View Full Version : Killing Arafat

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:29:06 PM

Are they serious??? Killing Arafat would be stupid. Mainly because they would make him a martyr, which is never a good thing. Just ask the British they burned Joan of Arc at the stake and made her a martyr and the French railed around her death and won the Hundred Years War. There have been other cases of this, they would have 3 times the amount of terrorist attacks the rest of the world would criticize them and the US might even back away from them. It would be the worst move they could possibly make.

Darth Viscera
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:05:31 PM
Killing Arafat could only make the situation worse. Then again, I can't think of anything better to do to lock him out of Palestinian politics that wouldn't result in the same sort of backlash as killing him. Crazyeyes is one sneaky old bastard, I tell you what.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:07:28 PM
I don't know but killing him sure won't help. I really give up on the peace in Israel I say let them keep killing each other its awful and I am glad I don't live there, but there doesn't seem to be a solution to the problem at least not with the current leadership on both sides.

Darth Viscera
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:17:19 PM
The Jews sure do know how to pick their new homes. Maybe in 200 years they'll move into the Balkans, and accidently explode the powder keg of Europe. D'oh!

Sep 15th, 2003, 09:17:26 PM
I consider myself an Arafat fan of sorts.

But looking at the last couple of months objectively and how the guy interfered with the new PA Minister and undermined his leadership, I think he needs to retire from active politics. I believe he is punch drunk on power, and needs to let new blood take command. So I agree with Visc here.

Killing him would be the stupidiest thing Israel can do, but considering Sharon's history is not out of the question. I could only imagine if the kill Hama's leader (the name escapes me) and Arafat on the same week...

Washington will have to intervene.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 15th, 2003, 09:33:06 PM
I think if that happens Sharon will be killed as well Hamas would go after him I am certain of it.

Darth Viscera
Sep 15th, 2003, 11:58:10 PM
Woah, now. There's a BIG difference between having the capability to take out a bus full of people and having the capability to take out one of the most well-protected men in the world.

Lance Freestar
Sep 16th, 2003, 10:40:42 AM
I think the Jews should have moved to America to begin with. And I think Isreal should finish building that wall.

Sep 16th, 2003, 03:50:25 PM
U.S. Vetoes U.N. Arafat Resolution (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=2&u=/ap/20030916/ap_on_re_mi_ea/un_israel_palestinians)

Ryan Pode
Sep 16th, 2003, 04:16:47 PM
Killing Arafat is a bad idea. Unless you get another radical Islamic group to do it. Or make it look like an accident. He is in control of HAMAS... so he dies, they go all jihady on Israel.

Darth Viscera
Sep 16th, 2003, 06:18:51 PM
I like that idea. Let's contact some of the usual suspects through Sudan, tell them they get a free assassination on Yasser. They were all keen on assassinating him in the 70's and 80's. The Palestinians start hating the REAL terrorists, we lose a nutter impediment to the peace process, and the Palestinians spend a few days mourning and elect someone proper.

Sep 16th, 2003, 06:58:35 PM
Eegh, thats a really chowderhead call to use our veto on something so trivial.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 16th, 2003, 08:28:24 PM
Yeah that was stupid, IMO. Also Arafat is not ahead of Hamas (have no clue who it is right now) he is involved in certain terrorist groups the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade mainly. Still killing him would be insane. I don't think expelling him is even a good idea.

Darth Viscera
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:07:54 PM
It's likely that the Mossad has some deep-cover operatives infiltrated into Hamas. If this is so, one of them could hijack a cell and assassinate Arafat, saying that he's a bad muslim or whatever else they said during the 70's.

Another possibility, there must be a Palestinian counterpart to Yigal Amir.