View Full Version : Where darkness lies...(training of Nieheine)

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Sep 15th, 2003, 04:43:11 PM
Not a sound was heard in the illustrious room of the Sith knight, except for his breathing and the sound that the quill made when he wrote on the parchment. The mohogony wooden desk was feeverishly covered with knick-knacks from all over the galaxy. Ambrose, like his master Lord Soth, had become a collector of fine antiquities over his vampiric lifetime. He collected many artifacts from all over the galaxy, it had become a hobbie of his. The rose lay in its vase alone, whithering away as the dark one wrote his thoughts upon the parchment. The rose was a symbol of his order. Ambrose was now, and has been for some time ,a knight of the black rose.

The Dark Knight had taken on an apprentice not long ago. She went by the name of Nieheine. Her features were unmistakeable. She had a certain lovely scent, that only she was known by. Ambrose, now finished with his writing placed the quill back in its ink bottle, the white feather showing itself. He rolled the parchment up and rapped a black silk ribbon over it. Placing it with the many others that looked identicle to it upon his shelf that resided behind his desk.

Ambrose reached outward for the force, and found it. It flowed freely throughout him. The vampire called to his dark apprentice. He beckoned her to come to his chambers. For it was time now to start her training.

"Nieheine...Come to me my apprentice."

Sep 17th, 2003, 11:36:31 PM
::The sixteen year old Saharia walked into the library, red wings folded neatly. Blood was still in her hair but she had washed her face and hands, and changed clothing. She had studying to do, not officially but she had a belief. Knowledge meant power, and you could do interesting things with power.

She closed the book and set it back on the shelf. Nieheine almost spent all her time at the library, she enoyed the smell of books, especially old books, and had an unsaturable hunger for knowledge. Nobody ever came into the library, nobody ever came to this section, the oldest section the library. She wanted to devour every book and memroieze every word. Her hands went to the next book.

"Nieheine...Come to me my apprentice."

Looking up she knew that voice, her master was calling and though he recieved no answer she would come. Her bright green eyes looked at the book once more, noting where she was up to and she stood without a sound, but purposely made sound with her feet as she exited the old section, enjoying the echo of old wood in the vacant world of long forgotten facts.

Nieheine made her way out of the library and into the halls that twisted and turned, finally reaching the door of the grand parlour. The door opened softly and she entered, closing the door just as softly, looking at the back of her vampyre master saying nothing. He would already know she was there and she already saw his face as he would turn to look at her, his voice still in her mind, as deep a cello playing it's solitary powerful note.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Sep 19th, 2003, 04:34:04 PM
Ambrose could hear the soft whispering sound of her feet as she made her way into the study of the Vampire Knight. The dark one stood, his back facing his apprentice. He knew where she was. There was a bond between master and apprentice that could not be broken easily. His hands clasped behind his back, Ambrose stood near his window, looking out upon the landscape upon which the Shrine inhabited. The dark forest could be seen beyond the entrance gate to the Shrine of the Damned. The raindrops could be heard on the window sill as they both stood, motionless. Ambrose was the first to break the silence.

I am glad you have come to me my apprentice. We have many things to discuss. Many important things.

Ambrose manuvered his body to where he was now facing his apprentice, he looked upon her beautiful form and noted everything. He walked towards his understudy with soft, exasperating steps, the noise was echoing off of the walls as he moved towards the fledgling vampire.

When he reached his destination, which was right in front of her, he stood poised, his hands still behind his back. He looked at her, starting at the feet and moving his way up. When he had finally made eye contact with her, they locked together. He could see what she has gone through to get to this point in time. The vampire who had turned her into what she was, was none other that Dalamar.

First lesson...Combat training...

With that, Ambrose thrust forward his hand, with vampiric speed, he was aiming at her chest. He was seeing on how she would react to it.

Sep 21st, 2003, 07:42:34 PM
::Her eyes, once ignorant of such speed saw him coming, calculated to when she must move to avoid the attack, moved to the left at the right time, and stood looking at him for a moment, watching for any sign that she should defend and attack. She nodded her head at him to acknowledge the starting of the training session and half smiled.::

I have not yet finished with my heart master.

::With that her mind connected with the warrior part of her and she felt the air around her, the senses all on alert, her mind locked on her master, her opponant. Combat training it was, and combat training it would be. She would do her best to not dissapoint the one in front of her, nor to dissapoint herself.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Oct 4th, 2003, 04:39:36 PM
A smile etched its way upon the vampires face as he looked at his apprentice. He could see that she was now aware of everything around her, and was ready for the next move. She had manuvered her body into a fighting stance, waiting for her master to attack her once more. The vamprie could feel the blood flowing through her veins, the intesity of the moment held her within its firm grasp.

"Good...Very good my young apprentice. But it is just the begining. We will see if you can last the entire fight."

Ambrose was a being who thought life was a game, and you had to know how to play by the rules to survive. Even the simplest organism can prove to be the strongest of them all. Ambrose spread his feet apar, the left foot in front, the other behind it. The powerful hands of the vampire were loose, waiting to block or deliver a deadly blow. Ambrose locked eyes with the fledgling vampire, Nieheine.

Extending his left hand forward slowly, Amrose motioned his hand for Nieheine to make the first move. Ambrose was taunting his apprentice, and would wait for her to make the first move.

Oct 13th, 2003, 01:30:35 AM
::Nieheine was not really one to respond to taunts, she did not always believe in responding on impulse but this was training and thus was an exception. However her mind gave it's logical and sometimes lateral approach to the situation and quickly assessed her position. She was a fledging and also less experienced with the use of her vampiric body, still many things she had to learn. An all out approach would not work very well. His assured demenor did not account for her assessment for most would put on such a demenour even when they were sure and she was no acception to the rule. A battle was a game of tactics and self-control, and she intended to win this one as much as she could.

Her eyes grew sharper and she launched herself in the air, almost surprised to find that she could make herself float. She felt the pull of gravity again and with the time available, not counting on her speed, she spun to face his left side, relying on surprise as she aimed a strong elbow into the left side of his shoulder blades.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Nov 10th, 2003, 09:18:58 PM
Ambrose could feel the fledglings every move. He chuckled, more to himself then to all who had occupied the room. He knew her every thought and feeling. She was bearing down upon him now much harder than she had before. The Dark Knight manuvered his body so that she may pass him, without even touching him.He could feel the gust of wind touch his skin as she had passed him by. Now he would take charge of the situation and show her how a true vampire fought.

With her back facing him he lunged forward and spun Nieheine around to face him.She was startled by his actions , but quickly reacted to his moves. But she was not quick enough. The Sith Knight thrust both of his hands forward, making full contact with the young Vampire's chest. She flew back from the impact and hit a statue that jutted outward from the wall. She hit the statue with so much force that upon impact, some of the statue had broken apart and fell to the ground. Nieheine fell right after them. She landed atop the broken pieces of cement and it had cut into her body. Ambrose stood waiting for his young sith apprentice to arise from her position she was now in.

Dec 1st, 2003, 06:42:56 PM
OOC: soz, couldnt think what to write, still not sure what to write but can't take too much time. It seems your going to be another Dara.

::Nieheine didnt know what was coming, and was fascinated by her masters strength, enough to want to play with it to see just how strong he could go, and how strong therefore she could apply in herself through training and time. She moved her bloody arm away from the smashed pieces and watched her skin heal and smiled coldly, the candlelight in the room reflecting the gleam in her green eyes. Anger brimmed in her, but as she had been taught to do as a mortal in sith training, she directed her anger to an invisable deposit box which she could use with force attacks, though as a vampire she had no idea how they would work, if being a vampire changes such reactions to attacks. All this took a few moments, and she stood not bothering to take the dried blood off her arms. If it had been human blood however she would have been severly distracted.

Her eyes connected with her masters, he seemed to go for all out blows, his style of fighting it seemed at this moment. For now she would model part of it from his own, something an apprentice always did with their teacher in a term of logic and also respect, then modify it to suit her. All out was a good approach if one was stronger than another.
One thing she had always had as an advantage was speed as a mortal, perhaps it was enhanced and that speed was again an advantage, perhaps not.
She closed her eyes for a moment and prayed to the loveless and merciless god that she would not feel too bruised and broken by the time this was over.

Opening her eyes she took some of the reserve anger, let if flow through her, felt the force roar in her ears and her smile took on a dangerous cruel look that contrasted with her usual polite one. She felt the wind around her, jumped in the air and twisted in the air as she flew towards her opponant, using more of her anger, more of her force power to enhance the strength as she slammed her left elbow into his ribs. She aimed to land on his right side and she felt the darkness ring through her, feeling the personal pleasure of her hard earened power no matter how strong or weak it was compared to Ambrose's own power. Pain that would come she would use again to feed the darkness, use again to feed her resolve, her stubborness. Pain she would use to heighten and better her senses and abilities. Too many warriors wasted pain, until it could be used no longer. Again she did not speak, there was nothing to say, her body was in a defensive pose, leaving room to attack. She wondered if weapons were allowed, letting the thought flow and somehow aiming it to enter Ambrose's head.::

imported_Ambrose Braeden
Dec 1st, 2003, 08:53:11 PM
Ambrose hunched a little as his apprentice thrust her elbow into his ribs. The force of the blow was not hard enough to knock the breath out of him, but it was a very hard puch for a fledgling. Ambrose was amazed at how she was comming along in her training. But the vampire did not show any emotions of what he felt. Instead, he only smiled as a retort of the actions of Nieheine. His stark white fangs glitterd in the candlelight. Ambrose felt the Dark Side flow through his body as the anger engulfed him. Ambrose became a part of the force himslef.

Ambrose raised his right leg and thrust it into the knee cap of his young apprentice. A snap was heard as her leg was bent in the other direction, a position that it was not meant to be in. Nieheine's face twisted in pain after the fatefull blow. Ambrose knew that this was his chance.

Ambrose thrust both of his hands outward making full contact with her chest. She was sent flying backwards until her motions were immidiatly stopped when she hit the concrete cylinder beam that stretched from the floor to the celing. Nieheine fell to the ground, her leg still bent ninty degrees the other way.