View Full Version : Evening at the Cove (Complete)
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 17th, 2003, 05:13:14 AM
The autumn evening breeze had cooled and was refreshing as the Coruscant sun dipped into the skyline, leaving behind an unbelievable array of pink and purple hues.
Ridge Kincaid admired the beauty through the open moon roof of his personal limo.
Even as a Darksider, the young man knew beauty when he saw it. He had seen it in Angelina, so many years ago when their love had first begun. Ridge saw it again the day she was slain through the chest with his lightsabre.
He shook his head at the thought, how different things could've been...if only she had waited on him as she had promised. He would've spared her life that day, but she had attacked him, uselessly.
Angelina's primative fighting skills had been no match against the Darksiders lightsabre.
He sipped on some wine and quickly brought his mind back to the here and now.
Angelina had been his past, but Mylia was his future. How beautiful and young she was...but she was also training to become a Jedi. But, that could be changed, with the right timing.
The limo turned and was now adjacent to the Jedi Temple, Ridge was still somewhat early and he saw no signs of the young Padawan yet. "Lance, pull up about a block." He ordered as the drived did as he was told.
Credit and power had been given to the young Darksider long ago, as Ridge took on the teachings of his Uncle. Money was never an issue and would never be an issue as long as Ridge was in control of his late Uncle's estate and conglomerate shipping business. That had brought him wealth beyond belief and he was a bright young man with the edge to remain on top.
The limo stopped a block up and the older, white-haired chauffuer stepped out and opened the door for Ridge. He stepped out and straightened the emaculate black dress suit he wore. It had credit written all over it. "I'll be back shortly, Lance with my lady friend." He said as he began to walk towards the Temple.
"Sir, you're rose." Lance said as he quickly came up to him and held out the flower.
"Thank you, Lance. You're a life saver." He told the older gentlemen and began his walk again.
Ridge stood at the bottom of the steps of the Temple a few minutes later and glanced at his chronometer, still a few minutes left. He took in the view with a relaxing sigh...tonight would be a night to remember....
Lady Mylia
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:17:33 PM
Mylia looked out her window, watching to Ridge. She was nervous. There was something about Ridge that made her feel like a little school girl again. She smiled when she saw him step out of a limo, but she was impressed. She watched him for a few more moments before she went down to him.
She stepped out of the door, it was a nice breeze. Mylia smiled, she was happy to be out of her padawan clothing. Tonight's choice outfit was a slim fitting black dress. It was short but elegant, with a very low cut back. She walked towards Rdige looking at him with a smile. "Hello, Ridge. It's a pleasure to see you again."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 18th, 2003, 05:02:31 AM
Ridge turned and smiled appreciatively as he looked at Mylia's fine attire. "You're lookihg very fine, my lass." He bowed, presented her with the rose and kissed her hand, all in one sweeping motion.
Lady Mylia
Sep 18th, 2003, 01:09:05 PM
Mylia shook her head with a smile. "Why thank you, kind sir. You aren't looking to shabby yourself." She said as she winked at him. She took the rose in one hand and Ridge's arm in the other. She smiled. "This is going to be a fun evening."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 18th, 2003, 04:18:01 PM
"I guarentee it, m'lass." He smiled as he led her to the limo speeder and the chauffuer opened the door.
Ridge stepped aside and let Mylia enter first. Once, in he followed.
They got settled and Ridge leaned forward to a bottle of iced wine. Pouring some into two gold rimmed goblets he offered one to Mylia. "Let's start the evening off right, nothing like a good aged wine to quench the pallet." He took a nice sip and savored the taste before he swallowed. "Very good age."
Lady Mylia
Sep 19th, 2003, 06:58:00 PM
Mylia looked around, it was a very nice limo. She nodded and smiled to the driver. After she stepped in she took her cup and took a sip. "Yes, very good." She was surprised by all this, she had no idea what Ridge was so wealthy. "So, tell me about yourself Ridge. What do you do for a living?"
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 19th, 2003, 08:39:28 PM
"I am the owner of Quantum Exports, ever heard of it? It's based out of Tynna. Though, I'm seriously thinking of moving my base to here on Coruscant." He answered as he sipped on his drink again.
"My uncle was the founder of it and I studied with him for about eight years before he placed me second in command. The business flouished and about a year ago, he passed away and gave everything to me."
Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:32:17 AM
Mylia nodded. She was very impressed. Ridge was very dedicated to his business. "Yes, I've heard of it a couple times. That's very impressive, Ridge. You must be proud of your business."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 20th, 2003, 08:59:33 AM
"Yes, I am. It's taken me a lot of years to get this far. But, I plan to take things at far as I can get them and that's why moving my headquarters here seems like a very good business opportunity. That is just another reason why I'm here, can't ever seem to pass up a good deal. But, enough about business, let's talk about pleasure now. Let's talk about you and what you do." He smiled as took another sip.
Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:06:49 AM
Mylia shook her head with a smile. "Killing two birds with one stone, I see. Surprising your brother and working on business. Very businessman like of you." She smiled and laughed. "I would like to just have a nice evening with you. Places and events are just details that are a bonus. So, I don't really care. Surprise me." She smiled again, she knew this was going to be a fun night.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:31:45 AM
"Oh, I'll surprise you alright." He smiled as the limo continued on. It wasn't long before it stopped on a hover pad and the door was opened.
The man was dressed in a tux and bowed.
"Lord Kincaid, welcome to the Cove. You're table awaits you. Come with me, please."
Ridge nodded and stepped out after Mylia. He held out an arm to her, which she took and led her into the huge dining palace.
People were dressed to the hilt as they were led by. An orchestra played and the large dance floor was fillied, and people and beign were everywhere talking and having a great time.
Guards were posted everywhere, since it was a top notch dining facility to the rich and famous. Ridge paid no mind to anyone as the maitre'd took them to a different set of doors.
"You're table, Sir."
Ridge allowed Mylia into the private terrace first, it was beautiful. An elegant table setting, potted plants with small soft white lights about giving the terrace a beautiful glow adding to the glow from the candles set on the table.
Ridge merely smiled at the look on Mylia's face.
Lady Mylia
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:45:51 PM
Mylia looked around. The Cove was a beautiful place, not really what Mylia was expecting. She looked down at her casual black dress. A little too casual for this. She blushed slightly as she looked around at everyone's attire. Nothing she could do about it now, she just had to deal with her very casual attire.
As they made their way into a private dinning area Mylia was in awe. She had recieved the VIP treatment before, but not quite so private. It was beautiful. Hanging lights and candles set a very romantic atmosphere. Mylia began to wonder if this is what that was. No, she kept telling herself. This was nothing more than a thank you. She looked around with a smile and began to take a seat.
"This is beautiful, Ridge."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:32:18 AM
"I'm glad you like it." He smiled assuringly as he helped her with her seat and then sat down across from her as the Maitre'd poured them a glass of red wine that had been chiling nearby.
He handed the two a menu and bowed. "Sir, Naroago will be with you shortly. He'll be your waiter tonight."
The man left the two alone to their private paradise.
Ridge looked at Mylia and smiled. "You look wonderful tonight, I hope you don't mind coming here. It's one of my favorite places."
Lady Mylia
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:46:22 AM
Mylia nodded towards the Maitre'd as he poored their wine. "Thank you." She said as he was leaving. She looked over to Ridge with a smile. "I don't mind coming here at all, it's wonderful. I just can't help but feel I'm underdressed. I hope you don't mind." She looked down to her plain, black, silky, dress.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 21st, 2003, 09:55:46 AM
"Not at all, lass. You look as lovely as ever, the best dressed in my eyes." His voice was as gentle as ever as the waiter entered their terrace.
"Sir, are you ready to order?" Naroago asked as he bowed to the two.
"I'm ready, Mylia?" Ridge asked, having not even looked at his menu. He waited for her to order first as he took another sip of his wine.
Lady Mylia
Sep 21st, 2003, 02:32:18 PM
Mylia blushed. "Thanks I..." She was cut off as the waiter came in. She hadn't even looked at the menu yet. She blushed again, being ebarrassed. She looked it over quickly. "I'll have a small leaf salad with light dressing and then I'll take the Nabooian chicken breat with a light white sauce." She looked up to Ridge with a smile.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:55:59 PM
"Splendid order," Ridge smiled as he looked at the waiter. "I'll have my usual Roast Tagwing with red wine sause and Tapello potatoes with palmino light butter."
Ridge grinned as the wiater left. "Would you like to join me in seeing the best view of the city?" He stood and held out his hand to her.
Lady Mylia
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:36:14 PM
Mylia smiled and nodded. She took Ridge's hand and allowed him to wish her away. "I'd love to."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 22nd, 2003, 03:38:51 AM
The young man took her hand gently and they walked over to the stone edging around the terrace.
The view was incredible, they were facing the large intricately carved, marbled govenrment buildings, with fountains and marbled statues all about. The Senate buliding was huge and round and all was surrounded by plants, trees and lights.
'I love the view from up here."
Lady Mylia
Sep 22nd, 2003, 04:21:53 AM
It was just after sunset and the red glow from the fading sun was still present, making a beautiful backsplash for the illuminating city buildings. There was something Corusant at night that was enchanting. She looked to Ridge and smiled, a wave of emotion spilled over Mylia and for an instant she wished to be sharing a kiss with the young and handsome Ridge. She pulled away from this emotion, knowing that it wasn't possible. She sighed. "It is lovely." Was all her could mange to say.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 22nd, 2003, 09:57:00 PM
With a smile, Ridge put his arm around her and pulled her close. He gazed up at a newly lit star and pointed. "You see that star, Mylia? That star is ours." He kissed the top of her head and held her close.
Lady Mylia
Sep 23rd, 2003, 04:08:31 AM
Mylia smiled and felt very safe in Ridge's arms. It was a comforting feeling, one she hadn't felt in a long time. "It's our star, huh? What's it's name?"
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 23rd, 2003, 07:18:14 PM
"De Ven di covv." He smiled as he answered in Falycin, his accent very strong. "Merely meaning, love star."
Lady Mylia
Sep 23rd, 2003, 08:16:35 PM
Mylia smiled. "That's beautiful. De Ven di covv." She repeated. She felt Ridge's arm around her, she slowly put her hand and rested in there. She looked up at him and smiled.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 24th, 2003, 03:30:52 AM
"Have you ever been to Falycin, Mylia? It has some of the best stars." He told her his voice deep as he smiled down at her.
Lady Mylia
Sep 24th, 2003, 04:24:38 AM
Mylia shook her head. "No, Mr. Kincaid, I've hadn't have the pleasure of going. Sorry to say."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 25th, 2003, 04:39:59 AM
"Ridge, please." He smiled gently. "Would your master allow you a long weekend away? I'd llke to take you there."
Lady Mylia
Sep 25th, 2003, 08:50:43 PM
Mylia shrugged. "I'm not positive, but we can surely ask." She smiled to him. "That would be lovely."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 04:09:23 AM
Ridge looked back out towards the city. "Well, when you do just don't mention my name. I don't want anything to come between me finding my brother, it's very important."
Lady Mylia
Sep 26th, 2003, 04:18:33 AM
Mylia gave Ridge a strange look, but didn't think much of it after that. "Okay, I won't." She looked away from Ridge, towards the city. "So, when is this weekend away going to be?"
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 04:21:45 AM
"Whenever you'd like." He told her as he faced her once again. She was so beautiful. Her eyes almosted seemed to dance for him. "I can make the arrangements, you just name the time." He took ahold of her hands and squeezed.
Lady Mylia
Sep 26th, 2003, 04:37:15 AM
Mylia smiled. "How soon are you willing? I mean, for the rest of the week I'm a little busy, but the weekend and after that my schedule seems clean. I could ask Master Dasquian about it later tonight or tomorrow morning."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 04:44:42 AM
"Anytime you want. It won't take too long to get there, only a few hours. We could spend a few days and I could have you back by late Sunday night. How's that sound?" He asked as he put his arms around her.
Lady Mylia
Sep 26th, 2003, 12:53:30 PM
"Have to be back to work by Monday?" She questioned.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 07:59:13 PM
Ridge smiled graciously. "Unfortunately, I have a very big meeting going on Monday, one that can't be missed or I would consider staying a few more days."
Lady Mylia
Sep 26th, 2003, 08:27:16 PM
Mylia nodded. "I understand that." Even though she sounded a bit disappointed. "That's the responsibility of owning your own business." She smiled and winked up at him.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 08:36:51 PM
Such beautiful eyes she has... His thoughts ran away with him. "Yes, a lesson my uncle drilled into me quite often when I was younger, now I'm glad tha the did. I wouldn't be where I am today had he not." He chuckled lightly.
Lady Mylia
Sep 26th, 2003, 08:48:25 PM
"That's something I could use a lesson in, business management." Mylia looked up at him with hopeful eyes. "Maybe someday you could teach me a thing or two?"
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 09:51:26 PM
"Perhaps, I could. Are you a good student?"
Lady Mylia
Sep 26th, 2003, 09:53:51 PM
"With the right instructor I could be." She winked up at him and smiled.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 26th, 2003, 10:05:37 PM
Ridge merely studies her for a few moments. She could make a good darksider, but that would come later. For now, he needed to win her heart, she already had his.
"I think I could be a very good instructor...with the right student." He added with a grin.
Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2003, 09:41:06 AM
Mylia smiled. "I think I can be that good student." She looked up at him and then back to the skyline. After a few moments their waitor, Naroago returned. He was carrying one tray holding their dinners. She cleared his throat. "Here you are sir, ma'am." He said as she sat their dinner's on the table. Mylia nodded her thanks to the man and looked to Ridge before heading back to their seats.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:20:28 PM
Ridge smiled and led the young woman to her seat. The dinner's looked very appetizing as Ridge took his seat across from the young Padawan.
"I hope you enjoy your dinner, this place is one in a million." He told her as he unfoldedhis napkin and placed it on his lap.
Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:22:47 PM
Mylia did the same with her napkin. She took her fork and began to pick at her salad. "I'm sure it's awesome." She smiled at him. "Thanks again for bringing me here."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:28:10 PM
"Oh, this isn't the only place we're going tonight, I've got plans yet." He smiled as he took a bite of his meat. It melted in his mouth. He loved coming here, especially in the presence of a beautiful lady. And Mylia was just that.
"I hope you don't mind staying out late."
Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:30:30 PM
Mylia shook her head, it had been awhile since she'd been out into wee hours into the night. "That used to be my life before the Order, staying out late, clubs, I love the Corusant nightlife." She smiled again. Tonight was certainly going to be something different.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:34:35 PM
"Good, because w're bound to have some fun tonight, 'lass." He smiled deeply as he took another bite.
Tonight, was going to be quite fun...
Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2003, 09:41:41 PM
Mylia raised her eyebrow with suspiscion. "So, what will we be doing tonight?" She questioned with a smile.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 27th, 2003, 09:58:11 PM
"I had thought about going to the Casino strip in the West town section. What do you think, ever been gambling?" He asked with a sly grin.
Lady Mylia
Sep 27th, 2003, 10:17:45 PM
Mylia shook her head. "Nope, can't say that I have." She smiled. "My mother was always against it when I was younger so I haven't been able to, until now."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 27th, 2003, 11:57:49 PM
"Well, tonight you're going to get a taste of how the other half lives." His smile grew as he took a sip of his wine.
Lady Mylia
Sep 28th, 2003, 08:09:26 AM
Mylia smiled and laughed. "It should be very interesting, to say the least." She said as she finished up her salad and moved on to the chicken. She took a bite of the tender meat. "Oh, this is good."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2003, 10:36:28 AM
Ridge smiled as he took another bite of his own dinner. Life was going well, a great dinner, a beautiful lady to enchant his evening and a trip to a few casinos.
"Yes, interesting is a very kind way to put it. The lights, the noise the excitement in the air. I can't wait to take you there."
Lady Mylia
Sep 28th, 2003, 10:41:24 AM
Mylia took another bite. "I can't wait either." She said after she finished her bite. "It's going to be something else." She took a sip of her wine. This evening was turning out to be very promising.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2003, 10:45:47 AM
"I'll tell ya what, tonight I'll be your instructor. I'll take you to the best of the best in casinos. I want you to play those games until your heart is content. I want you to hear those bells and buzzers ring and watch the look on your face when it happens and all those credits come tumbling out."
Lady Mylia
Sep 28th, 2003, 02:20:45 PM
Mylia raised an eyebrow at Ridge. "I didn't really bring that many credits with me, so I'll just play a little bit."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 28th, 2003, 06:49:29 PM
Ridge laughed. "Spare no expense, m'lass. Don't worry, you'll have all the credit you need. Trust me."
Lady Mylia
Sep 28th, 2003, 09:08:56 PM
Mylia gave him another look. "Are you sure? I mean, I don't want to be any trouble."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:06:24 AM
Ridge laughed again as he cut some more of his meat. "Trouble, you? Never, m'lass!"
"I just want you to have the time of your life tonight, can you promise me that?"
Lady Mylia
Sep 29th, 2003, 04:33:57 AM
Mylia nodded. "Yeah, I guess I can promise that." She felt a little strange for using his money. She finished the last bite of her chicken and put down her fork. She took another drink of the wine. "That was a very good dinner, thank you."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Sep 29th, 2003, 03:42:16 PM
He had finished his meal a few moments before Mylia and then sipped on his wine some more. "Yes, I agree and the company was well worth it. So, tell me a little about yourself. What made you decide to join the Order?"
Lady Mylia
Sep 30th, 2003, 04:51:45 AM
Mylia pushed her plate slightly towards the middle of the table, allowing Ridge to know she was done. "Well, my father and uncle had a great influence on my decision to join the Order. My father and Uncle were both men of the Order, I always admired them. I always aspired to be like them, but after their deathes, I knew for sure I wanted to follow my father's work. So, here I am..."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 1st, 2003, 04:15:32 AM
Ridge nodded. "Very interesting. So tell me, is being in the Order unlike anything you've ever imagined? What is the reason that you want to stay so bad? I've got a number of things we could do."
Lady Mylia
Oct 1st, 2003, 04:36:54 AM
Mylia gave him a questioning look, those were very interesting questions. "I love it, it's live nothing else. I wouldn't change it for the world." She smiled. "I love working with the force, and with animals. My training is going along very nicely."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 1st, 2003, 04:42:36 AM
He nodded again. "It's just very interesting to me, that's all. A Force-user like yourself could go places." He sipped on his wine. "Animals you say? What do you do with animals?"
Lady Mylia
Oct 1st, 2003, 03:05:08 PM
Mylia smiled. "I hope to do somewhere and make a difference." She smiled again. "Animals... I have a special connection with animals and all ascepts of nature. I'm a symbiont with nature. I can communicate with animals."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 1st, 2003, 08:09:33 PM
Ridge looked rather surprised. "I never knew that Jedi had that kind of talent. But, then again what do I knw about Jedi?" He chuckled slightly. The thought was amusing. "So, how is this communicating done?"
Lady Mylia
Oct 1st, 2003, 08:16:09 PM
"Telepathicly. It's all done with the mind, if you didn't know I possesed that power, you would never know." She smiled. "It's fun."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 2nd, 2003, 03:49:48 AM
He smiled again. "I bet it it." He told her as the waitor entered. "Sir, can I get you anything else? Dessert, perhaps?"
"Hmmm, dessert does sound nice, I'll let you decide." Ridge told Mylia. "They have an awesome chocolate cheesecake. That is if you like chocolate."
Lady Mylia
Oct 2nd, 2003, 04:28:39 AM
Mylia shook her head. "I'm good thanks, unless you absolutely had your heart set on chocolate cheesecake, then we can stay and get some."
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 2nd, 2003, 08:11:11 PM
"I've got a better idea, I'll order two peices to go." He told the waiter, "and I'll take the check and you can call my driver."
"Yes, Sir." He said with a bow and quickly left the terrace.
Ridge smiled. "I hope you're having fun, m'lass."
Lady Mylia
Oct 3rd, 2003, 03:52:01 AM
Mylia nodded. "That sounds like a very good idea." She stood up and walked over to Ridge. She bent down and gave him a hug. "Thanks for everything." She whispered in his ear before leaving to go to the 'fresher to freshen up before their next stop.
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 3rd, 2003, 06:21:34 PM
Ridge smiled as she excused herself. This was turning out to be quite an interesting night. He paid the bill, got the cheesecake and awaited his date once again by the railing.
Lady Mylia
Oct 3rd, 2003, 11:14:52 PM
Mylia exited the 'fresher feeling much better. She looked around and spotted Ridge over by the railing. She quickly made her way over to him and smiled as she took his arm. "Where to now, Ridge?"
Ridge (Towers) Kincaid
Oct 4th, 2003, 06:57:46 AM
"Now, we can go off to the casino, m'lass." He smiled brightly as he turned and gave her a slight peck on the cheek. "I want to thank you for agreeing to come out with me tonight." He held her arm in his as they walked past the table, grabbing the small take out bag as they went.
"For this will be a night we'll both remember." He led her back to the valet plateform where his limo and driver was awaiting.
"Sir, Ma'am," The driver said as he opened the door for them and helped the young lady in.
"Off to the casino's, Lance and take your time." He instructed the chauffuer as he got into the limospeeder.
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