View Full Version : Familiar Faces (Dae Jinn)

Kack Mebuff
Sep 17th, 2003, 06:43:37 PM
Jedi Padawan, Kack Mebuff, walked through one of Coruscant's uglier areas. His black cloak fluttered behind him as he strode through the streets, his heavy boots making a thud with each step he took.

At his left hip Ruunya hung in its scabbard; and on Kack's right, his lightsaber. Both, however, were hidden beneath his long cloak.

Suddenly, there was a crack of thunder and the rain came pouring down.

Kack pulled his dark hood over his head. All of a sudden Kack felt a familiar Force signature. Daetana Jinn.

The Jedi stopped in front of his friend. He looked very different from the last time they had met. His dark hair hung down to his shoulders, and his goatee was now accompanied by a thick layer of stubble. But still his face was unmistakable to her.

"Hello, Daetana," Kack smiled.

Dae Jinn
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:06:23 PM
Daetana pulled the collar of her leather car-coat tighter around her neck as she ducked under an awning. A duffle bag hung off one shoulder as she peered out at the street, searching for a cab.

Hello, Daetana.

She jumped. The voice was familar, but since her departure from her apprenticeship with Sorsha, she had to be careful. You never knew when someone would come looking for revenge. Turning, her frown quickly turned into a smile. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling Kack in for a tight hug.

"Hello Stranger. It's been awhile."

Kack Mebuff
Sep 18th, 2003, 09:23:59 AM
"That it has," Kack said embracing his old friend.

"How are you doing? It has been far too long."

Dae Jinn
Sep 18th, 2003, 06:08:09 PM
"I'm engaged. No longer a darksider, and just joined the Jedi Order." She planted a quick kiss on his chin, her smile growing. She pulled him underneath the awning, letting him out of the hug but keeping an arm around his waist.
"And you? what have you been up to?"

Kack Mebuff
Sep 19th, 2003, 10:24:13 AM
Kack paused for a moment, "Well, actually, it's a rather long story. Perhaps we could go some place a little drier?"

He lead her to a small diner a block away. Inside they sat at a booth and the waiter placed two menus in front of them.

"Anything to drink?" he asked.

"Uh, I'll just have a water," Kack replied quickly.

The waiter then turned to Dae, "For you, Ma'am?"

Dae Jinn
Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:28:34 PM
"Vodka, leave the glass, please."

She settled into her seat, and smiled across at him, "So, start with the story-telling, Mr Mebuff.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:41:28 PM
Kack removed his pipe and began smoking before starting his tale. The smoke slid out the bowl like a snake out of a basket.

"Hoom, well, where to start? The beginning I guess. About four months ago, I began recieving images of a great warrior wielding a flaming sword on Naboo. So I packed up and headed off. I arrived far from the cities near the Gungan Ruins. For three months I searched, using the Force to guide me. Finally, I found a hidden temple. Within it's doors I discovered a book of lineage and the sword from my dreams, only the flame went out. The book said that I was a member of a great line of warriors which passed down the blade known as Runnya. The name means "Red Flame" in the tongue of Elves. It belonged to my great grandfather. He hid it from my mother's father for he was of ill character, and then my mother had no brothers. Ruunya lay hidden until I uncovered it. And now since I am the next living male in the bloodline, Ruunya is mine, and only I can wield it. For anyone else the blade holds certain death."

Kack stopped and waited for Dae's response.