View Full Version : "Stand and...what was it?" (open to Jedi or City Watch)

Syriande Blue
Sep 13th, 2003, 07:29:12 PM
"Oh yeah, Stand and Deliver!" Shouted Syriande, his small blaster pointed directly at the petite cashier whos eyes were popping out from her head at the site of the blaster. "The money or your life!"

Blue was dressed rather oddly for a thief, at least on Coruscant anyway. He wore a black heavy cloak which was tied at the top around his neck with a lose, black, draw string. On his face a mask which only covered his eyes,and upon his head a three cornered hat, upon which were tastles with silver lining.

From his neck down only his cloak could be seen, his under garments fully covered, but he did brandish some knee high black leather boots, thick, and hard. They tapped lightly as he walked. Syriande stood only at 5'10, he was of a medium build, confident, and sharp his voice posh, to the point but gentle.

The cashier eventually had packed countless credits she could into the bag that Syriande had given her and slid it towards the masked man. He nodded in thank you, a warm smile escaping his lips. " It is good to see such a fine woman working here at last...Tally Ho!" He yelled, his dashing charm whirling around the young girl. It seemed most women he had seen had fallen for his dashing, adventurous nature.

" I just wish to say" He added in his posh tone "Thank you to you all for being so well behaved. This is good..UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!" He yelled at the top of his voice at those who were ordered to lay on the ground with their hands over their heads.

At this he quickly exited the bank, holstered the small blaster and looked for his get-away car. It was nowhere to be seen.

" What the?!...where is that kid now?!"

He looked around but to not avail, his get away was clearly taken.
Suddenly from behind him the banks loud alarms burst to life, and as he was holding no less than 10.000 credits within a bag, on a main cat walk in Coruscant, people would surely look to him.

"Ohhh BUGGER!"

It was time for plan B.

Syriande Blue
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:30:22 AM
Blue was in trouble. If he could not get out of sight quickly, the City Watch would be all over him. However, this had happened before, only a few times but it had happened. Plan B had taken effect in each case, and although he hated plan B. It was that or be arrested.

"I cannot"

He strapped the bag across his back,and tied it tightly


He put one foot up onto the rail of the cat walk,and braced himself. Closing he eyes tight, but still holding on,he leaned forward, ready.

"I am doing this"

He then let go, a rush of air hit his face while a small pain, fear, wormed in his stomach like a tight knot. The fall was rather longer than expected actually. He was going to hurt himself badly, break his legs, neck, back...something would go-


Blue had smashed hard into the top of a speeder, plan B had worked, but at a price. It bloody hurt! Blue, from the speed of the speeder, was knocked tumbling backwards over the roof of the speeder,and was nearly sent back out into the air in the wake of the traffic.

However the masked "highwayman" found something to grip hold of, a small arial of some kind, and held on for dear life. Suddenly his hat flew off, quickly he let go with one hand, gripped the rim of his three cornered hat,and slung it back on his head. He could not loose his hat!

The speeder began to slow down now, coming to some sort of traffic jam in the skyways. Quite convenient for the masked man. The speeder stopped. Blue climbed to his feet and began to trudge over the roof of the speeder towards its front. Taking his hat off in a 'Thank you' gesture to the rodian inside he stepped onto the speeder in front of the one he was on, walked across that one, and then did the same until he was near a catwalk. he gripped the railing, and pulled himself up and over to find he was on a catwalk a few miles down the road from the bank.

" Plan B worked" He smiled to himself, but rubbing his saw ribcage.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 14th, 2003, 09:32:26 AM
"Quite an interesting show you put on. Do that often?" Padawan learner Quay'Na Rakai asked. She looked him up and down with a lop-sided smile. "What are you supposed to be? A circus act? I hadn't realized one had come to town. I have a friend with a daughter, who'd love to see your act. Where's it at?"

Syriande Blue
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:34:07 AM
Blue swooped off his hat,and bowed low in respect of the new woman in question. He was used to women approaching him, his charm was normaly irrisistable. The hat was swept quickly back onto his head and with dashing smile he answered her.

"No, no i cannot say that i am a circus performer but i will say i could have been. No, i am what you say...adiffrent type of performer, i perform for myself..." He smiled and nodded towards the Jedi.

"Right, i must be off. I thank you for you compliment, but im in a bit of a hurry" The masked man said as he started to walk, then jog away from the Jedi. Clearly he was in a rush.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 14th, 2003, 10:42:23 AM
Something didn't quite fit here, it was a strange feeling she felt in the Force.

So, she followed him in his hurried fashion, she had nothing else to do and he seemed pretty suspicious for some reason.

It probably wasn't the best suggestion she'd ever had, but she wasn't weaponless by any means, though she didn't like to use to her sabre unless absolutely necessary. She hoped that this wasn't one of them.

Syriande Blue
Sep 14th, 2003, 02:50:40 PM
"Why are you following me? I know im good looking and all but really, i have no time for woman at this point in the day." He said, still walking quite fast, looking over his shoulder at the woman.

Suddenly, on the waiste of the woman, a small round silver cylinder dangled from Quay'Na's belt. it suddenly dawned on Blue that he was infact speaking to a Jedi. For a moment he was speechless, giving small nervous chuckles and giggles. And then suddenly, as if a brick smacked the situation on the head. Blue started to sprint.

" it was really nice meeting you!" he said as he sprang into the crowed of people, running as fast as he could to avoid being caught by the jedi Padawan.

Quay'Na Rakai
Sep 14th, 2003, 03:02:32 PM
Running wasn't hard for Quay'Na, she was in excellent shape and if she needed, her gymnastic abilities would come into view. But, for now she kept on his tail, which wasn't very hard. She wasn't even really running full speed.

A grin crept across her face, it was actually her first chase on her own and well...it was invigorating.

She chased him halfway down the street, knowing he wasn't going to get away. With a sudden spurt of energy, Quay'Na leapt, flinging herself into the air doing a somersault and landing on top of the fleeing man, crashing him to the ground.

"You know, this didn't have to be this hard." She told him as she pinned him. "Now, you can tell me just why you're running from me."