View Full Version : Endless Waltz

Sep 14th, 2003, 03:47:24 PM
This is the thread where Slifer and Kame will die. But, not in the bar. I don't care who is in the bar, but my Chars will kill or K.O. the drunken swaggers in the bar, which will attract a good sized contigent of NR soldiers, which Kame, on a nearby rooftop, will help Slifer defeat, and there will be a huge fire that Slifer emerges from that is blocking the street. When Slifer emerges, then someone, whoever wants to kill him, can be waiting there.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:08:34 PM
Huh? Care to run that by us again? I have no idea what or who you are talking about, and the thread will be named after a horrid Gundam movie.

I really haven't got the foggiest idea what you are saying, or asking at that.

All I can tell is that you want to kill off a character you have had for less than fifty posts. That's about it.

Sep 14th, 2003, 09:13:34 PM
Originally posted by Slifer
This is the thread where Slifer and Kame will die. But, not in the bar. I don't care who is in the bar, but my Chars will kill or K.O. the drunken swaggers in the bar, which will attract a good sized contigent of NR soldiers, which Kame, on a nearby rooftop, will help Slifer defeat, and there will be a huge fire that Slifer emerges from that is blocking the street. When Slifer emerges, then someone, whoever wants to kill him, can be waiting there.


Park Kraken
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:14:53 PM
I have two characters, one named Slifer, the other Kame. As explained in another thread here, I want to kill them off. What I am doing is starting a post where a Barfight is started, then the thread moves into a combat scene outside, then, after all that is over with, then someone may kill my characters, but not before.
Do you need me to break that down into elementary english? :-)

Sejah Haversh
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:22:17 PM
If it was explained in another thread, then you should at least have the courtesy to provide a link to that thread.

And, don't even try to patronize us. Your description offered neither reason or explaination of a plausible plot.

First off, no fights would be allowed in the B&G.

Second, the NR would kill you if you got past Lochabre and the Jedi.

Third, I will kill him. I will kill him with a collectable decorative soup spoon.

Sep 15th, 2003, 01:50:45 AM
Do you need me to break that down into elementary english? :-)

I see you havent bought a clue yet. Please do.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 01:54:45 AM
Well, in any case, I will accept the responsibility to dole out the death of one, or possibly both of your characters.

So, just let me know when you're ready, I'll provide the deadification necessarry.

Park Kraken
Sep 15th, 2003, 08:33:47 AM
If there is a smilie face, it is usually a sign someone is joking......

B&G? What is that?

Naj Arilov
Sep 15th, 2003, 09:02:18 AM
Originally posted by Admiral Kraken
Do you need me to break that down into elementary english? :-)

A remark like that, with the smiley at the end, to me would be construed as a blatant sarcasm.

There are two kinds of blatant sarcasm.

1) Humorous - The subject uses sarcasm about a topic to entertain others.

2) Insulting - The Subject uses sarcasm with the intent of degrading others. This type of blatant sarcasm usually isnt taken well by the recipient, and defensive remarks are common.

Hopefully, this will explain a bit more clearly why Sejah and Marcus didnt take kindly to your remark.

Sep 15th, 2003, 09:15:09 AM
Enough with the bear-baiting. There's no need for it.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 15th, 2003, 12:59:01 PM

*Unties the meat from a series of sticks and walks away from the bear cages, mumbling and grumbling.*

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 16th, 2003, 07:07:43 AM
Sejah is quite correct. The Bar and Grill's bouncers include Lochabre, who quite literally spends his day pretending to be a statue, and The Shambler, a 12 foot tall monster that'd be quite happy to give you the nickname "Omelette Face". Maybe I mixed them up, I can't remember.

Anyways, weapons of any kind aren't allowed in the Bar and Grill. I believe nasty fights break out in the OOC forums whenever somebody tries to start a fight in the Bar and Grill without permission.

Thirdly, the Bar and Grill is not just for Jedi. It is usually frequented by members of the New Republic Navy, NRSF, SecCorps, the ODST's, and any of 100 other military branches. There's usually a few squads of troops hanging around outside with heavy weapons.

And, as you're not getting acronyms too well...

New Republic Navy: Self Explanatory
NRSF: New Republic Special Forces, the "Railgun Toters"
SecCorps: Sector Corps, the "Force Hunter" boys
ODST's: Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, the infamous "101st Helljumpers", Rapid Deployment Shock Troops

Fourthly, the B&G is located on Coruscant, the seat of the New Republic's Government and the home of the Jedi...not a good idea attracting attention there, even if you want your characters dead: Governments don't take well to organizations whose members start battles in crowded city streets.

There's plenty of other legitimate ways to kill your characters that wouldn't involve this many entanglements. Think of something simple.

And, incidentally, Endless Waltz was a disgrace to the Gundam Wing series and it saddens me that the anime had to end with that as its last hurrah.

Sep 16th, 2003, 11:23:28 AM
You insinuate that the Gundam series was good, so you lose at life.

Peter McCoy
Sep 16th, 2003, 11:39:19 AM
I've seen no reference to the Bar and Grill made by Kraken or his other accounts in this thread or in the roleplaying thread "Endless Waltz" in the Roleplaying forum. So all the points raised about the Bar and Grill, while very true, don't apply. Unless I've missed the THIS ROLEPLAY IS SET IN THE BAR AND GRILL announcement.

- This is Dru. Not Peter.

Sep 16th, 2003, 11:48:43 AM
But, not in the bar. I don't care who is in the bar, but my Chars will kill or K.O. the drunken swaggers in the bar, which will attract a good sized contigent of NR soldiers

^ maybe that is meant to be refering to the b&g? O_o

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 16th, 2003, 01:47:01 PM
I do not believe so. I think the B&G was brought up by Sejah. But the RP is in the RPing forum...:huh

Sejah Haversh
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:09:27 PM
Seeing as he gave absolutely no details in his first post, we were left to presume he meant the only bar thet we have ever used with consistency, AKA Yog's Bar and Grill.

And, Gundam is a crap-fest from start to finish, and I laugh at you Gundam fans being hit with SD Gundam! Ha ha ha!

Figrin D'an
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:18:24 PM
I believe the "bar" reference in his first post was meant to be generic in nature, not specifially refering to the B&G near the Jedi Complex on Coruscant.

Although, I might note that you can request to have a fight take place in/around the B&G. You have to submit a proposal to the GJO staff for review, then we tell you to proceed or to revamp your idea.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 16th, 2003, 02:20:54 PM
Okay then, I will formally name his new bar "Stinky Pete's Flowers, Whiskey and Automatic Weapons."

It is the coolest bar on earth, and run by "Stinky" Pete Fortress himself, AKA, "The Daisy."

Sep 16th, 2003, 03:04:56 PM
I am in ... :D

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 16th, 2003, 04:49:15 PM
I really want a shirt that says that. :)

Sep 16th, 2003, 05:06:58 PM
Originally posted by Ryla Relvinian
I really want a shirt that says that. :)


Lion El' Jonson
Sep 16th, 2003, 05:09:49 PM

I never really was a Gundam fan, nor did I particularly enjoy any of the various series. However, they introduced me to anime, and for that I'm slightly greatful.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:50:51 AM
Unless it introduced you to Cowboy Bebop, you should feel sorry.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:43:12 AM
Well...it introduced me to Toonami, which introduced me to Midnight Run, which morphed into Adult Swim, which introduced me to Cowboy Bebop...

...so it's indirectly responsible. :lol

Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2003, 03:51:36 AM
But that means you have been shown the ijnuries of Blue Gender, the sheer piece of crap in every respect that was Fooly Coolly, the lame plot and bad voice-acting of Trigun, and the sheer obnoxiousness of Inu-Yasha. Though the animation in that one isn't too bad.

I do have to give props to Big O for trying really really hard to look like Batman: The Animated Series, but the plot completely brings that one down.

But still, all that crap.... Just wait for one-thirty and turn it on. Then you can get your Bebop without the pain.

Sep 17th, 2003, 04:00:44 AM
[quote] the lame plot and bad voice-acting of Trigun [/quote


Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2003, 04:09:06 AM
If I don't die listening to the voices on that show first, perhaps.

Wolfwood is the only character whose VA actually puts in any effort. The voices are poorly selected for the characters, and Vash sounds like he's reading his lines off paper for the first time half the time.

I will stand by what I said. Trigun has really bad voice acting. It's down there with Dragonball Z.

Go watch Cowboy Bebop, Marcus, then come back to me and say that the voice acting in Trigun was good.

Oh, and the plot. Come on, really. Two brothers who don't age, and are polar opposites of each other. Sure, that might last a few episodes, but everything is so melodramatic that it gets all hokey, and the relationships between the charactes seems to build out of a need to establish a cast rather than a realistic maturing of a group.

If Vash wanted Knives so bad, you think he would be able to get him in that at least hundred years he has known Knives was still alive. The coolest thing in that show was Wolfwood, because he was the only character who wasn't a carboard cut-out, and had real emotion. Vash just soap-operas the heck otu of everything when he isn't acting like some twelve year old on crack.

The plot sucks, okay, and it is far too elaborate for its own good.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 17th, 2003, 05:07:37 AM
I'll agree with you that most of Adult Swim has gone straight to hell. Blue Gender is irritating, Inu-Yasha is incredibly obnoxious, and Furi Kuri (DAMNIT TOONAMI! Stop with the title translations! :lol) makes you scratch your head and say "What the Fu-?"

Rurouni Kenshin became amazingly repetitive after the first episode. It follows a formula:

Train. Agonize about past. Train more. Meet evil person. Kill said evil person. Rinse and repeat. :D

Big-O I actually liked until the 4th or so episode, when I realized that nothing was making sense. Too many Japanese-style things in it, an annoying android, and the plot twisted my brain into a pretzel. From what I've seen, Second Season isn't much better, and I'm actually wondering why he keeps fighting if he knows he's a comic book character.

Outlaw Star...was okay. Quirky and interesting. The animation was fairly well done, besides some of the space battles, and it carried an okay plotline. Problem was, the plot broke down in the middle and got boring, while a few episodes felt uninspired and rushed. The voice acting for some (Aisha, especially) got annoying. Despite all that, I still think Outlaw Star had some potential.

Trigun has a convoluted plot, some scratchy voice work, and guns. However, I don't feel the gun scenes were done too well for a movie that focuses on weapon duels.

I miss the "In-Flight Movie" that Toonami ran every Friday at 5:00 pm, or so. They turned up some real junk, like "The World's Strongest" DBZ movie, but also brought some great series to the surface, my favorite being "Blue Sub 6", an CG work with awesome submarine battles.

And then, of course, there's Kids WB and Fox, which I admit to still watching. There's just something about Saturday Morning Cartoons I can't deny.

Now, as I'm living in Beijing, we get beamed a lot of Japanese Animes. Speaking only a moderate amount of Japanese makes this fairly useless, but some of the animation is incredible...much better than some of the things we get on Toonami.

I'd like to suggest El Hazard, which is old but still a good anime. And obviously, uncut DVD's with English subtitles are usually better than the dubbed junk.

Lance Freestar
Sep 17th, 2003, 06:45:53 AM
Some of my favorite animes include:
Excel Saga
Rourini Kenshin: When it was in Japanese voices with subtitles. I liked Saitoh, and Aoshi.
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Play the card game. I am a fanatic here. It's a different approach at that. Two guys meet, they want to beat the heck out of each other to see who's the strongest. Not here, they just duel with cards to see who's the strongest. Of course, with Kaiba's newest technology, attack someone's lifepoints directly with either Slifer, or Obelisk is like beating someone up, albiet a really bad beating.
Cowboy Bebop: I only managed to watch the first few episodes, but what I saw I really liked.
Gundam Wing: It's the one series where Heero Yui is first introduced, with Oz, and Krushanda, and Zekes, yadda yadda. Again, I've only seen the first several episodes, up to just after the United Earth Sphere Alliance collapses, and is abosrbed by Oz. I think it's pretty good.
Animes I really hate:
Pokemon: OH-MY-GAWD. They do the exact same thing so many episodes. Meet person, become friends with person, Team Rocket comes, Team Rocket goes, the ending.

Sep 17th, 2003, 09:07:15 AM
Animes I like:


Animes I dislike:


Animes I'm indifferent to, except for the annoyingly repetitive commercials that occasionally pop up when I'm watching other things:

I guess that's all of them.

Just not my style...

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 17th, 2003, 09:16:46 AM
I'm anime free and happy. It's all really trite and predictable, from my experience.

Go watch something good, like Farscape :D

Morgan Evanar
Sep 17th, 2003, 09:20:56 AM
The Big O is a parody, and should be watched/treated as such. I think its hilarious.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2003, 11:55:44 AM
When taken as a Parody, the Big O is funny, I'll admit. But, oten enough, I'm not sure what they are parodizing, so, I don't always get it.

And, Outlaw Star was good because the story is what drove the cartoon, and it was all silly and lighthearted. Ruroni Kenshin I hate because they try to cram morals into every minute of the show, and overexplain the physics of swordfighiting into a mess of made-up theoretical stuff that could never work. And, the voice-acting is okay, if only they would assign the right actors to the right characters.

Gundam is bad. It is always bad. Bad style bad ploy, and giant robots make no sense. If you're on the ground, take out your opponent's knees. That'll stop him fas enough. But does anybody realize that? No! Gaaah! And everybody looks anorexic in it too. Drives me nuts.

Now, about Pokemon, I'll say that it does have one redeeming feature: the character of Brock. I mean, come on, he's a true ladies man, and chases after every girl in sight. How can that not totally rock in a kids show. Digimon, on the other had, is a steaming pile of nastiness that should never have seen the light of day, and Yi-gi-oh has some of the worst animation and voices I've ever seen and heard. For the same thing happening in each episode, I find it more predictable than Pokemon.

I really wish they'd bring back the Batman animated series. That one was so well done in all aspects.

Figrin D'an
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:41:37 PM
Originally posted by Dasquian Belargic
I'm anime free and happy. It's all really trite and predictable, from my experience.

*Hands Dasquian a cookie*

These are my feelings as well. I've never been able to get into anime, because everything I've seen is just awful. It's all so melodramatic, I can't take it seriously at all. They're like watching day-time soaps, but animated and maybe with a sci-fi twist.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 17th, 2003, 12:54:56 PM
*shudders* Pokemon and Yugi-o should be killed.....every ep is the same.....Ash wanders about with group with the annoying announcer, Ash sees a Pokemon, Pokemon turns out to already be owned, him and owner fight, TR shows up and steals Pikachu and usually the other Pokemon, TR is defeated and blasted away, owner and Ash become friends....gag me please....

on a side note, prolly the best anime is the ones I find before they become mainstream....Toonami has a habit of picking animes that are similar and changing them to safe for everyone and even the dubbed on video and dvd is fixed.....half the anime I've watched most people haven't, the good stuff like Burn Up, Vandread, Ranma 1/2, Hellsing (though it's only interesting the first few eps), Fushigi Yugi (if you ignore Miyaka), Hyper Police and a ton of others I can't think of.....

never get the dubbed though, dubbed is bs, like the missing Outlaw Star ep being taken out, scenes that aren't quite right for children are taken out.....always get subtitled....

Sep 17th, 2003, 02:24:08 PM
Well, the OLS episode was kinda removed for a reason. You can't really cut that for suitable viewing on cable TV

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 17th, 2003, 02:30:17 PM
blah, could've easily put bathing suits on them like they do with Ryoko and well the priestess would have to go but the ep could've been done during adult swim.....

Sep 17th, 2003, 02:34:33 PM
A piece of advice. Dont read an out of character thread like this one when your ill and a bit groggy. Ordinarily I can follow this kinda stuff and enjoy it but this is no ordinary day. No offence to anyone I hope.

Xela Oxralad
Sep 18th, 2003, 06:43:25 PM
I hate editing.
It's called Adult Swim, so it should be COMPLETELY uncut.
I like Inu-Yasha and Gundam Wing, except the last 5 minutes of Endless Waltz.
I hated that all the GUndams got destroyed except the Tallgeese III.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 18th, 2003, 08:47:36 PM
My BF rented the... oh what was it... some Anime movie thing. I think it was Cowboy Bebop or something like that. Anyway, I had to get up and make dinner with about 15 minutes to go. Was ok, I guess.

So sue me, I'm still a Star Trek:TNG fan. :p

Sene Unty
Sep 18th, 2003, 09:11:23 PM
I absolutly love that one Ryla....."Anime movie thing" has to be my favorite movie of all time.....:D

I like some Anime...most is annoying....depends

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 18th, 2003, 09:14:02 PM
I find anime is more of a "find what you like" kinda thing...I've hated everything friends have reccomended to me pretty much and yeah I've bought a few bad ones myself, but once you find what you like, it works out....