View Full Version : Destinies: Nightmares [completed]
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:35:43 PM
Screaming. It always started with screaming. But not the screams of tortured souls, or the wails of adult sentients who knew their end was near. No, it was the cry of a child, sobbing for his mother.
Someone dared to stand between them. The dream was fuzzy around the edges as the figure ignited a blue lightsaber. "You shall not have him!"
But he's my child... Lilaena pleaded with the being who blocked her way, but could not form the words around her tongue. Her saber joined the other, filling the air of the dream with a buzzing hum. Jax wailed as she fought the creature that kept her from him, anger at his fear and confusion filling her until she felt nothing except the Dark side.
Beside her, Silus was jostled awake as she twisted uncomfortably in her sleep. The room in the house Iziz had provided them with was dark, and the chrono told him it was about two in the morning. He turned over and tried to go back to sleep.
Die, die, die! She battled the other, their lightsaber duel stretching between tables and around overturned chairs. The blurriness at the edges of the dream seemed to be filled with spectators. Lilaena had the upper hand, beating the Jedi back against a table. Then she saw a hole in the indistinct figure's defenses and took the opportunity.
Her saber should have cut through the enemy, but the Jedi rallied magnificently, and spun around -
Lilaena coughed blood as she looked down at the hole seared through her chest. It burned.
She jerked awake with a gasp, hands coming together in front of her as she felt for the hole that wasn't there anymore. She was fine. She wasn't dead. Adrenaline coursed through her veins as she lay back on the bed, trembling.
Silus Xilarian
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:13:30 AM
As Lilaena surged from her sleep, Silus slowly slid over, sitting up behind her. He put his arms around her and pulled her back to him, softly whispering in her ear..
"shhh, its ok...It was just a dream."
Nights like this seemed to be getting more and more frequent. Silus was even suffering slightly from it. More of his freetime during the days was spent resting, lounging to make up for lost sleep.
Silus held her in the darkness of the room, quietly comforting her...
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 15th, 2003, 03:03:57 AM
She shuddered in his arms, and slowly relaxed, her body shaking a bit as the affects of the dream wore off. She'd never told Silus what it was, always saying that she couldn't remember, but that it was horrible.
This was the second time that week she'd had the same dream, or rather, a variation on the same. It always ended the same way, however, with her death. Three months previously she'd dreamt that Jax had gotten in the way of her blade and she'd accidentally killed her own son. She'd sobbed all night after that, alone on her ship.
But Xilarian was here...his arms surrounded her, and she lay back against him, trying to relax. "I...I cannot understand these dreams..."
Silus Xilarian
Sep 16th, 2003, 03:22:22 AM
"Dont try to now...Just take a deep breathe. Your heart is pounding, now isnt the best time for deep thought."
Silus slid back a little and leaned against the headboard, pulling her with him and lightly giving her a peck on the temple. Secretly, he was a bit frightened himself, though he made sure to hide it from Lilaena. He remembered his own nightmares, and how frighteningly true they had come true. These dreams were rattling her down to the very core of her soul, and the fact that she wouldnt tell him what they were worried him even more.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:20:38 PM
She was stronger than this. But after she'd had the same dream three times in as many months, it had started going beyond creepy. She could handle it. It was nothing. Just a dream.
But they seemed so real. The Force is showing me...the future.
The couple lay in silence for a few minutes as she calmed herself down. Then... "Silus, have you ever had a Force vision that did not come true? They say the future is always in motion..." Lilaena tried to sound nonchalant, but he could feel the fear and anger in her.
Silus Xilarian
Sep 21st, 2003, 06:06:26 PM
"Ive had a few. You just have to remember that 'visions' are products of our own minds. Our own fears and tendancies tend to play into things. Our minds are very subjective."
Silus smirked slightly and his eyes shifted to gaze around the room, as if he were about to tell some great secret....
"Ive had dreams of me battling my sister before...Which is...impossible."
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2003, 06:21:37 PM
She pressed her face against his neck, breathing slowly. "Because she is...dead." He nodded, his left hand stroking through her hair.
Lilaena shuddered, and his arms tightened around her, holding her closer. "I have had this vision while awake. It happened on Ryloth, nearly a year ago. Not a dream. A Force vision. It reaccurs at night now. A thousand variations with the same ending." She twitched at the thought of that blue lightsaber flashing down...
Silus Xilarian
Sep 22nd, 2003, 02:22:37 AM
"When you came to Balmorra to get me that day, I heard her voice during my meditation...I could hear her voice, and she said my name, but the rest I couldnt understand. Then I heard her scream...."
He could imagine it in his head at that moment.
"I wasnt with her when she died, so its not like im remembering my past..."
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:19:41 AM
Had he even been listening to a word she'd said? Lilaena pulled away from him, tossed back the covers and walked to the doors that led to their balcony, her back stiff with annoyance.
Never mind she was naked. The Dark Jedi opened the doors and stood in the warm night, trying to shake the fear that dogged her footsteps. And Silus...was it always frelling about him? Krasst! Her annoyance at him burned away the residue of the dream, and she tightened her hands into fists as she overlooked the starlit city.
Silus Xilarian
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:33:22 AM
Silus got up and started toward Lilaena.....
He wasnt quite sure why she was angry at him now, and he was even more unsure of how to go about finding out..
"...Look..I dont know what I can say to make it better.....My point was, I've had the same thing you're having, but there's no possible way it could be true....Just like whatever your dream is could very possibly not be true. You can come back in.....If Im angering you this much, then I'll go..."
"Im sorry"
Silus stood there for a moment before grabbing a pair of pants and his shoes.
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:46:16 AM
She stood there, proud and angry for a moment, and then she heard him fumbling about for his shoes in the dark, and something crumbled inside. "I- I think I am going to die..." Lilaena's knees weakened at the admission, and she curled up against the outer wall of the palace, the rough stone digging into her back painfully.
"I am sorry... I should have told you about the vision..." There was no sound from inside, but she was certain he'd heard her. "Jax was there...the Jedi are keeping him from me..."
Silus Xilarian
Sep 26th, 2003, 01:47:53 AM
"You know my feelings about the Jedi. They trick themselves into believing that you dont deserve your own child, only because your beliefs differ from theirs."
Silus was aggitated, it was clear in his voice. Lilaena's seperation from Jax was tormenting her, something that he saw daily.
"I wont let them hurt you. I promised that you and your son would be reunited, and its not a promise I intend to break."
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 26th, 2003, 07:01:38 PM
"We have to get him back." Her voice was low, and muffled slightly from her arms. "I cannot allow this to continue."
De'Ville pulled herself to her feet, and came back inside. The moonlight outlined her naked figure as she walked towards Silus who'd managed to put his pants on. She needed to take her mind off the dream, at least for now. Lilaena leapt on him, knocking him backwards onto the rumpled bed, and kissed his mouth. She pulled away a bit, directing her lips towards his ear. "Help me, Silus..."
Silus Xilarian
Sep 27th, 2003, 02:02:06 AM
"I dont know if I can, im in a pretty compromising situation at the moment..."
Silus managed to get an arm around her, pulling her body against his. He was trapped, and intended to stay that way....
Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2003, 06:46:00 PM
She nibbled at his ear, and worked at his pants with her hands, getting them undone once more. No more words were spoken, not even when the pair rolled off the bed onto the floor, pulling half the blankets with them.
Hours later, staring at the ceiling while Silus snored quietly beside her, De'Ville tried to quiet her mind. Tried to sleep.
One question kept her awake.
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