View Full Version : Fun or Something Like That (Open)

Core Mebuff
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:35:05 PM
Hunter walked into one of Coruscant's seedy bars. His Mandalorian battle armor rattled as he walked through the door. Several beings of different races stepped aside for the bounty hunter. His mere appearance was frightening enough, let alone his large stature.

Hunter sat down in a dark corner and removed his heavy helmet. However, underneath was a black mask that covered his face, except his eyes and mouth as to keep his true identity a mystery. He ordered a bottle of Crown Royal as he sat down. The waitress brought over the bottle and a shot glass. He paid her for the drink and gave her a tip.

He stared around the bar looking for any possible bounties. He didn't recognize any of them as any big game. He would have to scan the room for some of the minor bounties later.