View Full Version : The End of Two Lives, The Begining of One

Sep 15th, 2003, 06:44:50 PM
:: They say that when two people get married, two individual lives end... but they become one and thus a new life is born. ::

:: All the while on the trip to Ithor, AB had been thinking of that passage from some theological book she'd studied when she had been learning as a child on the very planet they were going to; they being herself and Morgan. ::

:: They had finally found time in their busy schedules to get away for awhile, even if it meant a day or two. The difficult part had been trying to find time where both were free at the same time. In the end, they had found that time and taken full advanatage by asking for a few days leave. The Council had granted it with no questions asked. ::

:: While she had wanted a wedding with all her friends involved, it was decided in the end that it would be too much of a hassle. Yes, they could have a small gathering when they returned back to Coruscant, but for now, it was just them. Just them. ::

:: AB sat silently in the cockpit's copilot seat, letting Morgan fly the ship. It had been a gift to her from her mentor, an Ithroian Scholar and Botonist. But while she could not have any posessions of her own, she had donated it to the Order. It was a sleek ship, mercury-silver in color, with smooth edges, and looked almost like a tear drop, with the taper being the front of the ship. And right now, Morgan was having fun pressing as many buttons as he could. She smiled. Given the time, he'd probably want to stick his head in the ships inards and look at it, take it apart, and put it back together. ::

:: The Silver Streak glided through space, coming out of hyperspace without so much as a jolt. Outside the viewport, the emerald-green planet of Ithor loomed silently before them. ::

:: With a light hand and complete confidence, Morgan angled the ship downward for the landing pad that had been asigned to them before they'd even arrived. ::

:: AB's smile grew. It would be wonderful to smell the lucsious jungles and forests of Ithor again. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 16th, 2003, 10:29:45 PM
Morgan took three steps out of the shuttle and stopped. Slow and deliberate he closed his eyes. The Jedi Master inhaled sharply, drawing in the scent of the surrounding forest.

"By the Force..." he said, enraptured. "...we've been on Coruscant too long." He continued his inhalation of the forest's scents for a few more minutes. Finally, he sighed.

"Far too long." Morgan said as he opened his eyes. He took Rie's hand as he scanned his surroundings. "This is fantastic." It was akin to being weightless in space for the first time, which was something else he needed to do again. Maybe with Rie...

Morgan smiled. Yes, deffinately with Rie, he thought as he grabbed their luggage. There wasn't much, since they would only be here for two or three days.

"Ithor is amazing, and I've only been here for five minutes. I've been to many different worlds, but this," he gestured with a luggage laden hand, "phenomenal." Rie smiled. In a way, she was at home. At the very least, she was fully in here element. The change was subtle to someone casually familar with Rie, but slight changes in her posture and movement were very noticable to Morgan.

"I'm guessing you can give me something of an insider's tour. This seems to be less touristy than some of the spots I saw before setting down. Maybe we'll be the only sightseers in some places." He winked and cracked a devious grin.

Sep 17th, 2003, 02:13:14 PM
:: AB nodded her head, agreeing with Morgan that they indeed had been on Coruscant too long. Sometimes, you just needed to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. ::

:: She laughed lightly at Morg's last comment, playfully slapping his shoulder. ::

Oh, but you are a bad one!

:: As they continued to make their way through the inards of the spaceport, she explained the tourist floating cities and the non-tourist floating cities. The reason the cities were suspended in air around Ithor was because the Ithorian's treated the planet as a goddess... something to be viewed, but not touched or disturbed. Yet, there were still some preserves where tourists could go down to to get a glimpse of the planet's creatures and flora. ::

Tafanda Bay is probably the most populated and gets the most tourism. And the neighbhoring floating cities around it as well. Here, we're pretty far off from Tafanda Bay.

This floating city, Nastra ay, is mostly used for botany research. It's small in comparison to the others, so there are only a few amneties and buildings in it.

And, it's the city where I grew up.

:: They finally stepped out into the air after passing through the spaceport, and waiting for them was AB's old mentor and foster father, Sitar. She broke out into a smile and picked up her pace to get to him, first greeting him with both hands placed together at the palms (an Ithorian greeting), and then plastering him with a monumental hug. If one knew how to look for the signs, they would have noticed he was smiling from both mouths. ::

It's so good to see you again, Master Sitar! It has been some time since I spoke to you last.

"Indeed it has."

:: Sitar spoke in basic, with the peculiar echoing accent all Ithorian's had. ::

"I hope that all is well at the Jedi Order."

:: AB had already let the elder Ithorian go from her embrace, having stepped back to stand beside Morgan. ::

Yes, it is.

"And this must be the young fellow you've spoken about."

:: She blushed slightly, turning to Morgan. ::

Yes, this is Master Morgan Evanar.

:: She gestured towards the Ithorian. ::

Morgan, this is my foster father and mentor from when I was studying here on Ithor.

:: Sitar greeted Morgan with his hands placed together, palms inward. ::

"It is a pleasure, Master Jedi."

Morgan Evanar
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:12:22 PM
"Oh, but you are a bad one!"

"And you are my favorite partner in crime."

Morgan had been thoroughly distracted on their walk from the space port. He had looked at a rather complete map of the Tafanda Bay for a job he never took. Even in his slicer days, he held some morals, if oddly constructed and occasionally flexible. Fifteen years later, it was hard to believe that he would end up on Ithor, getting married. He had planned on quitting slicing after a few years, but never expected to become a Jedi.

His mind was busy taking in Ithor, mostly. Several times it appeared to an outside observer that he was going to fall flat on his face as he turned to look at something, yet he always kept his feet.

"Wow." The Jedi said as a flock of red feathered reptiles glided above.

"I like this much better. It feels more natural than the Tafanda Bay could. Much quieter, too." Morgan's voice was barely above a whisper.

Rie started to pick up her pace, heading straight for a certain Ithorian.

Morgan smiled after setting down the luggage, and returned the greeting. He seemed to be smiling.

"Thank you, Master Sitar. Nastra ay is incredible."

Sep 18th, 2003, 05:48:55 PM
"That it is, my boy, that it is."

:: Sitar was old enough probably to be Morgan's grandfather, so falling into the place of calling him "boy" seemed fitting. His slitted, watery eyes blinked as he gestured towards a waiting transport. ::

"I don't have much to offer in the form of hospitality, but whatever it is I do have, you are most welcome to it."

:: Sitar himself got into the drivers seat, letting the couple sit in the back. AB cuddled up next to Morgan out of instinct. ::

I'm so glad you agreed to come here. I wanted you to see where I grew up, where I learned. And maybe later I'll show you where my secret hideout as a child was.

:: The transport zoomed down the streets, and while the streets were not busy nor large, they were very clean. In a few minutes, they had arrived at a humble looking abode, with a domed roof and rounded walls. ::

"This is my home, where I write and study my botony. The one thing I ask is that your are prompt for supper."

:: Sitar got out of the transport and lead the couple into the house. AB stopped at the door and looked around inside. Not a thing had changed since she'd last been here. She suddenly felt like a little girl again. ::

:: Very excited, she grabbed Morgan by the arm and tugged him down a short hallway. ::

Come on, I wanna show you my room!

:: Sitar could be heard chuckling in that echoing sound as he made his way into his study. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 18th, 2003, 06:10:39 PM
It was humble, but clean and efficient. Even though Rie hadn't visited it often in 50 or 60 some odd years, Sitar had maintained it. An ornately carved wood dresser was on one wall, a small desk with various needles and an old holopad. Stars and planets were painted on the ceiling, with vines weaving between them. He opened the clothset, and found clothes suitable for a 13 year old Rie, and shoes that would not fit her now.

He held one outfit up to his chest.

"Do you think this would fit?" Rie giggled, and he put it back. Next, he grabbed an old pair of slippers, and put them over his hands.

"These fit!" He started to walk on his hands, his feet centimeters from the ceiling. The dam burst, and now she was laughing. Morgan was back on his feet, and let the extraneous shoes fall off before pouncing Rie carefully into the bed. It creaked, but did not give out.

Morgan kissed her neck.

"Your bed is small, but I like it. Gods you smell good." he kissed her again.

Sep 19th, 2003, 03:06:44 PM
:: AB returned the embrace, happy to be home and especially happy to have Morgan with her. She broke away long enough to reach over the the small night stand beside the bed. ::

Hang on... I want to show you something.

:: She scooted over and instructed Morgan to lie flat on his back on the bed and look at the ceiling. Once he was in position, she flipped a hidden switch at the side of the night stand. The lights in the room went off and the universe that had been painted on her ceiling suddenly came to life, spreading itself around the room in holographic form. ::

:: She smiled and cuddled up next to Morg on the bed as he gazed with an awed look at the stars and planets slowly revolving around them. She nuzzled her face into his neck. ::

Now the universe is our playground.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 20th, 2003, 02:18:32 PM
Morgan lay silent, with Rie's breath on his neck. One thing he knew was there would one more day of waiting. Maybe two.

Normally he wouldn't have been so still. They had been very close to sex without crossing the line several times, but he didn't feel he had the restraint needed to keep the line today. There was too much anticipation.

Instead, he stared at the stars. He let his whole body relax, and slowed his breathing. Time drifted while he stared into the ceiling with his eyes unfocused. Rie was warm and still.

"Morgan?" Rie looked over at him. The Jedi Master had disconnected. Only his eyes moved occasionally. Something wet and warm touched his neck... lips. He took a deep breath, feeling his body slowly waking.

"I'm hungry. What time is it?"

Sep 22nd, 2003, 12:55:05 PM
:: AB had planted a gentle kiss on his neck, and now he was asking for food. She had to laugh. The boy seemed to always be hungry. ::

:: She sat up and looked at the chrono on the night table beside the bed. ::

Looks like it's just about time for the evening meal.

:: She stood, and held a hand out, beckoning Morgan to come with her. ::

Come on. I'll go see if Master Sitar has anything planned for supper, or if we should go out.

:: Morgan stood, though somewhat relucntantly it seemed, and took AB's hand. They both made their way to Sitar's study where he was burried in scrolls, books, and the occassional data screen. ::

Master Sitar?

:: Sitar looked up from his work, an echoey "hmmm?" emitting from his throat. ::

Were you planning anything for supper or should Morgan and I go out?

:: Sitar blinked and looked down at his wrist chrono. ::

"My, but the time did fly."

:: He stood and made his way towards the door where Morgan and AB stood. He smiled. ::

"Why don't you too go out tonight. There'll be plenty of times for us to dine together."

:: He squeezed past them to go to the kitchen unit to prepare himself something, calling back over his shoulder with a chuckle. ::

"And thank you for being prompt for supper... you reminded me I had to eat!"

:: AB smiled and shook his head, explaining to Morg as they made their way to the front door. ::

It's not so much he liked it when I was prompt for supper so much as it reminded him it was time to eat. He gets so engrossed in his work, he loses track of time.

:: They stepped out into the pleasently warm eveing, a tad humid, and began to walk down the street. ::

I'd rather walk as it'll give you a chance to have a good look at the city. And I know just the restaurant we can eat at too.

:: They walked hand in hand, down the street into the city, nowhere near as bustling as Coruscant would be after dark, but still enough to make it feel alive. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 22nd, 2003, 06:57:14 PM
The street lights were pleasant and soft, giving off a gentle white glow from a low branch of various trees. Everything flowed. There wasn't anything that felt artificial or jarring. It was not unlike a ship designed by the Mon Calamari. On the whole, Morgan was relaxed. He was distracted though, and it wasn't by the environment, or her.

Rie felt tension. While the didn't have a "bond" through the Force, they had become very adept at reading each other. Absentmindedly, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze while he put things into words, however awkward they might be.

"I think Coruscant is slowly hurting me. There is always a faint buzz, backround distortion of too many beings too close together in concrete canyons. Too many things moving. I'm not sleeping correctly. I wake up and there isn't a proper zest." Morgan sighed. What a terrible way to ruin the mood. But if he didn't get it out now, it would bother him until he did, or until his tension bled over to Rie and she started to ask questions. Not that there was anything really wrong with that, but there was no point of letting things reach that stage.

"I've been thinking about taking some students to Yavin for a few months. Maybe we should try and nudge some other Knights and Masters. That is, if you're up for it."

Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:10:44 PM
:: AB mulled the suggestion over. It would be nice to be in a place that was alive and green. While she enjoyed the proximity to the Jedi Order at it's main temple and very much enjoyed the gardens she helped to maintain, she'd often felt a longing to get back to a planet full of life. Probably why she felt so content and carefree now, being back in Ithor. ::

:: As they continued their walk down the street, she returned Morg's squeeze. ::

I'll go wherever you go, so long as we're together.

:: That brought a smile to Morg's face, and AB leaned her head against his shoulder as they walked. It was only a few more blocks until they reached the restaurant. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 24th, 2003, 06:49:03 PM
The resteraunt was quiet and respectful, much like everything else on Nastra ay. They were clearly the odd ones out: the rest of the partonage was Ithorian, although there was a sense of recognition from some of the others there, mostly directed at Rie. It was a little bit ackward, but there wasn't a sense of hostility. Maybe a little curiosity, even.

While it was something new, the menu had a dissapointing options for Morgan's inner carnivore; there wasn't any. Legumes became the order of the day, with a focus on iltins. Dinner was almost boring, almost entirely Morgan's fault. For the most part, he was too busy eating to do anythi...

...except play footsie with Rie and smile often.

Dessert was a kiss until the menu arrived.

"I'd like seconds of that."

Sep 25th, 2003, 11:21:37 AM
:: AB arched an eyebrow. ::

Only seconds?

:: She gave him another kiss just about the time desert had arrived. Now, while the main course itself hadn't been all that spectacular, and AB could tell Morg had been disappointed at the lack of meat on the menu, the dessert was quite the opposite, being impressively put together. While Ithorians prefered vegatables over meat in the meals, they had exceptionally large sweet tooths. The dessert was an elaborate one; a tall wide wine glass filled with icecreams, melting fudge, caramel, whipped cream, a scattering of nuts, and topped by a very bright red cherry. There was so much dessert, that the caramel, fudge, and nuts spilled over the sides to coat the wine glass and pool at it's base on a large white plate. On the mess of fudge, caramel and nuts on the plate lay swirls of strawberry syrup. If anything, AB got rapidly full just by looking at it, but she never the less dug in, closing her eyes as she took her first bite. ::

Mmmmm... I haven't had one of these since I was a little girl.

:: She savored the first bite a moment longer before scooping up another. ::

Morgan Evanar
Sep 29th, 2003, 03:38:13 PM
"How did you manage to survive without it all these years?" Dinner had been good, but not his prefer fare. Dessert, on the other hand, was fantastic. Much to Morgan's surprise, the cherry was real. It was also sweet with a smooth aftertaste.

Instead of the normal systematic destruction, each bite was savored slowly.

"Goodness..." he purred, litterally as Rie fed him a spoonful of the rich stuff. He returned the favor, watching her close her eyes and savor the rich sweet.

Then the glass was empty. Rie insisted on handling the check, but Morgan took care of the tip, which was more than generous.

The pair wandered down the street, with their heads in the stars.
"I think I missed them almost as much as I missed the woods." He felt her nod with her head against his shoulder. Morgan kissed the top of her head.

"Its so quiet." he said, barely above a whisper. For some reason, he glanced at his chrono. "And late. And we're home." The walk back had taken two and a half hours.

Sep 30th, 2003, 05:42:36 PM
*Once they'd gotten back to the house, AB had shown Morgan his room, though she could tell he wanted to stay with her. Hell, she wanted to stay with him as well. But she knew she'd live through one more night alone.*

There's not much, but the bed is comfortable. And you have your own refresher.

*She turned to him, placing both hands on his chest as she drew close to him.*

I think a good nights rest is in order as tomorrow is a big day. I still got a few places I want to show you before the ceremony in the afternoon.

*She went up on her toes and kissed him on the lips, lingering there for quite awhile, before releasing him.*

Sweet dreams, my love.

*She took a few steps back, still looking at him, before turning to let him getting ready for bed.*

*She herself went back to her room and prepared for sleep, first taking a moment to meditate, before shutting the light off and going to sleep. Above her bed, the softly glowing stars on the ceiling iluminated the room in a quiet light.*


*The next morning, AB was up with the sun, as was usual for her. She dressed quickly, and went to knock on Morgan's door, but stopped halfway. She opened her senses, and felt Morg still sieltnly slumbering, so she quietly opened the door and softly walked in to stand beside the bed where the Jedi Master had successfully rumpled all the sheets and was diagonally placed on the bed.*

*Stiffling a chuckle, she knelt on her knees, and brushed a hair from his forehead, and then bent down and kissed it lightly. She spoke softly near his ear.*

Time to rise and shine, Master Jedi.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 2nd, 2003, 04:35:16 PM
He shook his head twice and said "No." Morgan rolled back over, shoving his face into the pillow and pulled the sheets up over his head.

He felt Rie blinking for a moment, and she pulled the sheets off. Morgan was a blur. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her into the bed.

"Nyet." He grinned and kissed her. "Now its time to wake up." Morgan sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He grabbed fresh clothes from his suitcase and shuffeled off to the shower.

When he came back out dressed, breakfast was being served. Rie had managed to scrounge some eggs from somewhere. Fruits were piled neatly in the center of the table.

"This looks wonderful." Beyond that, breakfast was mostly eaten in silence, not because of the company or food, but because food was the priority.

Oct 3rd, 2003, 05:40:57 PM
:: She gotten breakfast ready quickly once Morgan had hopped into the shower, and had it ready on the table when he emerged. ::

:: As they ate, he didn't speak much, as he was too busy shoveling food into his mouth, which didn't bother AB one bit. She was glad he had such a good appetite. She however did speak from time to time between bites. ::

Master Sitar started early this morning, and he apologizes for not joinging us for breakfast. He'll meet us this afternoon for the ceremony.

:: She ate some more of her breakfast before speaking again. ::

And after we finish, I want to show you one of my favorite places I used to hang out in when I was a little girl.

:: She put her fork down and half-smiled, realizing something. ::

You know... traditionally, the groom isn't supposed to see his bride on the day of their union...

:: She started to run her bare foot softly up and down his leg under the table. ::

Morgan Evanar
Oct 5th, 2003, 07:46:55 PM
"Oh. I didn't know..." The words fell out of his head when Rie's foot began to adventure.


Why is it getting dim in here? Hello? Operations? We just lost some of the power up here. We're on emergency reserves. Krasst, now the lights are flickering. His eyes seemed to glaze over briefly, before dialating, and then narrowing to slits.

"I think that is uh, silly. In some cases." Morgan stared at Rie, every slight motion was picked up on--the slight rise of her chest with her breathing, the subtle flair of her nostrils. Her sensuous, full lips, which were red like her hair. Her narrow nose...

Morgan's mind branched out with possibilities, almost all of them ending up with the pair wearing very little to nothing. The most immediate included a clear dinner table and a mess beside it.

He opened his mouth, and closed it again. Instead, he began to purr.

Oct 6th, 2003, 02:49:23 PM
:: AB only smiled. She knew she'd struck a nerve, and she had a reason. But for now, she'd keep that reason to herself. ::

:: She'd finished with breakfast before she'd started playing "footsie" under tha table with Morg, and from the looks of Morg's plate, she vetured to guess he was done as well. ::

:: She stood and picked up both plates, still hearing Morgan purring and feeling his eyes on her. She placed the plates in the sink, and then turned back to look at him, walking around the table to stand behind him, and sliding her hands around his neck and lightly down his chest. ::

I'd like to show you that special place I was telling you about now.

:: Her voice was close to his ear, warm, causing some tiny hairs to rise and goosebumps to appear. ::

:: She stood back up from her bent position, removing her hands, but outstretching one for Morgan to take hold of. She was smiling... but there was something hiding behind the smile, behind the look in her eyes. ::

Come on.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 6th, 2003, 07:06:32 PM
If the goal was to make Morgan pliant and essentially stupid, Rie had not only won a battle but the war.

There was a glint in her eye. Even through his hormone induced haze, it was different than anything Morgan had seen before.

He took Rie's hand. While she had mentioned her "special" place earlier, special was many different things to many different people. He was going in blind. For once, he was fine with it.

Morgan stared at her swaying hips as she walked, dimly aware of how they were getting there. It wasn't important. He was with Rie, and that was all that mattered.

Oct 7th, 2003, 11:48:59 AM
:: It didn't take them long to get to the place she used to hide out in when she was a child. They took a shuttle that took them down to a preserve where you were allowed to walk and venture into, without desturbing the rythm of the rest of the planet's jungles. ::

:: Upon exiting the shuttle, most of the passengers went in one direction, but AB led Morgan down the opposite way, heading for a slightly overgrown path. They walked along this path for a while, passing various plants, all in different stages of their blooming cycles and all smelling sweetly. They came to what appeared to be the end of the walkway, but she continued forward, stepping over a fallen log covered in blooming vines. They walked about another minute until they came to stand near a wall of thick thorny vines covered in tiny white flowers. Water could be heard trickling from the other side of the "wall". ::

:: Still holding Morgan's hand, AB took her free hand and caressed the vine, not being scratched at all by the thorns. The thick brush growned and rustled, finding a way to part it's tangled branches and vines. After a moment of movement, the thick vines stopped, leaving a gap large enough for both Jedi to pass through. Once they had, AB turned and again caressed the vines. This caused them to once again close the gap, leaving a wall of overgrown foliage. ::

:: They were now standing in a tiny grove, enclosed all around by the same thick overgrown vines and branches. A small willow-like tree drooping over a trickling stream that passed through the "back" of the grove, slipping in under the "walls" on either side. The grass was cool and green; in fact, everything was green, flowering, and alive. Overhead, tiny plump birds sang a sweet song. ::

:: AB took in a deep breath, closing her eyes. She'd missed this little haven of hers. Here she had let all her worries and cares slip away as a child, and enjoyed the quiet private scenery. She opened her eyes and bent down, removing her boots, letting the grass tickle her bare feet and dance in between her toes. She then turned to face Morgan, setting her lean figure next to his, while placing both hands on his chest, sliding them up and around his neck, holding him. There faces were mere inches from each other. She smiled. ::

Welcome to my little piece of heaven.

:: She tiptoed up to reach his lips and kissed them fully. ::

Morgan Evanar
Oct 7th, 2003, 07:42:13 PM
"Its really dark in here."

For a moment, it was just their lips, their tounges, their hot breathing. It was a wet, sultry kiss. Morgan wrapped Rie into arms.
Hey, this forum is PG. I can't post what happens next. Put your vivid, sewer based imaginations to use.
He lay next to Rie admist flowers that had appeared during their intense lovemaking. For Morgan, it was a huge relief. Two years of sexual tension dispelled.

Morgan kissed Rie's neck, and began to work his way down. He paused at her stomach, watching the shadows play on her creamy skin. He stared at the flowers around her head, swaying slightly in the gentle breeze that had come about after the day warmed.

"We're going to have to keep you away from potted plants the next time we do that."

"It is your fault." She said.

"Oh?" He paused between kisses on her thigh.

"Yes. Because wheneve..." Rie gasped. "ooooooh..."

Oct 8th, 2003, 11:13:57 AM
:: There was only one word to describe what AB was feeling: extasy. To her, this was true love. She'd never been with another man, and she was happy she'd saved herself for Morgan. ::

:: She was breathing heavily, the exurtion was even more than when she did her lightsaber practicing. She'd let Morg have control for a good portion of the session, but she finally couldn't take anymore. With extra energy she'd found somewhere hidden inside her, she pulled Morgan up to her and rolled over, so that now she was on top, stradling him. ::

:: She moved in close, kissing his forehead, her body pressed close to his; both very warm. She moved her lips down, next kissing his nose, then his lips (lingering here for a few moments), then moving to his chin, Adam's apple, colar bone, chest... ::

:: She felt Morgan's body shudder, and took pleasure that he was pleased and enjoying himself. It was contagious. It was a good thing the little grove was far from any settlements or parks, as they were making quite a bit of noise. All GOOD noises. ::


:: After a good two hours of going back and forth, both were thoroughly exhausted. Lying side by side, AB pressed close to Morg, with Morg's arm around her, they enjoyed the silence, permiated now and again by a tiny song from one of the little plump birds. ::

:: AB let out a sigh of contentment, closing her eyes, and smiling. She'd never felt so happy and tired all at the same time. It was a wonderful feeling, and here in her grove, with no cares or worries to assail her, it was even better. ::

:: Within a few moments, she was breathes became slow and steady, as she'd fallen asleep. ::

Morgan Evanar
Oct 9th, 2003, 07:09:40 PM
For a time, he just lay still with Rie snuggled up against him.

Morgan stared through the leaves into the bits of blue sky, watching it change and shift through it's leafy filter like a kaliadescope. He looked over at Rie, and smiled. Good things came to those who waited, yes. But you had to take action when you had oppertunity.

They had known each other for years before considering the romantic possiblities. Things had just... happened. Today, there had been quite a bit of happening. Loudly. It was a good thing Rie's sanctuary wasn't really near anyone or anything, he thought as he got up and wandered over to the creek. Morgan splashed the cool water onto his face and upper body to wash away the sweat and saliva.

Judging by the sun, he figured it was about mid-afternoon. The ceremony was supposed to take place at sunset. Morgan briefly thought about exploring before shooting that idea down: Ithorians did not take well to anyone wandering around on the surface unattended.

Yavin IV would be a welcome change indeed.

He snuggled back up to Rie, and napped for the next half hour.

Oct 10th, 2003, 05:37:23 PM
:: The first thing AB became aware of as she began to awaken were the ambient sounds around her. Birds chirping, stream trickling, grasses and flowers swaying in the light breeze... Morgan's slow, steady breaths. ::

:: Her eyes came slowly open and she lifted her head from where it had been lying on a grassy pillow. Her hair was lose and down, draped to one side, and she looked over at Morgan. He must have felt her looking cause a smile began to form on his lips. This made her smile. ::


:: The smile blossomed fully on his features and he scooped her up in a bear hug. She burried her face into his shoulder before lifting it up and kissing his nose. ::

We should probably go back to the hut and get ready for the ceremony.

:: She looked up at the sky, towards the dipping sun. ::

I'd say we've got maybe an hour or so left before Master Satir will be expecting us at the dais in the park.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:30:01 PM
Morgan looked somewhat dissapointed.

"You look better with your clothes off" he said.

"Later." Rie smiled.

"Awwwwwwww." Morgan faked dissapointment, pouting like a child who hadn't gotten his way. She nudged him in the ribs with an elbow. He grinned and gave her a kiss.

They merged back in with the returning tour group, and slipped into the back of the shuttle. The tour guide gave them a suspicious glance, but said nothing.

"I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to wear. I brough my suit and my Jedi formal robes." Morgan mumbled.

Oct 14th, 2003, 06:03:13 PM
Jedi formal robes will do.

:: She smiled and leaned against him in the seat, resting her head on his shouders. ::

As for me, well, you'll just have to wait...

A few minutes later they were back on the floating city and heading back to the hut to get ready. Upon entering, AB went straight to her room and shut the door... she didn't want Morg to see the gown she was going to wear for the ceremony. First thing she did was quickly shower. Then she dawned on the very simple dress, made of a shimmery green satin, in the style of an A-line. It had no sleeves, but did have straps. She left her hair down, it's natural waves giving it full body, and placed some flowers along the top. ::

:: As she neared to finishing, she began to feel just a wee bit nervous, not so much as in getting cold feet, but just anticipating the moment when they would finally be husband and wife. ::

:: There was a knock at her door. ::

Who is it?

:: The voice on the other side wasn't Morgan's, but Sitar's. ::

"It is only me, child. I wished to know if you were ready."

Yes, I am. Where's Morgan?

:: She neared the door. ::

"He was ready a few minutes ago, and I sent him along to the reserve. I had Mangla guide him there."

:: Mangla had been like a step mother to AB when she'd been growing up. Mangla and Sitar had a wonderful working and personal relationship, but neither had ever spoken about marraige. They seemed to be comfortable with the way things were. She was to be the witness to the ceremony. ::

:: AB opened the door and stepped through. Though it was hard to tell whether an Ithorian was smiling or not, it was quite obvious now that Sitar was. His eyes seemed to water over. ::

"You look beautiful, child."

:: AB blushed. ::

Thank you, Master Sitar.

:: He regained some of his composure, and offered his long thin arm to her. ::

"Shall we?"

:: With a happy smile, AB took Sitar's offered arm and let him lead her to the reserve, where a gazeebo had been set up for the ceremony. ::

Morgan Evanar
Nov 9th, 2003, 08:06:12 PM
Morgan stood in the gazebo, fidgeting in his formal robes. A dark indigo cloak hung from his shoulders. Underneath, a grey tunic cinched at the waist by a dark green strip of cloth. Black pants over black boots rounded out the affair.

Mangla looked curiously at him.

"You seem nervous, Master Jedi."

"No, just impatient." Morgan shook his head and smiled.

"Are the Jedi not renouned for their patience?"

"Aye, but one doesn't get married every day."

He wasn't certain, but the Mangla seemed to be smiling at him. Morgan had a feeling Rie had another surprise in store.

Nov 11th, 2003, 12:30:44 PM
:: Sitar helped AB into the closed speeder he had rented for the occassion; a sleek, yet simple, white speeder, with chrome accents, and tinted windows. ::

:: The drive was a short one, but it allowed AB some time to do some meditations in calming herself. Unlike Morgan, who was feeling a bit impatient, she was not. What she was feeling, though, was nervousness. Her hands threatened to begin trembling, but she kept them in check and focused on calming her nerves through a short meditation. ::

:: In a few minutes, they had arrived, and Sitar exited the vehicle and helped AB out, aiding her in dawning on a light green velvet cloak, with a white statin lining.. Placing the hood over her head, she took Sitar's offered arm and both made their way towards the gazebo. ::

:: It wasn't long before they reached the area, surrounded by flowering plants and a gurgling brook that ran underneath the rather large gazebo. Mangla was already there, standing at the end of the steps that led up to the gazebo. As for Morgan, he was standing opposite Mangla at the bottom of the steps, hands folded in front of him, watching AB as Sitar walked her forward. ::

:: Upon reaching the short flight of steps, Sitar removed AB's hood from her head, allowing her red mane to spill over the cloak, and pulled back the ends of the cloak to rest them behind her shoulders. Then he handed her to Morgan, and walked up the steps to stand at the far end of the gazebo, allowing Morgan and AB to stand in the center, with Mangla behind them and to the side. ::

:: AB looked at Morgan, squeezing his hand, smiling. ::

:: It was at this time Sitar began to recite what sounded like a poem in the Ithorian tongue. While his voice was deep, and had an echoy feel, the poem was still melodious. It was how Ithorians began unity ceremonies. ::

:: A few minutes passed, and the poem ended. It was at this time Sitar looked to both AB and Morgan. ::

Rie and Morgan... the bond that has blossomed between you to has led you to this day; the day of your Unity.

The vows you speak to each other are your own, your promise to the other to love them and care for them forever...

:: His voice trailed off and he looked to Morgan. Each would say their own vows to each other in their own words, straight from their hearts. ::

Morgan Evanar
Nov 16th, 2003, 07:25:50 PM
OOC: this was unpossible :|

Morgan stared into Rie's eyes and tried to think of something to say. He was dreadfully unprepared.

"I don't know how to translate love into words. I adore you, Lady Mystt."

"You make me a better person."

Nov 20th, 2003, 07:11:21 PM
:: She smiled. What could someone possibly say to something like that? ::

:: She looked down at their entwined hands, trying to remember the words she had been practicing now for the last week. But they had left her, so she spoke what was in her heart at the moment. ::

I never thought I'd find someone to be with for the rest of my life. It just never seemed like an option to me.

:: She looked up at Morgan. ::

You showed me there was indeed another option, and how much I could love one individual... even more than myself.

I don't know how it was I lived without you, and now I can't imagine life not having you as my husband.

Yesterday we were but two individuals. Now we become one. I am truely blessed by your strengths and your undying love, Master Evanar, and I will never leave your side.

:: Her eyes had glisstened over slightly with moisture as she spoke, for she loved Morgan so much, it almost hurt. ::