View Full Version : Exploring his options (open).

Sep 18th, 2003, 06:45:15 AM
-Jensaarai stooped to enter, with 6' to the head of the door that left a foot short.

He was dressed in long black leather robes; two sleaves as one would expect but a second pair of arms held to the sides, hidden beneath the material.
His noble, hansome looks offset by the feral cannines and slightly elongated ears; the steel blue eyes of the hunter swept around instinctively but his stroll took him strait to the bar where he pearched atop a stool.

A nod of acknowledgement to the bartender was followed by an extotic but still clear accent; the words executed with elegant sweeps of pronounciation with a sort of subtle but defined purr of a feral species.-

"Corelian ale."

-He requested concisley but politely.-

Sep 19th, 2003, 08:27:05 AM
-Just out side a newcomer had only just approached the doors when a pair of bandits tried to mug him.-

"...Hand it over slick!"

"...Yeah hand it over...."

-Jurin just stared for a momment before Jurins blade slashed out at one of them, spilling intestinal tract all over the floor.-


-The other barely had time to look before he recieved a thrust to the neck spliting his throat and spine alike.

The corpse slid of the blade as Jurin entered the room, replacing the blade in a thigh holster, a sweep of the foot sliding the body outside again.-


-He said to himself as he entered and headed for the bar.-

Sep 19th, 2003, 08:49:34 AM
-The Codru-Ji had heard the slash and the splat, then the crunch and the thud, then the smell of freash kill, before the door swung open.-

"...Great, just what I need, more trouble..."