View Full Version : Prince Of Dorin: He Arrives

Torin Tlo'Cloon
Sep 13th, 2003, 10:04:58 AM
One link from the chain, and the cradle will fall.

It was early morning on Coruscant. The soft breeze drifted soundlessly and effortless into the confines of the Jedi Recruitment Hall, as did the warm sun. The sleepy, empty room was a very pretty sight.

The smell of the plant life,and herbs played gently in the wind together as if in a dance of aroma. The sun twinkled and glistened against the white walls, and gold trimmings that lined the furniture. The only detail that broke this perfect setting, was a figure sitting within a comfy chair towards the front near the doors.

It was a Kel Dor.

However, this Kel Dor was different. He was poised in quite a extravagant pose. His back strait and his head high. The Kel Dor's cloths were exquisitely made, while his attire as a whole were of noble stature. It was rare to se such a creature, Kel Dor, in such lovely robes.

He was of course here for one reason only. To become a Jedi.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 13th, 2003, 11:23:52 AM
Another figure in regal robes approached the Kel’Dor, smiling as he bowed his head in greeting.

“Good day. I an Jedi Knight Dasquian Belargic. Can I help you with something?”

Torin Tlo'Cloon
Sep 13th, 2003, 05:54:19 PM
The Kel Dor stood to his full height, which was large enough. Torin was quite a tall member of his species, a Kel Dor standing at 6'3 was not only rare but see as a blessing on Dorin, like the blessng have having green or purple complexions. His body mass however was not quite the same, his frame was thin, and agile rather than strong.

"M'irk mon arpule canspulearuks derparalle munniles"
(I wish, if i may, to become a member of this order, the Jedi)

Spoke Torin through his mask.Of course he did not expect Dasquian to undestand, but the kel Dor only knew little of the human word. As he spoke the mask became rather noticible though the rapid breathing and low toned intakes of the filtered oxigen.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2003, 01:43:39 AM
Dasquian quirked a brow.

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand. One moment.”

He looked around and spotted the center’s protocol droid. It waddled over to the pair and the Kel’Dor repeated what he had said, with the droid translating

“Ah! Yes. You’ve come to the right place. Now, why is it that you wish to become a Jedi?” he asked, with the droid rattling off the translation for Torin.

Torin Tlo'Cloon
Sep 14th, 2003, 05:51:49 AM
The tall Kel Dor thought for a few moments, he knew why he was here of course, but he wanted to make his words sound correct in the their common word. He nodded as if to begin and started off talking in their word, in blocky, chopped,and often un audible words.

' I-I wisth to, to? AH! to becommer a Jedi. My f-f-father was a Jedi. He p-p-prote-cted other- others from harm, tr-trained? yes, trained in the w--wways of he Jedi. He...he is long since re--returned to Dorin. B..But i wish..t-..to follow in his...f-fot..foot? steps and become a p-p-pround member of the order.' He said, rather pleased he managed to actually say it.

His english was very poor, but over time here at the Jedi, he hoped to perfect it.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 14th, 2003, 06:06:09 AM
From the stammered Basic Dasquian managed to glean the man’s reason for being here, and it was what he had expected.

“I see,” Dasquian replied, as the droid watched on curiously.

“What is it that you think we as Jedi do, both individually and communally?”