View Full Version : Making a come back

Sep 16th, 2003, 05:14:15 AM
Hey all, just a quick note to let you all know I am still alive, and since Im nearly finished my University course for the year, im hoping to make a come back in the neat future. So watch this space! So whats new round here?

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 16th, 2003, 06:50:19 AM
Well, lesse...


He's officially left the GJO to pursue his Lost Jedi Idea, and to my very great pleasure, he's reviving General Tohmahawk.


So, in other words, the New Republic is back! Look for us in the days coming. We're making an amazing comeback: 7 new recruits in two weeks, and none of them are abandons. Things are looking up.

We just had some council elections, and Wei and Kelt made it onto the Council this time. Many congrats to them...it's an incredible step forward. We've had few promotions lately, so almost everything is how you left it. Welcome back, Oriadin! :D

Sep 16th, 2003, 07:44:13 AM
Marcus left!?

I heard about his resegnation from being a mod... well. There is a turn up for the books. Who is in charge of Jedi Master promotions now? Who is the old guy to take the piss out of more importantly!?

Good for Kelt and Wei. Im gonna have to do some serious lurking to catch up and see whats what around here now.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 16th, 2003, 08:01:20 AM
Ah, there's plenty of old guys around...it can't be that hard to take the piss out of one. :lol

As for Master Promotions, the GJO has been revising the idea this entire month. There's a thread in here that Morgan started about the proposed process. I believe it involves a "Circle of Masters" now.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 16th, 2003, 09:23:44 AM
:o the flying scot!

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 16th, 2003, 10:49:01 AM
Oriadin! It's good to see you back. Will the Friday Funny also be returning? I always enjoyed those.

James Prent
Sep 16th, 2003, 12:52:09 PM
OriOriOriOri! *huggles* :)

Sejah Haversh
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:55:11 PM
Heeeeey, buuuuuddy! How's it going?

Good to have you back, pallie, and I know you've got a padawan who has eagerly been awaiting your return.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 16th, 2003, 04:05:10 PM
Hey ori, how are ya man? :)

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 04:51:13 PM
Welcome back! When you get the chance, you can update your status in this thread: http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31756

Good to see you. :)

Sep 16th, 2003, 05:35:53 PM
Ive posted on that thread now Ryla :)

Thanks guys. I may be a little while yet but im planning to get into the swing of things again some time soon. Thanks to everyone for sticking by me. As the rule always goes, RL comes first...

... you gotta hate RL :p

Estelle Russard
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:55:53 PM

Welcome back Oriadin :)

Shandri La
Sep 17th, 2003, 07:58:17 AM
Welcome back Oriadin

Tony Maxwell
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:02:20 PM
welcome back Ori!

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 18th, 2003, 01:02:51 AM
Hello! Hihihihihihihi! Missed you!

Leten Snat
Sep 18th, 2003, 12:46:42 PM
Welcome back Ori!

Sep 18th, 2003, 06:53:41 PM
Ngah! Didn't mean to miss this thread, and if weren't for quite a busy streak of homework, I'd have posted earlier.

Of course, you're probably going to catch it for leaving your padawan to his own kleptomaniacal devices.

But I'm much looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. And hopefully my college schedule will permit me to stay there.

Anyway, welcome back!

*Hands Ori a Myron Cope's Official "The Terrible Towel"*