View Full Version : The Lost Jedi - Force Users with attitude

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 17th, 2003, 05:02:00 AM
Good whatever time zone you are in to you.

Attack of the Clones, the 2002 Star wars movie, expanded on our knowledge the Jedi and also, to some degree, the Sith. in the novelisationa nd on the SW offical web site, plus also hinted at in the movie itself, a new Force User variation was introduced - The Lost Jedi.

The Lost were high ranking Knights and Masters of the Old Republic who chose to willingly renounce their Jedi vows and leave the Jedi Order. This was such a rare thing, that in all of the millions of Jedi who lived in the generations of the Old Republic, only 20 Jedi did this. The last of these was Count Dooku, who left due to the failings he saw in the Jedi, highlighted by the death of his one time apprentice, Qui Jon Ginn. It is normally a deeply troubling thing for a respected Jedi to willingly renounce the Order and it is a costly step for the individual in question. Most, we know not of their history, but we do know Dooku eventually became a Sith Lord.

It is not always the case a Lost Jedi would become a Dark Lord. But a Lost Jedi, being already skilled and powerful, would become a wild card in their actions, as they are no longer dictacted to by the Jedi Code.

In the time of the New Republic, in a small diner, another Jedi has seen that his path can no longer match that of the Jedi Order. He has seent hat there are evil forces that the Jedi can not match. As a Jedi Master of considerable skill and learning, he sees that the only way he can go is to renounce his Jedi vows, to erase himself from history, to turn his back on his friends and of the glorious and heroic past he has etched out for himself.

Hacking into the various databases, the name of Marcus Q'Dunn disappears, leaving behind nothing. The path is now set as he destroys all bridges and links between him, the Order and his family.....


While the term "Lost Jedi" refers to a Jedi who has left the Jedi Order, that is not needed to become a member of TLJ. TLJ is simply a roleplaying group at it's heart and technically, we'll accept roleplayers of any character denomination. Our purpose is not to have a group of Jedi, or rogues, or Dark Siders even, our express purpose is to have a group of roleplayers who get along with each other and are interested in roleplay, tho by nature, I guess those who are more rogue in nature will fit in well. There is only two real qualifiers -

1) Good roleplay

2) A want to destroy the evil that infests the Galaxy.

The current FAQ is ....


Rogue Jedi are more than welcome as well as miscreants, cats, Dexter play things, guns and Neo. Please note in no way are we an alternate Jedi Order.

Thank you, have a good day and I hope to see you somewhere on the boards.