26 PM
Rivin brings the saber in his right hand down to block the attack, he pivots on his right foot so that he is facing Wei's lefts side, and swings his saber in his left hand on a downward slash at Wei's upper back.

Valora Ashen
Oct 24th, 2003, 11:56:47 AM
Valora hits the door some more...

"Gib me Ma Mama!"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 27th, 2003, 09:13:17 AM
Wei threw his arm backwards, sliding his saber in between his back and Rivin's blade, and turned to face his opponent.

Wei switched his saber to his other hand and closed up his stance. Wei had to get Rivin away from the pod. But how?

Wei pushed at Rivin with the Force, and followed in behind it with a quick overhead strike.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 27th, 2003, 10:28:22 AM
Rivin's footing stumbles for a few moments as he catches himself from the force push.

As he is catching himself, he brings his Left Saber up to block the downward strike, and thursts his right saber at Wei's stomach.

Valora Ashen
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:50:02 PM
Valora hits the door some more...

"ellp meee!! ellp mmeeee!!"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 29th, 2003, 03:56:40 PM
"Oh goodness..."

Wei pushed his and Rivin's locked sabers to the side and stepped along with it, allowing Rivin's left saber to scrape his side. Rivin's saber grazed skin, and cut the clip that held Wei's spare saber on his belt. The extra saber fell to the ground, unnoticed by its owner.

"Hang on, little one, I'm coming!"

Wei tapped Rivin's righthand saber, then tapped his lefthand saber to get the weapon away from Wei's body before thrusting at the Darksider's shoulder.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 29th, 2003, 04:06:58 PM
Rivin jumps in to the air and flips over Wei as Wei thrust his saber where Rivin was just a moment ago. As He lands behind Wei he clips his saber in his right hand to his belt and attacks Wei with a downward slash at Wei's back.

With his left hand he calls Wei's fallen lightsaber to his hand, turning it on and holding it in a defencive position.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 29th, 2003, 10:12:29 PM
Wei took a few quick steps forward and immediately was out of range.

"How did you get that?" Wei asked, looking at his belt. "Oh, I see."

Wei decided to ignore the fact that Rivin had one of his lightsabers, and instead focus on the task at hand: taking out Rivin so Wei could rescue Neyasha's daughter.

Wei swung at Rivin's left leg, feeling very emotionally drained.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 30th, 2003, 12:51:14 PM
Rivin blocked the the strike comming at his left leg with the saber in his left hand, but doesn't go to strike back, he had a long day up to this already, and the fight was draining his energy to the point where he must now go on the defencive in order to regain his energy.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:09:30 PM
Wei watched Rivin's saber come down to knock his away.

If he would just give in, things would be much easier Wei thought to himself, and de-activated his saber.

Suddenly, Wei found that he didn't care anymore. He felt neither positively nor negatively about the outcome of the battle. He just wanted to end it.

Wei found himself once again in the dangerous state of Emptiness. Wei could sense the Force flowing more freely and strongly within him. Wei took a breath, and as he exhaled, stretched his hand toward Rivin. But instead of pushing Rivin away, Wei drew the man closer to him, and grabbed Rivin by the collar, tossing him over his shoulder and across the room.

Dark Lord Rivin
Oct 30th, 2003, 02:19:39 PM
Rivin was expecting another strike from a lightsaber, but when Wei shuts off his saber, Rivin is suprised. He moves into strike Wei down, but only finds himself being pulled towards Wei, and finds himself being tossed over Wei's shoulder and the next thing he know he is getting a closeer look at the wall than he would like.

After hitting the wall Rivin quickly turns to face Wei. His face is red from the impact, and a slow leak of blood starts to come from his nose.

Rivin attemps to throw Wei to the far wall away from the escape pod with the force..

Valora Ashen
Oct 31st, 2003, 12:58:13 PM
Valora stops pounding and Giggles as she sees Rivin hit the wall with his face.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 1st, 2003, 09:28:21 AM
Wei felt a small pressure on his chest and gave with it, falling on his back and rolling up onto his feet again.

Wei walked over to the cage, shunted the Force into his arms and tore the cage and chain out of the cieling. The Jedi knight took it by the chain and swung the cage in circles around his head, releasing it so that it sailed in Rivin's direction.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 3rd, 2003, 10:39:46 AM
Rivin uses the force to stop the cage in mid air, but he can not stop the chain as well with the amount of pain he is in, and the Chain whips him across the face, putting a large gash there, and blood starts to drip from the wound.

He has had enough of this. Rivin rolls along the wall till he reaches the controls for the escape pod, and he changes the exit vector so that the pod will travel at high speeds into a large office building. He then lanches the pod, and runs out the back door to the Lab, mumbleing to himself

"Lets see how much of a jedi you really are."

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:01:28 PM
Wei turned and stared at the escape pod. Telekinesis had been useful, but it simply was not his thing.

Wei reaches out both hands to the escape pod and begins to pull it toward himself with the Force. At first the pod appeared to be unfazed by Wei's influence.

Then it happened. Like a voice in his mind, he heard his grandpa's words. Wu Wei. Do not be rigid. But flow. Flow witht he circumstances.

Wei gritted his teeth and started to pull on the pod, but this time he pulled to the left, knocking the escape pod off course.INstead of hitting the building, it slipped between the office building and the building next to it, creating a loud grating sound as it slowed to a halt and got stuck between the two structures.

Wei fell to his knees, panting and gasping. He was mentally and emotionally exhausted, and not exactly sure what had been happening.

"Look at that," Wei said as he observed the escape pod. "Now I got to get over there."

Little girl! Little girl, are you ok in there? Wei called out to Neyasha's daughter telepathically.

Valora Ashen
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:09:06 PM
when the pod is lanuched Valora starts to Screem...


she runs around the pod as it flys at the buliding. She starts to cry as she gets so scared that she messes her pants.

When the pod grinds to a stop, Valora is thrown at the view port of the pod, smaking her head, and knocking her out.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:12:04 PM
In the time that it takes for Wei to stop the pod from taking out the office building Rivin has already made it to a small landing pad, out the back of the Lab. He hops into an air speder, and takes off leaving Wei behind on the Skyhook.

Audrie X-4
Nov 3rd, 2003, 02:19:50 PM
Audrie flys back into the Air space near the skyhook, just in time to see the pod hit the buildings and stick, then moments later sees a air speeder leave the skyhook. Audrie calls Wei's comm unit...

"Jedi Knight Wei Wu Wei... This Is The Audrie X-4. Are you in need of assistance?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 3rd, 2003, 08:01:30 PM
"Please. We need to get to the pod. Neyasha's daughter is in there. Just get over here so I can jump on. No need for a boarding ramp. We can do that after I got the kid."

Audrie X-4
Nov 4th, 2003, 11:27:05 AM
Audrie flys over to just under the landing pad just behind the lab, and informs Wei her location relative to his position. Once he is on the outer hull she flys over to the pod.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2003, 02:54:45 PM
Wei dug into a firm stance so he would not fall off. "Ok, Audrie. She's stuck in between the buidings. We can't get to her directly, so you wait here with your boarding ramp open. I'll go get her and then we'll board and you can take us home."

Wei jumped over at one of the building walls and kicked off of it to the other building, zig-zagging towards Neyasha's daughter through the help of the Force. When he jumped onto the escape pod, Wei tore the hatch off of it and scooped up the little girl into his arms.

"Out cold. But alive. That's good. Audrie, we're coming! Get ready!" Wei called as he bounced back toward the spaceship.

Audrie X-4
Nov 5th, 2003, 10:32:27 AM
Audrie mad sure that the boarding ramp was down, and that she was as close to the Pod as she could be.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 5th, 2003, 08:01:16 PM
"Ok, let's go," Wei said as he got on the boarding ramp and entered the ship.

Audrie X-4
Nov 6th, 2003, 12:10:06 PM
Audrie lifts the boarding ramp and flys back to the GJO.