View Full Version : In The Past: Explanation (Morgan)

Kelt Simoson
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:36:23 PM
Continued from here... (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=31692)

' Well Moriarci?...' Kelt really did not want to face these five.

Moriarci stood rigid, his face stern, and hard. He did not go for his sword, nor did the others but Kelt knew if he had the chance, they would try and slay him, right here.

"You have given me great pain Simoson..."

' And you me, Moriarci!' Kelt spoke equally as hard. Kelt knew all Murnons games, and Murnon knew he did. Though Moriarci hated Kelt, he had great respect for him. Joining the Jedi,and rising to be a council member is a legendary achievement.

"You stole my wife!" Moriarci said, his voice rising. His anger swelled up inside of him."You stole her and kept her for your own!"

' WRONG! You drove her away and evicted her from her home, she came to me for support. You are the one who chucked her away like she was an item and not a person. You did this to yourself!' Kelts voice remained calm, truthfull. The others knew Kelt was speaking correctly, but dared not to utter a word.

"I did not!" Screamed Murnon, his voice at boiling point. he moved towards kelt, advancing on him but not attempting to attack, mealy but a hard full stop upon his words. " I did nothing to that girl but provide for her!"

Kelt shook his head in disbelief.

' Your lieing, you bashed that girl about something rotten. If she did the slightest thing wrong you made her bleed for her sorrows, you disgust me Moriarci and i will have nothing to do with you! Get out of the recruitment hall or i will be forced to call my collegues.' Kelt said his face almost touching Moriarci's ' Master Morgan is a Jedi Master and alot less tolerant than i am...'

Moriarci was suddenly stumped for words. Moriarci and his gang could take on a jedi Knight together, but not a Master as well. Murnon would make another plan, this was expected.

" I came to tell you your family in the grove are in trouble, they need the support of you Kelt" Moriarci said his face, stiff as a board.

Kelts face knitted into a frown.

' When did this happen? From who are they under attack?' Kelt asked, looking at each of the Moriarci crew. His eyes in shock, Moriarci had never lied strait to Kelts face before, so the Jedi Knight did not feel the lies that Moriarci was telling, Murnon at least was an expert mage.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 16th, 2003, 05:28:13 PM
"Kelt, he's lying about something" Morgan hissed to the Jedi Knight between his teeth. "I don't know what happend back on your homeworld, but don't trust a word from his mouth. And don't go alone."

Moriarci was taking too long to answer.

"Aside from the obvious drama," he said dryly, "what is it you want of Knight Simoson?"

Kelt Simoson
Sep 17th, 2003, 05:02:01 PM
"Whoever you are,shut up, this is none of your concern" Moriarci said, his anger growing quickly.

Kelt smiled for a moment, knowing who exsactly was behind him, who Moriarci was telling to shut up. It was quite ammusing to Kelt actually.

' This...' Kelt said, gesturing behind him. ' Is Morgan Evanar...A Jedi Master...'

Moriarci suddenly shut up, his face turned from hard to a softer tone. Kelt instantly saw this and smiled, Kelt loved to catch out Moriarci like that, he had done it a few times now and it was always nice to catch out an old rival.

"Master Evanar..." Moriarci bowed his head low, while the others behind him stirred. "I was mearly telling Kelt here his family are in peril, i have no reason to lie"

' Except of course, the fact of Leanna' The Moriarci crew feel oddly tense. ' Correct?

Moriarci looked mader than ever.