View Full Version : Joining

Vhiran Crescent
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:44:15 PM
Vhiran Crescent steps up the recruitment desk(?) slowly, looking around.

"Hail. I would like to join the NR Navy as a Fighter Pilot. My name is Vhiran Crescent," he lays down his file with a few papers iniside giving his details and flight records. He has had no military experience but has had experience in flying on many occasions, such as Civilian Transports and flying from planet to planet in his own, or rented ship.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 16th, 2003, 05:43:50 AM
The recruitment desk official looked at the papers, filled in some forms about his choice of assignment, stamped them, handed the papers back to Vhiran, and pointed him towards an Admiral standing 30 feet away speaking animatedly to a Mon Calamari Captain.

Vhiran approched the Admiral. The Admiral, Lion El' Jonson, broke off from his chat with the Mon Cal and faced Vhiran. He smiled.

"Fresh meat, eh?" Lion joked, grinning. "Mind if I take a look at those papers?" he asked, indicating the official forms.

Vhiran Crescent
Sep 16th, 2003, 05:00:20 PM
"Certaintly," Vhiran said as he handed him the papers.

imported_Darriann Sollak
Sep 22nd, 2003, 05:55:29 PM
Nevermind this. Delete it.

Vhiran Crescent
Sep 29th, 2003, 06:46:06 PM
OOC: Ignore Sollak's post, he moved to another.

IC: Vhiran waited while he looked over his papers.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 2nd, 2003, 05:02:01 PM
Lion nodded as he went over the various details.

"Well, it looks like everything checks out okay. Welcome into the New Republic, Mr. Crescent. Is there any specific type of spacecraft you're interested in piloting? A-Wing, B-Wing, X-Wing...you name it, we've got it."

He was glancing down at the datapad when he remembered something.

"There's been a recent shortage of officers in the Starfighter Corps. I'm giving you a brevet rank. Congratulations, Lieutenant Crescent. Once we're through your training, we'll see if you get to keep that rank or not."

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 2nd, 2003, 09:26:20 PM
A smile came across Vhiran's face as he was accepted, hoping to be a fighter pilot.

"Uh...-" He said before he was cut off. The thought of being a Lt. kind of shocked him. Though he figured he could get by. Something the report didn't mention was his smuggling career. He had been Darrian Sollak's partner for several years now. They knew the ins and outs of the universe. They ran circles around the authorities, especially CorSec, for which they were wanted. However, their names were not mentioned, as they had never been interrogated or ID'd, so their cover was still there.

Though, even if they were smugglers, they had no intention of ruining the New Republic. Infact, they were both joining the Navy in a patriotic sense for the New Republic. They had no problems with it, though maybe the Coruscant Watch might say otherwise. They both looked forward to making this advancement, though now Vhiran was feeling some uncertainity about it.

"Thank you, sir. May I ask when my training will begin?"

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 3rd, 2003, 04:56:50 PM
"Soon, I hope. You will be assessed by either Wing Commander Yamagi, or myself. I'll inform you when I manage to reserve a simulator pod for the first phase of your training. Do you have any flight experience in snubfighters such as the X-Wing?"

Ace McCloud
Dec 3rd, 2003, 06:25:03 PM
OOC: Eh, Imagine Vhiran. Tired and not thinking >_<

"A little," he lied, hidding his expersions. He had had alot more than a little. Hardly anyone could read his face. But perhaps Jedi were different, he wasn't around them much.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 4th, 2003, 03:25:06 AM
Lion barely picked up the bit of uncertainty in Vhiran's lie; the man was rather good at hiding his expressions. Lion grinned.

"A little, eh?" he said, mockingly. "Ah, don't worry, I won't throw you out just because you've never flown a snubfighter before...they handle like light freighters, anyway. So, back to my first question: Any preference on what kind of fighter you'd like?"

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 7th, 2003, 06:17:12 PM
He pondered on this for a moment, quickly running the specs of the republic ships through his head. He had studied them many times over.

"I have always wanted to pilot an X-Wing. Though the A-Wing is quite remarkable," he paused for a second longer to decide. "Perhaps the X-Wing."

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 8th, 2003, 05:12:22 AM
"A fine choice. Lucky for you, Lieutenant Crescent, Vice Admiral Reshmar and I just placed an order for the newest X-Wing variant, the XJ. The XJ upgrade program increases the X-Wing's capabilities immensely." He paused for a second and consulted his datapad, pulling up a listing of current construction orders. When he found it, he grinned. "The first batch will be arriving in a week or so, which is plenty of time to run you through basic training."

Lion paused once against, and once again looked over the construction manifests, trying to locate any new capital ships. He found a couple, and then pulled up a listing of capital ships on extended missions, looking specifically at the number of fighter squadrons on each ship. Satisfied with his answer, he snapped the datapad shut and looked back up at Lieutenant Crescent.

"Once your training is done, I think I can arrange to have you transferred to one of the MC-90s or Defender-class Star Destroyers just coming off the assembly lines. If you don't like the X-Wing, it's standard for larger ships like the Mon Cal Cruisers to carry a squadron of A-Wings. Anytime you want to try out an A-Wing, just send me a message and I'll have it arranged. Any other questions, Lieutenant? I want to get those out of the way before I assign you temporary quarters."

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 8th, 2003, 06:07:35 PM
Vhiran nodded agreably.

"Thank you Admiral. I have no more questions."

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 10th, 2003, 05:55:51 AM
Lion nodded his approval.

"Excellent, Lieutenant. I'll notify you when your training is due to begin. One second, and I'll arrange some temporary quarters for you."

Lion once again snapped open the datapad and accessed a housing database. Immediately, a 3D view of the cruiser appeared. Lion zoomed in on the available officer's quarters, and selected one.

"Well, Lieutenant, you've got quarters on deck G8, room B62. Officer's quarters, so a bit more luxurious than the rank-and-file bunks. No room-mate...unless you want one, and a slightly softer mattress. There's a data terminal and computer setup in there, with officer's clearance, with that computer you can requisition supplies appropriate to your rank. There's also a pair of rank cylinders in there, and a datapad cleared for access to anything up to Blue-level encryption."

He paused for a second to consult the map of Home One.

"Lesse...there's a couple of officer's cafeterias and lounges in the vicinity of your room, and the newly constructed Cantina: Brand new place, staffed by the galaxy's greatest sushi chef, a Mon Cal, and the fastest bartender this side of Coruscant: The infamous Squeaky the 3PO droid, of the Wild Droid Ride."

Lion allowed a smile to creep onto his face when he thought about Squeaky, probably the most vocally abusive droid he'd ever had the pleasure of meeting.

"I assume that's it, then. Welcome to the New Republic, Lieutenant Crescent; it's a pleasure to have you aboard. Dismissed!"

Vhiran Crescent
Dec 10th, 2003, 10:36:37 PM
Vhiran commited everything Lion said to memory.

"Aye, sir." He walked off to find his quarters.