View Full Version : Matters of Manners

Naj Arilov
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:04:33 AM
After having failed his first experiment, Naj found himself back on Coruscant some time later, having to purchase more chemicals and base metals. This had taken nearly three quarters of the day, but finally, he had everything he needed packed on his ship. With some time left to kill, he and his acquaintence, Daria, had gone to get some food and enjoy the evening. Finally, it was dark, and they decided it was time to head back to Naj's ship. On the way, they passed a young man, probably in his late teens/early twenties, who seemed a bit enchanted by Daria. They kept on, until Daria felt a hand grab her backside. Naj had been walking slightly behind the Doz'rah, but didnt have time to react before she whirled around, bringing her hand hard across the boy's face.

Anger consumed Naj at this point. How could someone be so disrespectful! Naj brought his staff up and pushed out with his mind, knocking the boy out of the crowd of people. The boy stumbled back and hurried into the nearest alley to escape. Unfortunately, he came face to face with a dead end just around the corner. As he turned around, Naj brought his staff up again, violently pushing the boy backward.



The boy was slung hard against the duracrete wall of the alley. Naj brought the lower end of his staff around and pressed it to the boy's throat, barely letting him breathe..

"You should learn to keep your hands to yourself..."

The boy tried to choke out an apology, but Naj pressed harder. The boy grabbed the staff and pushed it back toward Naj. After a few moments, he was able to push it off of himself. Naj quickly drew back and brought the upper end of the staff around, hitting the boy squarely in the nose. Switching directions, Naj tripped the boy with the lower end of the staff. With his nose broken and his feet being taken out from under him, the boy hit the ground hard, letting out another pained 'oof'.

Naj brought the lower end of the staff to the boy's throat again, this time pushing down with all 145 pounds of his wieght. The boy's windpipe gave in, completely restricting his airflow. It lasted a few short minutes, with the boy convulsing as the lack of oxygen took over the boy's mind. The convulsing then stopped, and his body went completely limp. Naj withdrew his staff, and turned back to Daria..

"My apologies, where were we?"

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:16:03 AM
Daria had watched with an almost morbid curiosity as Naj had totally demolished the boy who had manhandled her. He had done a fairly good, albeit bloody, job. She nodded appreciatively down at the mangled body before looking back up at the chiss.

“I believe we were heading back to the Mephisto,” she replied in her rolling accented Basic.

The Doz’rah pulled her cloak more closely about her body as she felt a little chill from the wind and looked back out into the street which the alley branched off of. Was it just her, or could Naj feel something or someone approaching too?

Naj Arilov
Sep 15th, 2003, 06:27:11 AM
"Yes.....I believe we were..."

The lights of the city were bright outside the alley, so much that even the shadowed alley was alight with a faint glow. At the end of the alley, though it was hard to see, Naj could make out the faintest impression of a figure approaching them. He glanced back to Daria for a moment then stepped forward, placing her behind him...

"Good evening?"

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 15th, 2003, 06:40:47 AM
"Unfortunately, I dare say not anymore." Replied a soft spoken voice, clearly that of a young boy. He continued his approach until he could see those in the alley clearly and surely enough so that they could see him. Wearing a cream tunic and white surcoat and boots made of synthleather, he was clearly from the Jedi Order. Loki stared at the man and woman but made sure to keep his distance.

"Where is the man I saw you chasing down this alley?" He asked the blue-skinned man. Loki knew the answer, he'd felt the life of the young man diminishing as he ran to the source, not before raising the alarm to any other Jedi in the near viscinity. He was too late. "You have killed him. Why?"

Naj Arilov
Sep 15th, 2003, 07:19:38 AM
"It was his own doings, I assure you."

Naj was surprised to see a child enter the alley after him. The boy spoke in an intelligent manner, which was amusing at best. Judging from his dress, and the braid in his hair, he was clearly from the Jedi Order.

"Run along now, I have important matters that should not be held up any longer. Enjoy your evening."

Naj gave the boy one more dismissing glance before turning to walk out of the alley...

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 15th, 2003, 07:24:08 AM
"Not so fast, if it were his own doings then I assume he crushed his windpipe by himself?" Loki said, not forgetting to speak clearly and as polite as possible under the circumstances. He followed the Chiss and his companion. "Somehow I doubt that is the case and I'm afraid your important matters will have to wait."

Suddenly the alley was illuminated in a white light, which seemed to be coming from the padawans open hand, now he could see the man and woman clearly. "Identify yourself."

Naj Arilov
Sep 15th, 2003, 07:46:35 AM
"No, I crushed his windpipe, it was a consequence of his own actions. If he were still alive, I would do it again."

Naj turned back around to face Loki, just in time to witness the whole alley light up around him.

"My identity isnt important young one. Your persistance on the issue is quickly becoming annoying. You would be better served to forget about this one and attend to other matters elsewhere..."

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 15th, 2003, 10:02:05 AM
The mentalist’s eyes drifted between the young Jedi Padawan and Naj, as she wondered exactly why he would care what they did. No one else on Coruscant gave a frell, why should this small child be any different? Suddenly light filled the whole alleyway, and Daria’s sharp-green eyes widened slightly. Perhaps he was a Force user, like Naj.

Her head turned slightly, lips barely moving as she muttered, “…horx ce.”

Naj Arilov
Sep 15th, 2003, 10:25:09 AM
"Yj bo me, lo'hh jehheb ux"

Naj glanced over, then looked back to Loki. He glared at the young Jedi as he spoke, a hint of contempt tinged in his voice.

"Cor zoat rlo ozm ej rlo ahhoi. Wo toami re ctaw rlo jytxr kotxez ieu xoo."

Naj brought his staff in front of him slightly, readied in case Loki made a move.

"A lexraco byhh cyvo ux rlo ukkot lazm, ze darrot leb xrtezc lo yx."

Nyah Torins
Sep 15th, 2003, 02:06:22 PM
Nyah Torins frowned to herself, rubbing at her stomach thoughtfully before another thought overtook her. It'd been almost three weeks since she'd left Cathar; since she'd left her husband, Vladek Torins. It had been a spur of the moment decision to leave, thought Nyah herself suspected the need to leave had been building up, and her husband's apathy towards her; the fact that he seemed to choose his work over her was a driving factor in her desire to leave.

She'd married Vladek Torins, a native Cathar, two years prior. He'd swept her off her feet, promising her his undying love and devotion. A everything was as he'd said, until he'd been promoted to Military Advisor for the Council. After that, it had all gone downhill as he spent more and more time away from her.

But now she was gone, away from Cathar and her inattentive husband; away from everything. She'd come to Coruscant, hoping to find work, and so far her search had gone rather well, as she'd already had three promising interviews and two more tomorrow. But this morning - this morning had been strange, as she'd woken up and had to instantly run for the fresher to empty out her stomach. What was strange was the fact that she hadn't eaten any dinner the night previously; just a sandwich for lunch. She still felt a little queasy, but for the moment she wouldn't be throwing up anytime soon.


And so now she sat in the small diner that rested below the hotel she was staying at, satisfying herself with a glass of water and a muffin. So far she was able to keep that down at least.

Five minutes later found her standing, dropping a few credit chits on the table before heading for the door and out into the Coruscant City air. Pedestrians littered the walkways, and ships of all shapes and sizes flew by above and below as she made her way through the sea of people. She was out exploring her new home today, getting a more familiar feeling for the surroundings and cultures that populated the city planet. Ithorians and Sullastans passed by, and she didn't give them a second glance as she kept on her way. In some areas the city was clean and pristine; in others it was grungy and horribly dirty, but that was the curse of every city, Nyah surmised.

The queasy feeling had lessened as she walked on, and the human woman found her step becoming more lively with each passing minute.

Her attention was caught however, as she passed by an alleyway where three individuals stood facing eachother; one a tall, imposing blue-skinned alien, and the other, behind him, was a fireheaded woman who seemed otherworldy in the way she held herself. The last was... a boy? She had no way to determine his age, and her eyes narrowed in curiosity as she passed by, slowly coming to a stop.

She'd caught a little of what the blue man had said in passing, not recognizing the language he spoke and her brows furrowed in confusion. It wasn't a Cathar language, as Nyah herself spoke the dialect fluently, and she wondered briefly what planet it had come from.

Still watching from the street, she paid little attention to those that passed her by. A smaller form, crumpled at the end of the alley, made her inhale sharply - it was a body. Her mind raced as she looked around at those passing by, but no one seemed to see; or for that matter, care what was happening.

Her foot moved forward a little, as she took a step towards the trio. Something was going on here, and Nyah was prepared to help the boy who seemed to be confronting the two individuals. She hoped the kid knew what he was doiing, or she would have no problem calling the local authorities.

Daria Nytherciria
Sep 20th, 2003, 02:28:45 AM
The Force could be intercepted, when it came to communication, but so far as Daria only Naj and the Doz’rah – thousands of parsecs away – could speak her tongue.

At Naj’s words, Daria nodded, “Epai.”

Daria’s line of sight moved away from the boy, to the woman at the end of the alley – perfect. At her side, the flank which was not visible to the Padawan, her hand dipped to a scabbard. A black-blade stiletto was retrieved and poised. By Loki she walked and on towards the woman. Her eyes looked pleading, sad even, at first but within a split second her true nature was revealed.
She seized the woman up, twisting her body so that her back was to Daria and the assassin’s blade was to her throat.

Sep 20th, 2003, 07:59:50 AM
-Jurin was out; out for fun. He saw the comotion, he could hear the quickened heart beats.-


-He said with a smile; although it was hidden beneath the mask his tone was clearly in jest.

The thick, metallic voice sounded again as he strolled toward them.-

"...I smell....fun..."

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 23rd, 2003, 12:44:41 PM
"I am interested in the matter at hand, sir, which is here and involves apprehending a murderer and his-- wait, don't hurt her!" Loki called out suddenly, turning on his heel. He daren't turn his back on the blue-skinned man but stood at a right-angle to both him, his lady friend and the woman she held hostage. "Please, don't do anything you will later regret. Let her go."

The light coming from the crystal in Loki's right hand angled itself with acute precision and glared at the man's red eyes, effectively impairing his vision. Loki extended his other arm towards Daria and opened his hand. "Think about this, the Jedi in this viscinity will be closing in on this very position as we speak. You do not want to be arrested with a murder charge like your friend here. Release this woman."

Naj Arilov
Nov 23rd, 2003, 01:01:15 PM
Naj let out a growl as his vision left him. After a few moments, he shook his head and regained his composure, although he still couldnt see

"As long as this place is free and clear of any Jedi, there wont be another murder...Think about it for a moment. The boy is dead. Is it worth another death to bring him justice?"

Although he was startled at what the boy had done, Naj kept his cool. He had a fair grasp of what was going on around him, due to his abilities with the force. While it wasnt an equal substitute for sight, it would have to do...

"Now you will end this infernal trick, or things are going to go very poorly for our innocent lady friend..."

Nyah Torins
Nov 23rd, 2003, 01:14:06 PM
Motionless and powerless, Nyah could only let herself be taken hostage - it'd been a complete surprise, and at first she thought the woman to be a victim in this as well - until the knife was to her throat. Now she knew otherwise. Unfortunately, that knowledge came too late.

Everything seemed to slow down, as if the world itself had suddenly slowed on its axis - and the voices of those around her grew in volume. The boy's ringing in her ears, and the man's as well. She stiffened at what he said, and a brief moment of panic overtook her as her fingers went up to the woman's blade-hand, vainly scratching at the other woman's arm.

She didn't want to die - not like this...

Daria Nytherciria
Dec 1st, 2003, 02:57:45 PM
Daria's eyes squeezed shut tightly as the light shot out from the crystal, but her grip did not lessen. If anything, it grew stronger, as a momentary surge of panic overtook her. Little waves of the Force ebbed from her mind, as her body's nervous system kicked in its automatic response to the stress – resulting in a mildly disorientating feeling for all. Her strength weakened for a split second, eyes hazing a little, before she remembered where she was.

"We have no intention of taking another life here, boy. Leave now and no harm will be done."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 2nd, 2004, 01:32:03 PM
Desperately, Loki assessed the situation and it quickly dawned on him how grim the woman's position had become and how little there was he could do about it. She was an innocent party and if he hadn't confronted the blue-skinned fiend and his accomplice, curiosity wouldn't have pulled her into this messy ordeal. Time was not in his side however and the blade of the knife was moving ever closer to the woman's throat.

"Alright." He finally said, defeatedly. He closed his hand and the light blinding Naj dissapeared. He looked to Daria and stepped slowly forward. "Let her go and take me instead."