View Full Version : Unexpected...
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 16th, 2003, 12:07:04 PM
A small craft descended to the planet surface. A desparate distress call had been issued, and received. IT didn't look like it would be a safe or steady landing...
The craft landed within the landing area, looking a little scratched up...but in need of far more repairs than the outer appearance let on..The top popped open, and a ruffed up, pained man crawled out, flopping to the ground....
"I am.....i am... here....N-N-N-...Natia....I'm so...s-s-so..sorry...f-f-for..."
And then passed out...
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:15:30 PM
It was a normal day in the life of Wei Wu Wei. Doing the Jedi thing, teaching Padawans to do the Jedi thing, Council meetings (which were actually quite fun and educational), and a walk. You had to have a good long walk.
Wei was walking past the Recruitment Center today, when he noticed a rather beat up craft land and then some beat up guy come out of it and flop to the ground.
Wei walked up to the knocked out person and bent over him, examining the person critically. "All beat up...unconscious..."
Wei scratched his head. "I hate these situations." Wei never seemed to know what to do when people did this sort of thing. Wei looked the man over one more time and determined that it would be ok to move him.
"Ok, let's go inside."
Wei crouched down, slung the man's arms over his shoulders, and carried the man inside, setting him down in a chair.
"Much better. Now we wait to see if you wake up soon."
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:07:12 AM
He woke up feeling dazed and confused...A man was standing over him....
"Who are you?...And where is Natia? Marcus?..."
He paused for a second, then cleared his throat. Sitting up straight, and wincing when doing so, the worn and wise-looking man started again...
"I'm sorry... I must sort myself out..."
He took a deep breath and sat quietly, calming himself.
"I am Falcon Nytrau Remnikt Kall Gyndar. I was once a member, of this Order, A Jedi Knight...Then something came up, that was of dire importance, and I had to return to my home planet, and the Academy there....
...I'm not sure if I will still be recognised here. It has been... some time. And as you can see..."
He gestured to his own body ...
"I came through a great deal to return. So, I must ask you...Would you happen to know a girl named Natia? I am sure she would be pleased to see me again. I aided her in her deepest, most unsure times, and I would like to see her. She is, if I am correct in this, still in residence here."
He sighed.
"And also, if you don't mind, I would like to find my quarters once again, and take some time to rest. It has been a rather perilous journey for me.."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:53:02 PM
Wei nodded. "Uh huh," he said in rather flat tones.
"Marcus is gone. No one has seen him around at all. Same with his wife Helenias. And Xazor. All gone." Wei had heard the rumors about these three Jedi leaving the Order. He hadn't believed them at first, but after a while, he started to wonder. Either way, none of them could be found.
"And does Natia have a last name?"
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 17th, 2003, 10:22:23 PM
Falcon nodded. He just wanted to see the dear girl. One whom he had helped realize her potential. That she could outstep her self-set boundaries...
"Yes....Natia Elessar."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 18th, 2003, 01:09:35 PM
A frown found its way onto Wei's face. "I'm afraid I have never heard of her. I'm sorry that I cannot help you find who you've been looking for, but I can help you to the med bay. You look pretty beat up. Might I recommend you get better before you go looking for Marcus and your friend Natia?"
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 19th, 2003, 02:04:06 AM
Falcon nodded...and chuckled.
"I suppose you're right about that. I imagine your as attentive to your students. If you had been one of my students, it something you'd learn. Yes..yes. Let's go."
He slowly got up, holding his head..
"Whoa..." Falcon steadied himself. "Must have been something I ate." He laughed. "Trying to get here..My ship was so damaged, I couldn't spend much time attending to myself...."
He drifted off, shaking his head. Something bothered the bruised up man of somewhere around 30 years old.
"Eventually I hope to have students again. Let's get going, so that road may be faster. "
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:46:23 PM
Wei slipped one of Falcion's arms over his shoulders and bore most of Falcon's weight on the way to the turbolift.
"So, you've been a member of the Jedi Order a while?" Wei asked.
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 19th, 2003, 08:46:38 PM
Falcon nodded.
"That I have been. But it's been some time since i've walked these corridors...I am unsure how many would recognize me. It seems, as you have told me..that ones such as Xazor have left..."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 19th, 2003, 09:06:17 PM
Wei listened and things were quiet for a while as Wei turned over a few thoughts in his head. "So where have you been all this time?"
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 20th, 2003, 03:02:41 AM
He sighed. All the events so fresh in his mind... All the sounds still so loud as if it had just happened. He sounded distant as he spoke.
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 20th, 2003, 09:06:25 AM
Wei nodded. "A visit to home can be nice. My parents wander around, so it's hard for me to find them. But most of the time, they come and find me. Cause I'm always here."
Wei frowned. "But it doesn't seem like home was pleasant for you at all. I mean, you're all beat up."
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 21st, 2003, 06:56:11 PM
Falcon's brow furrowed as he thought of an answer to the question at hand...
"My home planet Academy... not the native towns and villages, not the forests....just the Academy there, was laid to waste. By what or who, I have no inkling of a clue. I felt a presence there.. in the Force.. It was strong... furious..."
He closed his eyes and was silent a moment.
"...not everyone made it out alive. Those that did are on a vessel captained by my brother...The survivors are few."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:14:27 PM
"I'm sorry to hear that. Losing a building is one thing, but losing your friends is a whole new ballgame. But hey, at least some of them are still alive. And as long as you don't forget your friends, they're not quite dead, right?"
It was a bit hard to find the right words to say when someone had suffered losing a friend or a loved one.
Falcon Gyndar
Sep 21st, 2003, 07:24:33 PM
Falcon shook his head...
"They were more than just friends..They were students aspiring to become what persons such as you and myself are. Defenders of the galaxy..the universe...I do not mourn them. I remember them well. I can do nothing but be content for what their lives stood for. I believe.. that we are almost at the medbay. After I am done there, I shall like to return to my quarters. There is much writing that I must do... and rest that is needed."
Wei Wu Wei
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:39:05 PM
"It was a pleasure to meet you," Wei said as they reached the med bay at last.
Wei was relieved of Falcon by a nurse, and Wei managed to shake the man's hand before he was hurried off to be taken care of.
"Hope we can meet again!" Wei called after him.
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