View Full Version : Blue is my favorite color on a billiards opponent. (Ryla)

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 12:26:01 AM
Though he had only been in residence at the Jedi Order for slightly over a month, J'ktal had already established himself as a regular in the Bar and Grill. It was the only acceptable food nearby, and they did cater to more discriminating tstes when amply compensated for their efforts.

"A Death-Shadow is never bored," he told himself, though he was having a hard tiem believing it. The gray mongoose, dressed in an expensive looking set of casual dress clothes sat at his usual small table just off the bar. It was a quiet enough nook, out of the spotlights, and on a direct path to both the outer door one way, and the kitchens the other. Strategem often dictated his favorite locations.

But he was bored. Sage Hazzard had been out of communication for weeks, he had only had two jobs in the last month, and only one of those required use of deadly force, and the Death-Shadow felt he was going soft, despite nearly constant exercise in the training facilities. His furred fingers lightly drummed the side of a smooth crystal tumbler, letting the ice cubes settle as he vented a quiet sigh. Another look down the bar yeilded a quick intake of breath. There, having just come in the door, was a beautiful woman with blue skin, and a smile curled up the edges of J'ktal's mouth.

Not normally one to fall for women outside his species, J'ktal decided to give up caring about that for the evening and got up from his table to approach her.

"Might I buy you a drink, Miss?" he said in his smooth, yet gravely voice, his face as kind as it could be, though his pink eyes were still deathly cold, as they always were.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 12:44:26 AM

I was caught by surprise by the dark-furred Mongoose who had so smoothly greeted me upon my entrance into the Bar and Grill. Giving him a slight smile, I replied.

"Sure, why not?"

Usually, it was just the usual drink (Huttese Hefeweizen) after training sessions, but today I was feeling different. I walked with him up to the bar, sitting down on a stool next to the Nehantite with the very intense gaze. The bartender walked up and asked for my order.

"Yes, I'd like... A glass of red wine, please."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:01:08 AM
"Chandrilian, cabernet, third rack, more dust, the better," J'ktal made her request a tad more detailed, then looked back at Ryla before ordering his own drink. "Port, dry, older than myself."

Good Garfife it was good to be rich.

While waiting for their drinks to arrive, J'ktal took a seat next to Ryla, remaining at enough of an angle to appear mysterious, but open enough for conversation. "Good evening, Miss, I hope I do not seem too forward, but I could not sit by while a lady such as yourself sat alone."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:06:54 AM
"Well, that's very courteous of you."

To be honest, it wasn't the first time that a drink had been bought for me, and it also wasn't the first time that some miscellaneous stranger had asserted my supposed loveliness. That's not to say I'd ever gotten used to it, of course, just like I had never gotten used to being referred to as a "Ma'am." It was just one of those things.

"I don't believe we have been introduced before..."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:10:27 AM
"I am sorry, I have forgotten my manners," J'ktal said, appearing shocked at his lack of proper actions. "I am Death-Shadow Captain J'ktal Anajii," he said while extending his paw, palm up. "And might I be so bold as to ask your name?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:22:30 AM
I placed my hand in his paw, responding with a smile.

"It is very nice to meet you, Captain. I am Jedi Master Ryla Relvinian."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:28:05 AM
"Jedi Master?," echoed in J'ktal's mind, and the gears began to turn.

Taking her hand in a light hold, he leanded down and kissed it gently before offering it back, then reaching over with his other paw to take the wineglass from the bartender without looking.

"Your wine, Master Relvinian," he said, "And, please, call me J'ktal. I must admit my suprise at not knowing you already; I myself have been a Padawan at the Order for jsut over a month now."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:52:01 AM
A kiss on the hand? I thought to myself. Well, that's a new one.

"Ah, I have not had the chance to see you around the temple. Who is your master, may I ask?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:04:22 AM
Recieving his port in its trademark cylindrical glass on a winestem, J'ktal smelled it deeply before swirlign the liquid and setting the glass down once more.

"Master Sage Hazzard," he replied, "Though, from all records, he has been absent from the Order for quite some time, and it is not my place to track him down if he does not wish to be found."

Taking a sip of his port, he then added, "Though it is not as if I could not find him if I tried. His habits are sloppy, at best, and he has no doubt been crude in covering his tracks. But, such things are not the items best for conversation over wine such as yours. I trust you like it?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:13:26 AM
After letting the wine swirl around in my glass, I took a delicate sip, listening to J'ktal speak of Sage and one of his many vacations from the order.

"Yes, it is excellent. Thank you."

The wine was indeed very good, especially since I hadn't had some in a while. I feared that I did not have a palate developed enough to know just how good it was, but I knew that it was really a treat to try, and not something I usually would have picked.

"You know, he often takes journeys that are shrouded in secrecy. Very few on the council even know where he goes. He always comes back, though, but in the mean time, you are of course free to take any of the classes that are offered."

I took another sip, letting the crisp, tart taste roll over my tongue before I continued.

"You have previous experience in tracking down lost people, or just Jedi?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:22:21 AM
The conversation was shifting toward himself, not a direction he wanted to take it when he was trying to learn as much as he could about Ryla.

"There are few men I cannot find, given proper equipment and time," he answered her, "But, I am not interested in finding any men tonight."

Turning to face Ryla full-on, J'ktal sipped at his port, then brushed back one of the long strands of headfur from his face. "Instead, I only desire a little company, and, perhaps a friendly challenge."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:26:38 AM
"A challenge?"

His eyes, the same color as Sejah's eyes and yet so much more intense and focused, seemed to gaze at me with a strange fire. Was it the port, or was he always this 'switched on?'

"Well, what do you suggest?

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:33:23 AM
Smiling devilishly, he waited a moment to give his reply. "Well, it has been some time since I have shot up a good rack."

The sip of port he took just then was just long enough for her to possibly get the wrong idea, but barely short enough for him to conclude with, "Of billiards. Do you play?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:18:49 PM
Inwardly, I rolled my eyes. Who didn't see that one coming? I replied with a slight smirk.

"I don't believe I have ever played billiards... You'll just have to teach me."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:30:12 PM
"Then I shall," J'ktal said matter-of-factly. Standing up from his barstool, he took his port glass in one paw, and offered his other to help Ryla up.

"There are a few tables in the back. I regret to say that I have forgotten my own cue, but we should find a few acceptable ones back there."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:56:45 PM
I followed him to one of the tables in the back, finally settling on one that was unoccupied.

"I warn you, the usual training for a Jedi Master does not include anything about Billiards... I hope I do not disappoint you."

I was being less than serious, of course, but it was true. Of all the years I had been here, I had never played this game, though I had watched it, and could perceive the general structure of it.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 03:03:25 PM
The open table was one of J'ktal's favorites. Black felt with a burgundy-stained wood fraim, and mother-of-pearl diamond markers.

"I am sure you will do fine," he said, selecting a cue from the rack, then looking down it to ensure it was straight before dusting the tip with chalk and handing it to Ryla. "You cue. I will rack the balls," he explained, settign the triangle and loading the billiard balls into their correct locations before setting the rack correctly and holding out the white cue ball. "Would you like to break, or do you know how to even shoot yet?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 03:56:55 PM
"No, I don't..."

It was a rare situation for me, not knowing how to do something. Then again, I was a quick learner.

"Will you show me?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 04:03:36 PM
"Gladly," he said with a smile, setting down his port on a small table.

Stepping up behind her, he placed the cue ball on the table, and then arranged the cue properly in her hands. "Here, your left hand like this," he said, placing his paw over her hand and setting her fingers correctly. "And your right hand like this," he continued, pressing up agaisnt her back slightly as he maneuvered her right hand to grip properly.

"Now, bend over a little," he gouded her, almost letting his chin rest on her shoulder as he used his body to guide her stance. "Okay, this is how you stand, now, pull your right arm back, and use your left fingers to guide the cue as you shove it back forward. You will want to hit the ball close to center, and shoot it into the triangle ahead. Got it?"

He was closer than he needed to be in all honesty, but, J'ktal couldn't resist.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 15th, 2003, 05:53:09 PM
The fur from his face tickled the side of my neck, gently rubbing against the light material of the tunic I wore. I spared a moment wondering what it must be like to be covered in fur, or to have a tail, before thinking that perhaps he wondered what it would be like to not have either, like most of the humanoids who roamed these halls.

"Ok, lemme see here..."

Focusing back on the game, I let his arms guide my back hand into the proper movement. It seemed fairly straightforward, and so I attempted to shoot.

As I had seen while watching others play, the formation of the balls broke apart and scattered, hitting each other with a gently tap and rebounding all about the table.

"How was that?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 12:22:50 AM
J'ktal held on to her longer than he needed to, and only stepped away slightly when he observed the breakup.

"Very nice," he commented. "You even sunk a ball, the one ball, in fact. I guess that would make you solids. So, you have to sink all the solid color balls, and I must chase after the stripes. But, do not sink the black ball, that one is saved for last."

Stepping back to give her room, he watched from behind as he said, "You sunk a ball, so go again."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:03:56 AM
"Hey, lucky me!"

I grinned at him, glad that I hadn't made too much of a fool of myself with my first try. I decided to hit another solid-colored ball that was near the cue, and repositioned myself to hit it. I tapped the cue, sending it off across the table, and towards the ball I was aiming at. However, I succeeded in hitting a few more and none of mine went in.

"Oh well... Does that mean it's your turn now?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:16:48 AM
Things were going quite well, so far, and J'ktal had thoroughly enjoyed watching Ryla as she leaned over the table to shoot, even though she missed her shot.

"Yes, it would be my turn now. Good try," he said while stepping over to select a cue for himself, the turned back to the table. Tipping the end of his cue with the small cube of blue chalk, the mongoose blew off the excess dust, and selected the ball he wished to sink.

There would be no trick shots yet, no need to show off for Ryla. Instead, he lined up a simple straight shot, leaned over, and flicked his tail just slightly as he struck the cue ball, and pocketed the red-striped ball he was aiming at. Standing back up, he looked to Ryla to make sure she saw it, and then moved on to his next shot, intentionally missing it, but only by a little. Shrugging his shoulders, the mongoose tucked his thin black tie into the second space between buttons on his shirt and looked back to Ryla once more. "Well, I guess I am out of practice. Your go."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:58:11 AM
I watched J'ktal take his shot, which was flawless, and then miss his second. I was sure that he had missed it on purpose, but said nothing, only moved around the table to take aim at the next ball.

"So, are you sure I'm not allowed to move these with the Force?"

I casually remarked, lining up my shot.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:02:48 AM
"Come now, Ryla, that would be cheating," he said with a smile. Stepping up behind her, he laid a paw on her hip and leaned over to whisper, "But, you can play the game however you want. After all, it is your first time."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:25:04 AM
J'ktal must be an expert in manipulating people... getting what he wants and convincing them that it was their choice in the first place. For a moment, just a moment, I let my guard down, realizing that this was te first time that a man from any species had touched me like this in a very long time.

But the shields were back up as soon as they had faltered. My smile had not fallen at all, and I took the shot I had lined up, sinking the ball in the side pocket without the Force. I changed the topic.

"You are so different than the other Nehantite I know here... Sejah. Do you know each other?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:33:49 AM
Ryla's reaction to his touch was not lost on J'ktal, but he knew to tread carefully from there on out. Letting her slide out of his grasp as she went to set her next shot, J'ktal leaned on his cue and replied, "Yes, I know Mr. Haversh. We have met before, and shared a few short chats. But, on a personal level, we do not tend to get along very well."

Waiting to speak furtheruntil her next shot was made, he continued, "He and I come from quite different backgrounds, and have little in common. But, I will admit that he is a good swordsbeast. Pity I could not challenge him in the Rho'istaan. We Death-Shadow are not allowed to compete."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:42:12 AM
The next shot of mine missed by a parsec, and I sighed. This game took mere moments to learn but, obviously, much longer than a few minutes to master.

"Your weapons training puts you above most of the Padawans here... I had to spend a week reminding one to point the saber emitter away from themselves when igniting it."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:48:41 AM
As he walked around the table to his next shot, the gray mongoose said, "I believe you would find I am skilled at a great many things, if you gave me the chance."

Snapping off a quick shot, he sank his next ball, then re-tipped his cue while walking round and sat on the edge of the table to lean far across for his next shot, also a score. "Pool never was one of my best games, but I do enjoy it. I hope you are enjoying yourself," he said while setting up for a shot in front of her, his tail flicking playfully as he shot, and this time genuinely missed a trick shot.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:54:29 AM
"It seems that your tail has a mind of its own, padawan Anajii..."

Crossing around the table, I raised an eyebrow at him, and at his innuendos that seemed to be moving faster than our actual game. I set up a shot and missed it, suddenly fistracted by a scuffle at the bar. The scuffle passed quickly, but not quickly enough for me to focus on what I was supposed to be doing. I looked up and gave him a smile.

"I am enjoying myself... It's great to relax after a long day of work."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:03:05 AM
J'ktal sunk two more balls in rapid succession, getting some of his focus back. "Yes, it does seem to do what it likes on occasion. I suppose I cannot blame it. After all, the rest of me gets to move about," he said while leaning over and pocketing another ball, leaving only two more of his own.

"I would say that today has been long for myself as well, but, when one wakes at noon and spends much of the day reading, they have little excuse to call themselves tired, am I right?" Another striped ball shot into a side pocket, but a failed bumper shot ended his streak.

"If you like, after this game, I could show you my place in the Living Quarters, and we could talk over another round of drinks there," he offered, clearing the perimiter of the table for Ryla.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:43:51 PM
I thought about his proposition for a moment, saying nothing as I took another sip of my wine and prepared to line up the shot.

"Sure, why not?"

I finally replied, smiling as I sunk my third ball in the corner pocket. It was silly, but I couldn't really think of a reason not to go.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:56:31 PM
J'ktal finished his port, and watched Ryla pick up the game with ease. It was rapidly turning into an enjoyable evening, and he wished to do nothing to risk its outcome.

Straightening the knot of his tie, the mongoose waited his next shot, and said, "Very well then, but I will not rush the game on that aspect."

It turned out he wouldn't have to as Ryla pocketed a few more, rapidly closing the gap between their scores. "You play like a pro. Are you certain you have not played before?"

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 04:49:40 PM
"Can I blame it on beginner's luck?"

In all honesty, I had no clue how I was getting any of the shots, and I thought to myself that I'd probably never play remotely good again. Call it what you will, it seemed to be the law of the universe.

"No, I've never played before..."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:04:38 AM
"Beginner's Luck it is then," J'ktal concurred, though luck immediately ran out as he said it, for Ryla missed her next shot, and set him up for a rediculously easy one.

"Well then, perhaps not," he said, picking his cue back up and stepping over to the table and quickly snapping off his shot, sinking the ball, and advancing to his next position before the cue had even stopped rolling. The next shot sunk as well, leaving jus the eight ball to claim. It would be a difficult shot, but he felt he could make it.

"Eight ball, that corner pocket," the gray mongoose indicated, though it seemed like the most unlikely pocket. The cue ball was less than a foot fromt eh black ball, and he lined up a slightly off-center shot. Drawing his cue back, J'ktal slammed it forward, smacking the cue into the eight, sending it bouncing off three of the sides of the table before it slowly rolled into his designated pocket. Standing up straight. J'ktal pulled his tie back out of his shirt and straightened it. "Good game, we will have to play again sometime."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:06:34 AM
"Yes, and I'll certainly have to start practicing..."

I surveyed the bar once more, amazed at how much it had cleared out since we began our little game. I finished my wine and moved to put the cue back into the rack on the wall.

"You did some pretty fancy shots there, but I don't think I'll be that good anytime soon."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:24:08 AM
"With practice, perhaps," J'ktal said, returning his own cue. "But, for now, I need to pay the bartender. Then shall we return to my place? As you know, the Living Quarters are not far."

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 17th, 2003, 01:42:40 AM
"Yeah, ok..."

I replied, and he gave me a small smile before turning and heading over towards the bar.

Gathering my cloak from the peg on the wall, I shrugged it on over my tunic and pants and reveled in its heavy warmth. As I waited near the door for J'ktal, someone entered, and I felt a gust of cold night air sweep over me, and I was glad for the warmth of my cloak.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:01:49 AM
J'ktal quietly paid the bartender, then wove hiw way to the coat check, his black overcoat being returned to him. Deftly buttoning it and tying the waist belt, the mongoose found himself ready to leave, but when the door opened again, not only was it cold, but raining as well.

"Well, this will not do," he said aloud, then looked back to the coat check man, who nodded and handed him a black umbrella with a carved ivory handle trimmed in burnished silver. Unfolding it on the steps to the Bar and Grill, J'ktal held it over both his own head and Ryla
s, and guided them the short walk back to the Jedi Order, where it was shaken off, then closed, wrapped, and tucked under his arm.

From there, it was off to the lifts, where he held the door for Ryla, and pressed the button for the correct floor.