View Full Version : Likened to a drifter...

Selinica Miriya
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:37:04 PM
Steps tapped quietly down the corridors, bouncing off the walls...echoing. The careless swish of robes carried its sound just under the echo. And if one's ears are attuned enough, the slow rush of air in and out is audible. Breathing. Calm...but saddened. There's a slight uneasiness in her steps. Hesitation. The echos become few and far between and the seeming stranger stops in front of one entrance, which above reads:

Master Yoghurt's Bar & Grill

She stares inside for a few moments, then softly steps into the establishment.


She walks toward the bar, and sort of flops down onto one of the bar stools. The woman pushes back her hood, and looks at the bartender, who by now has noticed her there. He looks at her as if to ask what she would like...

"Ah... Corellian Whiskey..."



The bartender nods, and grants her request. Soon enough, she has a glass in her hands, and is analyzing the B&G crowd. Icy blue eyes drift slowly over each person as they shift from one end of the place to the other. The woman rakes a hand through her long, thick hair. She takes a sip of her drink, then licks the moisture of it from her lips. The face of a tired angel, worn down by so many things... battles... inside and out...

'Feels so ...empty' she thought.

Followed by a couple large gulps from the glass...she continues to look around the room. Remaining seated.

Lady Mylia
Sep 15th, 2003, 04:29:19 AM
Mylia entered the B&G her regular smile upon her face. She nodded to the gaurds, and today actually stopped and talked to one for a few moments. After her chat with the guard she moved to the bar and took a seat on an empty stool. She pulled out some credits and slid them across the bar to the bartender. "My normal, please. Thanks." After she had her drink in hand she sat sipping and looking at things going around in the bar. The majority of the people were dressed like her, robes and tunics. Mylia pushed a piece of her blonde hair back with a sigh. Some days it was a bummed being around so many people just like you. She noticed a worn looking girl sitting next to her. She offered a kind smile. "Hello..." She mumbled to her.

Selinica Miriya
Sep 15th, 2003, 03:21:45 PM
The lady un-clasped the beautiful blue chooded cloak, and folds it, placing it on the stool next to her. She takes another sip of her drink...

"Hello. I am...."


" ...well, I don't think it really matters to anyone who I would be. What I may have been...who I may have been seems...to have drifted away. I am no more than a drifting soul, but I yet have a name. That name would be Miriya D'aen Cailis. Where I hail from, you would not know of the place, nor have ever heard of it."

Another sip.

"What is your name? Who are you, if indeed you are someone with a place in this universe?"

Lady Mylia
Sep 15th, 2003, 05:42:36 PM
Mylia raised an eyebrow. That was a very interesting answer, very thought provoking. She thought for a moment about what all Miriya had said. "I'm Mylia Basque, and up until this very moment, I'm not sure I hold a significant place in this universe, if any at all."

Selinica Miriya
Sep 15th, 2003, 09:36:32 PM
Miriya nodded...

"A...pleasure..to make your acquaintance, Mylia Basque."

She finished off her drink, and placed the glass on the bar.

"I once held a place in this universe. I can tell you are a Jedi Padawan, and the way I had followed...the way I had carried myself, would have made you wary. I was once deep in the darkness. A black huntress. A Sith..Dark Jedi.. of my own rank. Solely seeking out the followers of the light, such as yourself..."

Making a tense, crushing fist...and slamming it down in her other open hand...

"...and exterminating them."

She relaxed, and leaned on the bar.

"But things have changed. A crossroads in my life has come. And I don't know whether I should return to what I have been, or proceed to where I should have always gone..."


"You see...I was once a devoted follower of the Jedi ways, well on my way to becoming something wonderful. Then a thing happened of my life that filled me with so much passionate hate. It burned my heart...my soul...and if not for recent happenings, it would have devoured me. And now, I feel lost."

Lady Mylia
Sep 16th, 2003, 08:15:50 PM
Mylia's eyes widened. "Wow, that's very eventful." She was a bit nervous around this woman, not that she was scared of her, but more confused by her. "Feeling lost is understandable, everyone reaches that point at sometime or another. When my father was killed I was very much lost, but I worked through it and now I'm here. Things always work out."

Selinica Miriya
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:46:18 PM
...Things always work out...

"So i've been told. I've yet to see it."

Lady Mylia
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:27:10 PM
Mylia shrugged. "You still have a long life ahead of you. Maybe they just don't work out the way you want them too, but it always happens. Like with my father's death, that wasn't pleasant at all, but I survived and I still live and have a good time. It always works out..."

Selinica Miriya
Sep 17th, 2003, 10:17:35 PM
Miriya looked at the young woman and smiled.

"I suppose you're right. I suppose..."

...that Nobe was right...

She shook her head. She almost went to kill him too...But, then, something had stopped her.

An indication that perhaps, she wasn't as lost as she thought.

"...I've been so wrong." she uttered. She looked at if she was deep in thought.


Lady Mylia
Sep 18th, 2003, 12:52:41 PM
Mylia gave Miriya a strange look. She was curious to what she was thinking about, but didn't dare ask. She smiled in return. "As long as you don't continue in the wrong..." She began to say, but cut herself off.

Selinica Miriya
Sep 19th, 2003, 01:39:26 AM
She nodded slowly, staring at the wall...

"No. You're absolutely right. And I won't continue in that vein....I just... wouldn't know where to start so that I can return to the path I should have always followed. I'm sure you'd know better than me. "

Lady Mylia
Sep 19th, 2003, 04:09:50 AM
"If you are really interesting in changing you should probably speak with the council. They will put you in Padawan classes or right with a Master. They are truly understanding."