View Full Version : A new phantom in the frey (open).

Sep 18th, 2003, 02:28:29 AM
-In complete silence the 60' wing span glides down onto some typicaly non-descript floor level of Corsucant;
The perfect landing closley followed with the recoiling of the wings around the dragon-like body.

The mommentum of the landing did not stop but meerly slowed as Brodyr changed to walking speed; beipeidal by nature, he walks tall and strong.
The strolling figure was barley visible at night, the blackening of his wings acting as a kind of camoflaged coat for the night flyer, it's colour shift in reponse to the low-light.

By day his eyesight was poor but by night, that was a different matter entirley.
His acute hearing picked up something moving in the shadows; Curiousity got the better of the night hunter and so his movement ceased as he rotated his head.

His head peareched atop broad shoulders; 12' of height giving him a natural vantage point, his optical night vision/thermal vision (typical of night dracos) clearley spotting the shadowed wanderer.

With Brodyr's sight the silouette was clear although he could see the beating heart in it's chest even better.

"Who goes there?"

-The smooth, deep purr of the draco echoed of the walls.-

Xela Oxralad
Sep 18th, 2003, 06:48:47 PM
*Xela was a bit surprised to hear a voice at such a low level of Coruscant. He turned to where the voice came from but couldn't see anything in the gloom.*
I'm looking for someone. Unless you are my quarry I have no quarl with you.

Darren Caerdeth
Sep 18th, 2003, 09:02:14 PM
"See man, you thought I was stoned..."

From behind a nearby dumpster, Darren glanced out at the huge Dragon that had taken to flying around the lower levels. Darren himself was a dragon expert. He'd watched more dragon holomovies than any two people in the galaxy. Needless to say, he was prepared. Behind the dumpster, Darren was girt with sword and shield. Well, actually, he had a crowbar and a manhole cover, but in situations like this, you had to be resourceful...

"Remember, if it looks like its going to sneeze, try to get your finger under its nose, its the only way to stop the inferno...."

Adjerban the Interloper
Sep 18th, 2003, 09:10:11 PM
"Its hard to tell the difference sometimes."

I took Darren's comment as mostly eccentricty. After all, the past few nights of romping Coruscant with him had made me take anything he claimed with a salt grain the size of a AT/AT.

"Right." But, frell the yell, here it was, 18 meters long or somesuch (size becomes hazy after a point, and largley irrelevant.)

"Yeah. You have to get me sloshed if we live through this crap. At a nice resteraunt, please." All I had were some choice stones and part of a speeder door.

"Darren, why to you always get the cool dren like the crobar?" Darren shrugged at me. He didn't really know, and the question was largely rehtorical.

"So whats the plan?"

Sep 19th, 2003, 12:36:26 AM
-The large creature glanced at the pointy ear and the vampire; he was a little amused to say the least but thought it best to keep thiings as serious as possible.-

"..Uh, no offence or anything but I don't really do vampires and the pointy-ears, well, you're a little on the scrawny side."

-Okay, so he couldn't help himself; a grin spread across his face.-

Darren Caerdeth
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:29:12 AM
"Dren! He spotted you!

Darren stood up from behind the dumpster and bravely faced the dragon...

"Ha! Shows how smart you are talking dragon! I see no vampires here!"

Raising his sword (crowbar) defiantly, Darren shouted at the beast..

"This dominion belongs to us! You shant not pass!"

Sep 20th, 2003, 09:45:18 AM
"...You're kidding......right?"

Adjerban the Interloper
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:56:32 AM
"No, now fak off!"

(OOC: Knowing that Darren is a vampire is godmoding.)

Xela Oxralad
Sep 20th, 2003, 11:22:10 AM
*Xela was mildly amused at the two men who had now arrived on the scene. He suspected that they were quite drunk, and at least slightly delusional. A grin spread across half his face.*

You guys have been hitting the bottle a little too hard. Dragons are fairy tails. I'm not sure what this thing is, but it's certainly not a dragon.

Darren Caerdeth
Sep 20th, 2003, 11:52:55 AM
"You dont know what you're talking about!"

Darren pointed his weapon toward Xela. When you had a weapon, and you were speaking to someone, you had to point your weapon at them. It was like, a rule or something.

"There is no such thing as hitting the bottle too hard! And that's a dragon, im sure of it!"

Darren spoke defiantly. He didnt know who this guy was, or where this dragon came from. All he knew was that he and Adjerban had to do there fill of smiting before they drank today.

Sep 20th, 2003, 12:36:54 PM
-Brodyr laughed.-

"....dragon.....that's a good one!"

-He approached closer to them, arms folded.-

"...You two are clearly intoxicated..."

-He spoke with a smile.-

"...for future reference I'm a Draco sub-species, Draco noxii hominidae to be exact.
I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I can't breath fire, nor am I partiall to kidknaping young virgins."

OOC: how so? surely, as a diseased human, vampires are bound to smell a little off, espesially to a predator.

Darren Caerdeth
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:07:19 PM
(OOC: 1) Vampires, in the sense of how I RP Darren, are affected by a toxin that causes a genetic mutation, it wouldnt necessarily affect his odor at all.

2) A person's smell is affected by many organisms other than the person you are smelling.

3) Darren, in the whole process, came out a bit different than most Vampires, so knowing what a Vampire smells like still wouldnt help much

4) Prove to me you've took the time to smell a different assortment of Vampires.)

"However you say it, you're still a Dragon. Just because you're the weirdo dragon from the pack that cant breathe fire or kidnap young virgins, doesnt mean I still shouldnt slay you....After all, you're a dragon."

Sep 20th, 2003, 01:16:42 PM
OOC: I would love to stay and debate this (i.e. IR vision would show unusual muscalature, respitory rate etc.) but I'd rather just forget about it and move on.


"...and tell me, human, why is it you think dragons should be slayed?"

-He said, still bearing a smile.-

Adjerban the Interloper
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:31:04 PM
"That thing isn't a dragon. Its not spikey enough." Adjerban looked at whatever it was critically. He didn't really know too much about dragons.

"Darren, lets get something to eat. I know it doesn't bother you so much, but I'm hungry."

Darren Caerdeth
Sep 20th, 2003, 01:34:27 PM
"You're right, it isnt spikey enough. And it cant even breathe fire. My GRANDMOTHER can breathe fire. This thing's just a wannabe Dragon."

Darren dropped his man-hole cover like a child who'd suddenly become bored with a new toy, then turned with Adjerban to walk away....

"I'll grab something on the way, what did you wanna get?"

Sep 20th, 2003, 06:17:32 PM
Someone... or something... watched from high above, curled about a fire-escape, glowing cobalt eyes tilted askew.

Sep 21st, 2003, 02:40:40 AM
-Brodyr thought he could here something above them, but he could not smell anything.

His suspisions led him to look up but saw little else other then the haze of warm metal from the building around.

Their was a slight buldge on the fire escape and as he looked harder he began to make out a respitory system. At this distance it wasn't easy to tell waht it actually was and Brodyr thought it unwise to start pinging his ultrasound and so meerly observed for movement.-

Xela Oxralad
Sep 22nd, 2003, 05:31:09 PM
*The grin had receded from Xela's face as the beast seamed to look at something above them. He was worried about what it was that could make such a fearsome creature puase like that.*