View Full Version : When Darkness lives...

Nayala Palain
Sep 13th, 2003, 08:28:06 PM
Most people would assume that it was the Vampire's who owned the night and all of its glory..But no they had to share it... And they had to share it at least with the Sith Master Athena.

She stepped into the grand chambers of the Shrine. It had been almost a year since she was last here talking with others of the Order... She didnt even know if they where still here or gone like so many others.

Lord Soth
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:09:27 PM
A whispered tone of black caressed the Athena's form as she stood within the Grand Hall's of the Damned. It would seem that the massive Keep was vacant and absent of all un-life…However that was one of the most deceptive and alluring features of the Shine...One that had cost a many foolish mortal his life...

Along both wall's, countless lit torches rested in thier iron sconces, casting long eerie shadows that seemed to dance and reach out to her, inviting her further inwards to its sinister abode, beckoning her deeper to the heart of evil that she ventured into.

"Lady Athena,…The night is kind to bring you to us once again,..." A soft silky voice at her right purred. With an intentional stately stride, a silhouetted armored form that resembled the Death Knight slowly emerged. His handsome features partially obscured by the dark recess's he once stood in...His eye’s now seemed to glow an unholy blue as they met with hers…

"Indeed, it has been quite some time m'lady since we last met. The dark master finished in low suductive tones, slightly bowing his head to her as he neared.

Nayala Palain
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:14:46 PM
As the torches of the shrine burrned. She had finally heard the voice of a dear, and deadly friend. She said nothing but as she looked upon him the flames of the torches seemed to burn out as if wind had puffed each into the nothingness of death.

" Indeed Lord Soth. The night is kind. I have found my way here into the life and death of darkness. "

Two of the Torches returned to life a nothing more then a movement of her hand. She was adorning the rone stone necklace that she had recived here once so long ago....Her eyes danced a deadly and erie shine.

" I have heard interesting words of the Damned these days.... tell me about the news..."

She turned and walked along side of the Death Knight. Few had the pleasure of such an honor...but then again few where who she was...

Lord Soth
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:40:08 PM
Soth slowly slipped both of his livid hands within the soft cuffs of his robe as he leisurely walked at Athena's side. His raven hair seemed to lull in the gentle breeze that blew through the long ebony corridor as they both pressed down the endless hall in front of them.

"And what creature would have uttered such interesting word’s into your ear m'lady?…Do tell." The Death Knight finished in a questioning tone as he arched a brow at her. His eye’s then momentarily traveled down to the beautiful Roon Stone amulet that adorned her.

Nayala Palain
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:51:27 PM
She watched as his eyes slipped upon the roon stone that she was wearing..it light up as if a lost child seeing ones mother or father for the first time in hours.

" Now now, if I told you that, you might seek it out for pure blood. "

Her hood slipped back as they walked the breese seemed to be getting stronger...Torches flickered and whipped around as if a child was running down the halls after them.

" I have learned something if interest for you Lord Soth. I was upon Dathomir not long ago and was taught the fine art of The Black Gaze. When cast bolts of pure dark magic leap from the necromancer's eyes. Where the beams touch the victim's flesh his skin blackens and withers, sloughing away until gleam of bone is visible beneath! The power has a rang of about 35 meters. It is usually fatal it will usually kill anyone weaker than the caster (of lower rank), the more powerful the victim is the more likely he is to survive, but anyone surviving this spell will be disabled by intense pain for a long period of time (it's even more painful than being struck by force lighting).

Althought I am sure you and the damned already know that."

Lord Soth
Sep 14th, 2003, 12:08:11 AM
Soth piercing gaze slowly returned back to the darkened hall in front of them. However, before he turned away from her, Athena noted a curtain glimmer within his stark blue pools as the dim torch light caught the beginning of and endless abyss that lay beyond them. Hauntingly ageless they were, and at the same time, deceptively evil altogether...

Athena's knowledge of his visitation to Dathomir was correct. Nevertheless, it had been quite some time since he had set foot the infamous world of witches. Soth’s legendary past was well known among the multiple clans that resided there...A deadly reputation that was also greatly respected and feared as well…

"Yes indeed,…I have Lady Athena...A most vile and loathsome spell to the unfortunate soul at its end...Your words are accurate to say the least..." Soth paused in his sentence as they both rounded a corner down another hall. Colorful tapestries and exquisite marble statues lined the length of the causeway as they made thier way to Soth’s study. There he would show Athena his hospitality with a fine bottle of wine, perhaps even presenting to her a simple gift as well…A known generous trait he was often accustom in giving to those he admired and respected.

"But if you will permit me to ask…Is this why I have the honor of your presence now...You wish to learn of withering way m’aldy?" The Death Knight finished smoothly as the light tapping of their boot’s resounded and echoed down the obsidian corridor.

Nayala Palain
Sep 14th, 2003, 11:19:46 AM
The Sith Master stopped the light and meandering stroll next to the Death Knight.

" In a way Lord Soth. But my foot falls have lead me for a reason. "

Suddenly lighting flashed and bolted across the sky visable only threw a small window in the Chamber. Thunder crashed and shook the walls as dust trickled down upon the twin Dark souls. The Torches flickered and smoldered into the nothingness of death and only the Death Knight and the Sith's eyes could be seen in the darkness.

But then just as if the torches would bounce back to life a small glow that grew and grew..Then just radiated it started to peirce the darkness and glow an errie and sickfeeling glow. The Roon stone that she adorned had awaken.

" M'Lord the time has come, I know all of the Sith ways, and I have Mastered each. I command the Dark Arts to my will, but the Damned have cursed me and you know it. I have returned to the family of the night to seek the Tulage of a Vampry Lord or Master even...To teach me the powers locked in the Roon stone that Pandora and you gave me. "

The one commonly known around the shrine as the Dark Lady just looked upon the Death Knight and awaited his reply...

Virrana'h Tei
Sep 14th, 2003, 07:47:20 PM
With bent back and shuffling feet, Virrana'h moved with great effort behind her Master and this dark new arrival.

Mention of Dathomir had instantly gripped her attention, and Soth's newest apprentice followed the pair doggedly as they moved through the ancient hallways of the Shrine.

Tei had not fed in some time, and the essence of what she had truly become since being birthed into the Damned was now revealed in her twisted and aged form. Instead of cloaked in her former beauty as she usually was, she appeared in physical form old and wretched.

The Witch had also been practicing her clan arts and it even further stripped her of the eternal shroud of perfection leaving just the potent and undiluted power of the sorceress in all its crippling hideousness.

The price of immortality had been high.

Creeping with the shadows, Tei listened. And watched.

Lord Soth
Sep 15th, 2003, 06:39:00 PM
" M'Lord the time has come, I know all of the Sith ways, and I have Mastered each. I command the Dark Arts to my will, but the Damned have cursed me and you know it. I have returned to the family of the night to seek the Tulage of a Vampyre Lord or Master even...To teach me the powers locked in the Roon stone that Pandora and you gave me,... " Replied the Sith enchantress in an almost purring tone just about the time lighting flashed outside again, its brilliant white streak’s captured in Athena eye’s.

As Soth and Athena neared the double door’s that led to the Death Knights chamber, he paused before he entered. Athena’s mention of the Ancient stirred his curiosity at that moment as he turned to face her…

Ah, I see…Pandora. I’m sure she would be pleased to see you m’lady. Of course, I cannot speak for her…Perhaps I can have her summoned and you two can discuss this matter further in my quarter’s” Soth offered Athena a polite smile before he gestured to the massive oaken doors to his immediate right...

Soth eye’s then shifted to the dark inky area where Virrana'h lingered. A smile curled at the corner of his ruby lips as he motioned for her to come closer. He was proud of this apprentice and the great progress she had made in only a short period of time.

“My dearest Virrana’h…Come join us. I want you to meet a guest of mine,…Lady Athena. I’m sure my friend here would enjoy your company.” The Death Knight finished in an exuberant tone of approval, folding his hands in front of him as both masters peered into the darkness not far from them.

Nayala Palain
Sep 16th, 2003, 09:46:03 PM
The Sith Master looked behind her and noticed now the dark child of the shrine.

" Greeting's M'Lady..And no Soth I dont want Pandora I just only remember her being there when I got the Roon stone. "

Virrana'h Tei
Sep 17th, 2003, 08:11:26 PM
Obediently, Virrana'h stepped into the light, and almost instantly tilted her head to favor her good eye. The right one, milky in its blindness, seemed to have some latent glow beneath its shrunken pupil, and when Tei blinked, it weeped a little at its edge.

Smiling at Athena, her yellowed crooked teeth looking like so many jagged rocks set in her thin colourless lips, the witch greeted the Sith Master.

"You have travelled a long way, for secrets that are not yours.."

Tei's voice was gravelled and coarse, but it was easy to hear a challenge in the words.

Lord Soth
Sep 17th, 2003, 09:41:05 PM
“Greeting’s M'Lady…And no Soth I don’t want Pandora,…I just only remember her being there when I got the Roon stone." Athena replied as she offered Virrana'h a captivating smile of approval. The Death Knight nodded respectfully to the Dark Lady before his dark blue eye’s slowly traveled back to his apprentice.

As the haggard looking crone slowly approached the two Sith masters with a slight hobble in her stride, Soth reached out and took her gnarled hand in his own. Its scaly leathered appearance was in stark contrast to that of the Death Knight milky white hand as it lay within it. To Soth, even though the woman before him was quite hideous in her appearance, he knew better…Beauty was truly in the eye of the beholder…And what he knew of her was a well and much guarded secret between them.

"You have traveled a long way, for secrets that are not yours…" The Dathomir Witch grumbled as a milky white eye studied the new comer at Soth’s side, shifting back and fourth as if there was still some sight to its iris.

“You’re as wise as you are beautiful my apprentice, but this woman you see before you Tei has paid her price to the dark side for such knowledge. I would grant her that… ” The Death Knight politely chimed in, his words were soft in tone, yet carrying a suductive quality to them at the same time. Athena could feel the deadliness of the pair dripping from them both as she looked on, an evil quality that even the casual observer could easily detect.

Keeping his eye's affixed on hers, the Death Knight brought Tei's withered hand to his ruby lip's where he then placed a gentle kiss upon it, a respectful display that was only know between them. Gesturing to Athena then back to, Soth introduced the two women formally before they took to his privet chamber. Motioning to the lavish sitting area at the center of the chamber, Soth bowed to both women.

“Please, I implore you both to sit, and pardon me while I fetch us some wine.” Soth said smoothly as he made his way to the wet bar. After a few moment’s, Soth returned with three beautifully tooled crystal goblets, pouring the two women a glass before he sat amongst them.

Nayala Palain
Sep 21st, 2003, 08:59:00 PM
Athena followed the Death Knight and his apprentice. But Athena was not pleased with the females words.

" Lord Soth, I asume you shall keep the younge childs tounge in control before I have to remove it via Vibro Blade. " She could see threw the childs game of the haggared female. Athena had done that trick before.

Athena took the goblet trimed with Rubys and Emeralds... Taking a sip.

" Ah Red Wine, you never do forget do you Lord Soth. "

Virrana'h Tei
Sep 22nd, 2003, 11:02:24 PM
The only warning Athena had before the goblet of rich dark wine was slapped from her hands by twisted gnarled fingers was an indignant "hissss"

The crimson splash preceded the clattering of the chalis to the floor as Tei rounded on the Sith Mistress. Her brittle and crooked body sparking with anger at the guests arrogance and demeaning comment.

Tei was warrior and held the noble heritage of Dathomir in her twisted form. Her craven shape ("") was a direct result of a price inflicted on her by Soth during her <a href =""> Rite of Passage </a> to be called a disciple of the Shrine.

She would not be insulted by someone who thought they knew better, no matter how graciously attended by Lord Soth. Tei did not think of reprimand from her Master, her instincts of her old life were still too raw.

"Come! Take my tongue, if you think you can, vixen!"

Lord Soth
Sep 22nd, 2003, 11:56:12 PM
"Come! Take my tongue,…If you think you can vixen!” The old crone snapped in a wicked tone of distain as she slapped the golden chalice from Athena’s hand.

Soth had not quite found the comfort of his chair when all hell broke loose in front of him. His striking blue eye’s narrowed at his apprentice as he sat across from her. A fervid heat filled Soth’s facial features as he bared his sharp ivory fangs at Tei in a deadly display of dominance.

“Bite your venomous tongue witch!...” The Death Knight roared in a scathing voice of reprimand as he physically leaned towards Virrana'h. Soth’s arms were slightly arched behind him as his razor like nails embedded themselves deeply into the arms of the luxurious chair.

“You would dare treat my honored guest with such disrespect and contempt!” He snarled as the sound of ripping fabric filled the shadowed chamber.

Nayala Palain
Sep 26th, 2003, 10:14:22 PM
The Sith Mistress looked up at the child then over to Lord Soth.

" Pardon my actions Lord Soth..." Her eyes glissened as he had yelled or controled his apprentice. Vixen something she had been called many of times. She loved the title heck she was the title.

" So your student here is a warrior... witch of Dathomir...how kind, so am I. " Athena removed the cloak that covered her forearm showing the burnt in sign of the eldest clan of Dathomir witches to ever live.

" My right of passage of the Clan and my Rank as Sith Master, I have killed more then she has taken to the Undead's ways."

She stood..

" I shall not be spoken to in such a Manner. Lord Soth if you wish to finish this meeting and time together then I shall be in the Main chamber hall. " Athena turned and walked from the Death Knights room and back down the long hallway. As she walked the torches each rippled and burned out not to relight. The windows each iced over and a cold breeze ran down the hall after your breath.

The Sith Master was not please and the Apprentice of Lord Soth was lucky to still be with her head and fangs. Athena loved to take articals of her fights. She had something from all of her fights.

Virrana'h Tei
Sep 27th, 2003, 03:07:32 PM
Tei spat on the floor, the yellow phlem landing with a distinct "plop" in the spilled wine.

Soth's reprimand was unwelcome, but the Witch respected his authority as her Master.

Instead, she struck out with her gnarled hand and grabbed the forearm Athena had seen fit to wave beneath her eyes.

Inspecting the symbol of the Raven Moon Clan, twisting the soft smooth skin of Athena roughly, Tei saw that is was a new scar. This Sith was but a sappling in the ways of the witches art in the eyes of the Elder Night Sister. Athena may outmaster her in the ways of the Force - Tei had no doubt of it given the energy she was picking up from her, but Virrana'h had never relied entirely on the Force. It was what she was learning from Soth as his student. But Tei's strength lay in her traditions and teachings of her origin, as Soth himself had experienced.

She let the Sith's arm drop as Athena turned indignantly from her and strode off down the hall, tossing her ultimatum for further discussion to Soth.

A low laughter began deep in Tei's throat, building in crescendo to a mocking and derriding cackle at Athena's retreating back.

Tei rounded to Soth, her milky eye glowing wickedly and she hissed through her decaying teeth.

"She is a babe in the lions den, my Master, yet she demands from you? Let me teach such a foal a lesson in sorcery she'll not soon forget."

Lord Soth
Oct 7th, 2003, 05:34:26 PM
The Dathomir Witches words were lethal and venomous, almost acidic to the ear, yet Soth found himself savoring the hate that welled from them. The Death Knight's demeanor simmered to a cooling point as his dark apprentice rounded the lavish chair he sat in. If theses idle words of contempt were to have been spoken by someone other then Virrana'h Tei, Soth would have surely had their entrails lying at thier feet before they hit the ground in a bloodless heap...

As Soth regained his composure, he leaned back into the comfort of his chair, steepleing his long vampyre fingers together as if the incident had never taken place. The Death Knight considered Tei's heated word's for a brief moment, then turned his gaze upon her.

"Explain your position my dear apprentice,...Tell me why my guest,... Lady Athena should learn such a valuable lesson at your hands?" Soth finished in a cold flat tone that demanded respect and careful consideration on his understudy’s part...

Virrana'h Tei
Oct 11th, 2003, 11:17:02 PM
"Respect. It is not so hard a concept to learn"

Tei turned her head to gaze down the hallway after Athena.

Perhaps it was the Dathomir's inflated sense of propriety that prompted her ire against Soth's visitor. But more likely it was the fact that such secrets of the Dathomir way had been lent to the knowledge of such a warrior who was quick to judge Virrana'h.

Which ever it was, Athena had not made a friend in the witch tonight.

Lord Soth
Oct 14th, 2003, 02:19:19 PM
"Respect. It is not so hard a concept to learn"

The Death Knight almost sneered at Tei’s statement when she walked behind him in a slow circle. Soth fully understood her disposition and what it meant to protect such coveted secrets and knowledge her clan sisters practiced unmolested back on Dathomir for thousands of generations. Shadowy secrets of an arcane nature, native magic’s that only their kind harbored and preserved in isolated obscurity…But did Tei fully understand the magnitude and lethalness of the one whom she so brazenly challenged, laying down the gantlet at the feet of one the most powerful Sith Master's the Death Knight had ever known? Soth ventured to guess she did not have an inkling of what she asked for, yet on the same token, he knew the Dathomir Witch could easily pursue a fight without his dark blessing…

Nonetheless, the master Vampyre could see a valuable lesson looming on the horizon, one that Tei would have to learn on her own accord in this whole new world of fresh experiences and indulgences. Ironically, to challenge a well seasoned warrior such as the Dark Lady Athena herself would demand an element of respect indeed, even if it was earned the hard way through such a base confrontation between the two women. Nevertheless, this ideology was not a foreign concept to Soth, honor and valor had been often tested in like manner in his own past…Pride of course being the main motivation behind the measure of his convictions…

For long silent moment’s Soth reflected on the merit and skills of his dark apprentice. The Death Knight was curtain his apprentice could hold her own if he concurred with her request. Virrana’h had proven her mettle before in the Shrine gardens. However, he was also aware that Athena was a Sith who also played for keep’s…There would be no rules of engagement here, no mercy for the defeated or fallen…It would mean the winner took all…Life would be the wager and Death of the conquered the badge of valor to the last standing competitor.

“If you insist,…Then so be it…I will arrange a contest in the Blood Pit tomorrow. There you will teach Athena the meaning of respect.” Soth finished coolly, casually flicking a bothersome piece of lent from his attire he suddenly noticed on his leggings.