View Full Version : Destinies: Nightmares (open)

James Prent
Sep 14th, 2003, 04:44:29 PM
This roleplay is open with the condition that if you post in it you have a reason to do so, and will actually follow through and finish the roleplay to a natural conclusion.

Screaming. Always there was screaming! The little dark haired boy was clinging to the underside of a table of sorts, refusing all her efforts to pry him out from underneath it. She tried to tell him it was for his own good, but little Jax Tondry shook his head and kicked his feet at her. At her! She caught a blow on the mouth and tasted blood as she tried to back away and hit her head on the underside of the table.

Shadows extended beyond the reality of the table. It was plain pressboard laminated with thick plastic in a cheerful green color. The base was comprised of metal tubing constructed to provide stability while keeping the cost down. And a perfect spot for a stubborn five year old.

In her bed, James Prent twisted in the sheets. Somewhere in her subconscious she was telling herself, this is only a dream. Jax is only three, not five, anyway. WAKE UP. But it wasn't only a dream, was it?

The boy sobbed under the table, and James looked around, feeling panicky. Any moment now... There wasn't any time! "Jax.." she tried to emplore him to come out, but the only sound she could make was a heavy exhalation. Shadows thickened into a form, which stepped out from the background. A lightsaber ignited, shimmering with amethyst and jade sworls. The shadows were not dispelled by the lightsaber, however; instead they seemed to be sucked into it.

James thumbed the switch on her own blade, a distinct and reassuring hum buzzed in her ears as the blue blade lanced out. She stood between the cheerful green table and the shadowy form, holding her lightsaber in a defensive position as the figure laughed manically.

"You cannot keep him from me. He is mine. And so are you." Lightsabers flashed as James desperately tried to protect Jax, who had stopped crying. Within a few minutes it was clear she was out classed.

The enemy batted her saber away, and then extended a hand, tossing James off her feet like a rag doll. She landed against the edge of the table, sharp pains shooting to the top of her head and the soles of her feet. She felt something in her back crunch. But she couldn't give up. The dream wouldn't allow her to. Blue lightsaber flashed against purple-green, sparing the Knight from death as she struggled to regain her footing.

The padawan was drenched with sweat despite the cool autumn breeze wafting in the window. She moaned in her sleep, turning restlessly.

It was a desperate struggle, but so much was unclear. Shadows and shadowy figures watched the battle around the table. James was tiring, but her opponent seemed as fresh as when they'd started. "Who are you!?" James tried to ask, but again found she was unable to speak. Still, the creature of shadow answered.

In the dream, James could hear and understand. The thing spoke, and she heard it, and yet, heard nothing. The dream James seemed horrified at the answer and then...

...the enemy lightsaber curved cleanly through the air, anticipating her block, and avoiding it neatly. James opened her mouth to scream as the saber cut through her body with red hot fire -

In her room, James screamed, jolting awake in a rush of adrenaline and fear.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:13:58 PM
It had been late at night when Kelt was returning from a rather heated (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31960) discussion with a long since past rival of his. In fact it had been so long ago in the Jedi Knights history that he had all but forgotten that shadowed section of his life, yet still a light, a candle within his memory kept it lit, kept it alive. It would never be truly forgotten.

The Jedi Knight assented up the stairs,and into one of the many lamp lit hallways of the sleeping quarters. Remembering it was after dark Kelt kept quiet, his cloak he kept in a tight grip to stop the ruffle,and he treaded as lightly as he could with his hard, knee high black boots.

It only occurred to him then, through all the days events with Morgan, Moriarci and his men that he had been elected for a seat on the council only a few days previous. Of course he was happy to stand and represent, help,and aid his fellow Jedi but it was strangely odd that he had only just remembered it.

Suddenly and very alarmingly Kelt felt a tingle run up the back of his spine, the hairs on the back of his neck sprang to life and started to stand on end. Something, someone was in a panic somewhere, someone was in trouble. The jedi Knights eyes began to widen, he to, was feeling to panic of wh-

A scream rang towards Kelt and his ears, his heart pounced and his mind suddenly turned on, the council member quickly took flight in the direction of where the panicked scream had come from his heart racing and his mind desperate to help however was in trouble, he had felt it even before it had happened which in itself was strange enough. He made it to the door and on it read:

James Prent - Jedi Padawan

James?...he shook his dead.

' James, Miss Prent are you okay?' Kelt said through the door, his sensitive ears waiting for a response, but before anyone could answer ' James, are you okay in there?' Kelt said genuinely worried if she was okay or not, his heart,and soul quite desperate for some odd reason to get in and see if she was okay.

He felt the panic, he litrally felt the scream ring through his heart and through the force as if booned towards him directly.

OOC: Hope its cool, if not boot me out! :D

James Prent
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:09:40 PM
She gasped for air, and collected her thoughts. Someone was calling through the door to her. Aaron... No, it wasn't him. She threw back the covers and scrambled out of the bed, her feet catching on the tangled sheets and she fell with a thump to the ground.

"Ow..." James kicked her feet free and stumbled to the door, dragging her bathrobe over her small clothes. "I-I'm okay." She hit the door controls and it slid open, revealing a man she'd never seen before. The padawan was rumpled by sleep and her scalp was soaked with sweat, but her breathing was slowing as the adrenaline of the nightmare began to wear off. She felt her body betray her as it began to tremble, and she leaned against the door and slid to the ground, still shaking.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:50:50 PM
Ah, now he knew who James was. He now recognized her as Aarons friend, one that his former room mate had been spending an awful lot of time with as of late. Her face, in the lamp light looked as wet as could be, she was shivering ether through fear or through how cold she was. She looked exposed, tired and frightned.

The Jedi Knight said nothing, but learned down, slid one arm beneath both legs and placed his left arm around her back and lifted her up into his arms. It was rather suprising actually just how strong the Jedi Knight was considering he looked more agile that strong.

He lifted the Jedi Padawan,carried her gently over to her bed and placed her softly down upon the soft surface of the mattress, which in turn was also quite sweat drenched however he was more concerned for James's comfort.

' Stay there...' He whispered before taking the sheet that had been tangled around her feet, grabbed one end of it and throw it into the air, still in his grip. The cover was quickly straightened and as it glided back down the sheet landed softly upon James and covered her completely.

Kelt sat down on the side of the bed and smiled gently towards James. His own heart from the shock of the scream slowly coming back down to its original rate. ' Are you okay?...' He asked gently, his voice soft and kind.

James Prent
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:45:19 PM
The tiny padawan tiredly snuggled into her bed as the man she now recognized as one of the newly elected Council members tucked her back in. "I...I just had a dream." Her heartbeat quickened at the thought of it, and she bit her lip to keep it from trembling. "I'll be all right. I'm sorry if I startled you..."

Kelt Simoson
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:22:45 PM
'Oh James dont worry about that... Spoke Kelt in a hushed tone as if trying to calm her nerves. ' I was more worried for you my friend.' She looked sleepy, but the Jedi Knight was concerned.

' Would you like to talk about it James?' Kelt said gently ' perhaps i can help you, sort through the dream perhaps?'

James Prent
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:21:00 AM
James put a hand to her forehead, and then felt a twinge in her back. Almost as though... No, that was crazy. "I've talked to people about them before, an' it never seems to do any good, y'know?" She closed her eyes and saw the lightsaber flashing down -

She opened her eyes again hurriedly, and saw the man's concerned face. In her room. In the middle of the night. James pulled the covers closer to her. "I just have these dreams every once in a while. I'm in a lightsaber battle with a darksider, or something else, and ...and I die at the end." Her weary face creased up with worried sadness. "You don't happen to know the padawan Aaron Belargic do you? He...he's helped me with... this..."

I'm going to die. The Force is telling me this. But when? James felt her body getting worked up again as her mind dwelt on the dream. The whole secret to living happily was that you never knew when you were going to die. But...if you knew it was soon... A tear welled up in each eye, and she tried to blink them away before they trailed down her cheeks.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 17th, 2003, 03:32:34 PM
' I see your trouble, James. ' Kelt said, his face still gentle ' Dreams, as i understand them, dont always have to be in a preminton state James, honestly. When i was smaller, perhaps 16 or 17, i used to have such dreams. That i was battling a Lich and he would defeat me, kill me. But i over come them...and i over came the Liches also... Kelt chuckled.

' Trust me James, if you can over come the dream itself, you can over come and battle the very thing waking you in the night, its hard, but possible.' Kelt said nodding with a smile. ' And if i have anything to do with it, and if im there, no darksider will hurt you i promise...' Kelt said patting her leg.

' I shall return with Aaron' Kelt raised from the bed, bowed his head with a smile and exited the room in search of Aarons new room.

James Prent
Sep 20th, 2003, 02:33:46 AM
After the Jedi Knight left, James got shakily to her feet, walking over to the door and sealing it shut behind him. These were no ordinary dreams. They came to her when she was awake as well.

Force visions, Master D'an had called them. You will see things in the Force. Visions of the past: friends, long gone. The present...and even the future. But always in motion is the future. Hard to see. Am I being shown a thousand variations on a future I cannot avoid? If even once I defeated the dark one...

Well, then there would be hope.

Despondent, James crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over her head.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 22nd, 2003, 12:43:38 PM
Eventually there came a knock at the door and two hushed voices exchanged words. Aaron was a little confused as to why he was being brought to James’ room at this hour, but hadn’t objected. If Kelt felt something was wrong, it probably was. He had a certain intuition for things like that.

James Prent
Sep 22nd, 2003, 10:24:25 PM
After a few moments the door opened to reveal James wrapped up in a blanket. If she'd looked into a mirror she would have been mortified at the dark circles under her eyes, but she hadn't bothered.

They hadn't really seen each other since the night of the brawl in the bar, both being busy with studying and other things. One look into his concerned expression, and James felt her calmness slipping away as tears sprang to her eyes once more. She stepped back from the door, covering her face with trembling hands as she started to cry. The blanket half slipped off her shoulders, and she tried to pull herself together...but it was just too much. I'm going to die...and I'm going to die soon.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 23rd, 2003, 12:31:17 PM
Aaron had stepped forward to give the blanket a tug, holding it in place as he looked back to Kelt for a moment with pleading eyes. I'm going to die...and I'm going to die soon. Both of the Padawan’s ‘brows raised. He brought James in a little closer.

“Shhh… shh… it’s okay… just tell us what’s a matter?”

James Prent
Sep 23rd, 2003, 05:10:08 PM
She leaned against his chest, her shoulders shaking silently as she tried to get ahold of herself. "Th- the visions..s... They're alw- always th-the same..." James drew in a shuddering breath, opening tear stained eyes to stare at the wall across from them. "...I'm going to die."

Kelt Simoson
Sep 24th, 2003, 07:40:13 AM
Kelt glanced towards Aaron for a moment before turning back to James. His eyes soft with sorrow.

' I do not wish for you to relive it if you dont want to, but can you tell us of these visions james?...' He asked his voice so carefull it was almost unaudible.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 24th, 2003, 01:16:13 PM
Aaron looked for a moment back at Kelt and gently shook his head. It wasn’t a good idea. Aaron had already heard of these visions before and quite clearly they were traumatic enough without having to relive them once more.

“No you’re not James. You have people around you to protect you and you are becoming a fine Jedi, one who can protect herself.”

James Prent
Sep 25th, 2003, 01:41:44 AM
She shook her head against his chest, and then wrapped her arms around him tightly. The blanket slipped off her shoulders once more, her tank top and sleep pants not doing much to keep her warm. "But what if I don't get good enough...fast enough? I... They say the future is always in motion...but every variation... it always ends the same. I always ...the battle..." James took in a few shuddering breaths, and tried to focus.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 26th, 2003, 12:44:33 PM
Kelt simply fell silent and let the two converse between eathother, it was clear the two were quite close. In Kelts mind however he felt James's fear of the situation, evidently it was quite real.

Aaron Belargic
Sep 27th, 2003, 01:44:43 PM
“You will. You have to think positively. Just work at it… the future is always in motion. We’re all free beings, walking the path that we choose to take. Nothing is set in stone.”

James Prent
Sep 29th, 2003, 12:16:16 AM
She nodded against his chest, but was not convinced. After a moment, she realized that Council member Simoson was still in the room, and James pulled away from Aaron, smoothing her hair down. It was defying gravity in an interesting way in the back. "I am sorry that I bothered you both...this early in the morning..."

James sat down on the edge of her bed and put her head in her hands. "I guess this is just something I'll have to work through... It's just I get so scared of what's gonna happen. I don't feel like anything I do will make a difference." She dried her cheeks off with her blanket, refusing to look at either of the two men who stood in her room.

Kelt Simoson
Sep 29th, 2003, 02:52:20 PM
Kelt looked at both Aaron and James and smiled gently.

' Do not trouble yourself with that matter James, i was already wide awake. ' Kelt said giving Aarong a quick wink. ' Would you both like to be alone to talk?...i think my place here is over unless you wish me to stay James?'

Kelts face was soft and genuin.

James Prent
Sep 30th, 2003, 07:24:41 PM
"I think I've bothered you enough. Thank you Knight Simoson." She lifted her eyes and tried out a thankful smile, with varied results.

Aaron Belargic
Oct 1st, 2003, 10:19:40 AM
Aaron caught the wink and looked away, smiling to himself, before asking in earnest:

“Would you like us both to leave you then, so that you may rest?”

James Prent
Oct 1st, 2003, 03:04:46 PM
"Ah..." Well, not really. You see, Aaron, I'd like it if you stayed. A lot. Only I dunno how to tell you that with a Council Member standing right there. I'm sure he wouldn't approve. Quick James, think of something! James' thoughts raced but she managed to keep her face calm.

"I would appreciate it if you stayed a minute or two longer, Aaron..." How about all night? James dabbed at her eyes, hoping they weren't too puffy.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 3rd, 2003, 07:27:40 AM
' Then i shall leave you both...' He smiled gently ' Aaron, James' He nodded to them both and exited the apartment closing the door quietly behind himself.

Aaron Belargic
Oct 3rd, 2003, 12:40:08 PM
Aaron was about to say good night to his friend when the green knight disappeared. He smiled to him and looking back to James said:

“Well, here I am. What would you have me do for you?”

James Prent
Oct 3rd, 2003, 04:19:51 PM
Now that the scare of her dream was wearing off, she was feeling another craving. But she'd smoked her last stimcig on her 'balcony' before going to sleep. James stood up from the bed slowly, and walked over to Aaron, who was waiting for an answer.

The padawan was a full twelve inches shorter than him, coming up to just under his shoulder when she stood next to him. "Hold me."

Aaron Belargic
Oct 5th, 2003, 10:49:49 AM

Aaron smiled and embraced James.

“…I think I’m going to get a merciless teasing from Kelt about this.”

James Prent
Oct 5th, 2003, 04:15:12 PM
She wrapped her arms around him, and sighed. "Sorry. Does that bother you?" James relaxed against him, "'Cause I'm not letting go."

Aaron Belargic
Oct 6th, 2003, 12:27:44 PM
“I don’t mean… this, just…”

Aaron thought a moment. It was probably best to just shut up. He set a little kiss on top of James’ head and smiled to himself. A cruel little joke came to mind, which he couldn’t resist making.

“Maybe I should kneel when we hug in future, or perhaps find you a box.”

James Prent
Oct 6th, 2003, 06:09:37 PM
James tried to shove him away from her, but he was still holding on and she only got her hands caught between them. "Are you calling me short, Mr. Belargic?"

She couldn't help but laugh, looking up at him.

Aaron Belargic
Oct 7th, 2003, 10:27:16 AM
“Oh no… I’d be too afraid to do that, Miss Prent!”

Aaron shrunk down a little.

“I might get my kneecaps bitten!”

James Prent
Oct 7th, 2003, 03:14:05 PM
She used his movement to her advantage and pushed hard with her toes against the ground. Not expecting it, Aaron lost his balance and they both tumbled to the ground. "Mr. Belargic, I do believe you need to learn some manners."

Aaron Belargic
Oct 14th, 2003, 05:03:09 AM
“Where’s the fun in that? I’ll end up like Dasquian!”

Manners were his brothers’ forte that was certain. Even in the most ridiculous situations, he managed to maintain a polite, quiet demeanor and tried to be as inoffensive as possible.

James Prent
Oct 14th, 2003, 07:16:40 PM
She hmphed and rolled off of him, sitting up with her back against the edge of the bed. "Well, that wouldn't do. You already look like him." James winked, and then had to stifle a yawn.

Aaron Belargic
Oct 28th, 2003, 06:18:42 AM
“I don’t see you complaining,” Aaron replied with a forced pout.

James Prent
Nov 3rd, 2003, 01:12:58 PM
"Ah...don't...be silly..." She yawned heavily, her eyes drooping closed.