View Full Version : Hey!

Xazor Elessar
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:10:00 AM
Hey everyone! I just wanted to pop on here and tell you that I'm moving and I won't be on here for a few days, maybe even a week. I am pressed for time right now or I'd type a better temporary good-bye, but for now, that's all I can say! I'll see ya'll in a bit! Love you guys! Bye!


Lion El' Jonson
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:17:31 AM
Bye Xaz!


Have fun straining your back while carrying various heavy objects such as T.V's and Computer Monitors! :D


Xazor Elessar
Sep 18th, 2003, 04:34:28 PM
Thanks Lion! :lol

Well everyone, I just popped on here to check in on ya'll and say:


Okay okay, I know my topic tag is NSP, but you guys can spam it if you want -- when I clicked it, I was in a hurry and should have just put INFO as the tag or whatever, but I didn't.


Well, the big day was on Monday (though I lost connection before that) and it went.....okay.... :lol Moving never goes smoothly if you ask me, but this was alright, I made it through and I'm still alive! *Holds back and groans in agony* Seriously, though, I'm alright.

As for my internet, I have good and bad news. Good news: my comp is okay. Bad news: I won't have the internet until they can run a special cable to my computer from the hub upstairs so that I can connect to my nice cable connection once again. I have no idea how long that is going to take (could be another week or so). Another bit of bad news: I'm not able to get on here at school because a) my schedule does not permit for it and b) they banned the site from our server (I guess they check the activity of the accounts now and again to make sure it's being used properly and they saw that myself and a few others that I recruited to the boards were logging on at school). *grumbles* Whatever, though, at least I'll have this back here at home in a week (at the most, I hope).

More good news: MY SCHEDULE IS AWESOME! Seriously, I have a lot of difficult classes, but they're spread out nicely and I have some great opportunities for study halls, so I am able to get my work finished in a nice, timely fashion. The great thing about that is, is that I won't be getting a ton of work, and when I do, I'll be able to get it done in school and maybe even after school just for a few hours, so I'll be able to be on here more (without worrying about failing something because I'm putting it aside).

Well, I'd better go, I'm using my mom's comp to type this and she hates me going on here because "it's stupid" and she doesn't want to see it in her history because it's "a waste of time". :rolleyes Whatever -- at least she doesn't care when I write on here on my comp. I'll talk to ya'll later.

Oh, BTW! To everyone I'm stalling in RP's and whatnot, if you need to or want to go on without me, go ahead -- just NPC me if you care and then I'll hop back into the middle of things when I can, okay? I'm sorry I've been gone so long, but RL comes first and the break has been kinda nice -- I've been doing a lot more for myself recently and it feels good. :) I'll chat with ya'll later, so take care! *Huggles*

Lots 'o love,



Lion El' Jonson
Sep 18th, 2003, 04:59:07 PM
Yay! Xaz got a good schedule!


Kinda sucks about SWFans getting punted by your school, but at least you'll be able to post at home. And it's cool to hear you've got good opportunities for study halls. Hope this week goes well!


Marcus Telcontar
Sep 18th, 2003, 05:14:03 PM
Yo. Have fun :)