View Full Version : A-Wing Simulators

Lance Freestar
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:08:01 PM
Lance walked into the large room filled with several simulators. He saw several other types, some used for X-Wings, B-Wings, E-Wings, K-Wings, and Y-Wings, then finally he layed his eyes on the A-Wing simulator. With a nod of approval from the officer in the observatory, and Control room, he climbined into the Simulator. He strapped himself down, then awaited for the first simulation program to be loaded up.

Lance Freestar
Sep 26th, 2003, 08:50:17 AM
Lance found himself on near a world like Byss, and his sensors sqwuaked out a warning. A TIE Fighter was on his tail, preparing to light him up. Most pilots would have made an immediate turn to port, or starboard, but not Lance. He just traversed his guns to point aft, and started firing while he juked and jinked to avoid the TIE's lasers. Moments later his cockpit was illuminated by an explosion and his sensors confirmed his kill.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 26th, 2003, 07:12:12 PM
A voice came on in Lance's cockpit.

"Excellent shot, Lieutenant Freestar. This is Admiral El' Jonson, I'll be assessing you today. Depending on how you do today will determine your rank and where you operate from."

He paused for a moment to enter a few commands from his touchscreen in the Simulator Control Room.

"I'm going to spawn three TIE Fighters to port. Take them out, then continue to vector 028-925-X29. You'll find a hyperspace beacon there. You'll learn more about your mission as soon as you enter the hyperspace jump. Admiral El' Jonson, out."

In the A-Wing simulator, alarms sounded as three TIE Fighters shot out from around a moon to Lance's port-side and screamed in towards him, trying to get a lock with their lasers....

Sep 26th, 2003, 07:17:43 PM
The three TIEs took up an arrowhead formation, with the squadron leader at the front of the arrow. A cold, emotionless voice echoed across the other two TIE's comlinks.

"Shift power to lasers."

The TIE Fighters rapidly decelerated as some of their energy was shunted to weapons, but now their lasers were coming online...a few more seconds and they'd be able to blast that Rebel A-Wing...they remained in formation as they closed with Lance.

Sep 27th, 2003, 01:14:23 AM
Reshmar had ben told by Admiral Lion of a new A wing pilot which had requested placement in the Orishma Task Force. What with the current start of the galaxy Reshmar could use an elite A wing Squadron to act as a scouting and forward interceptor arm. He walked into the Simulator section and began watching the sim running. # tie fighters were closing on an a wing and had powered there weapons. He would watch to see if this new pilot was as good as he had heard.

Lance Freestar
Sep 27th, 2003, 09:51:18 AM
Lance watched as the three TIE Fighters closed from his portside, and glanced on his sensors to look for the hyperspace beacon. He saw it on the other side of the fighters. Lance allowed himself a small smile, then set off to the task ahead of himself. He turned to go head to head with the fighters. Soon he acquired a targeting lock on one fighter, and switched over to missiles. He had a constant tone, so he fired one missile, then quickly switched to lasers, and opened fire.

Lance Freestar
Oct 2nd, 2003, 11:24:05 AM
As the TIE Fighters approached him, Lance charged towards them, firing his lasers in rapid recycle mode. Althought they were of lower power than normal lasers, the fact that he was going against TIEs, which were unshielded, and didn't have thick hull meant that they couldn't take much. The lead TIE suffered under his barrage, and as the range closed, flamed out after suffering as many as a dozen hits. The other two TIEs fired, then broke to port, and starboard. Lance curved to port, and switched his lasers to normal firing mode. He trained his lasers aft, then armed his concussion missile launcher. The TIE that curved to port showed up in his sights less then a kilometer away, so he put his targeting recticle over it, and got a constant hum that indicated that his missile targeting package had a lock on. Lance fired, then ignored the TIE in front of him to look for the TIE that was undoubtley on his rear. He spotted him settling nicely into a firing position, so confident that he had Lance in a perfect killing position. Lance triggered two salvos from his rear orientated laser cannons. The first two beams missed him, but caused him to manuever right into the paths of the other two beams. One hit his left Solar Panel array, shearing off the top portion of it, and the other drove throught the cockpit, killing the pilot, then detonating the Ion engines, causing the TIE to explode in a spectacular fireball. The light from that fireball was eclipsed by a more violent explosion ahead of him as his missile found the first fighter. With no more TIEs around him, he moved off to the hyperspace beacon, then jumped into hyperspace.