View Full Version : Pick a Pocket full of Malice (open)

Jetti H'aal
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:41:36 PM
Jetti H'aal was one of the smaller Coruscant scamps, who made his home in the dangerous, restricted levels of the planet. Surely, if it hadn't been for the...kindness, of a band of pre-teen hobos like himself, the little Corellian would have been dead by now. But, he wasn't, and so the boy made a living any way he could.

Today was a good day. Jetti'd gotten up early and swung by Dometown to deliver a package and pick up a measly few creds before heading up to the Centeral Gathering Area to take a glance at the clock, spreading it's light across the sky. The child nipped a fizzy drink from a street vendor, though it was only just nearing seven AM standard, and then hurried his pace. After a lot of unintentional dawdling he reached Monument Plaza, smiling at the bushel of crowds awaiting eager fingers in the mall.

It was just a matter of a few minutes before his pockets were heavy with stolen goods. Yes, today was a good day. Today he would get to eat a good meal. Today he might even be home in time to find a warm place to sleep.

It was these things that were on his mind as the six year old reached his hand into one last pocket to pull out a wallet, and it was these things that made him forget his concentration.

Jetti was just about out the doors of the shopping center when a large hand closed about his skinny neck. The boy let out a gawking sound as he was lifted off his feet, kicking and gasping for breath.

"Lemme go! Lemme go!"